Strenght-dependant interaction

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Strenght-dependant interaction

Post by Sarah_U. » 08 May 2017, 07:40

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
Allow for creatures and mobs with a certain bulk and strenght to do interactions, or do it faster in regards to their capability and not a common value.
(Optional) Add a weight counter-part to limit or slow said interactions depending of the mob's capability to move said object.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
The feature will enable for adjustments to be made individually for each mobs or so.
Adding individual strenght values or something similar could prove to be a path to future suggestions and such.
This'd be a great way to enforce the idea that T3s amongst xenos are much stronguer and faster than a T1.
Marines could be able to pull T1 if intended in the future, while also blocking their movement speed to a large degree, allowing further development in that regard.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
A strenght value is implemented for each mobs.
Mobs with an high value can drag and throw with more ease than someone with a low value.

(Optional) Mobs with an higher weight requires more strenght to be carried around. Ultimately leading to players either being unable to drag them or really slowed by them.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
Modify the drag system to use either a default value or strenght. Affect mob's speed depending of the strenght value, etc.

PS: This is my attempt at bastardizing an idea to make it code-viable rather than suggestion-limited. The initial idea was to simply make all of this scaled manually and hardcoded for each set of mobs. For instance, preds being able to rapidly drag marines, but not hivelords and T3 xenos.
Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that if limited, this feature could satisfy some player and bring a whole new range of opportunities, while also being relatively easy to implement if coded properly.

THAT'S IT! Hope you like the idea, give up some thoughts and see you around. I'll try to look here once in a while to give a reply or clarify what wasn't clear enough.
CM was obviously inspired by Starcraft: Ghost opening. At least when marines takes too long to deploy. ...
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