*plasma emote for aliens

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*plasma emote for aliens

Post by Ranged66 » 17 Jul 2016, 07:39

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Allow the aliens to use a *plasma emote, just like the marines have a *medic emote. Make it bolded just like the marine emote for calling a medic, so that the aliens with spare plasma knows when someone needs it most. The emote would indicate that the user is out of or low on plasma, and asks for help from nearby aliens to donate plasma to him/her/it.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): It would make the life of a queen a lot easier first and foremost, she can ask for plasma when needing to lay eggs or do literally anything else. Mostly though, this command can make the lives of aliens in combat a lot easier. As someone who mostly plays alien, a wounded spitter burns through plasma fast. Allowing aliens to call for plasma can keep them up and firing, without the need for them to create a low visibility say message that would likely go unnoticed in the heat of combat.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): A simple emote just like the medic call, maybe with a sound attached, or maybe not. The message could be bolded black, or maybe some other color that catches attention from the other players just like the medic emote.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
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Re: *plasma emote for aliens

Post by McRamon » 17 Jul 2016, 08:01

After reading this topic, i am thinking of... *weed emote, so blind fuckers could know who is dead and who is not and waiting for help
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Re: *plasma emote for aliens

Post by Helgraf » 17 Jul 2016, 08:03

Seems like a good idea really, i can support this. +1
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Re: *plasma emote for aliens

Post by MrJJJ » 27 Jul 2016, 08:40

Why not *weed and *plasma both?

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Re: *plasma emote for aliens

Post by Renomaki » 27 Jul 2016, 12:01

Communication is key, so I support this. I had many times where me or another needed plasma, but struggled to get attention from fellow aliens.
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Re: *plasma emote for aliens

Post by Ranged66 » 05 Sep 2016, 01:04

Bump, this would still be nice to have.
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Re: *plasma emote for aliens

Post by Zhgorin » 06 Sep 2016, 10:04

+1 I have an example of when this would be invaluable. I was a drone, the marines had just landed. One of our hunters captured and facehugged an engineer. The hunter was screaming at me for a nest, while I kept telling him I needed more plasma, however he just ignored me and kept yelling at me to make a nest. In the end the marine got up killed the hunter by shooting him point-blank with buckshot. Moral of the story: aliens need an emote that makes it VERY clear that they need plasma

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Re: *plasma emote for aliens

Post by Jroinc1 » 06 Sep 2016, 10:11

As sentinel/spitter I have a 10/20 plasma regen rate, or higher. I don't need all of it, and I'm totally fine with being a plasma battery for the drones, who DO need it, but it's often hard for them to make their needs clear.
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Re: *plasma emote for aliens

Post by Wubs4Scrubs » 18 Apr 2017, 22:05

