Casany wrote:
You misunderstand me. The first thing i did when i had clonned it was take it to my officed handcuffed. i let it out of my cuffs to try and communicate. i realized it understood writing, and it asked for its things. I gave them to it, and when i started questioning it about what it was, what the TECH was, so on so forth, it pushed me down, and ran into maint. i ordered a hunt for the creature and went down to the hanger for a quick look at the pod and shuttle. I saw it board the pod and I walked into the pod. I had my ID out,for some reason, and it asked for it real quickly. i allowed it, but after it started sending the pod it didnt give it back, so i asked, twice, then finally pushed it down to get my ID back. The ground had long since been evaced, so if the creature went to the ground it wouldnt be a threat to the Sulaco or marines. Then the pod went down. and either way, this happened a while ago, and i thought it would be a fun post. I didnt want to get into something like this because it just starts a "flame war" and next thing you know insults and other things are thrown around in a forum that is for a GAME. Anyway, this will be my last reply to you Toric, since i know i cant win since your like me: hardheaded.
I'm really confused what you think I misunderstood, as your clarification raises more questions of competence than it answers. Also, holy shit that predator needs their whitelist removed. "They understand writing?" Bullshit.
I understand why you shared your little anecdote, but it's a perfect example of why the server shouldn't have predators. The predators can't be trusted to RP in a realistic manner, nor can the COs be trusted to respond in a realistic manner.
There were like 8 separate nonsense decisions you made during that story.
1) Cloning the damn thing to begin with
2) Isolating yourself with it in your office
3) Giving back its weapons
4) Going to the hanger to look for it as the CO
5) Helping it escape instead of killing it for assaulting you
6) Giving it your ID to use instead of sending the pod yourself, from an external console.
7) Engaging the predator in melee
8) Being on the pod when it was sent down to the ground (a violation of the rules as a CO)
My biggest issue with all this besides the godawful RP is that you shared this story as a highlight of one of your best rounds as a CO, instead of a clear example of how the role should not be played.
I'm not hardheaded, I'm genuinely confused where you think these actions could be described as competent.
"Crush your enemies. See them driven before you..."
Xenos Vult