Even if i didn't got one, i'm going to take a break from CM anyways. This hasn't been my month. First it started with the complaint mistake, in wich i ended up actually reporting Spood for memeing, it was ment for Acid goop, but as the title says, i'm autistic. Then there was the fact that all my chances of ever getting into the whitelist have been removed. I have 2 command bans, and add one more for imporper escalation. This has clearly proved that i'm a complete and utter shitter, and i can't do good rp on this server even if my life depended on it. Then this... I was XO and Charlie wouldn't do anything we told them to do, so i order to have them shot on sight since they might be insurgents or UPP agents. Yes, shot.
*Why i did it? I thought it would be good rp. They were told to do 4 things "go into the lz1, follow charlie and delta, don't damage property and preserve local wildlife" They went into the lz2, didn't went to the meeting point i had to stablish after they went wherever, shot xenos on sight and in the process exploded some W-Y equipment down the labs. I issued "shoot" instead of "arrest" since arresting an entire squad is not posible due to brig limitations. I tried my best to explain this to the mps.I'm a fucking retarded, stupid, autistic motherfucker.
*What should've i done? Either Ahelp first with the hopes that it would turn into an event, or order aprehension and arrest.
*Why are you taking a break from cm if you totally deserve the ban? Because i am a shitter, and i think i will continue to be a shitter and make this server worst, wich i don't want it to be. I kept on playing this game with the vage hopes that one day i could join the whitelist and prove everyone i wasn't a shitter and have fun doing crazy, wacky over the top rp. I planed on breaking all the meta i see, and act completley in character. "Why would you ever make the ds2 exclusive to CAS? We don't know if we'll ever need CAS!" "No, i don't care you are charlie's spec, we have a law here, you can't call the RO a shitter because he didn't had any barrel chargers left." But now, i amount a monstruous amount of around 9 notes. 9 NOTES! I have been a shitter in the past, i am a shitter in the present, but i don't want to be a shitter in the future.
I also got banned for asking to be pred on tribes twice, also deserved. I shot a marine because he stole a lot of money, more than deserved. I have around 4 or 5 bans in total, of wich i've only apealed 1.
As a request, i would like to have an admin post all my notes here, so that you pepole can see the shit i've done.
I catch you guys on the flip side, if i ever come back, expect me not to be a shitter anymore, but don't be completley sure i've changed.
Untill then, 07