hearing protection equipment

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hearing protection equipment

Post by misto » 20 Jun 2017, 02:59

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): introduce hearing protection equipment as an optional item to get from your equipment vendors :) you can swap it into your ear slot if you suspect you are going to be meeting "certain noise hazards"

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): a happy tradeoff between no longer being able to talk with your friends over your nice radio earpiece (but we can assume that people SHOUTING RIGHT NEXT TO YOU! MAY GET THROUGH TO YOU!) and no longer being stunned and knocked down by her majesty screaming. should also have some effect on how flashbangs affect you. isnt that a reasonable level of risk/reward?

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

"but misto" you say "aliens is like a retro sci fi 70s/80s thing, is hearing protection truly retro appropriate to the usa military of that era?" let us consult and research https://books.google.ca/books?id=ZLtfHv ... &q&f=false hmmm it appears that as early as the korean war hearing loss concerns were being investigated and hearing protection issued to certain personnel and that this continued into the vietnam war era relevant to the creation of the aliens franchise, how fascinating. golly "helmets with noise attenuation introduced" whatever does that mean

perhaps you could even divide this up by leaving shitty normal earplugs for the grunts but integrating superior hearing protection into the helmets of select personnel such as squad leaders, specialists, etc. that let them continue to use radio while being protected.

of course, you know those hotshot soldiers, so confident and cocky, who knows if they will comply with protecting their poor earsies before its too late?

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): giev earplug

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Re: hearing protection equipment

Post by Challenger » 20 Jun 2017, 03:03

1. This is gonna make people make macros for quickswitching headsets and arbitrarily introduce a new skill ceiling
2. The screech seems pretty balanced at the moment, why change it
(outdated) guides to: squaddie | medic loadouts | FOB design | macros.

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Re: hearing protection equipment

Post by misto » 20 Jun 2017, 03:15

1 are macros against the rules? it sure doesnt seem like it since there are threads about how to set them up on these very forums. if macros are bad then improve the control scheme of the game (manual pump action? really? how about we manually breathe and blink too) so that macros are no longer desirable or necessary

2 its a ranged stun power that knocks down groups of enemies leaving them scrambling to pick their guns back up while they get fucked. far from being some kind of defensive power of last resort, routinely deployed as an offensive cornerstone to xeno assaults

also when they inevitably leave their radio earpieces in and get screamed at and slaughtered you can now have the pleasure of shrugging and saying "welp shoulda wore your earplugs :3"

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Re: hearing protection equipment

Post by Hyperio » 20 Jun 2017, 06:42

-1. Hmm, it looks like a pretty harsh nerf for the Queen. Screeching is both an offensive tool and a defensive one for her. Queens are slow, without screeching, it will become almost impossible for them to get close to marines. I think this screech is a nice tactical component that add dynamics to combat: marines get killed by xenos after the screech and xenos get killed by other marines trying to kill the ones who are stunned.

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Re: hearing protection equipment

Post by tuzz » 20 Jun 2017, 07:28

Communication is already hard enough between having to stop what you are doing to type, and others not looking at the chat box. We don't need anything to make it more difficult.
