Make survivors better at fighting xenos

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Make survivors better at fighting xenos

Post by jusa297 » 10 Jun 2017, 18:49

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Make survivors faster than regular marines, make the pounces and tackles last less and make them so that overall they can actually do anything other than sealing themselves in a locker and wait to die.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Would make play survivor actually fun. I got this idea from when i was forced to play survivor and i kept juking a hunter wich was really fun (learned that from watching preds). I died regardless wich was pretty meh. This was 5 minutes in. Hopefully it would give you a chance to escape long enough so that aliens miss on many hosts by chasing you or marines can actually rescue a survivor.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Giving survivors an actual chance of telling their history and rping instead of being insta-swarmed with hunters and runners and killed no matter what they do.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): I think you can make the survivors a difrent species with difrent stats but that they look exactly like humans but have diffrent stats. If not, i have no idea how to implement this. Maybe giving them an item that they can store in their pockets that gives them these buffs, or giving them special powers.
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Byond: Trench007

Re: Make survivors better at fighting xenos

Post by Trench007 » 10 Jun 2017, 18:51

I seriously doubt the dev team would do this, as survivors are mostly civilians. Not god tier supersoldiers crushing Xeno skulls under their boots.
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Byond: Symbiosis

Re: Make survivors better at fighting xenos

Post by Symbiosis » 10 Jun 2017, 18:55

Good point, Trench. I know that we have the wreckage of a ship on LV, on Big Red it could be pirates...

Why not have the Survivors be the equivalency of mercs? Give them a chance to fight back, at least. And maybe a reason to fight the Marines when they come...

Have THEM be the actual first responders. Perhaps they came a week earlier looking to loot the planet, make some coin off ransoms... who knows.
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Byond: Trench007

Re: Make survivors better at fighting xenos

Post by Trench007 » 10 Jun 2017, 19:02

Josephs477 wrote:Good point, Trench. I know that we have the wreckage of a ship on LV, on Big Red it could be pirates...

Why not have the Survivors be the equivalency of mercs? Give them a chance to fight back, at least. And maybe a reason to fight the Marines when they come...

Have THEM be the actual first responders. Perhaps they came a week earlier looking to loot the planet, make some coin off ransoms... who knows.
That sounds fine, but the suggestion here is for stat increases and not for better starting equipment.
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Re: Make survivors better at fighting xenos

Post by misto » 10 Jun 2017, 20:36

what i would suggest, rather than a "make survivors faster" would be to implement worn armor having speed penalties, and adjusting the human base speed up so that unarmored survivors or naked marines move a bit faster, but a properly equipped human moves at about the same speed as current marines.

however, you and other threads about buffing survivors raise fair points about these survivors. they must be crafty or robust individuals to have survived an alien attack. but, good starting equipment would probably be more fitting than flat stat buffs. there are all sorts of barely-used black market and civilian weapons and armor listed on the wiki, and even something like metal sheets and tools could let them try to fortify a small place rather than hide

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Byond: jusa297

Re: Make survivors better at fighting xenos

Post by jusa297 » 11 Jun 2017, 12:43

misto wrote:what i would suggest, rather than a "make survivors faster" would be to implement worn armor having speed penalties, and adjusting the human base speed up so that unarmored survivors or naked marines move a bit faster, but a properly equipped human moves at about the same speed as current marines.

however, you and other threads about buffing survivors raise fair points about these survivors. they must be crafty or robust individuals to have survived an alien attack. but, good starting equipment would probably be more fitting than flat stat buffs. there are all sorts of barely-used black market and civilian weapons and armor listed on the wiki, and even something like metal sheets and tools could let them try to fortify a small place rather than hide

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Re: Make survivors better at fighting xenos

Post by Gentlefood » 11 Jun 2017, 15:11

misto wrote:what i would suggest, rather than a "make survivors faster" would be to implement worn armor having speed penalties, and adjusting the human base speed up so that unarmored survivors or naked marines move a bit faster, but a properly equipped human moves at about the same speed as current marines.

however, you and other threads about buffing survivors raise fair points about these survivors. they must be crafty or robust individuals to have survived an alien attack. but, good starting equipment would probably be more fitting than flat stat buffs. there are all sorts of barely-used black market and civilian weapons and armor listed on the wiki, and even something like metal sheets and tools could let them try to fortify a small place rather than hide
This already exists. As is survivors are little more than xeno bait. I'd love to see survivors get some love and fixes but I don't think necessarily nerfing movement even more is the right idea.

Part of the problem with the change to hugger combat and the plethora of larva xenos get on spawn/monkies is xenos don't even bother to try and capture survivors anymore they just kill them on sight. Couple that with the removal and nerfing of various weapons that spawn on the map and a variety of other factors such as faster xenos, etc etc. Survivors have gotten a real shit deal because of the 'balancing' concerns. Personally I feel like survivors should be overhauled or perhaps even the maps so they start sealed off from the rest of the map or something along those lines so they don't have to worry about xenos meta rushing them down on spawn and killing them before they can even pretend to try and setup.

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Byond: ShyShadow

Re: Make survivors better at fighting xenos

Post by shyshadow » 11 Jun 2017, 15:31

Gentlefood wrote:This already exists. As is survivors are little more than xeno bait. I'd love to see survivors get some love and fixes but I don't think necessarily nerfing movement even more is the right idea.

Part of the problem with the change to hugger combat and the plethora of larva xenos get on spawn/monkies is xenos don't even bother to try and capture survivors anymore they just kill them on sight. Couple that with the removal and nerfing of various weapons that spawn on the map and a variety of other factors such as faster xenos, etc etc. Survivors have gotten a real shit deal because of the 'balancing' concerns. Personally I feel like survivors should be overhauled or perhaps even the maps so they start sealed off from the rest of the map or something along those lines so they don't have to worry about xenos meta rushing them down on spawn and killing them before they can even pretend to try and setup.
Basically everything he said, I mean I'm a pretty good power gaming survivor. Because fuck all if you're going to survive without being able to do everything and anything. I'm a usually good survivor and I've survived more then enough times to consider myself an adequate survivor. However while I like making it back to the Ship, it can and usually tends to get sorta boring when no one else is actually good at the role they're meant to play. When I get a fellow survivor I usually hope for a robust person not a fucking baby that I need to sit. Usually they drag me down but I'm a nice guy and I can't just leave them to die to their vices.
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Byond: Snypehunter007

Re: Make survivors better at fighting xenos

Post by Snypehunter007 » 11 Jun 2017, 17:33

This will most likely not happen, in regards to the stat increases and as per the original suggestion. . .

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Re: Make survivors better at fighting xenos

Post by dylanstrategie » 12 Jun 2017, 07:36

We're not just going to give the survivors free stat boosts. This is nonsensical, they're humans like everyone else

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Byond: jusa297

Re: Make survivors better at fighting xenos

Post by jusa297 » 12 Jun 2017, 09:35

dylanstrategie wrote:We're not just going to give the survivors free stat boosts. This is nonsensical, they're humans like everyone else

Wouldn't they be more robust if they survived the initial attack? Now that i think about it, since only larvas spawn, are you telling me a group of 20 larvas overrun a whole colony?
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Re: Make survivors better at fighting xenos

Post by dylanstrategie » 12 Jun 2017, 10:27

jusa297 wrote:Wouldn't they be more robust if they survived the initial attack? Now that i think about it, since only larvas spawn, are you telling me a group of 20 larvas overrun a whole colony?
It can be anything really. Maybe they were lucky, maybe they weren't on-site during the attack, maybe they just hid like cowards, maybe they got captured but slipped away, maybe they fought their way to this point. But it isn't "they're superhumans"

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Byond: jusa297

Re: Make survivors better at fighting xenos

Post by jusa297 » 12 Jun 2017, 16:10

dylanstrategie wrote:It can be anything really. Maybe they were lucky, maybe they weren't on-site during the attack, maybe they just hid like cowards, maybe they got captured but slipped away, maybe they fought their way to this point. But it isn't "they're superhumans"
I'm not saying "make them pred like robust" I'm just saying "make them just a little bit more robust so that they don't get instantly steamrolled by ayys.
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Byond: ShyShadow

Re: Make survivors better at fighting xenos

Post by shyshadow » 12 Jun 2017, 16:32

Or at least actually make it so it's power gaming to let Tier 3s outside the hive before the marines arrive. Seriously I've been inside secure storage before and I tell you, it's bullshit when you have to fucking combat a Boiler. Like seriously there has to be some RULES because being Xeno is very power gamey in a lot of ways. Like not crippling rules but something man, like why would xenos pass up the chance to get a free host? I get there's a lot of missing colonist but I barely see any actually dead colonists. At least on LV-624, like all the colonists are in the hive. There's like 3 dead colonists. So I mean....
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Byond: SimMiner

Re: Make survivors better at fighting xenos

Post by Garrison » 12 Jun 2017, 22:29

I think the best way to fix this without changing stats, is to put in gear that spawns in randomized locations. Part of the survivors lack of robustness stems from the fact that if the Xenos know what their doing, they will camp the areas where weapons and supplies can be found. Since they know survivors will flock to these areas trying to find weapons and gear to protect themselves. Every time I have been a Survivor on Big Red, and every time I've gone to Security or Engineering, it would usually guarantee my death. I was forced to just hide somewhere since without the gear in those locations, I have no hope in trying to fend off a random Xeno that finds me.

Make gear locations less predictable. Then survivors have more incentive to explore/wonder, and xenos have to put more effort into locating survivors since they won't be wondering into the same places to stock up.
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