Nescau's whitelist to be a synthetic.

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Nescau's whitelist to be a synthetic.

Post by NescauComToddy » 17 Aug 2017, 20:50

Byond ID: NescauComToddy

Marine Name (so we know who you are; if you play alien mostly, state that here):

Pedro Heering, Alvin York.

Name/Designation of the Synth Character you’re requesting to use (Follows common naming rules, and requires a first name with no last name):

- Peter

Examples of acceptable names: James, Mason, Xavier, Felix, Otto, Allan, Jessica
Examples of unacceptable names: Obama, Jesus, King, Dragon, Godly, Snyper, Circuits

Are you familiar with the Synthetic Programming and Guidelines (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=14417)?

- I am completely familiar with our server rules and synthetic guidelines.

Synthetic Character Story (An ADEQUATE description and story of your Synthetics actions and involvement in a previous mission onboard the Almayer):

Weyland-Yutani: Peter model.
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Soon after the activation of the BRAVO warning code, the disappearance of the Conestoga-class ship officially named Sulaco, and the arrival of the storm that threatened to come to the USCM years ago, Peter was appointed to provide assistance to the Almayer, which at that time was being ambushed by several CLF units in the LV-1045 sector.

To get to the system where the patrol vessel was, the Peter unit chosen by the mission coordinator was dispatched with the Falling Falcons, who were aiming to escort Peter and eventually assist in defending against the imminent threat.

When the Falling Falcons arrived in the Almayer, the invaders were already destroying the interior of the ship, while the Marines tried desperately to expel the invaders.

Shortly after his arrival and activation, Peter was faced with a catastrophic situation. Several departments were crumbling, while the battle was at its height.

After entering the CiC(Combat Information Center), he realized how the commander needed to be aided. In addition to attempting to motivate the CDR(Commander), Peter had to repair the communications console that was explicitly broken. As the chaos spread, Peter made a point of determining the durability of each console in the room, while dealing with some Marines who had been injured and sought support near their commander.

At the end of his assignment, the executive officer ordered Peter to go to the Medical wing of the Almayer, which was filled with soldiers with serious and even mortal injuries.

Once again, Peter was extremely competent and succeeded in helping the doctors who were there. After finishing his job on the med-bay, Peter began to clean the floor of the room that was completely covered in blood.

Before he even finished, Peter was called back by the commander. His new goal was to repair the telecommunication system that was mysteriously damaged. When he arrived with a group of Marines who accompanied him, they were ambushed by several members of the CLF.

While the Marines fought bravely, Peter repaired the antenna. At that moment, multiple small ships arrived to assure the victory of the CLF. If Peter fails, eventually the Almayer would kneel before the attackers, who were determined to win the battle.

As he tried to identify a way to easily fix the console, a discreet shadow approached Peter and thrust his sharp knife into Peter's chest. Without hesitation, Peter immediately made the threat faint with a blow to the neck.

He returned his concentration to the console, the Falling Falcons heavily bombed the CLF ships and would soon bombard the Almayer to prevent the enemy force from capturing the ship and soon after using an FTL device. However, if the telecommunication network was established back, the orders to annihilate the ship Almayer would be rethought.

When he finally managed to fix the communications network, Peter focused on healing his aggressor with his medical knowledge. Even though the CLF member was a threat, he would never end the life of a being if there were a more peaceful way of resolving the situation.

As he checked the member of the CLF trachea with his medical analyzer, Peter received a request for help from the commander. This time, the CLF attempted to activate the self-destruct mechanism to prevent the Almayer and his crew from prevailing.

As he accompanied the desperate commander with his marines serenely and with a serious facial expression, Peter continued to deal with the wounded, smiling, which provided confidence to those who were with him.

Upon arriving in the self-destruct wing, the Marines attacked in a completely irrational and aggressive manner the CLF. Peter watched and defended the commander and the civilians on the scene.

After much effort from the Marines, they finally managed to break into the self-destruct wing.

As the engineers and the commander began to deactivate the mechanism, a CLF survivor threw a grenade into the room...

Fortunately, Peter held the grenade and tossed it in a matter of milliseconds out of the room, where at that moment it was empty.

Thus, the USCM emerged victorious from that dangerous situation.

On the way home, Peter began to work with determination in the repair of the engineering wing while monitoring the generators, assisting respectively the Almayer and its tripulation.

Due to Peter's efforts at the Almayer, Weyland-Yutani decided to assign him on the patrol ship to assist mainly researchers, doctors and even the military technicians responsible for the ship's health. Since then, this story has become propaganda for the USCM enlistment.

How do you intend to play your Synth (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your Synth and what support roles you’ll mainly focus on, what is your synthetics quirk)?

Peter will act in a manner similar to David from the movie Prometheus, sympathetic and kind, he will act rationally and by logic besides emulating fundamental feelings of a human being.

Even with several pleasant features, Peter will still have the silent coolness of a synthetic, but his coolness will be shown discreetly. Only players who pay close attention will notice this incompatibility in Peter's speeches and actions.

Peter will always try to help the Almayer researchers with his vast knowledge of physics and science, which can be exceptionally advantageous. Even though he is not very suitable for other areas, there are several modules in his artificial intelligence that provide him with knowledge on how to act in other departments and functions.

My character will always be calm and serene, even on the most devastating occasions. Peter will always concentrate on the orders of his superiors and he always intends to complete them.

Here are certain factors that will be thought and rethought while I play as a synthetic.

1- Marine-Law. As the guidelines themselves say, it is necessary for a synthetic to know them and follow them. No exceptions (unless an admin interferes).

2- Server Rules. They are necessary for anyone to play on the server, they are extremely important and it is a MUST to follow them.

3- Common sense and discipline. To play as a synthetic, predator or commander, full concentration is necessary to make sure you do not make mistakes.

4- English. For a player to play especially an artificial person, it is necessary that the language used by him be comprehensible and compact.

5- Ethics and RP. To play as a synthetic above all else is necessary to get an idea of how a synth would act in any situation. I'll always keep that in mind, and I would never act like a civilian or Marine would.

How familiar are you with support roles? (ie; Medical, MT, Science, SO)

Medical: I've already been focused on the doctor role a short time ago. My experience in med-bay is advanced.

Engineering: Over this area, I've played a few rounds in my time on the server as MT, so I do not have the same experience as I have in being a doctor and CMO. However, in any case, I have basic knowledge of the procedures that involve this area in the Almayer.

Science: On the research wing, I have a great deal of knowledge about it because of my vast experience as a doctor. There is not much to be said in addition.

Command: I've played multiple times in the past as XO, but almost never with OS (BO). I would say that my knowledge in this area is advanced.

Military Police: I'm starting to learn a little about being MP since the beginning of this year. I have had ups and downs specifically in this area, often for lack of attention. I am currently working on improving my ways of acting and my interactions with marines when I am an MP.

Why should we whitelist you?

Experience: I've been here a long time and I'm excited to know how this new role will influence and have an impact on the game. I want to improve the fun of other players along with mine, in addition to trying out something totally new.

Behavior: I am completely disciplined, in addition to being fully cooperative with the staff. After some problems I had with Marine Law, I practically decorated it, plus I have experience in applying the rules on shitters.

RP: This new role will open up interesting new opportunities for roleplaying. I love playing on servers like Aurora when I have time to have fun. For those who have seen me at events in the past, or in a normal round, they already know how I practice RP, but now that I'm coming back and I can play normally, I'm starting to struggle a bit more in this practice.

Fun: As I said earlier, I intend to improve the fun of other players interested in RP when I can, or when a chance is opened.

Among these, there are many more factors by which I personally think I should be whitelisted, as the interest of always be improving.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)?


Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?

So far I've never been banned from any server.

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or the Synthetic Programming Guideline?


Additional information:
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Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.

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Re: Nescau's whitelist to be a synthetic.

Post by Chuckachu » 17 Aug 2017, 21:03

Like it. Totally stealing the CSSDesk thing! For my next app! +1 all around
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Re: Nescau's whitelist to be a synthetic.

Post by NescauComToddy » 17 Aug 2017, 21:05

Chuckachu wrote:Like it. Totally stealing the CSSDesk thing! For my next app! +1 all around
Thanks for your feedback. Good luck in your application.

Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.

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Re: Nescau's whitelist to be a synthetic.

Post by slc97 » 18 Aug 2017, 14:17

Your English has improved remarkably since you joined staff and I think you're more than equipped for a high RP role. I also appreciate taking cues from established characters. We don't want 20 carbon copies of David, but it's always smart to pay attention the lore when creating a character like this.


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Re: Nescau's whitelist to be a synthetic.

Post by NescauComToddy » 18 Aug 2017, 17:49

slc97 wrote:Your English has improved remarkably since you joined staff and I think you're more than equipped for a high RP role. I also appreciate taking cues from established characters. We don't want 20 carbon copies of David, but it's always smart to pay attention the lore when creating a character like this.

Thank you for your support Slc. I'm glad you noticed a change in my English.

About what you indicated about Peter's personality, I'll use David's as a basis because of how I find his character development interesting, and his behavior is precisely the definition of how a synth should act. Understanding feelings, but unable to feel them.
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Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.

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Re: Nescau's whitelist to be a synthetic.

Post by Mister Jeether » 19 Aug 2017, 09:29

Dude, it's Nescau.. And i can see the effort you had in this app.

I play Sydney 'Lilly' Wood, the totally not depressed doctor, And the marine Dylan Bell, that probably joined the USCM by accident.

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions related to research.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Nescau's whitelist to be a synthetic.

Post by Feweh » 29 Aug 2017, 13:46

More feedback required.

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Re: Nescau's whitelist to be a synthetic.

Post by NescauComToddy » 29 Aug 2017, 14:30

As I said earlier, any information, or doubts about my synth that comes up will be answered as much as possible.

Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.

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Byond: VitorThauma

Re: Nescau's whitelist to be a synthetic.

Post by VitorThauma » 30 Aug 2017, 17:55

Pretty good! I've seen you RPing before, and I think you would totally adapt to this role. +1
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Re: Nescau's whitelist to be a synthetic.

Post by NescauComToddy » 30 Aug 2017, 18:29

VitorThauma wrote:Pretty good! I've seen you RPing before, and I think you would totally adapt to this role. +1
Thank you for your support. If I am accepted, I will do my best to not only adapt to the role, but I will also do my best to help in the development of the synthetics besides I will do everything possible to amplify the fun of other players.

Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.

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Byond: Symbiosis

Re: Nescau's whitelist to be a synthetic.

Post by Symbiosis » 31 Aug 2017, 07:49

NescauComToddy wrote:Thank you for your support. If I am accepted, I will do my best to not only adapt to the role, but I will also do my best to help in the development of the synthetics besides I will do everything possible to amplify the fun of other players.

This attitude and the App drive me to give this a +1. I personally haven't had the opportunity to RP with you much, but it seems you've got the lore down, the right attitude, a solid application, and a synth that doesn't seem snowflakeish. I think it'll help with the overall immersion of Synths to have you on the whitelist. Good luck!
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Re: Nescau's whitelist to be a synthetic.

Post by NescauComToddy » 31 Aug 2017, 17:34

Symbiosis wrote:This attitude and the App drive me to give this a +1. I personally haven't had the opportunity to RP with you much, but it seems you've got the lore down, the right attitude, a solid application, and a synth that doesn't seem snowflake-ish. I think it'll help with the overall immersion of Synths to have you on the whitelist. Good luck!
Thank you for your support, which is exceptionally important.

Unfortunately, I've seen your character, Cliff, several times, but I've never been able to have a deeper interaction with him.

About your feedback on my app, thanks again for the kind words. Still, I'm sure I could have improved, streamlined and compressed the application even more if I had more time.

Anyway, I will be happy to meet your expectations if I am accepted.

Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Nescau's whitelist to be a synthetic.

Post by Feweh » 11 Sep 2017, 15:09

