Make Weed Nodes, not weeds, heal Xenos.

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Make Weed Nodes, not weeds, heal Xenos.

Post by HalfdeadKiller » 26 May 2017, 00:35

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Basically, weeds would only provide a building surface for xenos, and whatever other buffs they get/debuffs marines get for being on them. The weed nodes that generate the weed tiles around them, would heal aliens instead of weeds.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): This may make playing alien a little less safe, so you can't just camp on some weeds and heal. You'll have to find the node to heal.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): I'm not sure code wise.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Pretty much said in the summary. However, may have to make dropping weed nodes take a bit more plasma, to prevent simply spamming them on every tile. Or don't, I dunno, this is just an idea after all.

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Re: Make Weed Nodes, not weeds, heal Xenos.

Post by HalfdeadKiller » 26 May 2017, 00:36

It would appear that a similar suggestion has been noted already.
This may be better than my idea. Feel free to either lock/deny this if the other one seems better.

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Re: Make Weed Nodes, not weeds, heal Xenos.

Post by NoahKirchner » 26 May 2017, 01:06

I like this one a bit better. It's still possible to allow healing areas on the front line (Plant more nodes), and adds another layer to xeno hivebuilding (don't put your nodes in the front, have some in reserve)

(if it's too much of a nerf, maybe increase healing rate slightly)
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Re: Make Weed Nodes, not weeds, heal Xenos.

Post by Nyeshivuu » 26 May 2017, 01:32

1+ Xenos are way to safe to play. But maybe it could be a radius around to node so it doesn't nerf the xenos too much
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Re: Make Weed Nodes, not weeds, heal Xenos.

Post by Garrison » 26 May 2017, 23:50

Why can't we just make it that nodes support weed growth? So that if a node is destroyed, the weeds die off and wither away unless another Node is placed. Making Weeds a LOT easier to clean up, in turn giving aliens less places to recover, and makes it so that weeds actually need to be maintained.
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Re: Make Weed Nodes, not weeds, heal Xenos.

Post by misto » 29 May 2017, 18:11

that sounds cool garrison. if there is code to grow the weeds there should also be possible to have the weeds recede with no node in range.

this will also give some purpose to the ability to build a wall over nodes while the nodes spread weeds, to keep them safe!

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Re: Make Weed Nodes, not weeds, heal Xenos.

Post by Sarah_U. » 29 May 2017, 18:34

I'm against this idea. It's interesting, but it's not something I'd like to see around at all.
If anything, I'd rather have the pods be the main source of growth of the weeds and also regenerate said weeds like it used to (But lagged like **).
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Re: Make Weed Nodes, not weeds, heal Xenos.

Post by Butterrobber202 » 30 May 2017, 11:26

no, its hard enough to find a place to heal where you also won't get your ass taken off by your friendly neighborhood SADAR Muhreen.

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Re: Make Weed Nodes, not weeds, heal Xenos.

Post by Huebone » 12 Jun 2017, 23:12

Aside from making xeno less brainless to play(go ham and then walk into weeds) this would also make more sense for the nodes existence. What do they do? Just spread weed? But they don't look like they just do that, something is off about them, plus it's just awful how xenos just place them everywhere, especially if they just throw a whole row of nodes for the heck of it.
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