Bekons - Moderator Application
- Bekons
- Registered user
- Posts: 9
- Joined: 26 Feb 2017, 10:52
- Byond: Bekons
Bekons - Moderator Application
Byond ID:Bekons
Colonial Marines Character:Used to be Faith Ashvile. Made CM unique character Daisy Burns.
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
Hours a week? Roughly around 40.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
I used to be a staff member on a heavy role play Arma 2 Taki Life server, for around 3 years i belive. Dabbled in minecraf staff for 2 years and the last thing was a staff member on ss13 (yogstation) for around a year.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
What other servers do you play on?
TG and FTL13
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?
TG and FTL13. Not much more than that really.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines before?
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
Not that i am aware of.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
I haven't been banned at all, besides one time to test a thing for 1 minute.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, where and When (roughly)?
I have been banned on Yogstation for more then 24 hours and I am currently banned permanent there due to my disagreement on what should be enforced by security and what is enforced by the rules. Which lead to alot of fun, but not the likness of a, used to be, council member. This was last year, december if i recall correctly.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
No i am not.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each situation (BELOW) the situation. If you start it on the same line, I'll assume you can't follow directions and auto-decline your application.
1. A player is firing his weapon in the briefing area near the start of the round.
I would freeze him and check out what could be the cause of his firing, meaning, look around the room what's going on. After that, i'd tell everyone to let him be for now, that i am dealing with him, so logs dont show anything that is not needed.
After pm'ing him and asking him what happened.
Based on the answer and his notes, i would decide between a warning, taking him out of the current round or keeping him off for a longer period.
Warning being accidental discharge, to which i would let the justifiably angry mp's take him away after i let him go.
Taking him out of the round if he's clearly just frustrated with the world and can't handle himself at the time.
Longer period, in the scenario where he just wanted to shoot someone he does not like for OOC reason or him generally being an ass in the pm's and arguing about being frozen.
2. The Sulaco has a breach to space.
I would fill the breach if it was a malicious griefing attempt and not caused by rasputin or valid interaction between players, such as a marine accidentally shooting a tank while burst firing the alien queen.
If i find in my investigation that someone made the breach on purpose, i'd decide between a long ban and permanent based on his notes.
3. The marines want the nuke codes because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who.
I would make a mother report of the current alien population and leave it at that, without giving answering directly. Marines should know better then to use the nuke unless there is absolutley no other way.
4. A Sulaco researcher has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online.
The wording of this question does not specify if the grenade is primed.
I would ask the marine on why he did it, as a throwing a primed nade through a window is pretty hard to do on accident.
Based on notes and his answer, as always, I would either warn him or give him a short ban, and suggest that he keeps away from explosives.
5. A played is starting to talk about the things he did with your mom last night over Ahelp.
I'd ask my mother not to see strangers and inform the player that that kind of talk should not go into Ahelps, as that is not the place or time to discuss anything like that.
If he persists i would mute him from ahelps and add a note for his behavior.
6. You notice a marine with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules.
I would tell the marine to change it next round if it is not too obscene. If it is, i would add a note to him and manually change it for that round and warn him to change it or he will face an appearance or even a regular ban, if it is too bad.
6a. The marine is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, noone has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
I'd tell him if no one specifically approved the name, that it is still not within the rules and tell him once more to change it next round. Explaining, that not knowing the rules is no reason to break them, while linking him to the rules.
7. You see a Sulaco Doctor with an M41A rifle strapped to his back running around the briefing area. There are wounded in medbay, and the other doctor is in surgery.
I would ask him what he is doing and why is he carrying a rifle on his back. With any responses that may follow, in the most cases, i would give him a job ban from doctor/cmo/research.
8. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
I remind him that Squad medics are not allowed to preform surgery and tell him to bring the marine back to Sulaco, telling him that if he fears the marine won't make it, then he should accompany him up there.
9. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the Sulaco, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
I would ask the queen on why the aliens are just holding back, and nudge the queen into doing something, even if small to advance the round while telling making a Mother report and telling command staff to encourage the marines.
10. The round ends, and a marine starts unloading his weapons on other marines.
I ban the marine for 3 hours. No questions asked.
11. A marine who has recently awoken is using soap to slip other marines.
I sigh internally at how stupid that is and ask him to stick with the role play to some degree, not taking any further action if he does not keep intentionally doing it
12. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
I ask the first marine, what he thinks of the fight, and if he believes the fight escalated fairly.
In the event that the first marine is content with how it all went down, i let it go and let them carry on, well, one of them. . .
In the more likely event that he tells me that the escalation was, punch > shotgun head off, I question the marine, explain to him what he did and why it was bad, and let him cool off based on his notes.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
The bans of any server in any game are very situational in my honest opinion. I have always believed people should be given chances and that longer bans do only bad. Of course there are some people who deserve the longer cool times, but in the most general situations, i don't think a person should be taken away from the game for something medium for awfully long.
I also fully acknowledge that some of the questions won't please everyone, but, for the better or worse, i haven't exactly had much interaction with admins regarding breaking rules, due to to me playing by them. I believe i have been pm'd twice in my playing time here, and one time it was to answer why i shot the CL, that being self defense, the second time being when there was 3 of us xenos against 17 marines, dragging on the round.
Colonial Marines Character:Used to be Faith Ashvile. Made CM unique character Daisy Burns.
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
Hours a week? Roughly around 40.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
I used to be a staff member on a heavy role play Arma 2 Taki Life server, for around 3 years i belive. Dabbled in minecraf staff for 2 years and the last thing was a staff member on ss13 (yogstation) for around a year.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
What other servers do you play on?
TG and FTL13
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?
TG and FTL13. Not much more than that really.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines before?
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
Not that i am aware of.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
I haven't been banned at all, besides one time to test a thing for 1 minute.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, where and When (roughly)?
I have been banned on Yogstation for more then 24 hours and I am currently banned permanent there due to my disagreement on what should be enforced by security and what is enforced by the rules. Which lead to alot of fun, but not the likness of a, used to be, council member. This was last year, december if i recall correctly.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
No i am not.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each situation (BELOW) the situation. If you start it on the same line, I'll assume you can't follow directions and auto-decline your application.
1. A player is firing his weapon in the briefing area near the start of the round.
I would freeze him and check out what could be the cause of his firing, meaning, look around the room what's going on. After that, i'd tell everyone to let him be for now, that i am dealing with him, so logs dont show anything that is not needed.
After pm'ing him and asking him what happened.
Based on the answer and his notes, i would decide between a warning, taking him out of the current round or keeping him off for a longer period.
Warning being accidental discharge, to which i would let the justifiably angry mp's take him away after i let him go.
Taking him out of the round if he's clearly just frustrated with the world and can't handle himself at the time.
Longer period, in the scenario where he just wanted to shoot someone he does not like for OOC reason or him generally being an ass in the pm's and arguing about being frozen.
2. The Sulaco has a breach to space.
I would fill the breach if it was a malicious griefing attempt and not caused by rasputin or valid interaction between players, such as a marine accidentally shooting a tank while burst firing the alien queen.
If i find in my investigation that someone made the breach on purpose, i'd decide between a long ban and permanent based on his notes.
3. The marines want the nuke codes because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who.
I would make a mother report of the current alien population and leave it at that, without giving answering directly. Marines should know better then to use the nuke unless there is absolutley no other way.
4. A Sulaco researcher has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online.
The wording of this question does not specify if the grenade is primed.
I would ask the marine on why he did it, as a throwing a primed nade through a window is pretty hard to do on accident.
Based on notes and his answer, as always, I would either warn him or give him a short ban, and suggest that he keeps away from explosives.
5. A played is starting to talk about the things he did with your mom last night over Ahelp.
I'd ask my mother not to see strangers and inform the player that that kind of talk should not go into Ahelps, as that is not the place or time to discuss anything like that.
If he persists i would mute him from ahelps and add a note for his behavior.
6. You notice a marine with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules.
I would tell the marine to change it next round if it is not too obscene. If it is, i would add a note to him and manually change it for that round and warn him to change it or he will face an appearance or even a regular ban, if it is too bad.
6a. The marine is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, noone has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
I'd tell him if no one specifically approved the name, that it is still not within the rules and tell him once more to change it next round. Explaining, that not knowing the rules is no reason to break them, while linking him to the rules.
7. You see a Sulaco Doctor with an M41A rifle strapped to his back running around the briefing area. There are wounded in medbay, and the other doctor is in surgery.
I would ask him what he is doing and why is he carrying a rifle on his back. With any responses that may follow, in the most cases, i would give him a job ban from doctor/cmo/research.
8. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
I remind him that Squad medics are not allowed to preform surgery and tell him to bring the marine back to Sulaco, telling him that if he fears the marine won't make it, then he should accompany him up there.
9. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the Sulaco, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
I would ask the queen on why the aliens are just holding back, and nudge the queen into doing something, even if small to advance the round while telling making a Mother report and telling command staff to encourage the marines.
10. The round ends, and a marine starts unloading his weapons on other marines.
I ban the marine for 3 hours. No questions asked.
11. A marine who has recently awoken is using soap to slip other marines.
I sigh internally at how stupid that is and ask him to stick with the role play to some degree, not taking any further action if he does not keep intentionally doing it
12. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
I ask the first marine, what he thinks of the fight, and if he believes the fight escalated fairly.
In the event that the first marine is content with how it all went down, i let it go and let them carry on, well, one of them. . .
In the more likely event that he tells me that the escalation was, punch > shotgun head off, I question the marine, explain to him what he did and why it was bad, and let him cool off based on his notes.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
The bans of any server in any game are very situational in my honest opinion. I have always believed people should be given chances and that longer bans do only bad. Of course there are some people who deserve the longer cool times, but in the most general situations, i don't think a person should be taken away from the game for something medium for awfully long.
I also fully acknowledge that some of the questions won't please everyone, but, for the better or worse, i haven't exactly had much interaction with admins regarding breaking rules, due to to me playing by them. I believe i have been pm'd twice in my playing time here, and one time it was to answer why i shot the CL, that being self defense, the second time being when there was 3 of us xenos against 17 marines, dragging on the round.
- Casany
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Re: Bekons - Moderator Application
Even though I'm not staff, this app looks very well thought out and I agree with the answers for the most part
"He killed me with a SADAR and it was bullshit. We should ban him for ERP because of how VIOLENTLY HE FUCKED ME" - Biolock, Saturday 15 October 2016
"Sometimes you need to stop and enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were big things"
"To quote Suits A cop follows a car long enough, he's gonna find a busted tail light. And even if he doesn't, he's gonna bust it himself." - Awan on being an MP
"Sometimes you need to stop and enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were big things"
"To quote Suits A cop follows a car long enough, he's gonna find a busted tail light. And even if he doesn't, he's gonna bust it himself." - Awan on being an MP
- XenonDragneel
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Re: Bekons - Moderator Application
Um... you joined forum on the 26 of Feb...
Some question is ALRIGHT... some are not...
I'll remain neutral
Some question is ALRIGHT... some are not...
I'll remain neutral
When u talk sh** to the IB

- Registered user
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- Byond: Scrat505
Re: Bekons - Moderator Application
Some notes on your answers.
2: Giving a long ban or a permanent ban is very extreme, especially since most breaching cases are someone shooting out a single window. Permanent bans are never issued by mods/admins (merely requests to do so, with a weekban to keep the offender out of the game until a decision is made) and are often used in cases of a long, horrendous record, multikeying, o ERP.
3: MOTHER population updates are given automatically, and if I remember correctly mods cannot use MOTHER at all now actually. Not that I'd expect you to know either, so it's a fair response.
6: You should note a player with an improper name even if it's not obscene, so if he keeps using this improper name in future rounds other staff can find out he's already been warned for it.
7: Giving a full medical-wide jobban is pretty extreme when you could just as easily tell him to put the gun back.
Overall, the answers are mostly okay, but for stating you don't like long punishments, at least some of your punishments are way over the top. This, combined with the fact I have never heard of you and you just registered 3 days ago purely to make this application, when it clearly states in the information thread you need to have had an account for at least two weeks, makes me need to give a -1.
2: Giving a long ban or a permanent ban is very extreme, especially since most breaching cases are someone shooting out a single window. Permanent bans are never issued by mods/admins (merely requests to do so, with a weekban to keep the offender out of the game until a decision is made) and are often used in cases of a long, horrendous record, multikeying, o ERP.
3: MOTHER population updates are given automatically, and if I remember correctly mods cannot use MOTHER at all now actually. Not that I'd expect you to know either, so it's a fair response.
6: You should note a player with an improper name even if it's not obscene, so if he keeps using this improper name in future rounds other staff can find out he's already been warned for it.
7: Giving a full medical-wide jobban is pretty extreme when you could just as easily tell him to put the gun back.
Overall, the answers are mostly okay, but for stating you don't like long punishments, at least some of your punishments are way over the top. This, combined with the fact I have never heard of you and you just registered 3 days ago purely to make this application, when it clearly states in the information thread you need to have had an account for at least two weeks, makes me need to give a -1.
Last edited by Scrat505 on 01 Mar 2017, 13:02, edited 1 time in total.
- NescauComToddy
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- Byond: NescauComToddy
Re: Bekons - Moderator Application
Here I am.
Some of your questions are Pretty LACKING. You are putting Simple Information while you Could put More Deep In each One of them.
You Joined 26 of FEBRUARY, Even If you already were a Player before that time, The Apps shows you Don't really Know much About the Game other than Other small Things In some Questions, Like In the First situation. You could had said to us each Variable with her respective DETAILS, not By saying 3 Hours ban Indirectly. There are other problems Like these In some of the Other questions, but I won't Put them up In the table for Now.
4: Not going to Speak with the Researcher that Made It? I heavily Recommend you to Send It a PM alerting him Of the Accident and, telling Him to be more Careful In giving the Nades to Random Marines.
5 and 11:Pss, Ignore It, no need to PM him Back or Take any action on the "Prankster" unless He still Doing It after the Round-start. There Is a bit of RP on It, why Wouldn't a marine mess With another Marine just to Piss him off? It Is actually compatible with some Military acts.
6: It Doesn't matter If the name Is Just obscene, Ranks, Titles, Honorifics, Famous and/or Pop-culture names are not Allowed Too. Read It again.
9: I do Say you should try to "Motivate" both Sides. If the Marines see something Like this, they Will rush the Hive and eventually win. In my Point of View, I do say to the Xenomorph's Players that they Can't really Win, trying to Motivate them In a more discrete Manner to Stop the Delay and rush the Marines too. Just my opinion In this Last line, Though.
10:I Loved your Answer.
12: You should ALWAYS check the log In ANY cases. If a Marine just punched and got Killed by the Second Marine, I Don't think the Second one will Throw the truth On your Face.
In any Cases, It Is saying his Punched and Got a Bucky In his Face, I would Penalize and Apply the Consequences to such Act almost That immediately. It Isn't really Icky If a Marine just Punched another and Got decap'd, No much deep to a Incident Like this One the Text Is suggesting.
Fixing Some mistakes. Neutral.
Some of your questions are Pretty LACKING. You are putting Simple Information while you Could put More Deep In each One of them.
You Joined 26 of FEBRUARY, Even If you already were a Player before that time, The Apps shows you Don't really Know much About the Game other than Other small Things In some Questions, Like In the First situation. You could had said to us each Variable with her respective DETAILS, not By saying 3 Hours ban Indirectly. There are other problems Like these In some of the Other questions, but I won't Put them up In the table for Now.
4: Not going to Speak with the Researcher that Made It? I heavily Recommend you to Send It a PM alerting him Of the Accident and, telling Him to be more Careful In giving the Nades to Random Marines.
5 and 11:Pss, Ignore It, no need to PM him Back or Take any action on the "Prankster" unless He still Doing It after the Round-start. There Is a bit of RP on It, why Wouldn't a marine mess With another Marine just to Piss him off? It Is actually compatible with some Military acts.
6: It Doesn't matter If the name Is Just obscene, Ranks, Titles, Honorifics, Famous and/or Pop-culture names are not Allowed Too. Read It again.
9: I do Say you should try to "Motivate" both Sides. If the Marines see something Like this, they Will rush the Hive and eventually win. In my Point of View, I do say to the Xenomorph's Players that they Can't really Win, trying to Motivate them In a more discrete Manner to Stop the Delay and rush the Marines too. Just my opinion In this Last line, Though.
10:I Loved your Answer.
12: You should ALWAYS check the log In ANY cases. If a Marine just punched and got Killed by the Second Marine, I Don't think the Second one will Throw the truth On your Face.
In any Cases, It Is saying his Punched and Got a Bucky In his Face, I would Penalize and Apply the Consequences to such Act almost That immediately. It Isn't really Icky If a Marine just Punched another and Got decap'd, No much deep to a Incident Like this One the Text Is suggesting.
Fixing Some mistakes. Neutral.
Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
Retired staff (moderator).
Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
Retired staff (moderator).
- Feweh
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Re: Bekons - Moderator Application
FOR THE LOVE OF GODNescauComToddy wrote:Here I am.
Some of your questions are Pretty LACKING. You are putting Simple Information while you Could put More Deep In each One of them.
You Joined 26 of FEBRUARY, Even If you already were a Player before that time, The Apps shows you Don't really Know much About the Game other than Other small Things In some Questions, Like In the First situation. You could had said to us each Variable with her respective DETAILS, not By saying 3 Hours ban Indirectly. There are other problems Like these In some of the Other questions, but I won't Put them up In the table for Now.
4: Not going to Speak with the Researcher that Made It? I heavily Recommend you to Send It a PM alerting him Of the Accident and, telling Him to be more Careful In giving the Nades to Random Marines.
5 and 11:Pss, Ignore It, no need to PM him Back or Take any action on the "Prankster" unless He still Doing It after the Round-start. There Is a bit of RP on It, why Wouldn't a marine mess With another Marine just to Piss him off? It Is actually compatible with some Military acts.
6: It Doesn't matter If the name Is Just obscene, Ranks, Titles, Honorifics, Famous and/or Pop-culture names are not Allowed Too. Read It again.
9: I do Say you should try to "Motivate" both Sides. If the Marines see something Like this, they Will rush the Hive and eventually win. In my Point of View, I do say to the Xenomorph's Players that they Can't really Win, trying to Motivate them In a more discrete Manner to Stop the Delay and rush the Marines too. Just my opinion In this Last line, Though.
10:I Loved your Answer.
12: You should ALWAYS check the log In ANY cases. If a Marine just punched and got Killed by the Second Marine, I Don't think the Second one will Throw the truth On your Face.
In any Cases, It Is saying his Punched and Got a Bucky In his Face, I would Penalize and Apply the Consequences to such Act almost That immediately. It Isn't really Icky If a Marine just Punched another and Got decap'd, No much deep to a Incident Like this One the Text Is suggesting.
Fixing Some mistakes. Neutral.
Stop capitalizing every other word, driving me nuts.
- Snypehunter007
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Re: Bekons - Moderator Application
Well, the first problem, like Scrat said, is that you joined on the 26th. We have a two week old forum account rule for you to be eligible to apply for moderator.
I am going to give the app a -1 overall due to the fact that you are perma banned on Yog and Scrat's points about your answers.
Another (very minor) point is your spelling. An application is basically applying for a job, just without getting paid or having lifetime benefits. You would not walk into an interview with multiple spelling errors on your resume.
I am going to give the app a -1 overall due to the fact that you are perma banned on Yog and Scrat's points about your answers.
Another (very minor) point is your spelling. An application is basically applying for a job, just without getting paid or having lifetime benefits. You would not walk into an interview with multiple spelling errors on your resume.
Reached "Leet" post status on 3/14/17.
Death of the Suggestion Killer - 11/30/2017
Staff History:

Death of the Suggestion Killer - 11/30/2017
Staff History:
► Show Spoiler

- Jackie Estegado
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Re: Bekons - Moderator Application
Scrat told the errors with your answers.
Personal opinion about Bekons: I known him for quite some time now. On other servers we kept getting banned for pretty similar stuff yet I am here without a single ban(aside from that eorg which I didn't quite realize existed at that time), and he never goes full on grief mode.
I can easily teach him to a veteran level about mechanics, if thats a problem.
Also even though he has only a very new forum account he has been here for some time.
Gonna give a totaly non-biased +1.
Also we seriously need more full-time mods in eastern european timezones, hate having to man the server most times with only me and Z on.
Personal opinion about Bekons: I known him for quite some time now. On other servers we kept getting banned for pretty similar stuff yet I am here without a single ban(aside from that eorg which I didn't quite realize existed at that time), and he never goes full on grief mode.
I can easily teach him to a veteran level about mechanics, if thats a problem.
Also even though he has only a very new forum account he has been here for some time.
Gonna give a totaly non-biased +1.
Also we seriously need more full-time mods in eastern european timezones, hate having to man the server most times with only me and Z on.
If you ever wonder when did I really start hating incompetent people read Crab Spider's signature... I was that CMO.
- Aetsuki
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Re: Bekons - Moderator Application
In full honesty it does sound biased if you're giving your friend a +1. Jackie also makes it sound like there are more bans that you didn't list, which is somewhat concerning, however ultimately my criticism is that your forum account is totally new and I've never heard of you before.
-1 for now
-1 for now

- MauroVega
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Re: Bekons - Moderator Application
What scrat said -1
“Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you into the deepest valley.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
What happens when marine RP collides with standard RP
Natalia 'Nutella' Quiroga
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Natalia 'Nutella' Quiroga

- Feweh
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