let grenade launcher(not ugl) actually launch grenades and flares FAR

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let grenade launcher(not ugl) actually launch grenades and flares FAR

Post by misto » 04 Jul 2017, 20:38

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): mostly this post will be about letting the grenade launcher user have a button to see and shoot farther

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): everyone says the launcher is poo, make it good instead

xeno fans will also notice that this indirectly distracts gren specs from their grenade cooking antics by giving them a different option that demands their attention to use effectively (u can sneak up on him while he is busy looking at far away to shoot grenades/flares out there)

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

my friends, what is the purpose of a grenade launcher? it is to launch grenades, and launch them FAR.

let us review, with the help of visual aid

now, you will notice in these videos, that the gentlemen are aiming the launchers upwards a bit, and thus launching their grenades a very respectable distance. obviously, i propose that you let the user of the grenade launcher see and shoot father, somewhat like the functions of the boiler or sniper.

"but misto, it'll just be dark that far out, he wont be able to shoot anything" so shoot a flare out there first, with your device designed for launching things super far.

"but misto, shooting stuff far out is the snipers job" so dont let him zoom in as far as the sniper rifle does, more of a medium distance type zoom.

"but misto, dropping explosives far off is pilots job now" and theyre quite good at it, but their reaction time can be a bit lacking. your trusty grenadier is on the ground right next to you ready to deliver more promptly, but he still wont be able to bring the concentrated amount of sudden pain that an OB or DS gun run would.

additionally, this will finally let people stop suggesting mortars, because the b18 grenade launcher spec will now be the medium ranged light ground artillery solution


heheheh. get ready for this

let him launch the OB beacon out? purely optional, of course, just a thought...

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): you have a lot of features already in place, such as the boiler's functions, and rail scopes, and etc. that you could probably apply to this.
