Right so we all remember this from Aliens right?

Well my idea is to have this in the game. At roundstart the queen will start in her basic walking form the kind we all know today. She can go around and do queeny things then when she feels like settling down she can grow her Ovipositor. When this happens the queen becomes immobile but can start making eggs, much like the film depicts. She can create resin structures and eggs around her ovipositor with a blobovermind control. The queen can detach and re-attach whenever she likes, but the Ovipositor stays put, also when the queen gets off it she takes some damage, roughly half i'd imagine.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole)
Add in more alium immersion and also have a way to quickly build up hive structures near the queen without having to wait for hivelords and drones to come
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it)
For the ovipositor you would have to make some sprites and have a way for it to spawn behind the queen when she decides to make it.
And for the blobovermind style control of it you would just have to switch (Somehow) the queen to the overmind thing.