10 Second Audio Timer To Self Destruct Activation

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Byond: Steelpoint

10 Second Audio Timer To Self Destruct Activation

Post by Steelpoint » 11 May 2017, 10:09

Summary: When the SD is activated after its 20 minute charge time, a audio by ARES (even if it's dead, assume it's pre-recorded) will play that informs the crew that the self destruct is initiated before counting down from ten, once the countdown expires the ship explodes.

Sound bite is inspired by the ending to Dying Light as an example (ending spoilers): https://youtu.be/Utt0zRzhqT0?t=8m15s

Benefits: Nice immersive way to end the round, more warning to everyone the ships about to blow up, maybe let a escape pod launch in time.
This is war, survival is your responsibility.

Alan Bentway: Marine
Kwei Ikthya-de: Predator
