Rule 3: Permakilling and You

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Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by Exodus » 07 Oct 2018, 21:14

Hello everyone!

I wanted to get some opinions on interpretations of Rule 3. I've only just gotten done with a Solaris Ridge match wherein I was on the Xeno side in the form of a Lurker. I had managed to survive the entirety of the round, and score several kills throughout. During the round, I did notice a few instances of somewhat sketchy behavior, such as intentionally dragging Marines into the corners of the map before killing them to ensure their bodies wouldn't be retrieved. This will become relevant at a later point.

During the LZ1 siege battle, and after the Xeno forces had breached Telecomms and gotten onto LZ1, I was participating in the battle. I had managed to assist in the killing of a pair of Marines, but had taken relatively high damage in the meantime, putting me at about half of my health. I ended up pouncing towards a final target as the Dropship was beginning to land for evacuation. I didn't end up damaging them enough to kill them, nor did I have time, and I was promptly shot a few more times which utterly ruined my health.

Seeing the landing Dropship, knowing the extremely loud sound through personal experience that round (I was the Beno who had initially reported its landing), I pulled off a tackle on the Marine I was fighting, and promptly moved them one space onto the LZ in the hopes that it would squish them. I missed, naturally, and disengaged due to my rather low health and the group of Marines right next to me.

A few moments later, I was sent a message by Dorkelli, a Trialmod. He began the message with something along the lines of, "You tried to use the DS to crush a Marine." I admitted to the act, seeing no harm in it, and questioned the reason why. Through a long-winded conversation, I was essentially informed that it was in violation of Rule 3 to attempt to remove someone from the round in a permanent fashion.

Of course, I brought up that this seemed somewhat illogical given that there are inherent mechanics built into the game and observable behaviors that allow for such things. A Warrior is capable of ripping a Marine's head off of them, and the Queen is capable of gibbing others. After some long-winded discussions wherein I'd like to say we both reacted in pleasant discussion, he offered to bring in his senior to discuss the clarification with me.

Mvp came into the PM and informed me that as a Xenomorph, the issue was that I had attempted to use the dropship to go about the killing. In an earlier example, I had highlighted that certain Xenomorphs would use the previously present Elevator in order to facilitate rather long-winded kills, and that such behavior had to my knowledge, and in player report been excused as perfectly acceptable. He informed me that that was totally fine, because a Xenomorph could clearly see that a pit would hurt someone. I questioned whether or not I was incapable of looking upwards and pointed out that I had previous knowledge of the Dropship from earlier in the round.

Essentially, the conclusion that I was given was that a Xenomorph should never be using outside tools in order to facilitate their kills, but that perma-killing on the grounds of the Warrior and the Queen didn't violate Rule 3. I questioned him on the matter of fire, and whether it was acceptable to drag a Marine through it, and he stated that it was fine due to the fact that fire is very clearly damaging, and easy to understand.

At roughly this point, the round ended, and I was unable to contact him in a quick manner, and somewhat unwilling to send an Ahelp (It's late.)

I do feel as though the current interpretation of this rule seems to exclusively limit a single behavior, but allows for any other form of environmental hazard, and question how this is, as it were, any more scummy than any other form of permanent-killing allowed through mechanical means. So, I took to the forum discussion page wherein such matters may be conversed over, and came to see what everyone's thoughts on the issue were.
  • Is it scummy to permanently kill a Marine through mechanical means such as those of a Warrior or a Queen?

    Is it scummy to use the environmental to gain kills?

    If a Xenomorph is pushed under the Dropship (I've seen it happen to Xenos, and Predators for that matter), then is it considered to be acceptable behavior since any form of death given to a Xenomorph is permanent?

    And finally, If it is determined as it seems to be implied that the only unacceptable behavior here for Xenomorphs is literally throwing Marines underneath the Dropship Landing Zone while its landing, would it not be prudent to place that in the Rules section for Xenomorphs so that any other players are not stricken with the same issue in the future? It's difficult to know what is and isn't illegal when the rules seem to shift somewhat depending on who is looking, and when things are not written down anywhere to my knowledge.
Thank you, and have a CM Day!
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Re: Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by xXen0zS1ay3rXx » 07 Oct 2018, 21:53

'Muh defibs'

Would be a good summary of your post. Dying doesn't mean much as a marine anymore, if you were smart and ran back a bit when you got slashed to death you know you can enjoy a nice defib and patch up and be back in the action in a few minutes. Hell they even changed that bodies can't be pulled anymore so Johnny 'Unga' Baldie can stay in the action with those sweet sweet defibs.

Needless to say I don't think it is that fair benos get so many limits on how they can kill someone when as a marine you can shoot them, grenade them, SADAR them, OB them, CAS them, burn them, machete them, hell even melee them. But heaven forbid a marine gets gibbed due to external factors; no defib!

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Re: Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by Sora9567 » 07 Oct 2018, 21:56's how it is. Straight up removing people from the round is typically frowned upon. The Queen and warrior can gib/ rip people's heads off yes, but the latter very, *very* rarely happens, and Queens typically only gib unbearably troublesome marines. It's considered bad manners for xenos to deliberately go out of their way to perma kill marines. Fire is ok, dropships are not ok. RNG decaps from lurkers/Ravs/Queens are ok, since they are RNG.

As for a xeno being pushed under the dropship, if you're pushed by a fellow xeno on purpose, that's griefing. If a marine does it, I *think* it's ok, since Marines know how the dropship works, and xenos can respawn in the form of larva, you know what I mean?
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Re: Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by kastion » 07 Oct 2018, 22:07

I have learned to quit questioning these things because they dont make sense and they just get you banned if you argue. I dont know what to tell you my man. It has no logical reason its like xenoslayer said and just so they can get defibbed.

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Re: Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by GoliathTheDespoiler » 07 Oct 2018, 23:20

Exodus wrote:
07 Oct 2018, 21:14
  • Is it scummy to permanently kill a Marine through mechanical means such as those of a Warrior or a Queen?

    Is it scummy to use the environmental to gain kills?

    If a Xenomorph is pushed under the Dropship (I've seen it happen to Xenos, and Predators for that matter), then is it considered to be acceptable behavior since any form of death given to a Xenomorph is permanent?

    And finally, If it is determined as it seems to be implied that the only unacceptable behavior here for Xenomorphs is literally throwing Marines underneath the Dropship Landing Zone while its landing, would it not be prudent to place that in the Rules section for Xenomorphs so that any other players are not stricken with the same issue in the future? It's difficult to know what is and isn't illegal when the rules seem to shift somewhat depending on who is looking, and when things are not written down anywhere to my knowledge.



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Re: Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by Blade2000Br » 08 Oct 2018, 07:05

So, I am seeing you pushed a marine under the dropship but missed. The thing here is that we frown upon DS gibbing since in the past xenos would drag several corpses under it to gib and cause a extreme lag, aswell a d being irrealistic drag defibiable marines under it.

About this particular incident, I think its not more of the permakilling but more of Xenos using "Tools" to kill marines. Dork could have said about the permakilling, yes, but the concern might be more about xenos using tools that are not their own to fight/kill marines.
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Re: Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by ThesoldierLLJK » 08 Oct 2018, 07:28

The issue is even though you drag a marine away to slash them to death, there is still that timer before they go fully brain dead for them to be rescued. They still have some chance.

The whole crushing things under the DS can cause lag like blade said. Gibbing and decaps happen by game mechanics and with RNG you can't really be held to that. Players don't like getting gibbed by a shuttle intentionally and it causes a bit of headaches for us because they will ahelp that in a moments notice.

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Re: Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by CABAL » 08 Oct 2018, 08:08

Dropship kills ban is logical, becouse this might cause lag. I don't know why there is no mechanic with strong wind (that is created by dropship thrusters in VTOL mode)
that would "blow" everything out of designated "landing zone" (In the shape of dropship/darker area) to stop potential lags.

How could a marine push a xeno under a dropship? Every xeno has "anti-bodyblock" system installed and it's measured by their speed. Ancient runner can push anything, besides Queen and fortified defender becouse they are bolted to the floor by another mechanic. Marines would have to construct cades only for that purpose and xeno would have to be dumb enough to fall into 3 marines to push each other (I guess 3 is the number of marines that could push a xeno) and not pounce anyone.

Other than that, everything environmental is free to use. I would argue that xenos outside Queen and Ravager should fear flames, but it's not stopping them from stepping on them just to pounce and drag a marine.

Xenos can't meta, meta-targeting is allowed becouse staff "Can't read in mind". I would argue that gibbing well known robusto becouse he shoot at you and hit is obviously a meta-target dick behaviour for the Queen and ban should be applied, but I'm not robust enough to be dangerous with 6 splints, IB, without arm and leg, so Queens don't gib me.
Staff just can't read in minds if you are doing meta.
"What? Marines were ordered to move to unidentified vessel and they then chased some young sentinel to the hive? METARUSH! BAN CO, BAN CO! Obiously it's a metarush! We have evidence! Yuri came to my room, made a call to CO player and read his mind! Yuri only reads minds of Marine players. It's a part of his evil plan, Comrade."
xXen0zS1ay3rXx wrote:
07 Oct 2018, 21:53
'Muh defibs'

Would be a good summary of your post. Dying doesn't mean much as a marine anymore, if you were smart and ran back a bit when you got slashed to death you know you can enjoy a nice defib and patch up and be back in the action in a few minutes. Hell they even changed that bodies can't be pulled anymore so Johnny 'Unga' Baldie can stay in the action with those sweet sweet defibs.

Needless to say I don't think it is that fair benos get so many limits on how they can kill someone when as a marine you can shoot them, grenade them, SADAR them, OB them, CAS them, burn them, machete them, hell even melee them. But heaven forbid a marine gets gibbed due to external factors; no defib!

You know that xenos can still drag a marine while he is still alive? Pounce, grab, drag, slash.
"... CaN eNjOy A nIcE dEfIb AnD pAtCh Up AnD bE bAcK iN tHe aCtIoN iN a FeW mInUtEs"... Yeah, right... IB, splints, maybe lack of limb and slowdown for minute, or two. Add organ damage and this marine will not be able to stand on it's own even after Oxydocyne.
If marine is lucky, he will get medevac, to surgery (wait if other marines are wounded too, maybe doctors are not robust enough), then to R&R for some snack, then to prep, then to hangar, then to dropship (wait for it to land in hangar, then wait for it to land in LZ) and then go back to the point where he died. Oh yeah... Totally "fEw MiNuTeS".
What if medevac is unavailable? Crawl to the LZ, get memed by lurkers, runners and sentinels if alone (if you can even stand on your own), or wait for someone else, who is in better shape and also should evac to drag you. Maybe even medic that will be occupied by you, single marine, where he should help others, less wounded on the battlefield. Wait in LZ for dropship and then start over from "medevac" option which is identical in those steps from "to surgery".

Now put a xeno in crit: Any xeno drags it to one title of weeds. Wait half of minute (xeno who dragged can go back into the fray) to "wake up" from crit, rest for minute - two for full health. So long, right? How xenomains can wait so long?

Permadeath for marine? Come back as xeno, or wait for ERT and "get lucky".

Permadeath for xeno? Wait a while to pop as new larvae.

Defibs for xenos when? I sympathizes with their struggles.
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Re: Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by Blade2000Br » 08 Oct 2018, 08:51

Just to clarify, we don't ban over dropship gibbing unless is something you do all the time and have notes for this before.

We never ban in first instance unless its extreme overdone.
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Re: Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by Exodus » 08 Oct 2018, 17:50

Sora9567 wrote:
07 Oct 2018, 21:56
While I am sure that it is somewhat frowned upon, I've still witnessed a few rounds wherein Queens will go about the tedious process of gibbing basically every single body they come across. The fact that this occurs at least regularly enough for me to remember, and that the Queens are allowed to go about the process after having gibbed four or five people in a row seems to tell me that this behavior is, while perhaps not necessarily the nicest thing to do, completely allowed under current standards.

Also, Marines can also spawn in as Larva, so its not as if though its actually taking them out of the game anymore than the Xeno who would be crushed, and its stated regularly that the Xenomorphs aren't stupid. It's not particularly difficult to look up at the sound of a great whooshing noise, and observe as something steadily comes closer to the ground.
GoliathTheDespoiler wrote:
07 Oct 2018, 23:20
I'm not at all implying that each and every little thing is written down into a rulebook, but it seems rather evident to me that this is the sole example of an environmental kill being punished. As others have highlighted, the reason for this seems to be primarily due to lag-based reasons in correlation with the permanent-killing of the Marine, and so, if it is a burden on the server, would it not be simpler to include a simple line in the rules?
Blade2000Br wrote:
08 Oct 2018, 07:05
I could absolutely see how that could be an issue. Thankfully, current updates to the mechanics of the game have made it a lot more difficult to perpetrate mass-gibbings of corpses through any means other than the Queen, which, as I mentioned above, does still occur at times. My main issues with the idea of a Xenomorph being punished for the use of tools, however, is that they are meant to be highly intelligent creatures, and it really takes very very little intelligence to recognize that something steadily coming closer to the ground will crush something below it. Animals get out of the way of cars at times for similar reasons, despite the fact that they clearly do not know the intricacies behind what makes the car work.
ThesoldierLLJK wrote:
08 Oct 2018, 07:28
I certainly wouldn't want to cause any irritation among the Staff by having people send needless ahelps, but I would like to highlight that Tackle>Grab>Click are all built-in mechanics of the game. Like you said, I could see lag being an issue, but if it is such a problem, why do people underneath of the Dropship not simply disappear with some text about being crushed as opposed to spraying multiple gibs everywhere and causing that lag issue?

CABAL wrote:
08 Oct 2018, 08:08
You run into the Xenomorph, because contrary to popular belief, while they are much faster than the Marines, it is possible to just shove them underneath the DS when its landing. Cue explosion and acid gibs.

Blade2000Br wrote:
08 Oct 2018, 08:51
Much obliged for that. Being banned over something such as Dropship gibbing would be notably rather irritating. As far as I can tell, however, the only valid reason why you would even have the rule in place is that it potentially causes lag. Out of curiosity, do the Queen-gibbings eventually delete themselves over time? I didn't think that they did, but I'll admit I've never actually stared at a pile of body parts to see if it vanishes before.
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Re: Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by Renomaki » 08 Oct 2018, 20:29

I'm probably late to the party, but If I may provide a simple piece of logic...

When xenos die, they have a chance to be "reborn anew" as a larva, and while they might not get to be as powerful as they once were in their past life, they at least have the ability to continue playing and supporting their faction to the best of their ability.

Humans, however, can't be reborn. They can only be revived. So if you happened to die in some out of the way place and no one finds you before your 5 minute timer is up, then you are gone forever. You can't "respawn" in cyro in a new body, and ERTs don't really count, since for all you know, you might end up being put into the body of an enemy of the USCM, meaning your friends will GUN YOU DOWN, and you will be forced to do the same.

Back in ye olden times, we had cloning, which allowed marines to be given a new body as long as their old body was structurally intact to an acceptable degree. But, for any number of reasons (from lore to gameplay balance), it was then removed, meaning now dying as a marine was all the more punishing, let alone if your chest burst with a fresh batch of larva. The only way to bounce back from death then was being revived via defib, and xenos knew this...

Thus began a great deal of bickering over the act of dragging reviveable marine bodies into dark corners of the map, with marines accusing xenos of being meta/powergamers while the xenos argued that it had to be done to get rid of annoying light sources (among other reasons, although some did admit to doing it to deny marines their revives). Of course, this was just one way to permakill a marine, the others being the act of gibbing, the other involving a xeno feasting on their dead bodies and digesting it entirely (a practice that has also been nerfed a long time ago)

Of course, those days are long over now, for the most part, due to changes that made it so marine lights puttered out whenever they died, the trade-off being xenos couldn't drag away a kill anymore. Some might complain that this makes killing marines less impactful due to the fact that recovering bodies is a tad easier for the marines now, meaning the killing of HVTs are not as guarantied as they used to be...

Goodness, I just rambled on and on... I guess the best way to sum it up is that marine life is not as expendable as they used to be, compared to xenos. Sure, losing a T3 is bad, but if the xeno isn't unrobust, then they could always be reborn as a very robust T1 (and trust me, I should know, I play a lot of T1 aliens and was a force to be feared on a good round). A human, however? You only got one life, and if you happen to be an important marine and you WASTE it? well, sucks to be you.
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Re: Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by NethIafins » 09 Oct 2018, 15:49

hi, nice discussion you have here

At some point we have to draw line over what we allow xenos to do, what we forbid mechanically and what we forbid via rules.

Right now our main position for xenos is generally what we don't forbid mechanically, is allowed in game. There are few exceptions (mainly corpse dragging under the LZ), but generally, we allow xenos to gib, burn, slash, drag to finish them and so on.

The main reason why we do this is that adding mechanics to enforce stuff like this is logically hard. It is hard to distinguish between dragging to fight in a different place from dragging to finish of an already dead marine. Also important fact that marines have some leeway before they get paincritted to be able to run back to friends. And adding more mechanical restrictions might add unneeded complexity and create incorrect situation.

As Renomaki properly said, we had mechanics before where dead bodies were hit-able. Later xenos were able to drag bodies over fire. Then just drag dead marines. This all was removed, so there is a possibility that further restrictions might be made.

However, this might create issues where marines feel free to run and rambo around not fearing death since aliens will be able to kill them only on turf of marine choosing. We want to promote gameplay where marines stick together to their respective squads. We want some ability for aliens to effectively hit and run and while IB and delimbing helps in terms of effective (ie that you can't heal in short time) damage, if marine got none of those they can be restored to full life on the site.

tl;dr - no changes planned, xenos can do whatever they want, devs observe this trend, stick to your squads
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Re: Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by WinterClould » 10 Oct 2018, 02:08

Kinda wondering thinking about it. But like. Why give marines so many chances like we do. Why make it so they can die, die, die again, and die yet again all in one round?

I aint saying putting a cap on how many times a marine can be defibed would be a good idea, because that would be hella unpopular because you guys are so used to it and hella pussy about your worthless lives.... But that's what I'm saying.

What if you could only be defibbed once but we got significant buffs in other areas to make it a fairist trade.
What if your life was suddenly not so easy to restore as a medic slapping two buise and burn packs on your ass and smacking paddles on your nuts but we also got some juicy thick buffs?

I wonder what the devs would be a fair trade here and if it would have any benifits. Might lead to those shorter rounds they want. Might make Almayer defences more impossible with the lower amount of surviving marines it would leave. Or then again it might lead people to be little cunts with no military discipline that run away at first contact or evac when they've still got the numbers.

I'm also not saying make us easier to kill, just making it harder to survive dying. Making marines weaker would be a bad call, but making it so permadeath us more likely? That could be interesting without being bullshit.
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Re: Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by CABAL » 10 Oct 2018, 03:38

WinterClould wrote:
10 Oct 2018, 02:08
Kinda wondering thinking about it. But like. Why give marines so many chances like we do. Why make it so they can die, die, die again, and die yet again all in one round?

I aint saying putting a cap on how many times a marine can be defibed would be a good idea, because that would be hella unpopular because you guys are so used to it and hella pussy about your worthless lives.... But that's what I'm saying.

What if you could only be defibbed once but we got significant buffs in other areas to make it a fairist trade.
What if your life was suddenly not so easy to restore as a medic slapping two buise and burn packs on your ass and smacking paddles on your nuts but we also got some juicy thick buffs?

I wonder what the devs would be a fair trade here and if it would have any benifits. Might lead to those shorter rounds they want. Might make Almayer defences more impossible with the lower amount of surviving marines it would leave. Or then again it might lead people to be little cunts with no military discipline that run away at first contact or evac when they've still got the numbers.

I'm also not saying make us easier to kill, just making it harder to survive dying. Making marines weaker would be a bad call, but making it so permadeath us more likely? That could be interesting without being bullshit.
If something like that would be applied, then xenos would have to lose their healing ability on every 1x1 weed title.

Defib cap is also bad idea. I remember many rounds where I died once, medic tried to help me, but becouse of low blood level, or something I was dying constantly on him. Imagine Defib cap where medics that are not Sanics with their medicine skill would have like 50% mortality rate of their patients.

When xeno receives damage, it runs away to heal. You can't kill T3 without it charging far behind your line, or chasing it where T3 decided to fall back. You have to go after them.

This would only encourage xenos and marines to play slower. Almayer defences are already impossible, becouse you can't defend anything there that matters besides Evac pods.

Right now in marine's mind: "I can charge, I have fair chance to be revived after death".
In the future with this applied: "No way I'm gonna charge, It's about my defib cap".

Easy Permadeath for marines? Sure, but give us some burrowed larvaes in Cryo that I could still pop out as a new PFC(666) like xenos can.
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Re: Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by WinterClould » 10 Oct 2018, 04:01

Whataboutlike dig this. Instead of a cap on the amount of times you can die, a cap on the amount of time you can spend dead total. Right so like, you can be dead for longer then the current time since it would be to short as is. It could be like, you spend 3 minutes dead on your first death that takes it from your pool, then if you die again for 3 minutes you'll be closer to the edge til you just nearly go Insta brain dead on your next death later or whatever. Incentives stabilizing people quickly but throughly.

Then again maybe this is dumb. Do people really get revived a ton in each round? In my final times as Medic I don't remember breaking out the defib often. I was packing two because old habits die hard but I never even used half of one. So maybe people actually mostly die once and don't come back? Then again this was before dragging the dead marines as xeno was removed (it was removed right?) So that might have changed.
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Re: Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by xXen0zS1ay3rXx » 10 Oct 2018, 04:34

WinterClould wrote:
10 Oct 2018, 04:01
Whataboutlike dig this. Instead of a cap on the amount of times you can die, a cap on the amount of time you can spend dead total. Right so like, you can be dead for longer then the current time since it would be to short as is. It could be like, you spend 3 minutes dead on your first death that takes it from your pool, then if you die again for 3 minutes you'll be closer to the edge til you just nearly go Insta brain dead on your next death later or whatever. Incentives stabilizing people quickly but throughly.

Then again maybe this is dumb. Do people really get revived a ton in each round? In my final times as Medic I don't remember breaking out the defib often. I was packing two because old habits die hard but I never even used half of one. So maybe people actually mostly die once and don't come back? Then again this was before dragging the dead marines as xeno was removed (it was removed right?) So that might have changed.
On rounds where I like to unga it out with duel-shotty and no armor I got defibbed 5 times, and only the 4th time I was unable to get back into the action after getting shot by an auto-sentry, crushed by a crusher, and blown up by a gernade.

I rarely see people NOT getting defibbed because of how easy it is and the drag change.

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Re: Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by Dolth » 10 Oct 2018, 05:00

Don't ban me yet please.

As a matter of facts, yes, a lot of rules aren't written and a lot of written rules cannot be applied in every situation and furthermore it depends of the staff member giving you his interpretation of it.

The best would be to ask through ahelp before doing something and keeping a screenie if approval is given.
Then to stop if it's later considered wrong.
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Re: Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by Pogo92 » 10 Oct 2018, 15:01

xXen0zS1ay3rXx wrote:
10 Oct 2018, 04:34
On rounds where I like to unga it out with duel-shotty and no armor I got defibbed 5 times, and only the 4th time I was unable to get back into the action after getting shot by an auto-sentry, crushed by a crusher, and blown up by a gernade.

I rarely see people NOT getting defibbed because of how easy it is and the drag change.
Well, despite your anecdotes, Marines are still dying at a pretty fast clip in any given round and are usually forced to retreat due to untenable manpower after about an hour or so. I find it a stretch to say Marines can be defibbed too easily where, in any situation except a FOB defense, the xenos can do a hard push and force the marines to retreat and leave behind basically any Crit'd marine not on a stretcher. That, plus just random lurker and hunter snatch and grab abductions, plus the extended amount of time it takes to fix IB/Broken Bones/Huggers, means Marine defibbing and survivability is the least of balance concerns.
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Re: Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by Dorkkeli » 12 Oct 2018, 10:50

Why does everyone get my name wrong :(
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Re: Rule 3: Permakilling and You

Post by carlarc » 15 Oct 2018, 22:31

just give the LZ railings that go down once the DS lands
I like hand labelers.

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