Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
- Novus Luna
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- Byond: Novus Luna
Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
Byond ID:
My Byond ID is Novus Luna, as are my Discord and forum usernames.
Player name you use the most:
I primarily play as Cyrus Ambrose. In playing him, I mostly play as Executive Officer or Staff Officer, as well as Specialist or Squad Medic.
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:
I have not made any applications on the CM-SS13 forums previous to this, and have not been banned from the server or from any role therein.
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
While this is non-applicable to me in terms of the specifics given in the question, I do understand that anyone, regardless of any status on the server, may be stripped of their whitelist at the behest of the server staff.
Do you understand how the Battlefield Execution functions?
The Battlefield Execution is the ultimate demonstration of authority that the Commander of a USCM Vessel has access to, and it should be used only if the circumstance calls for it without question. Battlefield Execution is a Commander executing any personnel under his direct jurisdiction (any personnel assigned to his vessel other than the Chief of Military Police) for egregious action that has hindered the mission or otherwise disrupted operations in such a way that, in most cases, will likely have directly or indirectly cost the lives of other vessel personnel. After a summary execution of this form, the Commander is required, as per the operating procedure of the execution, to make an announcement regarding the execution and the reason for it. While the Commander can not be legally arrested or immediately rebuked for this action - before doing so, one must send a message to the admiralty via contacting High Command and inform them of the situation.
Do you understand you are not above Marine law, or allowed to enforce it yourself?
Not I, nor anyone on my vessel, am above the laws of the government or military to which I belong. The Commander may be arrested as any normal personnel would be if he is found guilty of a crime of Marine Law.
What do you think is the job of a Commander?
The job of a vessel Commanding Officer is not to act the part of a glorified Military Police, for it is not his place to enforce the law. The job of the vessel Commanding Officer is not to assume direct, micro-managerial control of the ship-side departments, for it is the duty of their respective Line Officers to do so.The job of the vessel Commanding Officer is not to force himself into every situation, both on the vessel and in the operation as a whole, for it would thereby be impossible to lead, and would make the Chain of Command useless.
It is the Commanding Officers job to lead his Company via strategic command throughout their operation. It is on him to know when to assume direct control of a single squads situation - which should be done sparingly, if permitted by the present command staff - and know when to delegate. The Chain of Command is present for good reason, as are the Executive Officer, Staff Officers, and Squad Leaders on it. The Commanding Officer is the one who, at the end of the day, has to make the tougher decisions: the decisions that cost many marines life even if they are for the greater good, and the decisions that may be a great gamble of high risk and reward in order to complete their mission. He is there to think on behalf of the entire Company, not on the needs of the individual Platoons or Squads, Fireteams or Soldiers.
If a member of your staff is disobeying orders, how would you handle it?
It is seldom my place to be involved in matters of the law. If he proposes a valid reason to disobey my order, perhaps proposing an alternative, it will be considered. If he has no such response, or is blatantly disregarding my orders, the military police will be called upon to act accordingly. If and only if this insubordination cost the lives of Marines directly, and the insubordination was knowing and intentional, would the member of my command staff be summarily executed for failure to meet his duties.
Why should you be whitelisted?
Command, ever since I started playing Space Station 13 roughly 6 years ago, has been my favorite department to play in. No mechanical complications, no hostile enviornments...most of the time...just roleplay - and it is roleplay that I play this game for. I do not come here from the likes of Goonstation or other servers with even less roleplay understanding than some people of this one. I come from Apollo Station, Baystation, places where roleplay, especially of the Command staff, and even more so of the Commander, is expected. I have experience, years of it, as the highest form of command for various servers, with Baystation introducing me to militaristic command - and all of that was threaded into roleplay. I will come off as serious, potentially as harsh, because I will hope to expect higher form of roleplay in my wake; I will not be some jester in an Officers uniform that in reality wouldn't have gotten into the armed forces to begin with, much less the position and rank of Commander. I would obviously not expect this change from every Marine, nor could I hpe to enforce it. I wouldn't. It is merely something that I would...strive for. Hope for. My experience with command and roleplay is what I bring to the table - I merely ask for the chance to sit down and show if it pays off.
My Byond ID is Novus Luna, as are my Discord and forum usernames.
Player name you use the most:
I primarily play as Cyrus Ambrose. In playing him, I mostly play as Executive Officer or Staff Officer, as well as Specialist or Squad Medic.
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:
I have not made any applications on the CM-SS13 forums previous to this, and have not been banned from the server or from any role therein.
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
While this is non-applicable to me in terms of the specifics given in the question, I do understand that anyone, regardless of any status on the server, may be stripped of their whitelist at the behest of the server staff.
Do you understand how the Battlefield Execution functions?
The Battlefield Execution is the ultimate demonstration of authority that the Commander of a USCM Vessel has access to, and it should be used only if the circumstance calls for it without question. Battlefield Execution is a Commander executing any personnel under his direct jurisdiction (any personnel assigned to his vessel other than the Chief of Military Police) for egregious action that has hindered the mission or otherwise disrupted operations in such a way that, in most cases, will likely have directly or indirectly cost the lives of other vessel personnel. After a summary execution of this form, the Commander is required, as per the operating procedure of the execution, to make an announcement regarding the execution and the reason for it. While the Commander can not be legally arrested or immediately rebuked for this action - before doing so, one must send a message to the admiralty via contacting High Command and inform them of the situation.
Do you understand you are not above Marine law, or allowed to enforce it yourself?
Not I, nor anyone on my vessel, am above the laws of the government or military to which I belong. The Commander may be arrested as any normal personnel would be if he is found guilty of a crime of Marine Law.
What do you think is the job of a Commander?
The job of a vessel Commanding Officer is not to act the part of a glorified Military Police, for it is not his place to enforce the law. The job of the vessel Commanding Officer is not to assume direct, micro-managerial control of the ship-side departments, for it is the duty of their respective Line Officers to do so.The job of the vessel Commanding Officer is not to force himself into every situation, both on the vessel and in the operation as a whole, for it would thereby be impossible to lead, and would make the Chain of Command useless.
It is the Commanding Officers job to lead his Company via strategic command throughout their operation. It is on him to know when to assume direct control of a single squads situation - which should be done sparingly, if permitted by the present command staff - and know when to delegate. The Chain of Command is present for good reason, as are the Executive Officer, Staff Officers, and Squad Leaders on it. The Commanding Officer is the one who, at the end of the day, has to make the tougher decisions: the decisions that cost many marines life even if they are for the greater good, and the decisions that may be a great gamble of high risk and reward in order to complete their mission. He is there to think on behalf of the entire Company, not on the needs of the individual Platoons or Squads, Fireteams or Soldiers.
If a member of your staff is disobeying orders, how would you handle it?
It is seldom my place to be involved in matters of the law. If he proposes a valid reason to disobey my order, perhaps proposing an alternative, it will be considered. If he has no such response, or is blatantly disregarding my orders, the military police will be called upon to act accordingly. If and only if this insubordination cost the lives of Marines directly, and the insubordination was knowing and intentional, would the member of my command staff be summarily executed for failure to meet his duties.
Why should you be whitelisted?
Command, ever since I started playing Space Station 13 roughly 6 years ago, has been my favorite department to play in. No mechanical complications, no hostile enviornments...most of the time...just roleplay - and it is roleplay that I play this game for. I do not come here from the likes of Goonstation or other servers with even less roleplay understanding than some people of this one. I come from Apollo Station, Baystation, places where roleplay, especially of the Command staff, and even more so of the Commander, is expected. I have experience, years of it, as the highest form of command for various servers, with Baystation introducing me to militaristic command - and all of that was threaded into roleplay. I will come off as serious, potentially as harsh, because I will hope to expect higher form of roleplay in my wake; I will not be some jester in an Officers uniform that in reality wouldn't have gotten into the armed forces to begin with, much less the position and rank of Commander. I would obviously not expect this change from every Marine, nor could I hpe to enforce it. I wouldn't. It is merely something that I would...strive for. Hope for. My experience with command and roleplay is what I bring to the table - I merely ask for the chance to sit down and show if it pays off.
- Survivor
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
Although a new account on the forums, I've had Cyrus under me as Commander a few times now. He does fine from what I've seen, and I wouldn't mind letting him get the whitelist.
"Sorry, but... I'm the only winner in this story." - Commander Pierce Jackson
Commodore Pierce Jackson/Jack "Survivor" Lance
SYN Simon
Young Blood Ha'ju Vagear
Part of the CO Council along with taketheshot56, Bancrose, Lumdor, and Frans_Feiffer.
PM me if you have any questions about CO
Commodore Pierce Jackson/Jack "Survivor" Lance
SYN Simon
Young Blood Ha'ju Vagear
Part of the CO Council along with taketheshot56, Bancrose, Lumdor, and Frans_Feiffer.
PM me if you have any questions about CO
- MattAtlas
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
Cyrus is a pretty swell dude OOCly and a good roleplayer ICly. Good at command too, so why not? +1
I'm part of the Synthetic Council with ThesoldierLLJK and Jakkkk. Feel free to DM me on the forums or Discord (Matt#5881) if you have any questions about synths.
- ThesoldierLLJK
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
Yeah sure +1
Commander: Julio 'Ay Caramba' Borras - The Cucaracha Killer
Synthetic: Bennett - The Nerd (Acting Synth Council Member)
Predator: Moka Chiva-Teer - The Redeemed Yautja
- Loco52
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
I've never seen you but people are very keen to +ing you so I suppose you're a good player. I'll throw a quick question for my +1 here
1) Your CMP is being incompetent, brigging marines for excessive amounts of time, stunbatoning without warning and a multitude of other things. He ultimately ends up executing (practically murdering) someone without your authorization. If hypothetically this broke no server rules, does a BE take place here? What'd you do?
1) Your CMP is being incompetent, brigging marines for excessive amounts of time, stunbatoning without warning and a multitude of other things. He ultimately ends up executing (practically murdering) someone without your authorization. If hypothetically this broke no server rules, does a BE take place here? What'd you do?
- Novus Luna
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- Byond: Novus Luna
Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
Firstly, I would message the admins to make sure that he broke no server rules unless they told me themselves, because if it was just him saying that in LOOC, I would not believe it for a heartbeat. As stated in my application, the Chief of Military Police is immune to the Commanding Officer's capability to summarily execute personnel, and just because he has made such a grievous error, that does not change things. So, this would be my order of actions: I would first request - not order, as they are not under my authority - but request that the Military Police detain their Chief of Military Police for his crimes thusfar, listing out Prevarication, Assault, and Unwarranted Execution as the main charges noticed, reminding them that the Commanding Officer - acting or otherwise - must affirm the execution with the Chief of Military Police for it to be carried out. I would also point out to them that the Chief of Military Police does not have the authority written into Marine Law to give imprisonment times past the Maximum Sentence, if he has done so. That would be the extent of my involvement to the Military Police, barring the situation worsening, at this time. It would be at this time that I send a message to the Provost Marshall Office through High Command, requesting that the Chief of Military Police be stripped of his authority and removed from his position at the time, as well as requesting permission for Battlefield Execution should he cost the life of another marine, or cause the situation to escalate into a firefight or Code Red. How I proceed from there would depend entirely on the responses given from the Military Police and Provost Marshall Office.Loco52 wrote: ↑05 Sep 2018, 20:53I've never seen you but people are very keen to +ing you so I suppose you're a good player. I'll throw a quick question for my +1 here
1) Your CMP is being incompetent, brigging marines for excessive amounts of time, stunbatoning without warning and a multitude of other things. He ultimately ends up executing (practically murdering) someone without your authorization. If hypothetically this broke no server rules, does a BE take place here? What'd you do?
- Loco52
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- Ghostdex
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
I've seen you around +1
Edit: I dont really like what I’ve seen around -1
Edit: I dont really like what I’ve seen around -1
Last edited by Ghostdex on 22 Sep 2018, 21:09, edited 1 time in total.
John 'Fixer' Donable
Kara Walsh
Part of the Yautja Council with SpartanBobby, Imperator_Titan, Sailor Dave and Symbiosis. Feel free to PM any of us with questions about Predator

Something a bit funny:
The story of Operative Delta:
Kara Walsh
Part of the Yautja Council with SpartanBobby, Imperator_Titan, Sailor Dave and Symbiosis. Feel free to PM any of us with questions about Predator

Something a bit funny:
The story of Operative Delta:
- ChengChan
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
Active player and competent. +1 good luck, Commander.
Shaolin Monk
- awan
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
Yeah, it is no secret we go back a bit. I know you longer than most people on cm. I like you and think we are friends. So here is my +1 for someone who I still know from my deep dark and hidden past.

- Frans_Feiffer
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
When I first started maining XO, I admit our first few runins were a bit iffy, however seeing you around nowadays, that’s not really the case. I think you got what it takes and I wouldn’t mind you being CO. I only ask you play XO a bit more. I know you’re a competent SO, but I haven’t seen you too much as XO. Could just be differences in time though.
“Your Friendly Neighborhood Commodore, Frans ‘Friendly’ Feiffer. Survivor of Space Vietnam, Austrian Kommodore vith ze vorst accent, and Loving Caretaker of the Ungas Aboard the USS Almayer.”
Frans Feiffer's Promotion to Commander - viewtopic.php?f=142&t=18008
The Day I sold my Soul to Titan - viewtopic.php?f=69&t=18263
Yeyin R'ka Joins the Ranks of Blooded - viewtopic.php?f=125&t=18549
Darwin is Booted up and Assigned to the USS Almayer - viewtopic.php?f=149&t=18897
Commander Council term 1, Alongside the Men, the Myths, the Legends, Bancrose, Lumdor, Dr. Lance, and Taketheshot56. - viewtopic.php?f=137&t=18907 Have any Questions for me? Feel Free to PM me and i'll get back to you as soon as I can
The Day I sold my Soul to Titan - viewtopic.php?f=69&t=18263
Yeyin R'ka Joins the Ranks of Blooded - viewtopic.php?f=125&t=18549
Darwin is Booted up and Assigned to the USS Almayer - viewtopic.php?f=149&t=18897
Commander Council term 1, Alongside the Men, the Myths, the Legends, Bancrose, Lumdor, Dr. Lance, and Taketheshot56. - viewtopic.php?f=137&t=18907 Have any Questions for me? Feel Free to PM me and i'll get back to you as soon as I can

- NethIafins
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
Finally decided to be active on forums? heh
It's funny how people I perceive as a group (you, Cheng, Anderut22, 420, and Vitoras) decided to make CO apps at the same time
+1 from me, you are good player and I never had issues with ya
It's funny how people I perceive as a group (you, Cheng, Anderut22, 420, and Vitoras) decided to make CO apps at the same time
+1 from me, you are good player and I never had issues with ya

Do you remember our home and mother?
I'll die, don't bother.
It's just like walking on water.
- Cold Rain, Swirekster 2017, Twisted Insurrection OST
- Arbs
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
Yeah good lad with a crazy pink haircut. I’ve seen you main SO and I believe you are fit for a commander.
But keep in mind the main responsibility for a commander is to effectively get the job done while they may give great interactions at the same time. Marines will be looking up to you, so give them a good example to follow.
Have courage and be robust. I wish you the best with the application. +1
But keep in mind the main responsibility for a commander is to effectively get the job done while they may give great interactions at the same time. Marines will be looking up to you, so give them a good example to follow.
Have courage and be robust. I wish you the best with the application. +1

Commander Alan Jones
- Novus Luna
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- Byond: Novus Luna
Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
I...have gelled back red hair. Like, I'm colorblind, so I'm not sure if I just royally fucked that up, or what.Arbs wrote: ↑09 Sep 2018, 20:06Yeah good lad with a crazy pink haircut. I’ve seen you main SO and I believe you are fit for a commander.
But keep in mind the main responsibility for a commander is to effectively get the job done while they may give great interactions at the same time. Marines will be looking up to you, so give them a good example to follow.
Have courage and be robust. I wish you the best with the application. +1
In any case, thanks everyone for all the support thus far.
- Trevoriousdafox
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
I think Cyrus would make a good CO.
He's pretty competent, knows how to lead the marines effectively and a pretty nice dude most the time.
He's also a good SL on the ground so it's a +1 from me!
Good luck Cyrus hope to see you lead us to more marine majors!
He's pretty competent, knows how to lead the marines effectively and a pretty nice dude most the time.
He's also a good SL on the ground so it's a +1 from me!
Good luck Cyrus hope to see you lead us to more marine majors!
~Ellie 'Coffee' Weaver~
- 420MYK
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
I noticed that too :LNethIafins wrote: ↑07 Sep 2018, 14:36Finally decided to be active on forums? heh
It's funny how people I perceive as a group (you, Cheng, Anderut22, 420, and Vitoras) decided to make CO apps at the same time
+1 from me, you are good player and I never had issues with ya
As for your app Novus. Youre good in CiC (when i see you there) and good on the ground fighting, overall a competent player and as far as ive seen you're almost never in trouble if ever at all. I dont get to RP with you much but that's nothing major at all, we cant all be RPing all the time or benos would never die.
Easy +1 from me lad good luck with the rest of the app ^.^
Noxus Poppy is bae.
In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak
I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.
In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak
I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.
- Bancrose
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
I know you and trust you.
Solid roleplayer, and not a baldie. Also well known.
Solid roleplayer, and not a baldie. Also well known.
Commander Councilman. Along with Takethehot56, Lumdor, Dr.Lance, Frans Fieffer. PM me or any of them for inquiries about Commander.
Kommandant Heinz 'Wulfe' Meuller | Commander Arthur Montgomery
"One must not judge everyone in the world by his qualities as a soldier: otherwise we should have no civilization." - Erwin Rommel
Kommandant Heinz 'Wulfe' Meuller | Commander Arthur Montgomery
"One must not judge everyone in the world by his qualities as a soldier: otherwise we should have no civilization." - Erwin Rommel

- LittleBlast
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
I've had some good experiences with you before. +1
Kennard Davis
- Jarek
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
I've seen you around and I haven't seen you do anything horribly bad.
Survivor/Marine Main Jordan Cross
► Show Spoiler
- ThesoldierLLJK
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
Alright I was told to be serious more, so ill just say that although he has had some hiccups from his behavior with staff, the guy can RP and I've seen him do really well in the SO role. I already gave him a +1, but I'll just say I think he can do the job.
Plus as he has gotten the predator whitelist, I would trust him as well.
Plus as he has gotten the predator whitelist, I would trust him as well.
Commander: Julio 'Ay Caramba' Borras - The Cucaracha Killer
Synthetic: Bennett - The Nerd (Acting Synth Council Member)
Predator: Moka Chiva-Teer - The Redeemed Yautja
- Lumdor
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
You just got predator whitelisted from what I saw, as did I about a month ago.
Though from what I have seen when you have played pred, which I believe is only a couple rounds now you've been a bit salty. Now, you've not been extremely salty but to a point that could raise concerns.
Now, what is to say you don't do the same thing as CDR? Though you RP quite well so you may be very different as CDR I just wanna know how you'll act as CDR.
Though from what I have seen when you have played pred, which I believe is only a couple rounds now you've been a bit salty. Now, you've not been extremely salty but to a point that could raise concerns.
Now, what is to say you don't do the same thing as CDR? Though you RP quite well so you may be very different as CDR I just wanna know how you'll act as CDR.
Commander Councilman. Along with Takethehot56, Bancrose, Dr.Lance, and Frans_Feiffer. PM me or any of them for inquiries about Commander.
Commander Bob Shoe | Yautja Kar-Teer

Commander Bob Shoe | Yautja Kar-Teer

- Novus Luna
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- Byond: Novus Luna
Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
The perpetuation of that between recent rounds is due to the situation I'm currently in. My personal computer is broken, drastically lessening the amount of time I get around here. Pair that with lag that somehow effects me the most during predator rounds, and it makes things a tad frustrating to say the least, especially since I'm actively trying to play predator during what little time I have. The lag, naturally, is incredibly bad for combat environments. Looking at this for commander, the combat issue becomes null as I will not be deploying almost every round like some others seem to. Being commander also means I'm in an environment that encourages roleplay rather than shoot-first-talk-never, which in itself will be a destressor for me.
- Lumdor
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
I'll go with a +1 on this. As you said I believe you'll do well as CDR as you're more RP oriented.
Commander Councilman. Along with Takethehot56, Bancrose, Dr.Lance, and Frans_Feiffer. PM me or any of them for inquiries about Commander.
Commander Bob Shoe | Yautja Kar-Teer

Commander Bob Shoe | Yautja Kar-Teer

- taketheshot56
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
Ill +1 this but i hope you will take the role seriously and not get salty like predator. Sometimes you need to take a step back.
"I like to live in the present sir. The past is for pussies...and Airmen."
Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

- Emeraldblood
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Re: Novus Luna (Cyrus Ambrose) - Command Application
Resolved - Accepted
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.