Bigchilly's Commander Whitelist Application


Flitz for Commander?

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Bigchilly's Commander Whitelist Application

Post by Bigchilly » 12 Dec 2016, 18:00

Byond ID: Bigchilly

Player name you use the most: Flitz 'Rook' Waldmuller

Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:

Pilot Jobban - Appeal Accepted | viewtopic.php?f=87&t=8973&p=94777&hilit ... lly#p94777

Squad Leader Jobban - Appeal Accepted | viewtopic.php?f=87&t=7140&p=76777&hilit ... lly#p76777

Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?

Yep, of course I do.

Why should you be whitelisted?

Well starting off I play CM on the regular (weekends mostly), and have had my fair share of commander experiences.

I Also enjoy playing RTS games in my past time, such as the Wargame Series. If that shows anything towards real commanding.

Not to mention i know the difference between a commander that is extremely incompetent and falls asleep in their shower, and one that doesn't order a mass retreat in 1 hour. Also if you seen me in combat then you know i tend to stay cool and collected unless a xeno is breathing down my neck. Furthermore when I'm playing as a boot (which i spend a good amount of time as) I understand what bad and good orders are. Referring to that I've spent a good amount of time of both ends of command, giving orders, and receiving orders. I've seen my fair share of mutiny's, failing commanders, and bad command altogether: I've been studying 'bad command' and always attempt to avoid the common mistakes that a 'bad command' may make.

If you don't like reading here is the rundown:

  • Is Competent
  • Has Experience
  • Knowledge of the profession
  • Keeps cool in hot situations
| Flitz 'Rook' Waldmuller |

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Re: Bigchilly's Commander Whitelist Application

Post by Renomaki » 12 Dec 2016, 23:45

Being a good CO is one thing, but are you a brave CO?

Are you willing to push the marines to their limits and use everything at your disposal to hold a planet, no matter how dire things get? Are you the sorta fella who isn't afraid to fight if all you have is a pistol with 5 bullets and a bootknife? Are you willing to DIE fighting rather than expose your back fleeing from battle?

COs aren't expected to win every battle, but if there is one thing I want from my CO, it is one that is not afraid to keep his men fighting no matter what. If you got balls of steel, but also class (since a CO isn't a barbarian, lead with style and dignity), you'll have my vote. I'm tired of commanders who give up, and thus rub it off on the marines that follow them, turning everyone into cowards in the process instead of the brave-hearted warriors I know are deep within every marine.
Sometimes, bravery comes from the most unlikely sources.

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Re: Bigchilly's Commander Whitelist Application

Post by Bigchilly » 13 Dec 2016, 09:59

Renomaki wrote:Being a good CO is one thing, but are you a brave CO?

Are you willing to push the marines to their limits and use everything at your disposal to hold a planet, no matter how dire things get? Are you the sorta fella who isn't afraid to fight if all you have is a pistol with 5 bullets and a bootknife? Are you willing to DIE fighting rather than expose your back fleeing from battle?

COs aren't expected to win every battle, but if there is one thing I want from my CO, it is one that is not afraid to keep his men fighting no matter what. If you got balls of steel, but also class (since a CO isn't a barbarian, lead with style and dignity), you'll have my vote. I'm tired of commanders who give up, and thus rub it off on the marines that follow them, turning everyone into cowards in the process instead of the brave-hearted warriors I know are deep within every marine.
I personally believe that every commander should be brave: If you are pulling marines out on or before the 60 minute mark you are incompetent. Unless you are getting smashed, which if a commander didn't assign a squad for a FOB or atleast make sure they made it before they went to go jerk it with the aliens. So yes I plan on being brave, holding my ground, and not giving up at all. Make everyone look badass when they die, and go out with a bang.

Thanks for giving some feedback by the way.
| Flitz 'Rook' Waldmuller |

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Bigchilly's Commander Whitelist Application

Post by apophis775 » 22 Dec 2016, 17:13

Vote not set to expire properly, and not minimum number of votes hit by 7 days.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
