Give Cargo access to marine prep

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Give Cargo access to marine prep

Post by Jonesome » 07 May 2017, 21:21

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): It's been mentioned before, and after playing a round as Cargo Tech, I was just compelled to make this post. I was enamored at how pointlessly difficult it was to grab basic prep stuff like we used to. On the Sully, CTs and RO had all access to marine prep to transfer supplies from ship to groundside. This meant the system was efficient and not at all time-consuming like it is now. Unfortunately, getting something as simple as extra helmets and ammo is now an arduous task that requires wasting the MPs or engineer's time and makes Cargo less efficient.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Will allow supplies to reach the ground quicker like it did originally and allow the cargo system to operate much smoother, instead of wasting points.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Now I know someone is going to come along as say "Well cargo should be buying their helmets and ammo using points, and not stealing from marine prep," but that would be a pointless (pun intended) system. There is far more material in the prep rooms now than any of the squads can carry individually, so at the moment it's just sitting there useless while cargo is now busy wasting points buying equipment when free stuff is right next door to them. Why have the helmets and ammo languishing in the prep room when the majority of the marines are fighting on the planet? Do they really need to make a long trip up to the Sulaco to restock their supplies when Cargo should be moving it for them? And what happens when the cargo points run out, well they're going to have to get someone to open the doors anyway. It's frustrating when an entire fighting force is devoted to eradicating the enemy, but basic supplies are being hindered because of some silly access protocols which are literally endangering lives.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Just revert access to how it was.

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Re: Give Cargo access to marine prep

Post by taketheshot56 » 07 May 2017, 21:41

+1 it makes a lot of sense in all honesty
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Re: Give Cargo access to marine prep

Post by Crab_Spider » 07 May 2017, 23:02

Or... just throwing it out there, OR.... cut down on the amount of ammo in squad venders, and put more in the RO venders. In fact, have stocking magazines and ammo give points.
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Re: Give Cargo access to marine prep

Post by TheDonkified » 07 May 2017, 23:15

+1. They have access to the marine vendors after all, so why wouldn't they have access to the prep itself? Makes no sense.
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Re: Give Cargo access to marine prep

Post by Renomaki » 07 May 2017, 23:28

Why isn't this a thing yet?

1+ please, ordering ammo is much too expensive, why bother when you have an on-ship armory with HUNDREDS of magazines?
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Re: Give Cargo access to marine prep

Post by Steelpoint » 07 May 2017, 23:58

Easier solution would be having the cargo vending machines have near infinte ammo and belts.

This would make being a CT/RO so much easier.
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Re: Give Cargo access to marine prep

Post by TheDonkified » 27 May 2017, 00:13

bump. Relying on someone else to open prep is the most annoying thing working in cargo behind a mute or unresponsive command staff. This needs to be implemented, alongside having labelers spawn in cargo.
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Re: Give Cargo access to marine prep

Post by KittyLava » 27 May 2017, 12:33

Wasn't cargo's access to Marine prep taken away months ago, as marine prep became more devoid of ammunition to supplies from that? Honestly I'm failing to see why cargo technicians to the requisition officer requires access to marine prep vendors at this time. If they've several vendors in cargo, it's likely to resupply the marines in the field as requests come in, and then depending upon the situation, Requisition has to order supplies using points as the situation develops ICly. Honestly the squads if they have anyone sent up, after treatment or resupplying themselves from their own marine prep; could be tasked with bringing back some supplies for their own squads, at that point being aware perhaps what the nature of that distress signal is really.

Often you get marines awakening throughout the round, so if they report in, can task them to grab supplies and a quick sitrep of what's the situation. Perhaps get your own squad members whom were patched up after surgery or extensive treatment in Medbay, to fetch supplies in order to resupply the squad from their own vendors. Whilst it's possible to see how quickly ammo runs out, I'm failing to see on what grounds Requisition should have access to marine prep vendors; even as it's an IC incident where the MPs or WO could arrest them for breaking several marine laws right there. Trespassing, theft, perhaps neglect of duty if stretching it, were one to become aware of requisition personal breaking into Marine prep, just to empty it's supplies.

The marines should honestly be working together more, as it's a team based game; so coordinating does help. Whilst Requisition shouldn't really be breaking into marine prep, just to resupply marines down there.

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Re: Give Cargo access to marine prep

Post by TheDonkified » 27 May 2017, 16:07

KittyLava wrote:snip
Kitty, cargo techs and ROs had access to the marine prep room in the Sulaco, not the squad prep rooms, so that they could get helmets and ammo to send down to the marines. Perhaps before, ammo would run out easily because of how little vendors there were in comparison to the population the server had leading up the change to the Almyaer.

NOW, there is no collective prep room that each marine accesses for ammo. The marine vendors for ammo and weapons are located in each squad room, and there are EIGHT of them in each squad room. That's way more than was available in the Sulaco, and if you evenly take ammo from each prep room, you can't run out of supplies from the prep rooms.

Forcing requisitions to rely on MPs or MTs to open the marine prep rooms don't promote teamwork, it's just annoying because for the MPs, you are forcing them to do something out of their job description that shouldn't even be need to be done in the first place. For MTs, you require a cooperative command, MP, and engineering crew in the Almayer, which you cannot guarantee. All this necessary cooperation is also just a bunch of annoying hurdles you have to jump through just so you can send ammo down to the marines, who are busy fighting the xenos to just go up to the Almayer and bring ammo down themselves.

It's not the job of a standard to send ammo down to the marines, that's the job of requisitions. If marines were the ones tasked to bring down ammo, why even have req be able to order ammo? Why even have them have access to the vendors in the first place because even though they can't open the doors, they have access to the vendors.
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Re: Give Cargo access to marine prep

Post by tuzz » 27 May 2017, 17:07

Perhaps just put some vendors in cargo? Its a bit silly seeing the RO running to the prep rooms for supplies.

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Re: Give Cargo access to marine prep

Post by Ping » 27 May 2017, 17:15

tuzz wrote:Perhaps just put some vendors in cargo? Its a bit silly seeing the RO running to the prep rooms for supplies.
There are already; they just have less guns and ammo than the prep rooms.

Everything that the Cargo Techs can take from the squad prep rooms are either 1. Things they already had access to in the first place or 2. Against the rules to take in the first place (I actually ain't got no clue if you can hack into specialist vendors, but ah well). The difference between the Cargo Techs room and the squad prep rooms is that the squad prep rooms have a completely massive amount of spare ammo that is rarely utilized.

I'm giving this a +1, but would not be particularly care if it gets denied in the end. It is already common practice for MTs and MPs to let the CTs and ROs into the squad prep rooms, and no one bothers kicking them out because they have a damn good reason to be in there in the first place. If this suggestion gets denied, that practice won't be changing. I've seen ROs deny the CTs from going into the prep rooms, only to have MPs let the CTs in anyways. This is more Quality of Life, if anything.
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Re: Give Cargo access to marine prep

Post by KittyLava » 27 May 2017, 18:44

Andkert wrote:Kitty, cargo techs and ROs had access to the marine prep room in the Sulaco, not the squad prep rooms, so that they could get helmets and ammo to send down to the marines. Perhaps before, ammo would run out easily because of how little vendors there were in comparison to the population the server had leading up the change to the Almyaer.
I do recall Requisition had their access to marine prep removed back around the Sulaco's time for a reason, months back unless that's changed again. However it doesn't really explain why the requisitions team needs to gain access to a marine equipment location; which each squad has their own prep area again, just like before the Sulaco's time.

And I'm more surprised to hear mps are permitting trespassing into there, for ammunition to resupply the marines from their own prep areas. Requisition has their own vendors and means to acquire more supplies as required; ideally they shouldn't have to break in the marine prep area, but at the same time fail to understand one thing. Call me blind about it if you wish, but why does requisition clearly require access to marine prep currently; when that was removed? They were given several vendors to draw upon when compared to the Sulaco's time, still have attachments likely, means to requisition more supplies up whilst deploying them down to marines or other equipment.

Marines have more vendors in their squad's private marine prep to get geared up without fighting/racing over magazines so much or bear that heavy delay like before, when they had to wait for access to jointed ones.

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Byond: Kwin_Original

Re: Give Cargo access to marine prep

Post by Kwin_Original » 28 May 2017, 07:23

+1 for now but I would like to see the Req vendors better filled.
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Re: Give Cargo access to marine prep

Post by Nick123q23 » 29 May 2017, 19:12

I'd actually prefer for Requisition to just have a shitton more munitions, flares, and other marine prep room equipment in their own vendors rather than having it be empty, but I also want to see this happen because, if just for the IC reason that the prep rooms have to be stocked by someone. +1
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