Quitting CM RP

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Quitting CM RP

Post by Ocnjak20 » 30 Jul 2016, 04:06

Hey guys, I've got a job and have no time on my hands to play CM anymore. Maybe I will be online here and then, was looking towards being predator but seeing how apparently I am not a good candidate with all my efforts. Well it only made my decision final and confirmed that I am not wanted in the community, it was fun while it lasted. Farewell RP and welcome brainless shooting.

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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by Kreydis » 30 Jul 2016, 06:02

See you next week. Also who are you?

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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by LordeKilly » 30 Jul 2016, 12:28

Basically your predator application got denied so you're quitting?

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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by Feweh » 31 Jul 2016, 15:27

Rather childish and I'm glad I denied your application in the end.
I was also on Paradise yesterday and saw what you were saying about CM.


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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by Ocnjak20 » 31 Jul 2016, 16:51

True, my apply was denied and seeing as RP has nothing to do with people being chosen makes me quite sad. So what, I am not special snowflake or mad about it, I just wont RP at CM but go on to shoot things. And hunt preds of course, with Saltdar and other stuff. Also I am glad for what has happened, once again if it has hurt your aussie heart I do apologise from the depths of my EU fart.(A lil rhyme to break your cold aussie heart. No hard feelings I hope.)

Anyway, truth to be told I was cool with you and I want to thank everyone who has wrote +1 in my apply. Seems like it is not enough unless you are Feweh's slave or driven by his whip of destiny to have no notes or to be approved. Maybe code leak will make you guys re think how you are managing your server, call me an ass, call me however you want but it was pure karma for what has happened to you guys.

Not sure why the drama if it was not even updated code.

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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by KeyWii » 31 Jul 2016, 17:13


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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by DMAN » 31 Jul 2016, 17:17

Fucking hell, the mic is melting, toss the extinguisher, send help. SOS.
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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by Sadokist » 31 Jul 2016, 19:55

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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by YungCuz » 31 Jul 2016, 21:13

Damn son
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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by doodeeda » 31 Jul 2016, 21:22

Ocnjak20 wrote:True, my apply was denied and seeing as RP has nothing to do with people being chosen makes me quite sad.
Don't see how that's true? Feweh mentioned how your RP was declining when he denied you. The backstory is a test of storytelling/RP, and it is commented on in every application. It's just not the only thing that weighs in.
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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by Fritigern » 01 Aug 2016, 00:26

Couldn't be a special snowflake, so started shit talking the server and made one last, desperate attempt at getting attention. Amusing.

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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by Topwaza » 01 Aug 2016, 01:24

You're mad you didn't get predator, and want to get back at the community somehow.

Since this is a forum and not real life you can't exactly exercise any physical force, though I somehow doubt you would do that anyway from the passive agressive read: "bitch" tone. That leaves you with only a few options, you can berate us, or leave (or threaten to leave and never leave).

Now berating people online is useless, sticks and stones and all that.

In case you haven't noticed, nobody is running to apologize for slighting you over the threat of no longer getting to bask in your presence. Nobody gives a fuck.

Delete this thread or make good on your threat.

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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by Ocnjak20 » 01 Aug 2016, 01:35

Topwaza wrote:You're mad you didn't get predator, and want to get back at the community somehow.

Since this is a forum and not real life you can't exactly exercise any physical force, though I somehow doubt you would do that anyway from the passive agressive read: "bitch" tone. That leaves you with only a few options, you can berate us, or leave (or threaten to leave and never leave).

Now berating people online is useless, sticks and stones and all that.

In case you haven't noticed, nobody is running to apologize for slighting you over the threat of no longer getting to bask in your presence. Nobody gives a fuck.

Delete this thread or make good on your threat.
Like I have said, karma. It has bitten them back for everything they have ever done, useless bands, admin strips that werent supposed to happen, bad managing and what not. Get mad over being special snowflake? Please I am here just to collect posts but do be honest, what does the topic say? Or do you not know how to read?

Try to get glasses and read what I am quitting again, maybe I wont shoot you in the back as an marine. ;)

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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by Renomaki » 01 Aug 2016, 11:51

I myself yearn to become a predator one day, to be the cloaked middleman that can alter the tide of a battle in so many ways... But even I am aware that I might not get such a chance, due to the strict whitelisting rules in place. Even the slightest mistake could screw you over at times, and sometimes even your reputation could cost you the chance, such as the guy who played Bill Carson not getting it because of his awful reputation on the server.

Thing is, you shouldn't get too upset IF you don't get pred. Keep in mind that it isn't as fun as you think it is, with marines blasting you out of fear and aliens hunting you down because of the need to expand and breed... RP is more between fellow preds than with alien lifeforms. And don't get me started on the stresses of keeping to honor...

In general, just don't make such a big deal about it, it isn't all that bad... Right?
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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 01 Aug 2016, 13:08

I'll give you a little advice. If I see you specifically hunting g down pred on your own or by your own idea when there is no reason for it. I will issue you a ban for metagaming and Powergaming by your own admission from this post. Making threats, wither you plan to carry it out or not, is not acceptable. This right here, proves you are not mature enough to be a pred. Because when you don't get your way, you lash out. 70% of the time preds die. Either by lack of robustness or in a blaze of glory. If you don't like the server then you know the way out. We are a free game staffed with volunteers to help keep the game as fun as possible for the entire population. We by far, have one of the most friendly and professional staff then alot of other free to play games I have played on. Anyway I hope you have a wonderful day.

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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by Boltersam » 01 Aug 2016, 18:57

Oh, look, another predator hunter is born. Hm. Well then, you'll probably crash and burn, to tell the honest truth. Hunting down something so powerful it can instantly disintegrate you but chooses not to is surprisingly difficult.

Oh well. Midnight coffee, anyone?

If you're gonna quit roleplaying because you failed once or twice, you wouldn't be a good predator. You need restraint, and more often than not, people, like you, will try their utmost to end your round, which would piss anyone off. They'd get over it after a bowl of icecream and cola, but you'd snap. Decide that "Fuck it, if they don't want me to roleplay, I'll fuckin' be a murderboney little shit!" Starting a chain of events that would get many peoples' characters killed, you banned, and a whole big clusterfuck right over it.

I know this, because the thought's crossed my mind several times, and once as an antagonist on another server, I acted on those thoughts.

Point is, people are assholes. They fuck you over when you let your guard down, and they'll make you miss opportunities if you keep it up. You endure it, and keep going. Things work out in the end.

And before you say anything about bandwagons or Feweh brainwashing me, I +1'd your app, sugar, since I thought from the quality that you'd make the cut. You showed me otherwise.

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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by Biolock » 01 Aug 2016, 19:21

Ya ever consider that maybe your app just wasn't good enough?
I'm stressing way too hard about what to put here, so I'm just gonna leave it blank.... or....

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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by slc97 » 01 Aug 2016, 19:34

I'm slc97 and this is my favorite post on the forum.

Nah really though, this is fantastic because I love a good tantrum. You didn't get your way and now you're mad. I get to see tantrums at work all the time, but everyone has to be utterly professional there. Here you're throwing a temper-tantrum and just getting straight roasted.

My advice, grow up a little bit. Take your licks with some humility. Things didn't go your way this time, but you coulda shaped up and tried again later and things would coulda swung your way that time. No though, if you decide you don't want to quit, people are just gonna remember you as that guy who threw a temper-tantrum.

Learn from your failures or you're doomed to repeat them, dude. Next time, be the better man.

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Byond: desolane900

Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by Desolane900 » 01 Aug 2016, 20:40

I'm Saul Freytia and I approve of this thread.
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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by Boltersam » 02 Aug 2016, 04:24

Desolane900 wrote:I'm Salt Freytia and I approve of this thread.
Much better.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by apophis775 » 02 Aug 2016, 14:34

ITT: Butthurt player whines and quits because his pred app was denied.
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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by Kreydis » 02 Aug 2016, 14:53

apophis775 wrote:ITT: Butthurt player whines and quits because his pred app was denied.

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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by coolsurf6 » 03 Aug 2016, 06:30

Freeysoul, you and I talked on discord quite alot. What happened? I have a pred app in my draft but i dont want to ACT robust cause i am just bad... If i show them what i got (no rick and morty reference intended) then they would laugh at me and people will say that i am a idiot and should not be a pred. Just get used to the fact that your not the main character in the story. Unlike Yogstation where solving a mistory can make dead chat go mad, you will get shit on in d chat...

Come back and enjoy whats here!
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Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by MrJJJ » 03 Aug 2016, 07:44

apophis775 wrote:ITT: Butthurt player whines and quits because his pred app was denied.
Feweh wrote:Rather childish and I'm glad I denied your application in the end.
I was also on Paradise yesterday and saw what you were saying about CM.

I like staff that jumps into conclusion they are whining about having a app denied instead of them just getting depressed that they efforts didint work out at all, and just decided to leave

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Byond: Sagasword

Re: Quitting CM RP

Post by SagaSword » 03 Aug 2016, 09:47

MrJJJ wrote: I like staff that jumps into conclusion they are whining about having a app denied instead of them just getting depressed that they efforts didint work out at all, and just decided to leave
Tru. No one knows each other's backstory. That makes me sad that no one looks at the bright side of people ;-;. He is just sad that he won't be playing CM again.
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