Xeno & Marine RP
Marine Intro:
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This is Nikolas Sokolov!
He is wearing USCM Uniform with a shoulder holster.
He is wearing B12 Pattern Leader Armor.
He is carrying a Marine Combat Knife on his B12 Pattern Leader Armor.
He has a marine backpack on his back.
He has some alpha squad gloves on his hands.
He has a marine belt about his waist.
He is wearing some marine combat boots on his feet.
He has Health Scanner HUD covering his eyes.
He has a marine alpha radio headset on his left ear.
He is wearing Nikolas Sokolov's ID Card (Alpha Squad Leader).
He has a bandaged fresh skin, and a bleeding ugly ripped flesh wound on his head.
A tall, gruff man, with a few visibl... More...
Story Part 1 <Resigned to Fate>:
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Carrier (75) has tackled down Nikolas Sokolov!
The Carrier (75) dances around!
Hunter (583) has tackled down Nikolas Sokolov!
Ravager (530) has tackled down Nikolas Sokolov!
Nikolas Sokolov isn't even moving.
Ravager (530) blinks.
Nikolas Sokolov looks up at the big one in front of him, and sort of shrugs
Nikolas Sokolov reaches into his armor.
<...All Xenos start to tackle spam him...>
Nikolas Sokolov pulls out a blindfold.
Hunter (583) Hisses elevator music.
Nikolas Sokolov puts the blindfold on.
This is Nikolas Sokolov!
He is wearing...
He has a blindfold covering his eyes.
Hivemind, Ravager (530) hisses, 'Should we bring it healing items?'
Runner (434) caresses Nikolas Sokolov with its scythe like arm.
Hivemind, Ravager (530) hisses, 'It would then survive for the bursting.'
Hivemind, Hunter (583) hisses, 'Okay'
Nikolas Sokolov shrugs again
Hivemind, Queen hisses, 'Yes.'
<Ravager returns dragging a medkit>
Nikolas Sokolov can't see shit.
Ravager (530) points to the first-aid kit
Carrier (75) points to the first-aid kit
Hunter (583) hisses, "Let him heal first"
Nikolas Sokolov bandages ugly ripped flesh wound on Nikolas Sokolov's head.
Ravager (530) hisses, "We follow Xenova Conventions."
Hivelord (104) Smiles, waving to Nikolas.
Nikolas Sokolov sort of shrugs again.
Ravager (530) waves.
Carrier (75) smiles.
Ravager (530) hisses, "75"
Ravager (530) hisses, "Brush your fangs."
Hunter (583) Waves.
Nikolas Sokolov points at himself, does a cutthroat gesture, then raises his eyebrow at the hivelord.
Ravager (530) hisses, "I can see bits in them"
Hivelord (104) Shakes head.
Carrier (75) brushes it's fangs clean.
Runner (434) has tackled down Nikolas Sokolov!
Carrier (75) waves.
Carrier (802) caresses Runner (434) with its scythe like arm.
The Carrier (75) dances around!
Ravager (530) shrugs waving about knife-hands.
Hivemind, Ravager (530) hisses, 'This host is a good loser.'
Nikolas Sokolov raises his eyebrow again.
The Ravager (530) dances around!
Hivemind, Queen hisses, 'He died?'
Carrier (75) stares at it's host lovingly.
Hunter (583) Inner jaw exits slowly...
Hivemind, Hivelord (104) hisses, 'No.'
Runner (434) has tackled down Nikolas Sokolov!
Hivemind, Ravager (530) hisses, 'Of course not.'
Hivemind, Hivelord (104) hisses, 'He thinks we're friendly.'
Carrier (75) caresses Nikolas Sokolov with its scythe like arm.
Hivemind, Queen hisses, 'Where are you?'
Hivemind, Ravager (530) hisses, 'We brought it healing box.'
Nikolas Sokolov is not really liking the runner.
Carrier (802) caresses Runner (434) with its scythe like arm.
Nikolas Sokolov just sort of laughs....
The Carrier (802) dances around!
The Hunter (583) dances around!
Nikolas Sokolov pulls out a recorder.
Hivelord (104) hisses, "Alright."
Nikolas Sokolov says, "*e*e * *m*"
LOOC: Hunter (583): 4 xenos dancing
Hivelord (104) hisses, "Nest him."
LOOC: Hunter (583): lol
The Hunter (583) dances around!
Hivemind, Ravager (530) hisses, 'He is current unnested'
Hivemind, Carrier (75) hisses, 'We are all north of nexus, entertaining our new host'
The Carrier (802) dances around!
Nikolas Sokolov says, "*u***u**** b* * *f *** ********"
Runner (434) Farts
Hivemind, Ravager (530) hisses, 'But not resisting.'
Hunter (583) hisses, "Wait"
Hivelord (104) hisses, "No more stalling."
Hunter (583) hisses, "He is funny"
Nikolas Sokolov says, "*********** fu***n* d*n**n* *r**n* **"
Ravager (530) hisses, "He isn'"
The Carrier (802) dances around!
Ravager (530) hisses, "Really doing anything"
Hunter (583) hisses, "He is"
The Carrier (75) dances around!
Nikolas Sokolov says, "* ***** **i* ** a ***d pl*** ** **** t** *ec***i***"
Ravager (530) hisses, "He's fine."
Hivemind, Queen hisses, 'I wish to see Host.'
Part 2 <Revelations>:
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<Nikolas Playbacks the Tape Recorder logs of ~19 minutes before>
Tape Recorder: [02:24] Saint Luc Riveire shouts, "BACK BACK!"
Tape Recorder: [02:27] Pixie Ashingold yells, "CLEAR!"
Tape Recorder: [02:28] Saint Luc Riveire yells, "INCINDIARY OUT!"
Tape Recorder: Skipping 21 seconds of silence
Tape Recorder: [02:49] Nikolas Sokolov says, "This doesn't look good..."
Tape Recorder: Skipping 22 seconds of silence
Tape Recorder: [03:11] Saint Luc Riveire shouts, "Clear!"
Tape Recorder: Skipping 18 seconds of silence
Tape Recorder: [03:29] Saint Luc Riveire says, "Where the fu0"
Tape Recorder: [03:32] Saint Luc Riveire says, "Well.."
Tape Recorder: [03:34] Saint Luc Riveire says, "Look."
Tape Recorder: [03:39] Saint Luc Riveire says, "Alpha squad gloves."
Tape Recorder: [03:50] Pixie Ashingold says, "Dayum."
Tape Recorder: [04:00] Pixie Ashingold says, "At least we don't have a corpse here."
Tape Recorder: Skipping 382 seconds of silence
Tape Recorder: [10:22] Nikolas Sokolov asks, "Anyone?"
Tape Recorder: Skipping 94 seconds of silence
Tape Recorder: [11:56] Carrier (75) hisses, "Is that the last one?"
Tape Recorder: [11:59] Ravager (530) hisses, "Yes."
Tape Recorder: Skipping 32 seconds of silence
Tape Recorder: [12:31] Nikolas Sokolov asks, "Hey. Big guy. Think you can take this crab thing off of me?"
Tape Recorder: [12:35] Ravager (530) hisses, "`:aIf it gets up, it will be slas-"
Tape Recorder: Skipping 31 seconds of silence
Tape Recorder: [13:06] Hunter (583) hisses, "Great job"
Tape Recorder: Skipping 35 seconds of silence
Tape Recorder: [13:41] Nikolas Sokolov says, "Fuck, I'm going for a cig, leave me alone."
Ravager (530) hisses, "Ha"
Hunter (583) hisses, "Crab thing?"
Tape Recorder: [13:42] Runner (434) hisses, "Woof !"
Hunter (583) hisses, "Hugger?"
Tape Recorder: [13:45] Ravager (530) hisses, "Woof?"
Tape Recorder: Skipping 62 seconds of silence
Tape Recorder: [14:47] Ravager (530) hisses, "Hey"
Tape Recorder: [14:51] Ravager (530) hisses, "Leave- oh."
Tape Recorder: [15:01] Ravager (530) hisses, "Let it be for now."
Tape Recorder: [15:04] Ravager (530) hisses, "Unless it runs."
... Meanwhile in the background:
Priority Alert
A distress beacon has been launched from the USS Sulaco.
Tape Recorder: [15:09] Ravager (530) hisses, "Tch"
Tape Recorder: [15:13] Ravager (530) hisses, "And I am the crude one"
Tape Recorder: Skipping 36 seconds of silence
Tape Recorder: [15:49] Hunter (583) hisses, "Let him heal first"
Tape Recorder: Skipping 18 seconds of silence
Tape Recorder: [16:07] Ravager (530) hisses, "We follow Xenova Conventions."
Tape Recorder: Skipping 17 seconds of silence
... Tape Recorder events catch up to the present...
Tape Recorder: [18:01] Nikolas Sokolov says, "Well."
Tape Recorder: [18:08] Hivelord (104) hisses, "Alright."
Tape Recorder: [18:09] Nikolas Sokolov says, "Here I am."
Tape Recorder: [18:11] Hivelord (104) hisses, "Nest him."
Tape Recorder: [18:18] Nikolas Sokolov says, "Surrounded by 6 of the fuckers."
Tape Recorder: [18:21] Hunter (583) hisses, "Wait"
Tape Recorder: [18:22] Hivelord (104) hisses, "No more stalling."
Tape Recorder: [18:23] Hunter (583) hisses, "He is funny"
Tape Recorder: [18:27] Nikolas Sokolov says, "They're fucking dancing around me"
Tape Recorder: [18:30] Ravager (530) hisses, "He isn'"
Tape Recorder: [18:33] Ravager (530) hisses, "Really doing anything"
Tape Recorder: [18:33] Hunter (583) hisses, "He is"
Distress Beacon
The distress signal got no response.
Tape Recorder: [18:37] Nikolas Sokolov says, "I think this is a good place to stop the recording."
Tape Recorder: [18:38] Ravager (530) hisses, "He's fine."
Tape Recorder: [18:45] Nikolas Sokolov says, "And to the big wigs in command: Fuck you all."
Part 3 <Final Contact>
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...While the Tape Recorder was playing, Carrier (75) brought a Voice Analyzer to attempt communication with the infected marine...
Nikolas Sokolov coughs!
Nikolas Sokolov says, "*** s***l* *d*c*t* **u* ***l*r*n b*t**r."
Carrier (75) hisses, "I brought something"
Ravager (530) hisses, "Yes"
Nikolas Sokolov coughs!
Carrier (75) points to the voice analyzer
beeps, "Now recording input."
Carrier (75) hisses, "Hello"
beeps, "Activation message is 'Hello'."
... Xenos all excitedly talks all at once...
Carrier (75) hisses, "Let it speak"
beeps, "Now recording input."
Ravager (530) hisses, ".."
beeps, "Activation message is '..'."
Hivelord (104) hisses, "He understands us?"
Ravager (530) hisses, "OH"
Nikolas Sokolov says, "*h** is fu***** har**"
Nikolas Sokolov coughs!
beeps, "Now recording input."
Ravager (530) hisses, "THE THING TRANSLATES"
beeps, "Activation message is 'THE THING TRANSLATES'."
Hivelord (104) hisses, "Woah."
beeps, "Now recording input."
Nikolas Sokolov says, "I ****"
beeps, "Activation message is 'I KNOW'."
Hivelord (104) hisses, ".."
Carrier (802) hisses, "Amazing"
beeps, "Now recording input."
Ravager (530) hisses, "Amazing."
beeps, "Activation message is 'Amazing.'."
Hivelord (104) hisses, "Well."
Carrier (75) hisses, "It understands!"
beeps, "Now recording input."
Nikolas Sokolov says, "O** ** a *i***"
beeps, "Activation message is 'One at a time.'."
Ravager (530) nods.
Hivelord (104) hisses, "Can you guys understand him?"
beeps, "Activation message is 'Can you guys understand him?'."
beeps, "Now recording input."
Ravager (530) hisses, "The queen will speak, I thinjk? Everyone else quiet."
beeps, "Activation message is 'The queen will speak, I thinjk? Everyone else quiet.'."
beeps, "Now recording input."
Nikolas Sokolov says, "**i* t*i** **** ***** wi*h o*e v**** ** a *i**"
beeps, "Activation message is 'This thing only works with one voice at a time'."
beeps, "Now recording input."
Nikolas Sokolov says, "** *ic* w*o t*lk*"
beeps, "Activation message is 'So pick who talks'."
beeps, "Now recording input."
Hivemind, Ravager (530) hisses, 'All lower castes, quiet.'
Hivemind, Ravager (530) hisses, 'The queen is the only one to speak out of hivemind.'
Hivemind, Carrier (75) hisses, 'Let the queen speak'
Hunter (583) hisses, "Im T2"
beeps, "Activation message is 'Im T2'."
beeps, "Now recording input."
Queen hisses, "You apart of our hive now."
beeps, "Activation message is 'You apart of our hive now.'."
beeps, "Now recording input."
Hivelord (104) hisses, "Welcome."
beeps, "Activation message is 'Welcome.'."
Hunter (583) hisses, "Im not a low caste"
beeps, "Now recording input."
Nikolas Sokolov says, "**** t***&**9*s **c*"
beeps, "Activation message is 'Well that's nice'."
Hivemind, Ravager (530) hisses, 'You are lower than I, Hunter.'
Hivemind, Ravager (530) hisses, 'Do not speak.'
beeps, "Now recording input."
beeps, "Activation message is 'Do not betray the hive.'."
beeps, "Now recording input."
Nikolas Sokolov says, "*h*s&***;** ** * *** *i***c**t* *** * *****k *******l *** i*."
beeps, "Activation message is 'This'll be a bit difficult, but I thiink I'll get it.'."
Hivemind, Hunter (583) hisses, 'He will burst'
Queen hisses, "You are pregnant with my daughter."
beeps, "Now recording input."
Hivemind, Hunter (583) hisses, 'And die'
Nikolas Sokolov says, "***** **p*** ***t* t** t**** d***&***** *o."
beeps, "Activation message is 'Fuck, repeat that, the thing didn't go.'."
beeps, "Now recording input."
Nikolas Sokolov has disarmed Nikolas Sokolov!
Queen hisses, "You are pregnant with my daughter."
beeps, "Activation message is 'You are pregnant with my daughter.'."
Hivemind, Hunter (583) hisses, 'Noooo'
beeps, "Now recording input."
Hivemind, Hunter (583) hisses, 'He will run!!'
Nikolas Sokolov says, "W***.** a******** **** **s* *ha******"
beeps, "Activation message is 'Well... ain't that just charming.'."
Hivelord (104) hisses, "Very."
beeps, "Now recording input."
Queen hisses, "I'm not some cheap date, either."
beeps, "Activation message is 'I'm not some cheap date, either.'."
ÿ!Nikolas Sokolov examines himself.
beeps, "Now recording input."
Carrier (802) hisses, "Yea, she has high standards."
beeps, "Activation message is 'Yea, she has high standards.'."
beeps, "Now recording input."
Nikolas Sokolov asks, "*s ****l*y **** a **ea* *****"
beeps, "Activation message is 'Is royalty ever a cheap date?'."
Queen hisses, "I'm a Queen, you know."
beeps, "Now recording input."
Queen hisses, "I'm a Queen, you know."
beeps, "Activation message is 'I'm a Queen, you know.'."
beeps, "Now recording input."
ÿNikolas Sokolov starts shaking uncontrollably!
Nikolas Sokolov screams!
Nikolas Sokolov seizes up and falls limp, their eyes dead and lifeless...
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Ravager (530) hisses, "Aw."
beeps, "Activation message is 'Aw.'."
Carrier (802) hisses, "Well"
Hunter (583) hisses, "There it goes"
Queen hisses, "Awh."
Carrier (802) hisses, "There goes that"
Hivelord (104) hisses, "Damn."
Hunter (583) hisses, "He was funny"
Alien Larva (461) hisses, "Well then."
Carrier (802) hisses, "Now then"
Queen hisses, "He was."
Ravager (530) hisses, "I liked him."
Hivelord (104) hisses, "Well then."
Hivelord (104) hisses, "Same."
Queen hisses, "I did too."
Carrier (802) hisses, "Lets go"
Hunter (583) hisses, "Me too"
Queen hisses, "Welcome Larva."
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