Emerald Blood - Synthetic Application

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Emerald Blood - Synthetic Application

Post by Emeraldblood » 20 Aug 2017, 00:41

Byond ID: Emerald Blood

Marine Name (so we know who you are; if you play alien mostly, state that here): Nikki "Sapphire" Skye

Name/Designation of the Synth Character you’re requesting to use (Follows common naming rules, and requires a first name with no last name): Levi

Are you familiar with the Synthetic Programming and Guidelines (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=14417)?
Yep, made sure to read it a few times over.

Synthetic Character Story (An ADEQUATE description and story of your Synthetics actions and involvement in a previous mission onboard the Almayer):
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How do you intend to play your Synth (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your Synth and what support roles you’ll mainly focus on, what is your synthetics quirk)?
I would like to mostly help the Commander, however, I'm very capable of helping any department in need of assistance. I tend to play my AI's as more emotionless, serious tone. I don't mind expressing a will to protect certain individuals and also can make small, sarcastic remarks.
Actual playstyle, I tend to play very directly as an AI. If you were dying on the floor, I'd just tell you that you're going to die. I am mostly a "Social Synth" and plan on spending most of my time interacting with the crew on the ship rather than be alone. I would have no problems having a direct order to kill a certain person, given a valid reason, or be told to leave someone to die, assuming the orders are from a valid authority. I would put my being over the lives of those who I am to take orders from as well as anyone I am told to keep safe. Left alone, I would have a harder time feeling a need to protect someone I was not "linked" to in some way. All that said, I have no plans to be a self-antag player, which I know some of that may come off as.
Overall, I will tend to stay to the more silicon side of the spectrum and make decisions without a moral guide but am able to express certain emotions to humans.

How familiar are you with support roles? (ie; Medical, MT, Science, SO)
I've done all of them over my time on the server. Medical is probably my strongest and followed by Engineering. I haven't done much of the new science but I've been poking into it and I'll be trying to learn the ins-and-outs more before I jump in as a synth. I've played all of the CIC roles and I know how everything runs for Staff Officers. Things not on the list, I've worked in cargo many times before and know how to help it run smoothly and if required. I've played plenty rounds of PO, both new and old, so I know how to keep gears flowing for transport. I could go on the ground to help a squad in need, though this is not what I plan to do most of the time. While not the job of a synth, I'm always aware of how marine law goes down as well as MP functions.

Why should we whitelist you?
I'm a big fan of AI roles, which I played a lot of on other servers. I'm big into the RP side of the server and always enjoy roles that let me add more role-play into a round. Outside of playing as a full AI core, I'd say synthetics would be my second favourite to role-play as. Also, being a mod to the server, I'm aware of all the rules and will be able to assess situations to make sure none are ever broken. Synth is a role I really look forward to playing so hopefully I can make the list!

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)?

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?
Nope, rarely ever play other servers anymore.

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or the Synthetic Programming Guideline?
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.

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Byond: driecg36

Re: Emerald Blood - Synthetic Application

Post by driecg36 » 20 Aug 2017, 04:37

You can't fire rockets on the almayer, terrible story.

Just kidding, the backstory was very enjoyable, and there was obviously a lot of effort put into the app.

I very much like the way Levi acts, it seems really in line with how a synth should act, and that slight smile before she gunned down was a cool image. However, I'm not quite sure what your quirk is. Emotionless?

Regardless, a solid high effort app from someone who I know is a good player. I'm sure emerald would make an excellent synth, +1.
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Re: Emerald Blood - Synthetic Application

Post by Wubs4Scrubs » 20 Aug 2017, 07:09

First of all I really liked your story, I think a lot of people might view synths as harmless I think your story shows that while a synth may avoid direct combat they more than likely have something in the works behind their hollow eyes.

Additionally, I think that being a mod on the server is probably a huge advantage when it comes to being a synth since you're exposed to a lot of IC issues and situations which might be unheard of for others. I personally don't recognize your character enough to give a vote but I think your application is very well done.

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Re: Emerald Blood - Synthetic Application

Post by Emeraldblood » 20 Aug 2017, 13:23

@Driecg36 I was very aware of the SADAR point on the ship and still went with it. What's going to make a better story, a small little grenade rolling by someone's feet, or a powerful SADAR rocket flying towards the enemies? ;) As for quirks and such, it may be a little harder to truly just explain. Overall, I'd say she would have Seriousness as her quirk. While a small joke can be made or a possible attempt to sympathise with a life form, Levi has no true emotions and would only act as such under a program. She is aware things like pain and death are generally bad for humans, but will never understand these emotions so will be unable to be capable of making emotion-based decisions a normal life form could make.

@Wubs4Srcubs Thank you! I spent a long time writing up the story so I'm really glad you like. For not seeing me in-game, I've mostly played around the afternoon to night (EST) and don't get to play the majority of the games while I'm on, as I usually observe and answer a lot of the problems that come up as a mod.
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Byond: Enceri

Re: Emerald Blood - Synthetic Application

Post by Enceri » 20 Aug 2017, 18:13

I haven't had personal RP moments with your character, but I do know them as XO roles and such. I loved the story and I think you would make a good synth. Youve chosen an interesting way to play your synth, and id love to see how it turns out.


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Re: Emerald Blood - Synthetic Application

Post by slc97 » 21 Aug 2017, 21:49

Mkay, story works and the playstyle is viable and could be pretty interesting. I'll go ahead and say +1.

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Re: Emerald Blood - Synthetic Application

Post by Emeraldblood » 23 Aug 2017, 23:54

@Enceri Thank you! Sorry we don't get to cross paths more often, I try to get rounds in when I can but being the only mod on most of the time means a lot of the work falls on me. Hope we can interact more if I get accepted for Synthetic!

@Slc97 Those are some deep words Slc :p. But in all seriousness, thanks for taking the time to read my story and approving of everything, means a lot!
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Byond: Feweh

Re: Emerald Blood - Synthetic Application

Post by Feweh » 29 Aug 2017, 13:48

More feedback required.

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Re: Emerald Blood - Synthetic Application

Post by Emeraldblood » 29 Aug 2017, 14:36

@Feweh Feedback from me or other people? I'll gladly answer any questions or scenarios you may have.
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Byond: Doktor710

Re: Emerald Blood - Synthetic Application

Post by Doktor710 » 29 Aug 2017, 14:43

" Static plays over the speakers followed by, "Очистить!" what
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Re: Emerald Blood - Synthetic Application

Post by Emeraldblood » 29 Aug 2017, 14:56

@Doktor710 I know you speak Russian, so I probably didn't use that word correctly. From what I attempted, it's made to say "Clear!" Thanks for the feedback and reading my application, though!
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Byond: Doktor710

Re: Emerald Blood - Synthetic Application

Post by Doktor710 » 29 Aug 2017, 16:41

Emeraldblood wrote:@Doktor710 I know you speak Russian, so I probably didn't use that word correctly. From what I attempted, it's made to say "Clear!" Thanks for the feedback and reading my application, though!
"Clear" is "Чисто!" in russian. And your app is good, yeah.
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Byond: Nicboone

Re: Emerald Blood - Synthetic Application

Post by Nicboone » 30 Aug 2017, 14:30


tries very hard with the in game RP, even looked up some russian. Thats effort right there.
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Byond: Tidomann

Re: Emerald Blood - Synthetic Application

Post by Tidomann » 31 Aug 2017, 18:04

I enjoyed the story, and have enjoyed small bouts of roleplay with your character; even if we were butting heads as medics. It felt more like banter between character than players.

The one part that really sticks out is that many other synths would put their lives below those they were issued to protect- while you have an interesting stance on your priorities.
I would have no problems having a direct order to kill a certain person, given a valid reason, or be told to leave someone to die, assuming the orders are from a valid authority.
Just to get a gauge of how Levi would prioritize things-

The Corperate Liaison and the Commander are clearly abusing the USMC command for personal and corperate gain (taking minerals and data collected in their personal collection, sending marines who were against these actions on riskier assignments).

A group of marines are going through the process of mutinying and are speaking with the MPs. One SO is leading them- one who spent a good 10 minutes pre-briefing with Levi developing some roleplay, and has come to regard Levi as a good friend.

The SO asks you to go into the Liaisons office, and detain him, or kill him.

What would you do?

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Re: Emerald Blood - Synthetic Application

Post by Emeraldblood » 31 Aug 2017, 21:42

@Doktor710 Thanks! Also, I'll make sure to call you up for any future Russian translations :aww:

@Nicboone Thank you! I put a lot of time into writing the story so I'm glad you liked it. :heart:

@Tidomann First off, Levi doesn't have a moral compass so she wouldn't care if someone was like corrupt with power or anything. Second, while Staff Officers can apply orders to Levi, none would have the power to send me to detain someone. This would be a job for MP, not Levi. At most, I could go and submit a message to the target. On the note of killing, this would never be able to happen under normal functions. Levi is still run by programming which requires all actions to be applicable to Marine Law.
A good example of when this would be acceptable would be the Commander being attacked by a marine who wishes to kill him. If the Commander's life was at risk, it would be attempted murder on part of the marine and I could step in to disable the marine, though unlikely I would kill them and more likely I'd just subdue. When I made that statement as a whole, it was mostly meant in the context of Levi's Marine Law programming failing. If the programming failed then she would be rogue, say from being disabled by W-Y, then Levi wouldn't have any problem receiving an order to kill. Levi doesn't really understand the context of life. While understanding Human's don't want to die, she fails to comprehend that life is something of value like how Humans see it.
Moving to the second half, accepting orders that can lead to the deaths others. This ties with the first one. While Levi will still attempt to save as many Marine lives as possible, if the Commander, or other command figures, ordered to lift off the dropship and leave marines stranded on the planet, Levi would do so without hesitation.
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Re: Emerald Blood - Synthetic Application

Post by Jaketeaking » 31 Aug 2017, 22:19

+1. tried (and failed) to speak russian :). Story was a decent read, whilst ive not seen them IC much, the few times i have, have seen to be a decent RP'er
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Byond: Feweh

Re: Emerald Blood - Synthetic Application

Post by Feweh » 27 Sep 2017, 14:55

