Wubs4Scrubs' Synthetic Application - Gabe

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Wubs4Scrubs' Synthetic Application - Gabe

Post by Wubs4Scrubs » 18 Aug 2017, 05:36

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Marine Name (so we know who you are; if you play alien mostly, state that here):
Joseph 'Admiral' Costello primarily, recently I've played some rounds as Robert Killian

Name/Designation of the Synth Character you’re requesting to use (Follows common naming rules, and requires a first name with no last name):

Are you familiar with the Synthetic Programming and Guidelines (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=14417)?

Synthetic Character Story (An ADEQUATE description and story of your Synthetics actions and involvement in a previous mission onboard the Almayer):
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How do you intend to play your Synth (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your Synth and what support roles you’ll mainly focus on, what is your synthetics quirk)?
I mainly play medical roles such as medic, doctor, researcher, or CMO so I would probably focus more on medical support such as providing medical assistance, setting up the med bay, and medevacing wounded. In terms of how I plan on acting I would focus on the more computational side of a synthetic and provide my analysis on the situation at hand. An example might be setting down on LV-624 and entering the Central Nexus with marines and saying something along the lines of "There are approximately 7.2 liters of blood on the ground in the surrounding area, more than the amount in the average human." I feel that focusing more on the machine side a synthetic will allow me to personally RP better than if I was a synthetic which tries to emulate human emotion and actions. Going along with the more machine leaning RP I plan on doing the quirk Gabe would have is badly timed or insensitive humor such as the examples in the character story. I'd picture something along the lines of Gabe running out into danger to rescue a downed marine who had his arm torn off and saying something like "Need a hand?"

How familiar are you with support roles? (ie; Medical, MT, Science, SO)
I am very familiar with all of the medical roles on CM and consider myself to be one of the better medics/doctors on the server. The science department is hard to answer since the research area of CM is essentially RP only right now as there are overhauls being done behind the scenes. I have never played an MT or an Engineer before so my knowledge of them is limited to what guides I can find on either the forum or the wiki. And lastly I've never personally played an officer on the server however I've played CL enough to see how things operate on the bridge and what the expectations are of SOs.

Why should we whitelist you?
You should whitelist me because as a marine on the server I am the one who always tries to follow orders to a T, even if I think that I could be doing something more effective somewhere else. This isn't to say that in the example provided where a synthetic has been tasked with mopping the hangar and takes a detour to help a wounded marine, I would simply continue mopping as those were my orders. What I mean is as a marine if I was put on FOB duty I would stand there for hours on end before leaving my post to have a more exciting round by rushing the xenos. I think that the ability to follow orders without question is something that synthetics are built to do. In addition, I think that I should be whitelisted because I am a trustworthy and helpful player and I'd hope that most people who have interacted with me either in character or on the forum would agree. (Other than some marines who may say I need to work on my aim)

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason?

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or the Synthetic Programming Guideline?
Last edited by Wubs4Scrubs on 18 Aug 2017, 05:54, edited 1 time in total.

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Byond: Cairath

Re: Wubs4Scrubs' Synthetic Application - Gabe

Post by Cairath » 18 Aug 2017, 05:52

I would like to preface my reply by saying that yellow is a bad color. Some might like it and it might fit in certain situations, but when you want someone to read something, don't use yellow, it pulls one's gaze away and makes it hard to keep track of something.

I recommend you try and format your writing in paragraphs, empty lines can make a text twice as easy to read and process. Your quirk is a tad too generic or, at the very least, something we'll likely see from most synths around. You mention being deployed to the ground and how you'd see yourself in that situation, but looking at how testers played synthetic assistants and what the staff would like out of them, I don't foresee that happening too often.

I would also recommend playing a bit of Maintenance Technician, Chief Engineer and Staff Officer, as synths will likely be tasked with setting up the engines at times and taking over an empty Overwatch Console when there aren't enough Staff Officers.
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Re: Wubs4Scrubs' Synthetic Application - Gabe

Post by Enceri » 18 Aug 2017, 14:04

I've had multiple good experiences with Joseph Costello in my days, some nice RP moments on good ol' ice colony. As stated, the yellow color is a bit of an eye sore, but it doesn't take much away from the story you wrote, and you should try a bit of the Engineering roles, an MT would be a nice start. I enjoyed your story as to how it showed how the synthetic is different from the way humans are.

Ultimately, i'm going to drop a +1, because I believe you could make a good synthetic.

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Re: Wubs4Scrubs' Synthetic Application - Gabe

Post by slc97 » 18 Aug 2017, 14:06

Application is alright. I'm going to remain neutral until I get a gauge on you as a player though.

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Re: Wubs4Scrubs' Synthetic Application - Gabe

Post by TexasTwoStep » 19 Aug 2017, 20:50

You don't have any notes, i'm fairly neutral on the story, but your reason for white-listing is lacking a personal connection.

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Re: Wubs4Scrubs' Synthetic Application - Gabe

Post by Wubs4Scrubs » 19 Aug 2017, 22:59

slc97 wrote:Application is alright. I'm going to remain neutral until I get a gauge on you as a player though.
Thanks for the response. And waiting to gauge is completely fair, unfortunately I mainly play medic so it's hard to RP while also being effective. I do my best to RP when I can before shit hits the fan on the ground however once bodies start piling up it becomes pretty much impossible to engage people in conversation when you're trying to help 5 people at once. Recently I've been playing less critical roles so I can RP more instead of focusing super hard on healing. Hopefully I see you out there!

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Re: Wubs4Scrubs' Synthetic Application - Gabe

Post by Wubs4Scrubs » 19 Aug 2017, 23:10

TexasTwoStep wrote:You don't have any notes, i'm fairly neutral on the story, but your reason for white-listing is lacking a personal connection.
Yeah lol, I really had to sit and think about what I was going to put down for that question. Just because I've always struggled with selling myself so to speak. The question for "Why should we whitelist you?" came across to me as when you're in a job interview and they ask "Why should we hire you?".

If you're looking for a more personal connection the reason I want to play a synthetic is because I really enjoy playing support roles on the server. I think I'm one of the few marine player who doesn't have specialist set to high every round lol. I personally prefer playing in support for more games which is why I love playing medic on CM. My gameplay style is not combat oriented at all and I wouldn't consider myself to be a very robust marine. Generally the only times I even fire my gun during a round is just to do area denial while I run away with downed marines. My personal non-combat centered style of play I feel would highly suit playing a synth considering that they get to focus almost entirely on supporting the crew while not having to worry about being robust. Thanks for your response.

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Re: Wubs4Scrubs' Synthetic Application - Gabe

Post by Mark Wilson » 20 Aug 2017, 18:58

I have a few RP moments awhile back on ice colony with him, the app is not too bad. +1
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Re: Wubs4Scrubs' Synthetic Application - Gabe

Post by Mook476 » 21 Aug 2017, 16:48

I like the story a lot it's short, but detailed. I also have confidence in your abilities to role play and fulfill the role of Synth. You sound like a support focused player, and you say you're pretty good at it so I'd like to see you around the ship as a Synth. I also love your Synthetics quirk, and I love how you're going more on the machine side this is something I personally wanted to see more of. +1
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Re: Wubs4Scrubs' Synthetic Application - Gabe

Post by Wubs4Scrubs » 21 Aug 2017, 23:46

@Mark Wilson Thanks for the response! You have one of the few names I recognize even after many months. A lot of people dislike the Ice Colony because rounds on it take a lot longer and even 4-5 hour rounds aren't too uncommon. I like it for the RP however, it usually takes a lot longer for the marines to get into combat which allows for a lot more RP and build up which I love.

@Mook476 Thank you for such kind words dude, I appreciate it. And yes, I really do love playing support roles on the server and I think the synth would be right up my alley. In my app I posted how I don't have a lot of experience in areas like being an engineer however I've played a few rounds as an MT and I now know the engine maintenance procedure and SMES setup along with how to gear up the drop ships.

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Re: Wubs4Scrubs' Synthetic Application - Gabe

Post by Feweh » 29 Aug 2017, 13:47

More feedback required.

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Re: Wubs4Scrubs' Synthetic Application - Gabe

Post by Snypehunter007 » 30 Aug 2017, 00:42

The synthetic quirks are nice, saying comedy (especially black comedy) at the wrong times and just generally having bad humor is a solid Synth/Cyborg/Robot trope. Its reliable, safe, and fits perfectly with the application.

Now I've criticized others about describing their synthetics trying to "emulate" humans before but I feel like, they way you've described it in this app makes more sense (if only a little). Why I feel this way about it on this app is because your character "trys to emulate humans" out of sheer logic. You act like them because its logical to do so for efficiency, whereas others might phrase it out of sympathy or a "not-trying-to-step-on-your-toes" mentality. Those a distinctly human and not synthetic.

On a personal note, I love comedy, black comedy even more so. Synthetics/robots/cyborgs (depending on the source) are mostly beings of logic, not emotion. So "Gabe" in this case, might say a common human phrase to ask those in need but lacks the understanding or emotion to know that the specific comment is not appropriate at the time (such as your "Need a hand?" example joke). That is how I envision synths being.

Big +1 from me.
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Re: Wubs4Scrubs' Synthetic Application - Gabe

Post by Wubs4Scrubs » 31 Aug 2017, 18:15

@Snypehunter007 Thank you for such kind words snype! I read a handful of the other applications and it seemed like most people were focusing on making their synths more human. I think that having the black humor quirk is not only an entertaining way to have some RP moments but it also shows how a computer can create jokes but can't fully understand the emotion that may make them poorly timed. I thought that aspect would be a great combination when combined with my personal focus on a more machine based playstyle.

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Re: Wubs4Scrubs' Synthetic Application - Gabe

Post by Nicboone » 31 Aug 2017, 18:42

+1, Wubs for scrubs has been a good player for some time. I recently found out he has a youtube, and is actually a member of the community i think may be valuable for that alone. I think accepting his app would only benefit us as a community.
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Re: Wubs4Scrubs' Synthetic Application - Gabe

Post by Kerek » 01 Sep 2017, 20:52

+1, Wubs is a good character, decent app. I'd love to see you around as a synth.
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Re: Wubs4Scrubs' Synthetic Application - Gabe

Post by Wubs4Scrubs » 04 Sep 2017, 23:45

@NicbooneThank you for your kind words Nic, I really appreciate it. Hopefully the videos I've uploaded show that I'm a competent player who doesn't shit up rounds and tries to RP when I'm not putting someone's organs into place or about to get eaten.

@KneezThanks for the response Kneez, it seems people's opinions on my app are hovering somewhere between alright and decent xD.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Wubs4Scrubs' Synthetic Application - Gabe

Post by Feweh » 08 Sep 2017, 20:32

