Flares from undermounted

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Flares from undermounted

Post by Jugger_V2 » 10 Sep 2016, 17:43

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): I had this idea while wandering around after ayys using the undermounted launcher. i thought it would be cool if you could load flares into the M41A and fire them along side regualar grenades so you dont have to fiddle with going though box menus.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): While quite a mundain idea, it would likely speed up flare usage in dark areas,

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): quite simply, you have the chance to load flares into the M41A (Or othervairants depending) and you would fire them acording to the load order (EG, if you have 3 nades in, you fire 3 nades and then however many flares)

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Byond: Jroinc1

Re: Flares from undermounted

Post by Jroinc1 » 10 Sep 2016, 17:44

I mean... how's this better than throwing?
+1... I guess...
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Re: Flares from undermounted

Post by Jugger_V2 » 10 Sep 2016, 18:21

i would assume its less fiddily than throwing, less button clicks, @JPR

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Re: Flares from undermounted

Post by Jay Burns » 12 Sep 2016, 03:36

I remember speaking to you about this idea.


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Byond: Swagile

Re: Flares from undermounted

Post by Swagile » 20 Jan 2017, 08:37

A pretty big marine buff to be honest; it should, as suggested on a duplicate thread, have 3-4 uses and be non-reloadable so you'd use it only if its a emergency / during assaults / hectic defences, instead of simply using it normally like flares are currently.

The fiddling of the flares, from my understanding, is intentional as you are extremely weak when you have a box in hand and a flare in another as you have no weapons to fight back with and it would take quite a while to switch; enough so that it can give xenos the perfect time to ambush.

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Byond: DingleDangle

Re: Flares from undermounted

Post by Dingle » 20 Jan 2017, 20:22

Since the other thread has been removed for being a duplicate, I'll repost the idea from it here.

It was to have 4 - 5 nerfed flares (both radius & duration) that are able to be fired into black tiles. Non-reloadable


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Re: Flares from undermounted

Post by KingKire » 20 Jan 2017, 20:42

The only problem is that for some strange reason, byond regards the pitch black tiles as non-interactable terrain. I.e. no right clicks can pierce this darkness, which i think is a programmed feature to prevent players from just right clicking their way through pitch black areas (which you CAN do if you are a ghost, so its not a question of black tiles being unactionable terrain, so weird stuff to figure out there).
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Re: Flares from undermounted

Post by InterroLouis » 20 Jan 2017, 20:42

I'd like to point out that a flare pouch fits in your pocket, and much like a pill bottle, the inventory can be accessed without removing it from your pocket. Click and drag the pouch to your sprite, and it will open the inventory. From there, you can pull the flares from it without taking it out of your pocket. Keep some spare pouches in your backpack/ammo belt, and you just need to switch out the pouch in your pocket when it runs empty.
