Comprehensive stamina system

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Comprehensive stamina system

Post by Tristan63 » 08 Jan 2017, 10:17

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
So marines run around entire OPs without getting exhausted or tired at all and they can get hungry a few times an op, but this is solved by the RO chucking down cooked replicator food down in a crate, which for the food isn't very optimal. Join me in this textwall and I guarantee what I tell you isn't BS or not-thought of.

So this system would add a stamina hunger and thirst bar to the status pane. Stamina would be 200 points or in the menu 200/200, hunger 100/100 and thirst 100/100. In my system every 5 minutes of non-combat and WALKING it goes down 5 ticks, 95/100. If you have run on, double your hunger drop to 3 every minute, leading to your hunger level in 5 minutes of running to go to 85/100 ticks. For thirst every minute of non-combat in walk mode you will loose 2 ticks. If you are in combat running, you will loose 10 every minute, so in 5 minutes of combat you will loose 50 thirst ticks. When your hunger and thirst meter reaches 50/100 ticks a large red message would appear "You feel hungry" or "You feel thirsty". Your stamina would consist of 100 points based on thirst and hunger, and when it reaches 100/200 ticks it would have a red message "You feel exhausted". The other 100 ticks for stamina are based on certain actions, for instance swinging a machete would take more stamina ticks than a knife. If either your hunger or thirst meter go below 30/100 a marine will start feeling combat fatigue, and have a slower walkspeed and runspeed.

This however is not a complete nerf, if you have full thirst and hunger levels you can get up quicker from runner/hunter pounces, buckshot stuns, and stunbaton/taser shots. If you are however in combat fatigue, it will increase your timer for being stunned by all of those thus introducing my new MRE system. The MREs on the sulaco are replicated, and thus not really as healthy as a MRE would be. At roundstart the marines would spawn in with 50/100 hunger and 50/100 thirst, they would have to go to a replicator and wait 30 seconds for the MRE to "heat up" then it would dispense the MRE as usual. They would get a nearby flask and water, the carbonated drinks in the souto dispenser wouldn't give any help to the thirst meter because its carbonated. Regular water would refill 5 ticks per sip, and replicated MREs if completely eaten will refill exactly 25 hunger ticks.

In this update, requestions would get a "Combat MRE" dispenser which would have varieties of MRE packages for combat situations, where food may be limited such as the Ice colony or Big red, sometimes LV-624 aswell. Each MRE pack would include the following as per USCMC standards: 1 main dish, 1 side dish, 2 bottled waters, 1 electrolyte energy pack, and 1 dessert. In MREs each come with one flameless cooker which can be lit by a lighter/match, the cooker when clicked on would place on the tile below the marine with which if clicked on has 3 slots to insert items. The pack would have 4 flameless cooking tablets (not really), which when lit can be placed on the cooker in one of the slots, along with a piece of food. The cooker depending on how many tablets are inserted would last for five minutes with one, ten for two, and fifteen for three. Each tablet reduces cooking time, 1 equals a seven minute cook, and 2 is 4 minutes. For the ice colony the cooker would provide warmth aswell.

The main dish when cooked and eaten would refill 50 ticks of hunger and 5 ticks of thirst, the side dish can be eaten raw but would refill only 15 ticks of hunger and no thirst ticks. The water would refill a normal 5 ticks per sip, but would be 10 when the packet is added, making a "The MRE water bubbles!" text, the water could be added to a marines flask for later if left uneaten (each bottle contains 35 units of water). The vendor in req would have multiple flavors of the MREs, which can be opened with a knife. The stamina system would go down the most with melee combat, using a machete each swing will take 10 ticks from the stamina bar, knives would take 5, and bayonets 1. Throwing items classified as "Big" or "Bulky" takes 2 ticks per thrown item. If a marine has 100/100 hunger and thirst alone, but is constantly fighting in melee or blocking, their stamina bar would be 100/200, combat fatigue would be minimal. When you get lower than 100/200 stamina a marines accuracy would be effected, and damage in melee would be penalised, if the marine uses a riot shield the chance to deflect objects would be reduced. If a marine reaches 0/200 stamina they would start getting blurry vision (same as bloodloss) and wouldn't have accurate aim, and if stunned by buckshot or runner pounce the timer for them to get up would be doubled. If a marine reaches 20/100 hunger they would start vomiting, and if it reaches 0 they would have a small buff, more damage in melee, but would be slower in walking. If thirst reaches 30/100 the marine would have their focus, accuracy drained and have constant red messages saying "Your thirsty" popping up. If it reaches 0/100 the marine would start limping everywhere and have muscle aches which would damage the same as bruises.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
Add to the immersion of being in sustained combat, and also having a system in place where marines that are properly hydrated and fed can be better in combat than marines that are exhausted and hungry.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
It would add the following
-A stamina, hunger, and thirst tickbar in the status pane
-Multiple MREs with placeable cookers to heat up food
-Stamina system that can save or kill a marine
-Buffs for being well fed and hydrated such as: getting up from pounces faster, getting up from slug/buckshot stuns quicker, getting up from stunbatons and tasers quicker, and having the ability to block more effectively with a riot shield.
-Gives marines a reason to bring water flasks and MRE bags down for when they need it, and gives them a good reason to take a break from combat and cook food in the FOB.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): I'd assume most of this can be done with multiple recodings in the default bay hunger system, with some stealing of some TG tech...shh

Conclusion: If you read all of that, i'd like to hear what you think of my idea in the responses.
Last edited by Tristan63 on 11 Jan 2017, 20:56, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Comprehensive stamina system

Post by MrJJJ » 08 Jan 2017, 10:34

Jesus christ my eyes are burning, too much text and too little seperation

I don't even get the message

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Re: Comprehensive stamina system

Post by InterroLouis » 11 Jan 2017, 19:39

30 seconds is way too long to wait for an MRE to dispense, especially when you're rushing to gear up.

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Re: Comprehensive stamina system

Post by LordLoko » 11 Jan 2017, 20:08

My name is Ulysses Skyfall, but people call me "Meat".
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I don't play CM, currently in a break.

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Re: Comprehensive stamina system

Post by Jroinc1 » 11 Jan 2017, 20:18

I actually can't read this, and I try to read every suggestion. Please edit it with some line breaks and indents, I can't really comment till then.
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17

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Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
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SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
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Re: Comprehensive stamina system

Post by Tristan63 » 11 Jan 2017, 20:56

Sliced the textwall, hope it helps abit

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Re: Comprehensive stamina system

Post by CrimsonAerospace » 11 Jan 2017, 22:42

You my friend have enraged my immersion boner. I love this idea. +1 all the way home.
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Re: Comprehensive stamina system

Post by Biolock » 13 Jan 2017, 01:43

On paper the idea seems solid, however I don't think this would be good to add in practice. Not only would it increase turtling, but I for one, HATE having to deal with my characters whimpers and chippers about being hungry every fuckin' 20 minutes.

In addition, you could sustain yourself without food for a very long time even while in high-stress; high-workload environments. Because our server has never ran on the concept of "One minute equals one hour" or any other discord of measurement, it is implied that the missions only take around 2-4 hours before the problem is solved or everything is FUBAR. That's my input anyway.
I'm stressing way too hard about what to put here, so I'm just gonna leave it blank.... or....

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Re: Comprehensive stamina system

Post by CrimsonAerospace » 13 Jan 2017, 11:56

Biolock wrote:On paper the idea seems solid, however I don't think this would be good to add in practice. Not only would it increase turtling, but I for one, HATE having to deal with my characters whimpers and chippers about being hungry every fuckin' 20 minutes.

In addition, you could sustain yourself without food for a very long time even while in high-stress; high-workload environments. Because our server has never ran on the concept of "One minute equals one hour" or any other discord of measurement, it is implied that the missions only take around 2-4 hours before the problem is solved or everything is FUBAR. That's my input anyway.
I can kind of see where Bio is coming from here. And at the same time, the more I think about it, this idea wouldn't work well if we retained the same old SS13-Code walk speed. We'd need to make it at least a little faster.
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Re: Comprehensive stamina system

Post by Tristan63 » 13 Jan 2017, 13:48

CrimsonAerospace wrote:I can kind of see where Bio is coming from here. And at the same time, the more I think about it, this idea wouldn't work well if we retained the same old SS13-Code walk speed. We'd need to make it at least a little faster.
It would be the same walkspeed, but have buffs in other areas, like etting up from stuns faster.

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Re: Comprehensive stamina system

Post by CrimsonAerospace » 13 Jan 2017, 14:46

Tristan63 wrote:It would be the same walkspeed, but have buffs in other areas, like etting up from stuns faster.
But... But Walkspeed is literally a snail crawl, the last time I used it.
Kane "Saint" Romano - Laid back kid just trying to see the galaxy. Reveres the dead, and takes it upon himself to record all the actions and deaths of the Battalion to pass on.
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Re: Comprehensive stamina system

Post by NescauComToddy » 13 Jan 2017, 17:12

That could decrease meta-rushing and rambos. Hm, It Is a trade of mechanics, still, we don't know what would or could happen If we change this. Probaly, the staff should test this and analyze It before putting It in the developers list[only If they see this would be logical to increase].

Adding: Can't we just have the stamina system then? I mean, no need for food or thirsty needs, just the stamina thing to limit the marines running.

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