Random Survivor Names

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Re: Random Survivor Names

Post by Sarah_U. » 04 Jun 2017, 20:29

Last time I asked that it was denied and I got a board warning, so yea. (I cry, but talking about IDs)
CM was obviously inspired by Starcraft: Ghost opening. At least when marines takes too long to deploy.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4JSohL ... e=youtu.be
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Byond: Kwin_Original

Re: Random Survivor Names

Post by Kwin_Original » 06 Jun 2017, 12:36

+1 as suggested, ERTs are randomized, forced appereances, too, aren't they?
I play Hans Meier, your random old guy from germany.
Is this a little medic Chibi Hans slightly different from the Avatar one? --> Image Oh yes it is! All the credits and a huge thanks to Okand37 for these lovely marines!

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Re: Random Survivor Names

Post by MrJJJ » 06 Jun 2017, 12:38

Jezz, some suggestions really need more love.
