Alien Tactics

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Alien Tactics

Post by Mitchs98 » 27 Jan 2015, 00:23

Right, I only recently came back to playing Marines. But in this time I think I've proven a pretty capable/competent runner/warrior, with a track record of around 6-8 deaths(Two being HiT's) to well over 50 infects/kills, most of this solo, I do not include monkeys. So, due to this, I decided to post a guide for the various Alien types and what strategy is best to use. Now, I have yet to be a hivelord or carrier, but I am still gonna give input based on the fuck ups I've seen.
Warrior Caste
Right, where to begin. Most of the time, Warriors think "I'mma warrior, hear me war" and rush in face first into windstorm of bullets and green blood. That's no where near the right thinking, you are not invincible, you are actually fairly weak.

That said, Guide commence.


Runners, your job is to hit and run stragglers, devour them, go back to the hive, regurgitate, nest, and repeat. You are by no means able to take down multiple marines at once, especially entire squads. At-least, most of you I've seen have no business trying that. Take ONE hugger in hand, set intent to disarm, pounce, hug, disarm if needed, upgrade grab to hands, om nom, vent crawl. Easy as that. Do NOT try to engage 2 or or more marines, atleast if you plan on taking them down. Run from them. The other one /will/ shoot and kill you before your pounce freeze wears off.


Ye been upgraded! But, you are still by no means a bullet eating machine. Bright side, you can take down marines like a piece of cake. Always carry a hugger in a hand and have disarm intent on. Personally, I don't bother with warrior stealth, I feel it hinders capture greatly. Best bet, is to wait for them to come to you if it is in a one tile corridor. Hide out of range of their fire, tackle, drag into the hive/nest them, repeat untill they run like jackasses. Hug them at the same time if possible, but it is in no way vital to do it at the moment of capture.


Big, red, ball of killing rage. Your job is to /kill/ the humans unless ordered not to by the queen. You are the hives main line of defense, a few swipes of your claws will behead your target. You also have a two tile attack range. You are a big, scary, killer tank. You are slow, you are strong, due to being slow you are vulnerable against groups of marines like a barn in the middle of a field to a nuke.

Drone Caste Drone

Easy enough, your job is to build the hive, set traps for the hive, maintain the hive, and if the queen dies replace her. You should also vent crawl and infect the monkeys as soon as possible. You are not a combat class, you will die if you try to take on marines, most likely.


A upgraded drone, you use your IMMENSE amount of plasma to build, repair, and maintain the hive. You are not a fighter class, you are a defense class meant to build and maintain hives. You can also pump the queen full of plasma, meaning tons of eggs, millions of eggs.


The only evolution in the Drone Caste that is a viable candidate to hunt. You will need to carry 6 huggers at all times, if possible. You have a 6 tile throwing range, you are meant to take marines out from afar or give huggers to warriors that have pounced on marines. You are a balanced class, good at hunting, and good and defending the hive. You do not excel in either, you are not meant to rush head first into a group of marines and rapid fire huggers. Most of them wear helmets, meaning, you can take down MAYBE three marines if you are lucky with 6 huggers, provided you don't die or miss.

I'll work on this more later, bit busy...
Last edited by Mitchs98 on 28 Jan 2015, 20:42, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Alien Tactics

Post by MrJJJ » 27 Jan 2015, 01:12

Actually, helmets protect against a face hugger, if you run up to a marine and pounced and then hugged him, you will have no means getting him to the hive somehow, The tackle wears off pretty quick, not enough to devour someone, you might however have some time getting his helmet off, not sure though.

A reminder to you: There is no always 1 marine, its uncommon to see marines be alone since they would classify as rambo's unless they got somehow split up.

also a fun factor : the higher the caste, the higher time tackle lasts and apparently has a chance to succeed, warrior pounce also lasts longer, actually this time allowing you to have time to remove a marine helmet and hug them

Its hard to see that someone one of the marines could be actually a russian traitor no?

What vets do when bored

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