Pain Tolerance/Threshold

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Page Avenue
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Pain Tolerance/Threshold

Post by Page Avenue » 26 Apr 2016, 08:48

Copied and pasted from viewtopic.php?t=6377 into a new topic at request.

My suggestion:

Giving marines some kind of pain threshold variable scaling with rank, that would decrease pain perceived by a character.

Something along the lines of: (Perceived Pain = Actual Pain - (Threshold * Actual Pain))

I'm not a mathematical genius, but this seems like it would be fairly easy to do.


I propose making this threshold scale with rank, bottom to top. To get an idea of how the mechanic would work, substitute the numbers for the Threshold variable.

Squad Leaders = .75
Specialists = .80
Medic/Engineer marines = .70
Basic marines = .65
Civilians = .99

These wouldn't be the actual numbers; This is just so you can get a general idea of how the mechanic itself would work.
Basics > Specialists may seem counter-intuitive but, in reverse order, certain load outs could be a bit TOO robust.


I believe it would highlight tactical awareness and grouping for squad leaders and specialists as their marines are, at the very least, semi-capable meat shields and they won't be incapacitated quite as quickly.


I saw somewhere that IDs are used for a lot of things in CM, perhaps you could attach a variable to IDs that transfers to your character upon joining. I've never looked at any SS13 coding so my knowledge is limited.

Other Notes:

If you guys are really adamant about preventing people from power gaming surgery, you could use a similar function to the one described above with something like a Know_Anatomy variable exclusive to doctors. Though if you go that route, I personally think medics should be able to perform surgery with 50% chance to mess up. The general idea being they CAN but it's not ideal, it's all up to you guys though.

I've also apparently confused the term pain "tolerance" with "threshold", though from what I can tell, they're similar concepts. Take it how you will.
Last edited by Page Avenue on 26 Apr 2016, 16:31, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Pain Tolerance/Threshold

Post by DesFrSpace » 26 Apr 2016, 15:31

+1 Resistance for each Marine class, it should be a thing, because GAME LOGIC.
If I can, I think this look more plausible.

Squad Leaders = .75
Specialists = .65
Medic/Engineer marines = .70
Basic marines = .80
Civilians = .99

Yes I'm bashing on the Lead, nothing special except for their gears, and completely useless when dead, they also come in one, like the spec. It a joke, anyway, Thanks for Reading.


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Re: Pain Tolerance/Threshold

Post by Page Avenue » 26 Apr 2016, 16:23

DesFrSpace wrote:+1 Resistance for each Marine class, it should be a thing, because GAME LOGIC.
If I can, I think this look more plausible.

Squad Leaders = .75
Specialists = .65
Medic/Engineer marines = .70
Basic marines = .80
Civilians = .99

Yes I'm bashing on the Lead, nothing special except for their gears, and completely useless when dead, they also come in one, like the spec. It a joke, anyway, Thanks for Reading.
I like the .99 idea, I'm gonna borrow that one. Also, I dropped specialist lower than Squad Leader again because they do have a lot of options, and I feel like they should have to play more carefully than others. It would prioritize teamwork rather than encouraging rambo-esque behavior as a specialist or something.

At least I know someone kind of gets where the suggestion is going though.

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Re: Pain Tolerance/Threshold

Post by DesFrSpace » 27 Apr 2016, 14:16

I have to disagree with you, the Specialist is there to be RAMBO, Ha ha.

But yeah, RAMBO is the guy with the smart gun, and rocket carrier.
And I have to say again, SL are nothing special except they are some what veterans, with Leadership abilities.
Maybe between the Medic/Engineer and Spec, but NOT any more OP then Spec, that my take.


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Re: Pain Tolerance/Threshold

Post by Page Avenue » 27 Apr 2016, 14:47

DesFrSpace wrote:I have to disagree with you, the Specialist is there to be RAMBO, Ha ha.

But yeah, RAMBO is the guy with the smart gun, and rocket carrier.
And I have to say again, SL are nothing special except they are some what veterans, with Leadership abilities.
Maybe between the Medic/Engineer and Spec, but NOT any more OP then Spec, that my take.
The way I see it, this would encourage specialists to wait behind the line for the best opportunity at taking something down. This is somewhat intended to put basics on equal footing with specialists in combat ability in terms of increased endurance for giving up equipment.

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Re: Pain Tolerance/Threshold

Post by DesFrSpace » 27 Apr 2016, 16:44

Page Avenue wrote: The way I see it, this would encourage specialists to wait behind the line for the best opportunity at taking something down. This is somewhat intended to put basics on equal footing with specialists in combat ability in terms of increased endurance for giving up equipment.

That a IF, and IF ONLY statement, since Spec either goes Solo or actually function with their teams. On the other hands SL loss my respect about 2 days ago, but I trust in those who can actually Lead and cooperate with the BO.


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Byond: Kerek

Re: Pain Tolerance/Threshold

Post by Kerek » 18 Mar 2017, 05:34

I don't think this would work too well but eh, yall decide. Its a neat idea and I kinda like it but, we don't know the pain scaling and how it functions as is. Neutral leaning toward -1
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