SO's higher authority suggestion!

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SO's higher authority suggestion!

Post by Ocnjak20 » 14 May 2017, 03:55

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Annoyed of not being able to open armory, talk to USCM High Command or announce messages to the Squads through Comms Console? Well I have some suggestions on how to change it.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Better gameplay, higher marine win streak, less fuck ups and enraged marines on SO's.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

Either implement Command for Staff members (Mods, Admins, Mentors) to toggle these powers for SO's in case that XO or CO are not present on the ship.

Maybe a card key auth for that to happen (As in auth the powers of XO and CO for SO staff with brief explanation on how it works and if XO or CO wake up, that the scanners would detect them and cut the authentication off.).

Maybe powers for SO's to at least be able to talk to USCM High Command, Use Announce in Console and to Unlock Armories in case of boarding or imminent threat.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

I am not a coder so I can not say how, I did give suggestions above but I hope that it will be looked upon and checked out, upvoted and maybe in the future we will have some kind of improved system for SO's. Other suggestions are also welcome to be posted on here.

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Re: SO's higher authority suggestion!

Post by ZDashe » 14 May 2017, 04:05

Sounds basically like an emergency ID override for CIC staff in case the XO or CO is unavailable.

I prefer the keycard authentication to lift ID access so that ICly players can handle it themselves without staff intervention. Sounds like it can come in handy especially when both your CO/XO are KIA/MIA or just not around. It also makes it harder for people to abuse the comms console right off the bat because you'd need 2 command staff to swipe them. If there's only 1 SO, having server staff being able to lift the ID restrictions would allow more RP choices available to players too.

I like the idea +1.
