Interpretation of the Rule 14. Lethal Force

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Re: Interpretation of the Rule 14. Lethal Force

Post by Jonesome » 17 Dec 2018, 18:46

Cleeve wrote:
16 Dec 2018, 05:16
Does the Executive Officer have access to this things? And should he walk with them to be prepared for such situation?
Yes, a fairly recent update gave SOs and XOs the ability to use minor policing skills, such as the flash and handcuffs. When playing as an officer you should always be equipped and prepared to take down any rowdy marines, non-lethally or lethally if necessary.

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Re: Interpretation of the Rule 14. Lethal Force

Post by edgardo » 17 Dec 2018, 23:47

indeed, what people been talking, you escalate really quickly, literally he just punched you several times and you just shoot a whole mag on him, either you could called the MP's or run from there. You were lucky that Takeashot just noted you, that kind of things could just lead you to a JOB-BAN from the server.
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Re: Interpretation of the Rule 14. Lethal Force

Post by Bancrose » 18 Dec 2018, 01:21

Disarms > Punches > Melee Weapon > Gun

That is the proper escalation. Unless you are actually going to die, like if he is beating you into crit than you can just go straight to the lethals. But like I'm talking after you've had a bone broken or in serious crit.

You were punched 5 times, You were not in any risk of dying immediately right in that moment.

Also something to just note here if you didn't know, the XO is NOT the Commanding Officer. You lack the power to skip all of that and go straight murdering someone via BE. You gotta properly escalate it like everyone else. Consider yourself lucky Taketheshot only noted you because its something we do ban for.
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Re: Interpretation of the Rule 14. Lethal Force

Post by Enigmachine » 19 Dec 2018, 06:49

DefinitelyAlone0309 wrote:
17 Dec 2018, 01:56
Chief, you could've just asked the dude "Hey fuckhead, stop punching or I'm giving you lead".
From what I understand this would still have gotten the dude in hot water because it skips the (I think stupid) procedure/rule/whatever where you have to each hit one another with melee attacks before using guns.
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Re: Interpretation of the Rule 14. Lethal Force

Post by DefinitelyAlone0309 » 19 Dec 2018, 07:30

Enigmachine wrote:
19 Dec 2018, 06:49
From what I understand this would still have gotten the dude in hot water because it skips the (I think stupid) procedure/rule/whatever where you have to each hit one another with melee attacks before using guns.
Yes, but at least you would've given a clear verbal warning and a normal person would stop. And just using words to threaten isn't against the rules anyway
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Re: Interpretation of the Rule 14. Lethal Force

Post by KennyTGuy » 19 Dec 2018, 12:23

I thought CIC officers get a telescopic baton that is good for putting people down? Or is that just the Captain?

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Re: Interpretation of the Rule 14. Lethal Force

Post by edgardo » 19 Dec 2018, 17:47

KennyTGuy wrote:
19 Dec 2018, 12:23
I thought CIC officers get a telescopic baton that is good for putting people down? Or is that just the Captain?
That's only the Captain and isn't a disciplinary/stunning weapon like in the normal SS13.
is a Beating weapon and can easily decap people, i heard from a Captain that once he hit someone with it on the foot and it instandly decapped the guy.
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Re: Interpretation of the Rule 14. Lethal Force

Post by Weaselburg » 19 Dec 2018, 17:59

KennyTGuy wrote:
19 Dec 2018, 12:23
I thought CIC officers get a telescopic baton that is good for putting people down? Or is that just the Captain?
All heads get teles, and they are VERY good at stunning.
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