Remove pistol holsters from jobs that can't have them on code green

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Remove pistol holsters from jobs that can't have them on code green

Post by Renomaki » 02 Jul 2017, 12:52

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): It has come to my attention that, despite spawning with a pistol on round start, certain job-types (such as SO) aren't even ALLOWED to have a firearm on hand on code green, which causes issues with marine law. So, I purpose that we remove the gun holster that every SO (and other class forbidden from having a firearm at round start) doesn't have to bother going through all the trouble of dealing with the MPs for simply spawning with a gun in hand.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): For one, it gets rid of a weapon that most people discard the moment shit hits the fan. Most of the time people forget they even HAVE a pistol on hand, instead going right for the MK1 Pulse Rifle or autoshotgun the moment the secure armory is unlocked. The only time it is used is out of desperation for survival or the rare early-round suicide.

Another benefit is to avoid all the drama of marine law. Lately with the new set up, MPs are going out of their way to look for ANY reason to arrest someone, so you have to follow the law more carefully than ever. After hearing of SOs being arrested for simply spawning with a gun, I think maybe its time we just got rid of it so that they don't have to deal with the drama of MPs coming in and badgering them for something they assumed was an exception.

Keep in mind that this suggestion is designed to COMPLY with space law more easily, I doubt Apop is going to change it to give certain other jobs exceptions to who and what can have a firearm on code-green. Rather, it would be easier to tweak the start-spawn so that we don't have to burden ourselves with having to remember to take off our holster every single round to avoid jail-time.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Like I mentioned before, it is just a simple removal of sidearms from every job that CAN'T have a sidearm at round start. Marine law forbids having a firearm on green, so might as well make it easier for them by removing them outright so that they don't have to go out of their way to frisk every member of staff for a gun.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Mainly it'll require some reworking of the spawns, which I assume is a coding thing. Shouldn't be too difficult I believe... Right?
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Re: Remove pistol holsters from jobs that can't have them on code green

Post by Mobius_None » 02 Jul 2017, 13:17

-1 It just shows how the law is flawed and needs to be reworded. I made a point of this one round as MP.
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Re: Remove pistol holsters from jobs that can't have them on code green

Post by misto » 02 Jul 2017, 13:22

change marine law to let these ppl be allowed to have pistol
