consider adding a plasma cost, cooldown, less favorable rng or something to basic tackling

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consider adding a plasma cost, cooldown, less favorable rng or something to basic tackling

Post by misto » 09 Jun 2017, 18:06

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): simply tackling as an alien is an excellent move to the point of rivalling certain special abilities such as neurotoxic spits, pouncing, without the costs or cooldowns associated with said abilities

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): makes special abilities more meaningful and worthwhile in comparison to the basic tackle, encourages plasma management, weeds placements, co-operation

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): you got a thread for being sad about foot amputation meta now enjoy one for tacklespam, have fun my friends

tackle is a rapidly re-clickable free stun. even using harm intent has natural balancing factors in that youre risking killing a potential host or your attacks may be blocked by armor, in addition to you having to get close.

i think a low plasma cost would be best to experiment with at first, as it would complicate solo abductions from the flanks and rear of the marine forces, but have minimal impact on alien home turf due to the plasma regen power of weeds.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
Last edited by misto on 10 Jun 2017, 19:05, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: consider adding a plasma cost, cooldown, less favorable rng or something to basic tackling

Post by NoahKirchner » 09 Jun 2017, 18:08

This might be nice, only issue I see is with predators, but more dynamic gameplay never hurts. Maybe have it be very small plasma drain so while you can keep a mairne down for a fair bit, you can't do it for like 4 marines at the same time?
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Re: consider adding a plasma cost, cooldown, less favorable rng or something to basic tackling

Post by kroack » 09 Jun 2017, 18:14

Tackling's great, but if you're a marine in a squad, a xeno shouldn't be able to wreck all your shit if your squadmates are shooting at your tackler. Unless it's like an elite crusher with five hunters backup. In which case you're fucked no matter what.

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Re: consider adding a plasma cost, cooldown, less favorable rng or something to basic tackling

Post by misto » 09 Jun 2017, 18:16

exact cost numbers are something that must be subject to experimentation. given that much of the conflict ingame tends to already take place on top of weeds, a small enough cost may be unnoticeable on "home turf", but still complicate abductions from deeper into non-weeded territory.

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Re: consider adding a plasma cost, cooldown, less favorable rng or something to basic tackling

Post by Sarah_U. » 10 Jun 2017, 09:01

Had to re-read your suggestion to properly get it, would you mind reformating it just a bit? Would be great for me/devs.

Overal, I understand where you're getting at, but tackling in itself is pretty risky for any xeno whatsoever. It's that way so that marines get severely punished for being in a low number / group (Even thou I hate tackling) and overal forces people to be CAREFUL about where they go or thread.

Furthermore, if you'd balance the odds against tackling, you'd most certainly see less capture due to how xenos are much less intelligent about their strategies and capture than marines are about their FOBs and possitioning.
CM was obviously inspired by Starcraft: Ghost opening. At least when marines takes too long to deploy. ...
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Re: consider adding a plasma cost, cooldown, less favorable rng or something to basic tackling

Post by misto » 10 Jun 2017, 19:02

what part of the post was most confusing to you? as the post originator, i guess i do not see such weaknesses in my own line of thinking or explaining.
