Alter permissions of the Supply Console, with 2 states. One where CTs are unable to authorise orders, and one where they are.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
Cargo runs a little smoother.
The RO is supposed to be in charge of cargo. So as RO, when some shill CT takes it upon himself to order random crap and waste all the points I've been saving, it makes me realise how little is different between RO and a CT - RO has bridge access and a better comm headset, sure, but in the particular area in which both the RO and CT works, he's the same as his underlings other than his rank.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
I propose that the Supply Console operates on two states. One where the CTs have no ability to authorise an order, and one where they do.
At round start (or just if a RO spawns, not sure which is easier on the devs), it is set to State 1:
The CO's console, and the Supply Consoles would have an option that a BO+ could trigger though, setting it to State 2:REQUIRES the RO ID to authorise an order, thus the character making the order must have the RO ID, or CO/XO.
This trigger could be set either way, so the RO could spawn in later and reset it to State 1 on the supply console, or set it to State 2 if he needs to leave the office and trusts his underlings to not be idiots.Current way it's handled. CTs can authorise anything.
With this suggestion, there is a back up in case the RO doesn't spawn/goes SSD/etc that allows cargo to run as normal, but when the RO is around they have a little bit more control so they don't have an aneurysm when a CT takes it upon themselves to order crates upon crates of attachments 2 hours into the round when the XO is screaming at them on command comms to order a sentry and some mines.
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Not familiar with BYOND code so magic, probably.