Even amount of Medical Supplies in Marine Medic Prep Rooms

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Even amount of Medical Supplies in Marine Medic Prep Rooms

Post by Steelpoint » 13 May 2017, 06:40

Summary: Right now many medical supplies in Marine Medic prep rooms are uneven, such as there only being three Adv First Aid Kits, or only five Quick Clots, the list goes on. My suggestion is to ensure there is a even amount of all medical supplies.

Benefits: This will help ensure Medics get a fair shake when it comes to getting medical supplies.
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Re: Even amount of Medical Supplies in Marine Medic Prep Rooms

Post by Ikmalmn » 13 May 2017, 10:19

Dear god yes...+1

The amount of medical supplies should really increase, especially for QC and possibly pill bottles.

This would at least encourage medic marines to at least use their own vendor in their prep for ressupplies instead of going for ones in medical and better prepped medics.

Also, this seems to go hand in hand with the possibility of increasing the max number of medics per squad to 3.
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Re: Even amount of Medical Supplies in Marine Medic Prep Rooms

Post by ZDashe » 13 May 2017, 22:09

+1 sharing is caring. Please change odd numbers into even numbers so I don't need to fret over whether or not to grab that odd one out.

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Re: Even amount of Medical Supplies in Marine Medic Prep Rooms

Post by Zantus » 15 May 2017, 15:51

+1 While I like keeping more adv. first aid kits, there's no real reason why the other medic can't have the same amount in their own vendor and such.
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Re: Even amount of Medical Supplies in Marine Medic Prep Rooms

Post by TheMaskedMan2 » 15 May 2017, 16:14

Little does everyone know, they think they are getting an extra item to make 6, but it will be actually reduce it to 4!

+1 though. It bothers me.
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Re: Even amount of Medical Supplies in Marine Medic Prep Rooms

Post by CraayyZ » 15 May 2017, 16:35

To add to this, In the Medic Preps are the same vendors as the ones in Medical. So why is there auto-injectors/pill bottles in the Medical vendors but none in the Medic Preps? Devs really trying to make the Medics' lives harder by making them sprint across the Almayer to Medical to prep further, WHILE DODGING ALREADY PISSED OFF/DOUCHEY MPs.

+1, Please make our hard lives a little bit easier daddy!
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