Devouring wakes you up if you're hugged

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Devouring wakes you up if you're hugged

Post by caleeb101 » 26 May 2017, 09:16

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): The pain from the stomach acid of an alien should wake you up if you don't have a hugger on your face and have been devoured.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Another step closer to more realistic gameplay?

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Once devoured if the hugger drops off your face, you wake straight up if you take burn damage from the acid.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Coding.

Note: I do understand that the sleep mechanic (staying asleep for like 2 minutes after the hugger is done impregnating you[ total bs if u ask me] ) is in place purely as a balancing game mechanic, however devour isn't in the lore and honestly, it doesn't really matter anymore due to how long you stay knocked out. That's my basis for this suggestion.
Frank Jensen/Al 'Varez' Suarez

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Re: Devouring wakes you up if you're hugged

Post by Derpislav » 26 May 2017, 09:20

On one hand, in the long run, yes, +1. On the other, with the current state of things, this would badly clash with other mechanics. Mechanics I'm not a fan of, but they're here nonetheless.
Lockie 'Furry' Hughes, your local source of annoyance, medicine and Will. E. Coyote engineering. Mostly medicine. Maybe annoyance.
