Xenos smashing open airlocks

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Xenos smashing open airlocks

Post by nerocavalier » 27 Jun 2017, 13:23

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Xenos when on harm intent can slash the airlock repeatedly to disable it then open it normally. The trick is that it won't close now that it's disabled.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Prevents "welp, the door closed behind me so I'm dead now" as a xeno. Also so we can finally get the "that's inches of reinforced steel." conversations as marines.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): In order to prevent random xenos from slashing doors so marines can't open it without a crowbar, I propose the last slash that disables it automatically pries open the door as well. This is also possible seeing that you can attack an airlock with a fireaxe then open it on other baycode servers.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Coding, spriting.
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Byond: Krab_Spider

Re: Xenos smashing open airlocks

Post by Crab_Spider » 27 Jun 2017, 14:45

+1 Sure. Not a lot of reasons to be against it as either a Marine or Xeno, especially since slashing APCs is just a pain.
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Re: Xenos smashing open airlocks

Post by TheMaskedMan2 » 27 Jun 2017, 18:33

+1 for immersion and spook value.

Extra points if it has nice SFX, and sprites as well as flavor text detailing how the door is being ripped open.
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Re: Xenos smashing open airlocks

Post by shyshadow » 27 Jun 2017, 19:09

Now while I'm all for having this kind of feature, it would be a little unfair because while it would be nice for xenos to have this. Exactly what is preventing xenos from slashing every airlock before marines arrive on the colony? The whole door closing thing should be a punishment, if you got greedy and now you're trapped and it's either you die trying to kill the marines or you try and open that door. I'm a bit neutral for now. Maybe if there's a balance other then "The door opens when you slash it" Which is just....what?
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Re: Xenos smashing open airlocks

Post by nerocavalier » 27 Jun 2017, 20:40

shyshadow wrote:it would be a little unfair because while it would be nice for xenos to have this.
What exactly is unfair about it?
shyshadow wrote:Exactly what is preventing xenos from slashing every airlock before marines arrive on the colony?
The fact that it would be a time-consuming and tedious affair to slash open every airlock when you could be hunting survivors or gathering monkeys or planting weeds and defences? Not to mention the fact that xenos have access to the majority of the doors planetside and don't have to do it.

Or the fact that those airlocks amount to very little for marine ganeplay beyond being a brief delay. Medical vendors have medicine and an area to restock. APCs powers the lights. Airlocks are doors. They rarely have a use in actual FOBs and at best can be used to delay xenos via shocking them, bolting, or welding.

This, of course, leaves out the fact that xenos own the colony and have free range to melt all the medical vendors, break all the lights, slash the APCs, or acid all the doors.
shyshadow wrote:The whole door closing thing should be a punishment, if you got greedy and now you're trapped and it's either you die trying to kill the marines or you try and open that door. I'm a bit neutral for now. Maybe if there's a balance other then "The door opens when you slash it" Which is just....what?
Current balance is to melt the door or have a crusher break it open then go in and kill all the marines. It is completely ridiculous for something to pry something open, have it stay that way for some time to be incapable of keeping it that way without acid or a big stompy alien. If you want to counter it, then simply weld the door? Bolt it? Shock it? Open the door and shoot the alien dead?

I fail to see why you are confused when it's literally "slash, slash, slash, slash, pry open, and it stays open."
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Byond: NoahKirchner

Re: Xenos smashing open airlocks

Post by NoahKirchner » 27 Jun 2017, 20:55

+1 if the door requires a few proper smashes to be weakened and then pried open, and if fixing does not require an entire re-construction of the door. Maybe a wirecutter to fix the broken panel wiring, a welder to repair some damage to the door, the crowbar to close it and a multitool to pulse the wires to get them working again, no materials expended besides welding fuel.
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Re: Xenos smashing open airlocks

Post by Zantus » 27 Jun 2017, 23:02

I can get behind this one, xenos by lore do this and in-game can already do this via acid and crusher as mentioned above, it just takes more time, having it be more efficient in this case where we already do have counterplays for busting airlocks sounds fine.
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Re: Xenos smashing open airlocks

Post by Szunti » 28 Jun 2017, 18:47

If they slash the APC it remains open anyway. So why not?
