Overwatch: Order Marines By Life Status

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Byond: Steelpoint

Overwatch: Order Marines By Life Status

Post by Steelpoint » 13 May 2017, 11:10

Summary: Have overwatch consoles list Marines out by their current status.

The list should order first based on Marines that are Conscious, then change to those that are Unconscious, then list those that are Deceased.

Benefits: Make it far easier to get am overview of the status of your squads as a Command officer.
This is war, survival is your responsibility.

Alan Bentway: Marine
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Re: Overwatch: Order Marines By Life Status

Post by Jeser » 31 May 2017, 04:13

QoL for command, possibly improve command efficient. +1
Jeser "Fox" Aushwitz.
Jeser believes only in one thing - common sense.

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