Emergency Forum Upgrade Complete

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Emergency Forum Upgrade Complete

Post by Rahlzel » 03 Sep 2017, 17:50

A few nights ago our data center upgraded our box's PHP version from 5.6 to 7, which is a fairly big jump. While it does have some impressive speed increases, it also caused some code that is no longer supported to spit errors and break most of the board. As such, I've upgraded from phpBB 3.1 to 3.2 which has support for PHP 7.

The catch is, a few of the extensions we were using are no longer valid on the new version. mChat appears to be one of them, though it seems more incompatible with the new version of the style we're using than the phpBB version. Therefore, it's possible mChat might return in the near future, but it's also possible it never will - it was a pain in the ass to manage on the backend (frequent update issues and upkeep, and a report from our data center that it was causing lag to the point of them shutting it down manually).

For now, Discord will suffice as a message area about the game and I've provided a link to it in the main menu for ease of access (good idea, TheMaskedMan2).

There's likely a few other quirks and abnormalities floating around that I haven't had time to test, so let me know if there's any other broken functionality and I'll see to it.


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