Byond ID: Byosfeer
Colonial Marines Character: Jeff "Duluth" Jej, I play more frequently as an Alien though.
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Timezone: UTC/GMT-06:00 (US Central)
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
-10-20 depending on the job that I will be landing later on.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
-I was an administrator on a fairly popular minecraft server back in the day with a buddy of mine, now defunct. Very overwhelming as our playerbase became mostly young kids.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
-I do not believe so. I could be wrong, but I have only started seriously playing CM for the last year/year and a half or so.
What other servers do you play on?
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?
-N/A, see above.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines before?
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
-Not that I am aware of. I may have been banned back in the day, though I don't believe it was for 24 hours. I could be wrong here.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, where and When (roughly)?
-Yes. I have received my fair share of bans on /tg/, many of which I consider to be with shaky reasoning, but I digress. Currently, I am permabanned on /tg/ after being too... let's say "forward" with trying to improve the behavior of the community, and I have been more or less ostracized/exiled from that community for attempting to improve it and show the error in some of the community's ways. Oh well, the past is the past.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
-I have a general idea of how it works. Team chat, PMs, file sharing, etc.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each situation (BELOW) the situation. If you start it on the same line, I'll assume you can't follow directions and auto-decline your application.
1. A player is firing his weapon in the briefing area near the start of the round.
-Observe the situation, wait for the MPs to respond if possible. (IC resolution is always better, in my opinion.) If the person in question is not dealt with by MPs and continues to fire their weapon, contact them and ask them to explain their actions. If they respond, chances are they have no good reason. Give them a warning, ask them to re-read the rules, and pin a note of the situation. If they do not respond and continue firing, give them a one hour ban and ask them to read the rules, pin note. If they fire on other marines, sleep them, ask them to explain. Chances are they have no good reason. If that is the case, apply the correct ban length depending on their history.
2. The Sulaco has a breach to space.
-Wait for MTs to respond. If the MTs are not responding to the breach, make a friendly LOOC reminder to them. If no MTs are available or the MTs are simply not responding (which could result in a job-ban for them), wait for a few minutes to see if anyone else is able to seal the breach. If not, or if the round is being irreversibly ruined (e.g. hole into cryopod room, hangar, equipment) notify senior staff and ask what the appropriate response is: Wait, restart, or seal the breach using admin tools. Once the situation is being handled, investigate the cause, as this violates rule 12.
3. The marines want the nuke codes because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who.
-Nope. 20 marines on 4 aluims is plenty. Toughen up, boot! Don't tell them or hint at their advantageous numbers though.
4. A Sulaco researcher has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online.
-The researcher is not at fault. They are simply doing their job. The marine in question should be slept, and first thing to be done is to make sure everyone is safe and the napalm is not spreading. If so, handle these situations. Ask the grenade thrower to explain their actions. If no good reason is given, check their notes and pass a fair and appropriate judgement.
5. A played is starting to talk about the things he did with your mom last night over Ahelp.
-First of all, don't get angry/take it personally, as they are probably just a baldy griefer. Check their notes, and apply the appropriate punishment with an emphasis on reading the rules and being respectful.
6. You notice a marine with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules.
-Ask them to explain their name and ask them if they know the naming rules. Ask them if they would like their name changed to anything. If they respond inappropriately to this, apply the appropriate punishment based on their notes. Be sure to attach a new note WITH the rule-breaking name included. If the player joins another round with that name, apply an appropriately long ban, remind them to read the rules again.
6a. The marine is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, noone has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
-It doesn't matter. The rules are rules, and just because the marine hasn't been told/caught doesn't exempt them. Check notes, apply punishment. For giggles, check the dates on their notes and their number of connections. They very well could be lying about using that name for several years.
7. You see a Sulaco Doctor with an M41A rifle strapped to his back running around the briefing area. There are wounded in medbay, and the other doctor is in surgery.
-Remind the doctor that there is no reason to be carrying around a rifle or abandoning their post (Rule 11). Ask them to get rid of the rifle and return to the medbay. Check their notes and apply a punishment at this point if necessary. If they don't have any/many bad notes, allow them to get off with a warning as long as the wounded end up okay.
8. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
-Remind them that they do not know how to perform surgery. Under no circumstances are they allowed to perform surgery as a result. Check notes, apply the appropriate ban. Remind them to read the rules/check what each job knows.
9. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the Sulaco, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
-Perform a scan, let them know what their numbers are. If they still don't move, create a USCM announcement stating that they are being ordered to organize an attack, and if they do not comply there will be consequences.
10. The round ends, and a marine starts unloading his weapons on other marines.
-Automatic three hour ban, per the EORG guidelines.
11. A marine who has recently awoken is using soap to slip other marines.
-IC resolution is appropriate unless he wastes his whole round being a dick. If so, follow up by checking notes, asking him to explain, and applying the correct punishment.
12. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
-Ask him to explain his actions. Remind them about poor escalation vs. appropriate escalation. Check their notes, apply the appropriate ban.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
Nothing in particular. I'm excited for the opportunity to become a member of the team, and I'm ready and willing to field any questions you have. Thanks for you time!
Byosfeer - Moderator Application
- Byosfeer
- Registered user
- Posts: 22
- Joined: 14 Nov 2016, 13:13
- Byond: Byosfeer
Byosfeer - Moderator Application

"dam dat bitch look astounding"-Rick Ross, in reference to Wale's turkey
R.I.P. Markowitz

"dam dat bitch look astounding"-Rick Ross, in reference to Wale's turkey
R.I.P. Markowitz
- slc97
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Re: Byosfeer - Moderator Application
I'll go through this step by step.
1. We pretty much never give just one hour bans. You would have to check notes and what not. Also, if a marine is just lighting off in briefing, you should pretty much always just immediately sleep them, because there will be no legit RP reason at that point, and we are no longer tolerating roundstart shenanigans.
2. We always seal breaches immediately if it is not from a predator explosion.
3. Only head staff can ever hand out nuke codes.
4. The researcher is liable for his own research grenades. If he has just been handing out nades to any standard that walks by research, then that is a problem that needs to be dealt with.
5. Here, you should just apply a note and mute their ahelps.
6. This is pretty much fine. Mods can't change names. You'd have to ask an admin or tell the player to change it next round.
7. I'd like to know what you deem to be the appropriate punishment here
8. Does this have to be an immediate ban? Could they just be warned here?
9. This is good.
10. This is good.
11. If this extends past cryo and a bit into prep, it needs to be talked about.
12. This issue takes arguably more investigation than any other, yet your response is very limited. I'd like to know your investigative process.
Here's my opinion: I haven't seen you at all in game, so I do not know you. The only forum activity I have seen from you were 2 shitposts I had to remove for violating rule 2 on a ban appeal. Some of your answers aren't bad, but a lot of others leave much to be desired. You use the phrase "I'd apply the appropriate punishment" a lot, but that's very similar to saying something along the lines of "Yeah, I'd do the right thing in this instance." I feel like I don't have a grasp of your investigative process from this application. Also, I don't think your signature is appropriate for a staff member. I'm gonna have to go with a -1 here.
1. We pretty much never give just one hour bans. You would have to check notes and what not. Also, if a marine is just lighting off in briefing, you should pretty much always just immediately sleep them, because there will be no legit RP reason at that point, and we are no longer tolerating roundstart shenanigans.
2. We always seal breaches immediately if it is not from a predator explosion.
3. Only head staff can ever hand out nuke codes.
4. The researcher is liable for his own research grenades. If he has just been handing out nades to any standard that walks by research, then that is a problem that needs to be dealt with.
5. Here, you should just apply a note and mute their ahelps.
6. This is pretty much fine. Mods can't change names. You'd have to ask an admin or tell the player to change it next round.
7. I'd like to know what you deem to be the appropriate punishment here
8. Does this have to be an immediate ban? Could they just be warned here?
9. This is good.
10. This is good.
11. If this extends past cryo and a bit into prep, it needs to be talked about.
12. This issue takes arguably more investigation than any other, yet your response is very limited. I'd like to know your investigative process.
Here's my opinion: I haven't seen you at all in game, so I do not know you. The only forum activity I have seen from you were 2 shitposts I had to remove for violating rule 2 on a ban appeal. Some of your answers aren't bad, but a lot of others leave much to be desired. You use the phrase "I'd apply the appropriate punishment" a lot, but that's very similar to saying something along the lines of "Yeah, I'd do the right thing in this instance." I feel like I don't have a grasp of your investigative process from this application. Also, I don't think your signature is appropriate for a staff member. I'm gonna have to go with a -1 here.
- Byosfeer
- Registered user
- Posts: 22
- Joined: 14 Nov 2016, 13:13
- Byond: Byosfeer
Re: Byosfeer - Moderator Application
Thanks for the quick reply.
7- If they had no notes, I'd say this could be let off with a warning as long as they pick up on their job. If they had notes, I would deem a 3 day ban appropriate, as that would give them time to consider their actions and check the rules again. I don't think this is really malicious, it's just an immature decision to forget you job and want to get a cool gun and wander around.
8- Absolutely could be a warning. I'd have to check and see if there were any notes of the nature: Violating their job roles and employing knowledge they don't have. It's really not a horrible offense unless they have been confronted before.
10- Knowing that marines do get angry with each other from time to time, I would deem an argument escalating (meaning that the puncher didn't just walk up to the guy and smack him) to a fistfight appropriate roleplay. Fights like this are the reason we have MPs and doctors. Anything involving just fists should never go straight to firearms, in my opinion. It's one thing to draw a knife or pistol and tell the guy to beat it, but to immediately shoot them... no. In this case, I'd say both of them get a warning to read the rules, the guy who shot the other person should certainly get a 7 day ban and have pending review/investigation on whether or not he's just stupid or the griefy type, and the guy who punched the shooter should be further investigated ( by checking chat+combat logs) to be sure that the escalation was appropriate. If he just randomly walked up and smacked the guy, I'd certainly apply a ban.
In terms of saying "appropriate punishment", what I mean by that is many of these scenarios don't offer background info. I'd need to check the notes before applying any bans, so I suppose that when I say that I mean "Check their notes, factor in their past offenses, consider how respectful and cooperative they were, and go from there".
Again, thanks for your time. I don't mind the -1, as any feedback is good and I can improve and try again.
7- If they had no notes, I'd say this could be let off with a warning as long as they pick up on their job. If they had notes, I would deem a 3 day ban appropriate, as that would give them time to consider their actions and check the rules again. I don't think this is really malicious, it's just an immature decision to forget you job and want to get a cool gun and wander around.
8- Absolutely could be a warning. I'd have to check and see if there were any notes of the nature: Violating their job roles and employing knowledge they don't have. It's really not a horrible offense unless they have been confronted before.
10- Knowing that marines do get angry with each other from time to time, I would deem an argument escalating (meaning that the puncher didn't just walk up to the guy and smack him) to a fistfight appropriate roleplay. Fights like this are the reason we have MPs and doctors. Anything involving just fists should never go straight to firearms, in my opinion. It's one thing to draw a knife or pistol and tell the guy to beat it, but to immediately shoot them... no. In this case, I'd say both of them get a warning to read the rules, the guy who shot the other person should certainly get a 7 day ban and have pending review/investigation on whether or not he's just stupid or the griefy type, and the guy who punched the shooter should be further investigated ( by checking chat+combat logs) to be sure that the escalation was appropriate. If he just randomly walked up and smacked the guy, I'd certainly apply a ban.
In terms of saying "appropriate punishment", what I mean by that is many of these scenarios don't offer background info. I'd need to check the notes before applying any bans, so I suppose that when I say that I mean "Check their notes, factor in their past offenses, consider how respectful and cooperative they were, and go from there".
Again, thanks for your time. I don't mind the -1, as any feedback is good and I can improve and try again.

"dam dat bitch look astounding"-Rick Ross, in reference to Wale's turkey
R.I.P. Markowitz

"dam dat bitch look astounding"-Rick Ross, in reference to Wale's turkey
R.I.P. Markowitz
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Re: Byosfeer - Moderator Application
This sums up how I feel here. I think you are a decent player, but I have never seen you. Your answers are very generic. I'd say that you should become a little more active and re-think your answers should you apply again. -1slc97 wrote:I'll go through this step by step.
1. We pretty much never give just one hour bans. You would have to check notes and what not. Also, if a marine is just lighting off in briefing, you should pretty much always just immediately sleep them, because there will be no legit RP reason at that point, and we are no longer tolerating roundstart shenanigans.
2. We always seal breaches immediately if it is not from a predator explosion.
3. Only head staff can ever hand out nuke codes.
4. The researcher is liable for his own research grenades. If he has just been handing out nades to any standard that walks by research, then that is a problem that needs to be dealt with.
5. Here, you should just apply a note and mute their ahelps.
6. This is pretty much fine. Mods can't change names. You'd have to ask an admin or tell the player to change it next round.
7. I'd like to know what you deem to be the appropriate punishment here
8. Does this have to be an immediate ban? Could they just be warned here?
9. This is good.
10. This is good.
11. If this extends past cryo and a bit into prep, it needs to be talked about.
12. This issue takes arguably more investigation than any other, yet your response is very limited. I'd like to know your investigative process.
Here's my opinion: I haven't seen you at all in game, so I do not know you. The only forum activity I have seen from you were 2 shitposts I had to remove for violating rule 2 on a ban appeal. Some of your answers aren't bad, but a lot of others leave much to be desired. You use the phrase "I'd apply the appropriate punishment" a lot, but that's very similar to saying something along the lines of "Yeah, I'd do the right thing in this instance." I feel like I don't have a grasp of your investigative process from this application. Also, I don't think your signature is appropriate for a staff member. I'm gonna have to go with a -1 here.
- Byosfeer
- Registered user
- Posts: 22
- Joined: 14 Nov 2016, 13:13
- Byond: Byosfeer
Re: Byosfeer - Moderator Application
Thanks for the feedback. I think that it's totally reasonable- I haven't been very active on the forums, and I could definitely improve on that.
At this point, I think it would be appropriate for this application to be withdrawn. There is more for me to learn, and I will improve on the points that you guys have given me and try again another time! Thanks for your time!
At this point, I think it would be appropriate for this application to be withdrawn. There is more for me to learn, and I will improve on the points that you guys have given me and try again another time! Thanks for your time!

"dam dat bitch look astounding"-Rick Ross, in reference to Wale's turkey
R.I.P. Markowitz

"dam dat bitch look astounding"-Rick Ross, in reference to Wale's turkey
R.I.P. Markowitz
- Feweh
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- Byond: Feweh
Re: Byosfeer - Moderator Application
More feedback required
- Feweh
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- Byond: Feweh