Introducing Kia, our Newest Military Model

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Introducing Kia, our Newest Military Model

Post by Nick123q23 » 18 Aug 2017, 02:17

A word of warning, this is a bit longer than I intended.

Byond ID: Nick123q23

Marine Name: Miranda 'Mira' Laporte. I also play Akl'iiya Quatza-rij, Alien queens, support and defensive castes mostly.

Name/Designation of the Synth Character you’re requesting to use: Kia
Examples of acceptable names: James, Mason, Xavier, Felix, Otto, Allan, Jessica
Examples of unacceptable names: Obama, Jesus, King, Dragon, Godly, Snyper, Circuits

Are you familiar with the Synthetic Programming and Guidelines (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=14417)? Yes, I've studied it since the day it was released.

Synthetic Character Story:
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How do you intend to play your Synth?
I've mained as AIs and Synthetics on traditional SS13 servers, Bay and the like. I portray them as clerical, logical, and emotionless, well, machines.

As it should be. But, If you've seen traditional SS13 synthetics, you'll know they like to be meme-ish, special snowflake "robobuddies" that are a thinly disguised person pretending to be a robot.

AVP Synthetics are the opposite. Well-veiled robots pretending to be people, and I do not want CM to have robobuddies, outside of well-roleplayed comradely between synths and their human counterparts.

Kia fully embraces her android nature, as opposed to some androids which prefer to be called artificial persons and so on

I want her to be able to switch seamlessly from a useful, confident and supportive android helper, to an unsettling husk devoid of all humanity, especially during admin-assigned directives.

Her quirk could be described as "cold." Though like most synths employed by the USCM, she values human life above all else, she isn't an asimov stinger either. She is fully accepting of USCM marines lawfully killing hostile humans, and even less so for hostile alien life, be it intelligent or not.

She's in a neutral state most of the time, but will mimic emotions extensively in order to calm down people around her, be easier to interact with, or further her assigned goals.

Like she said, she will ALWAYS strive for the outcome or goal that results in less human life lost, in the priority order of

1. Friendly Military/Civilians
2. Enemy Military

I intend to play Kia as mostly RP roles, such as a Diplomat, Negotiator, Command Adviser, hence the butchered "Strategic advisement synth" phrase in the story above. Sometimes you need an anchor of sanity, or extra help when dealing with command, especially if they're new to the role and need someone to help teach them. She can also manage Logistics in requisitions, Assist with any engineering duties, up to and including setting up the fusion reactors and performing repairs or construction even on the front-lines, and will adapt to perform any lawful role requested of her.

I also want to set some standards on the translation ability. UPP are easy, as russian is a common earth language. Yautja are more difficult, as Sainja can only be spoken by them, and is the only language they can speak, even the predators themselves have extreme difficulty translating sainja into comprehensible english, but it is very possible for a synthetic to learn and be able to understand.

Xenomorph hissing, however, is impossibly difficult to understand without extensive study of the alien's body language, that is if they even choose to hiss their ideas out instead of utilizing their psychic hivemind which should be actually impossible to intercept and hear by a synthetic alone.

How familiar are you with support roles?

I'll get this out of the way first. Medical is not my strong suit. Yes, I'm a veteran SS13 player, from bay, the baymed we use, I played a medical-only character in traditional SS13 for a long time, and I even want to enter the real-life medical field myself one day.
The problem isn't my knowledge, it's my reaction time. I can do surgery quickly and easily, I've even memorized some common procedures, and I can deal with most aliments aslong as you aren't in crit, or I have to make a chemical myself. Chemistry would be my worst skill, but I know what most chemicals do, and CM has most chemicals already available anyway.

I CAN stabilize people, but I've had people bleed out and die on me before while I'm trying to stablize them and two other people.

I will have to get out of my comfort zone and force myself to help with medical in any way I possibly can with Kia, even if I don't think I'm good at it. Who knows, perhaps I'll end up an amazing doctor one day.

Now with Medical out of the way, let's talk about everything else.
I'm pretty good with engineering. I've memorized most airlock wire functions, and I've built many a construction in my time.
I used to not like it because of the supermatter engine alone. I can't mess with atmospherics. Luckily for me, CM doesn't have extensive atmospherics, if at all.

Science in CM, as I understand it, is mostly an RP role with some chemistry ingenuity thrown in. I haven't played a researcher very often, because of my terrible skills at chemistry. Outside of that small circle however, I believe I can roleplay both robotic and human scientists well.

I have a good understanding of Requisitions and can perform all roles within that department.

Command, hence my synth's specialty, is my strong suit. The first name I came up for my synth character was even "Eva."
I've played XO and SO countless times, and though SO can be boring, merely playing as a synth would be engaging for me, especially since I must maintain the illusion that my character does not need rest.

I know Overwatch like the back of my hands, common squad-tactics from RTS games, X-Com, and even multiplayer mili-sims, such as flanking, ambushes, guerilla tactics, and so on. I know basic geometry so I won't accidentally blow up two squads with an orbital bombardment strike or land rockets into an enemy hive.

But I also know the importance of Morale, especially since CM is a roleplaying game, and an element that Kia will try to improve, and the importance of proper logistics.
You need rockets for the rocket to operate, you need the rocket to operate or the crushers will end you.
You need metal for the bases, or you'll have no fall-back points.

You need marines to stay alive, or you'll run out of manpower and lose the war of attrition, an opinion that Kia will share. You can have all the guns and ammo in the world, but without anyone to use them, they're useless.

Why should we whitelist you?
I'm currently a proud member of the Predator whitelist.

I founded my predator application on the pillars of me being a good community member, and someone who wants to further the fun of staff, players, predators, and everyone enjoying the server, the discord, or the forums.

I've hit a few roadblocks with trying to turn the predator's reputation around like I've said, but most people I've spoken to ingame over OOC or Dsay and on the discord seem to enjoy my actions as a whitelisted character, as do my fellow predators and the staff members I've met.

I want to do the same with synthetics.

The funny thing about Predators, though, is that, while they're all exceptional players and amazing people, bar a few exceptions, most of the actual yautja characters themselves, ingame, (and I exaggerate heavily here,) are the same emotionless "Unga Dunga Me honor-hunter hunt well." So you get all the predators who are essentially the same character type, but with a few quirks here and there.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

If I can do that, even unintentionally while trying to be different at the same time, then I can definitely do it intentionally with my own little quirks

Predators are cursed with a bad reputation of being a secret club circlejerk, only friends of staff, etc, you know this and I've said it before already.

Synthetics are a brand new thing we can mold here, and I want to help mold them right. My goals will be that, when Kia and other synthetics are in play, players are relieved to see helpful people keeping the marines from going down the slope too fast.

And with any luck, like Weyland-Yutani's intention of making robots more human-like, we, as players of synthetic characters, can make ourselves more robot-like.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)? No, I have not to my knowledge.

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why? Not at all to my knoweldge.

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or the Synthetic Programming Guideline?
I understand that any player - donor, staff, predator, commander, or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or the Synthetic Programming Guideline.

Whoa, that was a long one. Only thing I did for nine! actual hours straight.

I hope you bore with me and read through all of my work. Please tell me your thoughts and feedback. You get to chew me out for being shitty because you sat here and read all of this.
Player of faceless xenomorphs of the species XX121, Miranda 'Mira' Laporte, Daniel Gryphon, Kia and Akl'iiya Quatza-rij
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Re: Introducing Kia, our Newest Military Model

Post by Karmac » 18 Aug 2017, 02:20

Kia the IKEA robit
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?

Back in action.

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Byond: Nick123q23

Re: Introducing Kia, our Newest Military Model

Post by Nick123q23 » 18 Aug 2017, 02:23

please no karmac that's not what I meant
Player of faceless xenomorphs of the species XX121, Miranda 'Mira' Laporte, Daniel Gryphon, Kia and Akl'iiya Quatza-rij
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Re: Introducing Kia, our Newest Military Model

Post by taketheshot56 » 18 Aug 2017, 02:24

I like Ikea ice cream +1
"I like to live in the present sir. The past is for pussies...and Airmen."

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Byond: Nick123q23

Re: Introducing Kia, our Newest Military Model

Post by Nick123q23 » 18 Aug 2017, 02:28

you're literally killing me here.
Player of faceless xenomorphs of the species XX121, Miranda 'Mira' Laporte, Daniel Gryphon, Kia and Akl'iiya Quatza-rij
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Re: Introducing Kia, our Newest Military Model

Post by TexasTwoStep » 19 Aug 2017, 20:46

Since the last comments haven't even contributed to your post, I'll +1, but please don't do the aids blue text anymore. Also, you spent a lot of time talking about your Predator Whitelist, although after the initialize white-listing faze, Synthetic White-list will become exactly like Predator Whitelisting in the name of conventions. I don't necessarily feel that qualifies you to be automatically considered a fair-candidate for Synthetic White-listing, but it does look like you care.

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Re: Introducing Kia, our Newest Military Model

Post by Nick123q23 » 20 Aug 2017, 15:25

The blue text was intended to make my application easier to read, though I could see how it could be the exact opposite if you've got lighter forums or something

No, being whitelisted for anything else doesn't qualify you to be whitelisted for Synths. That's why I added a few words onto the end agreement.
I drew comparisons between predators and synths because I don't want people to think of synths the same way they think of predators.

Thanks for responding and being on-topic, too.
Player of faceless xenomorphs of the species XX121, Miranda 'Mira' Laporte, Daniel Gryphon, Kia and Akl'iiya Quatza-rij
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Re: Introducing Kia, our Newest Military Model

Post by Feweh » 29 Aug 2017, 13:47

More feedback required.

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Re: Introducing Kia, our Newest Military Model

Post by Snypehunter007 » 29 Aug 2017, 22:51

Story is pretty good. You have just enough of a personality to make you distinctive, while staying as robot instead a human with metal poured over their body.

I do want to pose a question to you however.
Nick123q23 wrote:She's in a neutral state most of the time, but will mimic emotions extensively in order to calm down people around her, be easier to interact with, or further her assigned goals.
You said that when talking about Kia's personality, but what makes her want to make humans more comfortable around "her"? Why doesn't "she" do "her" assigned duties and be, essentially a "dumb" robot? Not in the sense that she isn't able to learn, but why does "she" care enough to make humans more comfortable when speaking to "her"?
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Byond: Nick123q23

Re: Introducing Kia, our Newest Military Model

Post by Nick123q23 » 30 Aug 2017, 18:00

Snypehunter007 wrote: You said that when talking about Kia's personality, but what makes her want to make humans more comfortable around "her"? Why doesn't "she" do "her" assigned duties and be, essentially a "dumb" robot? Not in the sense that she isn't able to learn, but why does "she" care enough to make humans more comfortable when speaking to "her"?
Essentially, the same reason Weyland-Yutani makes human-like robots. Although Kia is a powerful and useful tool, like most members of the marines, she interacts with a lot of people to further the mission. For instance, if she's assisting medical, she'll want to communicate clearly to the medical staff, which may be more comfortable around other humans than purely robotic synths. and express limited sadness and depression if a wounded marine is lost.

All of her expressions are on purpose and with meaning, though. Like an actor, she isn't really a caring human, but she displays these traits to make it easier for her to work.
Player of faceless xenomorphs of the species XX121, Miranda 'Mira' Laporte, Daniel Gryphon, Kia and Akl'iiya Quatza-rij
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Re: Introducing Kia, our Newest Military Model

Post by Bronimin » 30 Aug 2017, 18:40

Introducing Killed In Action, our newest military model. DEFINITELY not powered by the souls of your fallen comrades.

Haven't really seen your character in-game but you can string a sentence together and as far as I'm concerned that is all that you need. +1

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Re: Introducing Kia, our Newest Military Model

Post by Nick123q23 » 31 Aug 2017, 00:30

Thanks for your support, Bronimin!

I've been occupied with school mostly, but you should be able to see me in-action on the weekends!
Player of faceless xenomorphs of the species XX121, Miranda 'Mira' Laporte, Daniel Gryphon, Kia and Akl'iiya Quatza-rij
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Byond: Feweh

Re: Introducing Kia, our Newest Military Model

Post by Feweh » 11 Sep 2017, 15:09

