Evaccing when there's no XO or CO.

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Evaccing when there's no XO or CO.

Post by Winter » 08 Jun 2017, 03:10

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): On lowpop, or on any pop if the CO and XO go SSD/hide their IDs and die/blow up or whatever, the marines have no way to call for ERTs or to call evac and get SD going without a friendly ARES about. This tends to fork over lowpop kinda hard. Also, instances where the entire command is XO and the XO is an awful person who gets drunk, naked, hides and then goes SSD.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Marines will have a way to call evac/ERT/start the SD going outside of high pop or if the XO and CO are gone/toast.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Perhaps spawn in a spare ID a CE, SO, RO or PO can get to. Alternatively, lower access requirements to call these things and require approval if a CO/XO are present.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
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Re: Evaccing when there's no XO or CO.

Post by Sneakyr » 08 Jun 2017, 03:14

Don't see why an LT couldn't do it, or a WO/PO if the situation is dire. Sure.
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Re: Evaccing when there's no XO or CO.

Post by Rhicora » 08 Jun 2017, 03:24

Your options as an SO (who has boldly stepped up to be Acting Commander) to do an evac are:

- Steal the XO's card and use it
- Ask ARES to do it

Both of these involve contacting staff. Thoughtful and considerate XOs will leave their card in the comms console, though you may have to track it down and steal it. Either way, it's not typically acceptable to use the special abilities of others' ID cards, so I'd recommend sending an emergency message to USCM High Command asking for permission to use it in your capacity as Acting Commander (you can also ahelp it if you don't have an in-character way of asking). You'll get back a High Command transmission like "Granted" and then you can use it freely. ARES is always played by staff, so again, you'll need someone from the team to be online.

If there aren't any staff on to help you out, you will not be going to space today.
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Re: Evaccing when there's no XO or CO.

Post by Winter » 08 Jun 2017, 16:39

I think that's the problem though. If there's no staff, and no XO period to leave their ID, there's no way to end the round beyond alien roflstomp dancetime.
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Re: Evaccing when there's no XO or CO.

Post by Rhicora » 08 Jun 2017, 21:01

I view this from the perspective that Marines are not always set up to win. The odds are rarely in their favor.

CM wouldn't be half as enjoyable if the Marines had the right numbers, equipment, and coordination to win every time. Occasionally being forced to fight aliens to the bitter end can be fun.
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Re: Evaccing when there's no XO or CO.

Post by Ping » 09 Jun 2017, 09:35

I can't think of a reason not to implement this, except in scenarios where the SO's and/or XO's are shitters/disagreeing with each other/in some sort of other conflict. I ain't building an argument around the idea of incompetent/fractured command staff.

I also can't think of any dramatic, pressing reasons TO implement it either: I've yet to see an ERT team that actually turns the tide of a fight, and escape pods/evacuation are mostly inconsequential to gameplay.

That being said, I'm +1 for this cause:
-Now the SO's don't have to worry about being called fucking shit for a situation they can't control (but will still be called fucking shit for situations they can control)
-RP is fun
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Re: Evaccing when there's no XO or CO.

Post by Winter » 09 Jun 2017, 13:19

Rhicora wrote:I view this from the perspective that Marines are not always set up to win. The odds are rarely in their favor.

CM wouldn't be half as enjoyable if the Marines had the right numbers, equipment, and coordination to win every time. Occasionally being forced to fight aliens to the bitter end can be fun.

It's not really a win if you gotta evac. It's just on lowpop rounds, it's a bit of a drag out as the ayys hunt down everyone.
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Re: Evaccing when there's no XO or CO.

Post by Sarah_U. » 10 Jun 2017, 09:06

My two cent:
If there's no active non-SSD XO/CO, make it so controls on the ship are balanced by ARES for skeleton crew like normal SS13. Give higher console access to SO's so that they can fix certain issues like evacuation and such, BUUUUT! Don't let them touch CRITICAL EQUIPMENT such as self-destruct unlesss it's the head departments that activate it (CMP, CMO, CE, XO, CO) during/after evacuation.

It would be much more enjoyable, as it'd promote having a competent command crew, keep your leaders alive and allows for a double-validation since SOs couldn't just evac AND blow the ship at once.

+1 either way. I'm not familiar on how Command equipment works though, just a sidenote I wished to add.
CM was obviously inspired by Starcraft: Ghost opening. At least when marines takes too long to deploy.
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