Corpses & Warnings

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Corpses & Warnings

Post by Sarah_U. » 13 Jul 2016, 15:23

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
Allow for predators (And maybe humans, but meh) to attach corpses to trees and/or hang them around for display.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
It'll be scary, provide roleplay, new and probably help mark lodges to show people to fuck off or become just that.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
A predator steps over a tree/designated tile, take cable wires, rods or a spear and attach, nail or impale its prey on it.
The displayed corpse has no collision and becomes severely bloodied in the process, making the corpse unrecognizable.
Optionally, allowing the pred to make a display from rods would be interesting.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
CM was obviously inspired by Starcraft: Ghost opening. At least when marines takes too long to deploy. ...
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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by Shyguychizzy » 13 Jul 2016, 15:35

+1 I like the idea of a pred getting a dead corpse and stringing it up, for instance, marines might need to cut the wire to get it down , perhaps have a sound like the noose they have for Space station 13 have. It would demoralize both marines and xenos, add a good RP element. Reminds me of that one scene in Aliens vs Predator movie.
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Long time ago, I, Ka'Torag-na Halkrath, Skilled Master Hunter Of Prey, Unleashed an unspeakable evil upon Xenos and Humans! But a foolish Xeno Hunter wielder of robustness stepped forth and opposed me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore a gate of Salt of Solitude and flung em into the world of CM, and took out their Facehugger Capabilities! Now, this Xeno Fool seeks to return the favour, and undo my evil reign and of many other predator predecessors!

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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by YungCuz » 14 Jul 2016, 09:41

+1 Because Predators movies and general immersion and spookyness. Ayyliums
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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by Boltersam » 14 Jul 2016, 14:44

Ooooh, I likey. Predators can't skin humans right now, but still, just hanging a mutilated body from the treetops...It brings out the sadistic side in me, and it'll do well for the spooky direction we're going in. +1.

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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by Infant Punter » 14 Jul 2016, 14:57

I'll wait for marines to just use them as pinatas.

bring it nerd

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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by pyrocketry » 14 Jul 2016, 19:00

+1 stick a bunch of marines onto one tree and have a human wind chime. I cant wait

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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by Azmodan412 » 14 Jul 2016, 19:02

I can't wait to hang xeno bodies around Tyler's Lodge like a gruesome display of power. +1

Edit: Also Tyler's predator name: Yeyin Pyode Amedha

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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by TopHatPenguin » 16 Aug 2016, 23:34

I think it would also be great if Xenos could do this instead but with their 'goo' and resin to provide warnings for marines etc.

+1 though
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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by NoahKirchner » 19 Aug 2016, 18:26

TopHatPenguin wrote:I think it would also be great if Xenos could do this instead but with their 'goo' and resin to provide warnings for marines etc.

+1 though
+1 for both, but specifically with the aliens because iirc they do that a lot in the lore, no?
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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by Warnipple » 19 Aug 2016, 18:44


I feel this would do more harm than add to gameplay.

Those corpses are people you want to bring back to clone. Alternately, if its Xenos corpses then that just gives Xenos to hunt down preds. It seems very disruptive rather than helpful or 'fun'.
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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by TopHatPenguin » 19 Aug 2016, 19:38

Warnipple wrote:-1

I feel this would do more harm than add to gameplay.

Those corpses are people you want to bring back to clone. Alternately, if its Xenos corpses then that just gives Xenos to hunt down preds. It seems very disruptive rather than helpful or 'fun'.
If you are going to fight a pred you should be prepared for the repurcussions of being harvested by a predator and as such not being able to be cloned anymore, (Unless your severed head is found and attached to a different body by medical) or in the case of this suggestion be displayed as a gruesome keep out sign.

Predators hunt xenos and marines currently anyway and if found out the predator is either chased off or killed by the corresponding teams for the rest of the round, allowing predators to use corpses as gruesome keepout signs isn't going to change anything as 9/10 times a xeno is going to tell the rest of the hive it's being killed by some funky humanoid with some dashing armour anyway before it's dead and the same can be applies to the marine side as well.

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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by Sarah_U. » 19 Aug 2016, 19:59

To be honnest, the predators DON'T dismember warnings. As you'd see in the lore and everything they actually simply skin em' and hang them (Which is ridiculously fast if you see the non-legit AvP2010 hanging speed), but otherwise the body could probably be cloned if removed. Although, you'd MOST CERTAINLY get the wrath of a pred afterward.

So, if your concern is that predators would most certainly attack body-snatchers, well it'd generally mean the body is either in the open, very close to the lodge OR a bait. The later suddently bringing gameplay and furthermore enhancing the round.

Last note: I never really talked about xenos. They're the most respected hunt the predators have and generally a predator feels extremely proud he could achieve such a kill so he won't simply partake with it in such a way... Thus if anything, it just increase the chance marines form up squads to storm the predators and make the gameplay much more active since predators defend themselves and if they destroy too many marines they get to be forced to attack xenomorphs which speed up the round in a way.
CM was obviously inspired by Starcraft: Ghost opening. At least when marines takes too long to deploy. ...
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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by adamkad2 » 14 Mar 2017, 14:59

Warnipple wrote:-1

I feel this would do more harm than add to gameplay.

Those corpses are people you want to bring back to clone. Alternately, if its Xenos corpses then that just gives Xenos to hunt down preds. It seems very disruptive rather than helpful or 'fun'.
cloning ceased to exist so i guess its no problem huh
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This place would be so much better if marines were replaced with cyborgs, atleast those would follow orders. assuming there was a rule forcing them to do so...

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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by TheMaskedMan2 » 15 Mar 2017, 01:13

+1 Sounds amazingly atmospheric, also I'd say let humans do it too, but make it a general rule it has to be for good RP reasons, aka, crazy survivor living in a shack.
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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by Dapper Stache » 16 Mar 2017, 08:59

+1, nice little RP addition. I like it.
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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by Swagile » 16 Mar 2017, 11:41

The code is already there for this; just rip the code and sprites out of what happens when you hook someone up on one of those meat hooks in the chef kitchen.

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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by Boltersam » 02 Jul 2017, 15:13

Bump to this. Using cables to hang people and rods to impale them to trees, walls, etc is an interesting idea and good for the atmosphere of a round. Potentially allow humans to do it too, to hang Xeno bodies or for antagonistic survivors to do it to people.

In addition, a "Skin" Verb for Predators to use on weak, cowardly, generally unworthy prey would be nice.

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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by spartanbobby » 02 Jul 2017, 15:20

+1 Turning the spook factor to the max.
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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by johners12345 » 02 Jul 2017, 15:46

+1, the coding is basically already there, it just needs some tweaking.

Plus this sounds really bad ass and could set for maximum shook levels.

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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by misto » 02 Jul 2017, 16:07

sounds good idea

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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by Whobeder44 » 02 Jul 2017, 16:11

+1 because it is much like the predators to do those things, I think they should also wear a trophy belt that they can decapitate any lifeform and hang the head on the belt.

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Re: Corpses & Warnings

Post by WinterClould » 02 Jul 2017, 21:53

+1 Feels like something a pred would naturally do.
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