ty55101 - Moderator application
- ty55101
- Registered user
- Posts: 43
- Joined: 03 Jan 2017, 12:55
- Byond: ty55101
ty55101 - Moderator application
Byond ID: ty55101
Colonial Marines Character: Michael Otis/Seymour Driggers
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Timezone: PST (I don't play at the same hours that other people do though)
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? 10-15 actively moderating, ~10 playing but doing stuff if needed
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? No
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? No
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM? Baystation, Aurora, tg13
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made: N/A
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? No
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? No
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?
Baystation: Permaban, multiple infractions of metagaming/powergaming. Stuff like excessively hunting space carp, being too robust of a chaplain during cult, and trimming the edge of a space blob so it didn't suck air out of the bar. (Stuff that wouldn't apply to this server)
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)? I looked at the guides for it.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
Check notes and first log in. If this is their first log in: Start questioning them. If they didn't have a good answer for their actions then a 3 day ban. If they surprisingly had a good answer for shooting the person then most likely a warning. If it is not their first round: Question them about the situation and look for proper escalation or a good reason (such as other player was trying to kill other players). If neither of these things are present and there are previous notes of similar incidents then 7-10 day ban and a perma ban request. No notes would mean 1-3 day ban.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
Immediately ping admins through ahelp to seal the breach. If it is from the ship then no more action necessary. If it is from players then sleep whoever did it if they are not dead already. I would ask the admin to aheal the players that were killed by it and ask if they wanted to investigate because of how big it was. If I was to investigate then I would note all affected by it and proceed to ask the player what happened. If they have no defense then 3 day ban if intentional for no notes, a 10 day ban and perma request for multiple notes of greifing. If there is a semi-reasonable defense (there will never be a reasonable defense) then tell the player I will look into it, but it is still not acceptable to do that in any circumstance so they will get a temporary round ban if they don't have notes of similar things and a 3 day ban if they do have some notes for similar things which may be moved up. I would investigate and if they lied then 7 day ban for no notes and 10 day ban with perma request for notes.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
If I notice a player walking around naked then I am going to assume I have time to teach them. I would PM them asking them if they are new to the server and offer them help. If they are new then I would tell them the basics of what to do (i.e. inform them they need to eat, lead to prep room, then lead to dropship) then link them to helpful material that they need such as the rules, guide to marine, and starter guide. Once I do that I would say that they can ahelp under the admin tab of the section of the screen on the right and one of the staff will help with pretty much any questions they have about the game.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
I would ask what the problem I could notify the admin of is and if it is something that would best be handled by an admin I would tell the player to hold on a moment. Since I can see the PMs of the other staff I am going to be able to get a decent understanding of if they are busy or not. If all of the admins that are online seem busy then I would tell the player that all of the admins are busy so they are not going to be able to accommodate them. If they are having a problem with me then I would direct them to the staff report forums so they can make a report so that there will be an in depth investigation. If something else then I would put a message in slack saying that whenever an admin is available the specific player needs assistance regarding what he needs assistance with. If it is something dumb like the player wants to talk to Feweh I would say that anything not necessary for in game functions or explanation should be on the forums.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
First I would tell the player that they need to re-read or read the rules so that they know what rules are there. Next, I would say that it doesn't matter because it can ruin the play experience for other players so they need to change it next round. If there is continued arguement then I would tell the player that if they don't change it they will be getting a ban and any further disagreement won't be responded to. I would leave a note for the continued argueing and make sure to express that the player was told that a ban would be received if the name was not changed.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
I would ask if there is a reason they are carrying around a rifle and wearing armor and if they have none then I would warn them for running around with a rifle with no danger present. If they had a reason (xeno on board near them but command didn't change the status) if it was the entire ship in danger from this then I would allow it, but if it was only a threat that could pop up around them but was not going to be very damaging to them (lone xeno roaming on ship) then I would warn them about powergaming with that and all they should have is a pistol.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
I would tell them that it doesn't matter because it is strictly against the rules. I would warn them and have them immediately seal up the patient and send them up to the ship. If they have notes for similar incidents then I would give them a round-day ban, if many notes about things like that then I would give a job ban for their role.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
I would use the suggest command (I think that is what it is called but the one that goes "you think..." tot he player) on the marine commander and the alien queen to provoke them to attack if there are no admins on. If there are admins then I would let them handle the situation as they are more qualified to handle round altering events.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile IRON BEAR and the IRON BEAR Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
Unless the IRON BEARS and the Marines somehow negotiated peace I would say that, that is perfectly acceptable behavior at round end.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
I would sleep the marine and ask them about what they are doing. If they have a semi-reasonable defense then I would warn them if it is their first time doing something like that, if they have done stuff like that before then I would give them a round-day ban. If they have no defense then I would give them a round ban, if they have notes of stuff like that then I would give them a 3 day ban, if more than 4 notes of that then I would give them a 7-10 day ban with a perma ban request.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
I would ping an admin to come and revive the killed marine. If there are no notes of him doing similar things then I would give him a round ban and tell him that it is not acceptable to do that. If there are a few notes of similar things then I would give them a 3 day ban. If there are more than 3 notes of that occurring then I would give him a 10 day ban and put in a perma ban request.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
ahelp about it, if no admins are online then I would say I need someone with admin abilities right then.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
I would not respond unless I am the only staff on. If I am the only staff on then I would tell the player that those are the thoughts of the characters and not he people behind them. It is the same as literature so it is their choice whether or not they should read it or give it any thought.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
10 day ban with a perma ban request. Ping an admin to revive the dead marines.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
Warn the player that doing that ruins the balance of the game so they shouldn't do it. Also notify them that if they have the xeno spawn set then they will spawn in as xeno so they should turn that off in character creation if they don't want that on. If there are other notes of this then job-ban them from xeno.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
Warn the player that this is explicitly said to be against the rules and they should only be using words like these occasionally ie atleast 5 minutes apart minimum.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
Quote the xeno rule stating that hivemind isn't in english and tell the player that it is fine to use english words that the xeno wouldn't know because they are actually just communicating in pure thought.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
Warn the player that they are not supposed to have knowledge of the xenomorphs besides what they experience. If there are notes about it then give them a 3 day ban. In OOC I would also say "That was not said" right after the player said it. If there was still discussion about it then I would ask an admin to announce something about it.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
If there was proper escalation to that point then do nothing about it. If not, warn the marine about it. Explain that it might be intended to be RP but it is in no way properly done.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
I would ask the staff member doesn't the rule mean something else. If they disagree then I would try and get another staff member's opinion on it. Whatever the third party says I am going to believe is true and the staff member should correct themselves, if not then it needs to be passed up the chain of authority.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
There are so many situations for this so I am just going to list out answers from least extreme to most: ask them to stop, make a report on the forum, notify admin, notify headstaff.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Say that my mother is 70 years old and that should shut him up.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
I want to say that I know if I get accepted as moderater my job isn't enforcing the rules, it is to keep players from ruining the round for other players and keeping players from ruining the balance of the game and the rules are just a tool that help me do that. While saying this, I also understand that very few times does a situation arise in which the rules should not be enforced.
Edit: Formatting
Also, I have made some corrections to my responses in a reply, but am leaving the originals up so you know the difference.
Colonial Marines Character: Michael Otis/Seymour Driggers
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Timezone: PST (I don't play at the same hours that other people do though)
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? 10-15 actively moderating, ~10 playing but doing stuff if needed
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? No
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? No
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM? Baystation, Aurora, tg13
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made: N/A
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? No
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? No
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?
Baystation: Permaban, multiple infractions of metagaming/powergaming. Stuff like excessively hunting space carp, being too robust of a chaplain during cult, and trimming the edge of a space blob so it didn't suck air out of the bar. (Stuff that wouldn't apply to this server)
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)? I looked at the guides for it.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
Check notes and first log in. If this is their first log in: Start questioning them. If they didn't have a good answer for their actions then a 3 day ban. If they surprisingly had a good answer for shooting the person then most likely a warning. If it is not their first round: Question them about the situation and look for proper escalation or a good reason (such as other player was trying to kill other players). If neither of these things are present and there are previous notes of similar incidents then 7-10 day ban and a perma ban request. No notes would mean 1-3 day ban.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
Immediately ping admins through ahelp to seal the breach. If it is from the ship then no more action necessary. If it is from players then sleep whoever did it if they are not dead already. I would ask the admin to aheal the players that were killed by it and ask if they wanted to investigate because of how big it was. If I was to investigate then I would note all affected by it and proceed to ask the player what happened. If they have no defense then 3 day ban if intentional for no notes, a 10 day ban and perma request for multiple notes of greifing. If there is a semi-reasonable defense (there will never be a reasonable defense) then tell the player I will look into it, but it is still not acceptable to do that in any circumstance so they will get a temporary round ban if they don't have notes of similar things and a 3 day ban if they do have some notes for similar things which may be moved up. I would investigate and if they lied then 7 day ban for no notes and 10 day ban with perma request for notes.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
If I notice a player walking around naked then I am going to assume I have time to teach them. I would PM them asking them if they are new to the server and offer them help. If they are new then I would tell them the basics of what to do (i.e. inform them they need to eat, lead to prep room, then lead to dropship) then link them to helpful material that they need such as the rules, guide to marine, and starter guide. Once I do that I would say that they can ahelp under the admin tab of the section of the screen on the right and one of the staff will help with pretty much any questions they have about the game.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
I would ask what the problem I could notify the admin of is and if it is something that would best be handled by an admin I would tell the player to hold on a moment. Since I can see the PMs of the other staff I am going to be able to get a decent understanding of if they are busy or not. If all of the admins that are online seem busy then I would tell the player that all of the admins are busy so they are not going to be able to accommodate them. If they are having a problem with me then I would direct them to the staff report forums so they can make a report so that there will be an in depth investigation. If something else then I would put a message in slack saying that whenever an admin is available the specific player needs assistance regarding what he needs assistance with. If it is something dumb like the player wants to talk to Feweh I would say that anything not necessary for in game functions or explanation should be on the forums.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
First I would tell the player that they need to re-read or read the rules so that they know what rules are there. Next, I would say that it doesn't matter because it can ruin the play experience for other players so they need to change it next round. If there is continued arguement then I would tell the player that if they don't change it they will be getting a ban and any further disagreement won't be responded to. I would leave a note for the continued argueing and make sure to express that the player was told that a ban would be received if the name was not changed.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
I would ask if there is a reason they are carrying around a rifle and wearing armor and if they have none then I would warn them for running around with a rifle with no danger present. If they had a reason (xeno on board near them but command didn't change the status) if it was the entire ship in danger from this then I would allow it, but if it was only a threat that could pop up around them but was not going to be very damaging to them (lone xeno roaming on ship) then I would warn them about powergaming with that and all they should have is a pistol.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
I would tell them that it doesn't matter because it is strictly against the rules. I would warn them and have them immediately seal up the patient and send them up to the ship. If they have notes for similar incidents then I would give them a round-day ban, if many notes about things like that then I would give a job ban for their role.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
I would use the suggest command (I think that is what it is called but the one that goes "you think..." tot he player) on the marine commander and the alien queen to provoke them to attack if there are no admins on. If there are admins then I would let them handle the situation as they are more qualified to handle round altering events.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile IRON BEAR and the IRON BEAR Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
Unless the IRON BEARS and the Marines somehow negotiated peace I would say that, that is perfectly acceptable behavior at round end.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
I would sleep the marine and ask them about what they are doing. If they have a semi-reasonable defense then I would warn them if it is their first time doing something like that, if they have done stuff like that before then I would give them a round-day ban. If they have no defense then I would give them a round ban, if they have notes of stuff like that then I would give them a 3 day ban, if more than 4 notes of that then I would give them a 7-10 day ban with a perma ban request.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
I would ping an admin to come and revive the killed marine. If there are no notes of him doing similar things then I would give him a round ban and tell him that it is not acceptable to do that. If there are a few notes of similar things then I would give them a 3 day ban. If there are more than 3 notes of that occurring then I would give him a 10 day ban and put in a perma ban request.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
ahelp about it, if no admins are online then I would say I need someone with admin abilities right then.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
I would not respond unless I am the only staff on. If I am the only staff on then I would tell the player that those are the thoughts of the characters and not he people behind them. It is the same as literature so it is their choice whether or not they should read it or give it any thought.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
10 day ban with a perma ban request. Ping an admin to revive the dead marines.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
Warn the player that doing that ruins the balance of the game so they shouldn't do it. Also notify them that if they have the xeno spawn set then they will spawn in as xeno so they should turn that off in character creation if they don't want that on. If there are other notes of this then job-ban them from xeno.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
Warn the player that this is explicitly said to be against the rules and they should only be using words like these occasionally ie atleast 5 minutes apart minimum.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
Quote the xeno rule stating that hivemind isn't in english and tell the player that it is fine to use english words that the xeno wouldn't know because they are actually just communicating in pure thought.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
Warn the player that they are not supposed to have knowledge of the xenomorphs besides what they experience. If there are notes about it then give them a 3 day ban. In OOC I would also say "That was not said" right after the player said it. If there was still discussion about it then I would ask an admin to announce something about it.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
If there was proper escalation to that point then do nothing about it. If not, warn the marine about it. Explain that it might be intended to be RP but it is in no way properly done.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
I would ask the staff member doesn't the rule mean something else. If they disagree then I would try and get another staff member's opinion on it. Whatever the third party says I am going to believe is true and the staff member should correct themselves, if not then it needs to be passed up the chain of authority.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
There are so many situations for this so I am just going to list out answers from least extreme to most: ask them to stop, make a report on the forum, notify admin, notify headstaff.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Say that my mother is 70 years old and that should shut him up.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
I want to say that I know if I get accepted as moderater my job isn't enforcing the rules, it is to keep players from ruining the round for other players and keeping players from ruining the balance of the game and the rules are just a tool that help me do that. While saying this, I also understand that very few times does a situation arise in which the rules should not be enforced.
Edit: Formatting
Also, I have made some corrections to my responses in a reply, but am leaving the originals up so you know the difference.
Last edited by ty55101 on 30 May 2017, 17:43, edited 1 time in total.
- Kavlo
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Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
Good app, answers are decent but a few of them seem a bit over the top but that's nothing we can't fix during the trial period if you're accepted but most of them are fine, I'll leave someone else to go into more detail about them. You appear to understand what being a moderator means as well as the responsibility that comes with it.
Edit : I personally don't give a shit about the whole permaban thing since Jay Burns (Aka another Mod) is also permabanned someplace, I understand why people get iffy about it when it comes to applying but fuck it, whatever you're probably fine.
After recent events changing my verdict.
Edit : I personally don't give a shit about the whole permaban thing since Jay Burns (Aka another Mod) is also permabanned someplace, I understand why people get iffy about it when it comes to applying but fuck it, whatever you're probably fine.
After recent events changing my verdict.
Last edited by Kavlo on 31 May 2017, 11:15, edited 2 times in total.
Lochlann Healy the Marine Here's my good ol' dossier!

Mentor : 28th November 2016
Mod : 14th February 2017
Admin : 7th June 2017
Retired : 4th January 2018
Mod : 20th April 2018
Admin : 19th September 2018

Mentor : 28th November 2016
Mod : 14th February 2017
Admin : 7th June 2017
Retired : 4th January 2018
Mod : 20th April 2018
Admin : 19th September 2018
- TheSpoonyCroy
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- Joined: 07 Dec 2015, 02:11
Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
So let next wave begin, to the app
The applicant has shown decent effort and absolutely deserves +1
Sadly from further observation the player still doesn't get some of the core rules that he will encounter on average as a mod. I will say he does give alot of effort but he needs to learn these rules a tad better before reapplying. Sorry but for now -1
- For question 1, minor point but finding their first log in might be more of hassle than you might think here. Also the punishments you put down seem a tad harsh...
- For question 2, again minor point but actual mods can actually seal breaches and heal players if they need to, so no admin will be needed, however again I would say that is pretty harsh punishment there.
- For question 4, if they become much of a hassle make sure to note it down.
- For question 5, might want to inform if they feel this is an incorrect judgement, they can file a ban appeal to get a name "whitelisted", a rare process but one that is still there.
- For question 6, with recent rule changes this will be an IC issue. I would suggest probably tossing the MPs a bone on this one
- For question 7, how would you define many?
- For question 10, you might be jumping the gun here. In most cases of this its probably best left as an IC thing.
- For question 11, 3 notes of that occurring, what kind of time frame would these notes need to have before you file a perma?
- For question 12, this question is probably going to refer what if there is no admin online, how would you get in touch with them then?
- For question 14, I personally would say file a perma if this is repeated behavior
- For question 15, make sure to note them for the incident if its the first time.
- For question 18, jumping to a 3 day ban after a few notes? How would you define a few?
The applicant has shown decent effort and absolutely deserves +1
Sadly from further observation the player still doesn't get some of the core rules that he will encounter on average as a mod. I will say he does give alot of effort but he needs to learn these rules a tad better before reapplying. Sorry but for now -1
Last edited by TheSpoonyCroy on 30 May 2017, 21:35, edited 2 times in total.
- ty55101
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- Posts: 43
- Joined: 03 Jan 2017, 12:55
- Byond: ty55101
Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
Question 1, These did seem a little extreme to me, but I was going off of the fact that some people get perma banned pretty easy on their first log in. I suppose better punishments for when the player did not do proper escalation would be: if the player has more than 4 notes of similar incidents then a 7 day ban, if the player has 1-4 notes then a 1-3 day ban, and if it is the first incident then a 3 hour ban.TheSpoonyCroy wrote:So let next wave begin, to the appI'm honestly very neutral on this due to your permaban on baystation however I do want it to be stated that your personal note history on CM is quite light. I'll see the input and response for a thumbs up/down.
- For question 1, minor point but finding their first log in might be more of hassle than you might think here. Also the punishments you put down seem a tad harsh...
- For question 2, again minor point but actual mods can actually seal breaches and heal players if they need to, so no admin will be needed, however again I would say that is pretty harsh punishment there.
- For question 4, if they become much of a hassle make sure to note it down.
- For question 5, might want to inform if they feel this is an incorrect judgement, they can file a ban appeal to get a name "whitelisted", a rare process but one that is still there.
- For question 6, with recent rule changes this will be an IC issue. I would suggest probably tossing the MPs a bone on this one
- For question 7, how would you define many?
- For question 10, you might be jumping the gun here. In most cases of this its probably best left as an IC thing.
- For question 11, 3 notes of that occurring, what kind of time frame would these notes need to have before you file a perma?
- For question 12, this question is probably going to refer what if there is no admin online, how would you get in touch with them then?
- For question 14, I personally would say file a perma if this is repeated behavior
- For question 15, make sure to note them for the incident if its the first time.
- For question 18, jumping to a 3 day ban after a few notes? How would you define a few?
Question 2, I would say a day ban instead of a 3 day ban for not having notes. Besides that, I don't really know what should be lessened so I would have to learn that from seeing others handle it in game.
Question 7, I would use many as 4 or more. I say many for that because no one should have 4 notes for doing that.
Question 11, If they had 3 notes of killing on ship within 2 weeks then that would definitely be a perma request. If the 3 notes are within 4 weeks then I may or may not depending on the severity of the incidents, such as if each time it was improper escalation and not just greifing I would give a 7 day ban. If it was the same situation as just mentioned but 4 notes of it then I would file for a perma.
Question 12, Oh, yes. I meant to say I would say in slack that I need someone with admin abilities online right then. If no one is responding on slack then I would say that in the staff discord.
Question 15, I thought if you warn a player then it is given that a note is filed as well?
Question 18, 3 or more would be a few. At the same time I would be tempted to job ban them from command roles, but when they can do the same thing as any other position then it only makes sense that it should just be a server ban.
For those I didn't reply to I have read and understand fully.
I would like to say that my perma ban on baystation was not received within a couple weeks or even a month. I played on that server for around 4 months with 100-140 rounds played. I played for that long without my character or me being hated by the community and with only a few admins feeling the need ban me from anything. I could most likely appeal and win against my perma ban, but the reason I don't is because I realized that the server wasn't for me as they viewed everything that went against an antagonist as bad if you weren't a security officer. This even applied if you were just a concerned crew wanting to prevent harm from coming to others. So, if I wanted to play on that server than I still could. If you would like I would feel fine going to their forums and asking for list of my notes.
- Feweh
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- Byond: Feweh
Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
Further feedback required
- TheSpoonyCroy
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Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
Hmmm, these are making you a tad more appealing of a candidate at least in my eyes but I feel your ban times are slightly off but that is something that could easily be hammered out in the trial period but I shall wait for further criticisms from others before saying +1 or -1.ty55101 wrote:-snip-
- TexasTwoStep
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Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
I have extreme caution about Powergaming and Metagaming, but the fact that you didn't make me lookup your Byond Ckey is nice.
1. Three Day Ban is extremely harsh. Seven-Ten day ban is extremely harsh. A Permanent ban is harsh. You also didn't mention anything about tending to any that were effected by the shots.
2. You as a Moderator would have the ability to fix the breach, in addition Staff do not ahelp each other, we use Msay. You asked an Admin (although you have the ability anyways) to heal players without even having an investigation already planned. The only time I would suggest any ban time over three days is if it's a perma-request, and even then the intent has to be for the Player to mass-grief the server with no remorse.
4. You could go about it that way, but much rather it causes problems down the line of Players thinking that if they don't get what they want, they can just go higher up the food-chain until they get some resolve. Same comments as Spoon.
5. Same as Spoon.
6. Same as Spoon.
7. Usually after a Warning comes punishment if they were already warned for doing surgery planetside, a job-ban might be in order depending on the player's attitude to you. However, I suggest it.
10. We don't sleep players unless they're actively griefing.
I wasn't able to get all the way down the list, but as far as I see you would require intense hands-on training with timing and some of the finer sculpting skills that SLC has...but with so many applicants I don't believe you'll have the one-on-one training you need.
I'm leaning towards a -1, but I'm always up for giving someone an opportunity to show their best. Neutral for now, not enough for me to completely disregard the application, but common denominators don't make healthy fractions all the time. (It was a Math Joke.)
1. Three Day Ban is extremely harsh. Seven-Ten day ban is extremely harsh. A Permanent ban is harsh. You also didn't mention anything about tending to any that were effected by the shots.
2. You as a Moderator would have the ability to fix the breach, in addition Staff do not ahelp each other, we use Msay. You asked an Admin (although you have the ability anyways) to heal players without even having an investigation already planned. The only time I would suggest any ban time over three days is if it's a perma-request, and even then the intent has to be for the Player to mass-grief the server with no remorse.
4. You could go about it that way, but much rather it causes problems down the line of Players thinking that if they don't get what they want, they can just go higher up the food-chain until they get some resolve. Same comments as Spoon.
5. Same as Spoon.
6. Same as Spoon.
7. Usually after a Warning comes punishment if they were already warned for doing surgery planetside, a job-ban might be in order depending on the player's attitude to you. However, I suggest it.
10. We don't sleep players unless they're actively griefing.
I wasn't able to get all the way down the list, but as far as I see you would require intense hands-on training with timing and some of the finer sculpting skills that SLC has...but with so many applicants I don't believe you'll have the one-on-one training you need.
I'm leaning towards a -1, but I'm always up for giving someone an opportunity to show their best. Neutral for now, not enough for me to completely disregard the application, but common denominators don't make healthy fractions all the time. (It was a Math Joke.)
- Karmac
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Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
I've gotta agree with everyone else, normally most things are handled in the trial in regards to ban times and such, but there's a level of common sense you're expected to bring to the table and I'm concerned your not showing it. I'm also concerned by these ban times you're mentioning, I mean it's good to be heavy handed sometimes but I'm not sure you'll know when the right time would be. I'm gonna stay neutral on this one.
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?
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Back in action.
- Jroinc1
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Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
Your name's actually one of the few that I see and don't like OOC (Seymour Driggers).
You seem to be uncertain about what mod abilities are, and about proper ban times.
After reading through the app, I like the amount of though that goes into your answers, even if they aren't cookie-cutter correct.
You seem to be uncertain about what mod abilities are, and about proper ban times.
After reading through the app, I like the amount of though that goes into your answers, even if they aren't cookie-cutter correct.
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
- RedOktober12
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Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
All the issues I've seen in this app, and those that others have brought up, arise from a lack of knowledge of our procedure, which isn't easily found. This is something that can easily be learned and understood through practice. Your head is in the right place, just has to be filled with the proper practices. You've clearly given this some thought, and though your name doesn't ring any bells with me, you don't appear to be anything close to a problem player.
I'm happy to +1 this. I think with a little training you'll be fine.
I'm happy to +1 this. I think with a little training you'll be fine.
Valentina McTavish 

- TheSpoonyCroy
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Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
Ok, let’s throw you a curve ball to see how you would deal with them. Here are 2 scenarios
The first one will be a simple one. How would you deal with this case?
Scenario 1 involves 4 players:
It starts off with a random player ahelping about a marine shooting several people at the RO Line.
You notice the shooter is LugentSparrow. Who you notice is now on the floor. Also, you only a single player is seriously hurt. I shall provide the notes and attack logs of both players
SenticousPinapple’s Notes
LugentSparrow’s Notes:
You do some minor log diving to figure out what initiated the “fight”/incident to find this little nugget (Note: I do not support any of the words being said here but I remember something close to this happening on the server months back.)
So how will you deal with this? Please talk me through your process and say any punishments you give out to anyone.
Here is the scenario 2:
An ahelp comes in from Slips3262 stating a player is trying kill him for no reason. The player in question is NoscibleOtter, a player who has been around for a very long time but has been slightly a nuisance for quite a while, has multiple notes of griefing and a very recent note on improper escalation for shooting a player because of an insult. How will you deal with this in step by step process, if you need info just ask (this can include questions for the 2 players and they will be roleplayed if needed) but below I shall provide you a mock case file with mock logs and mock notes/attacklogs from both players.
Note: You aren’t required to use all the info you have but this is more to wet your toes of this process and to see the methodology you take. Also, these are trimmed down logs, so keep that in mind since the low pop rounds can run from 14k lines of text every round, it’s been cut to only 1000+ lines
If you don't want to download the case file, I shall provide the info here:
NoscibleOtter's notes and attack log
Slip's notes and attack log
I can’t provide a log file since they are log but I will make it an attachment
The first one will be a simple one. How would you deal with this case?
Scenario 1 involves 4 players:
It starts off with a random player ahelping about a marine shooting several people at the RO Line.
You notice the shooter is LugentSparrow. Who you notice is now on the floor. Also, you only a single player is seriously hurt. I shall provide the notes and attack logs of both players
SenticousPinapple’s Notes
Code: Select all
SenticousPinapple (don't question me....)
Was banned for Eorg By Mod A (Mod) on Jan 21, 2017
Had to be muted from dchat for excessive salt by Mod B (Mod) on Feb 2, 2017
Was reminded to keep be a little less abrasive in game By Mod C (Mod) on Feb 13, 2017
Was warned about using racial slurs in dchat and looc Mod Ad (Mod) on Feb 13, 2017
Was warned about shooting players who FFed them accidently... by Mod D (trialMod) on Mar 29, 2017
Banned for improper escalation. 180 minutes, again about people FFing him, claiming it was on purpose by Admin 3 (Admin) on March 31, 2017
No mods online but had to leave this note. Player was found flashing banging marines in middle of combat, leading to the death of 3 people. Cagedone (mentor) on April 20, 2017
Attack logs
ATTACK: Player A (LugentSparrow) shot Player B (SenticousPinapple) with a the Rifle bullet
ATTACK: Player A (LugentSparrow) shot Player B (SenticousPinapple) with a the Rifle bullet
ATTACK: Player A (LugentSparrow) shot Player B (SenticousPinapple) with a the Rifle bullet
ATTACK: Player A (LugentSparrow) shot Player B (SenticousPinapple) with a the Rifle bullet
ATTACK: Player A (LugentSparrow) shot Player B (SenticousPinapple) with a the Rifle bullet
ATTACK: Player A (LugentSparrow) shot Player B (SenticousPinapple) with a the Rifle bullet
Code: Select all
No notes here
Attack logs:
ATTACK: Player A (LugentSparrow) shot Player B (SenticousPinapple) with a the Rifle bullet
ATTACK: Player A (LugentSparrow) shot Player B (SenticousPinapple) with a the Rifle bullet
ATTACK: Player A (LugentSparrow) shot Player B (SenticousPinapple) with a the Rifle bullet
ATTACK: Player A (LugentSparrow) shot Player B (SenticousPinapple) with a the Rifle bullet
ATTACK: Player A (LugentSparrow) shot Player B (SenticousPinapple) with a the Rifle bullet
ATTACK: Player A (LugentSparrow) shot Player B (SenticousPinapple) with a the Rifle bullet
Attack: Player C (IsangelousMark) disarmed Player A (LugentSparrow)
Attack: Player C (IsangelousMark) disarmed Player A (LugentSparrow)
ATTACK: Player A (LugentSparrow) shot Player D (MyrianderOne) with a the Rifle bullet
Attack: Player C (IsangelousMark) disarmed Player A (LugentSparrow)
Attack: Player C (IsangelousMark) disarmed Player A (LugentSparrow)
Code: Select all
SAY: Player B / SenticousPinapple : Can you fucking hurry up, you fucking sand nigger. Briefing starts in 5 minutes and you just going to die 10 minutes after drop for your stupid ass god
Here is the scenario 2:
An ahelp comes in from Slips3262 stating a player is trying kill him for no reason. The player in question is NoscibleOtter, a player who has been around for a very long time but has been slightly a nuisance for quite a while, has multiple notes of griefing and a very recent note on improper escalation for shooting a player because of an insult. How will you deal with this in step by step process, if you need info just ask (this can include questions for the 2 players and they will be roleplayed if needed) but below I shall provide you a mock case file with mock logs and mock notes/attacklogs from both players.
Note: You aren’t required to use all the info you have but this is more to wet your toes of this process and to see the methodology you take. Also, these are trimmed down logs, so keep that in mind since the low pop rounds can run from 14k lines of text every round, it’s been cut to only 1000+ lines
If you don't want to download the case file, I shall provide the info here:
NoscibleOtter's notes and attack log
Code: Select all
Was warned for borderline dickish behavior - March 20 2016
Was banned for mudering a player who killed the Lisa and Mr.Wiggles - 180 minutes - April 5 2015
Was warned as an MP about breaking Marine law - June 6 2016
Was warned for having the name "Cena John" - June 8 2016
Was warned for grabbing random people and chockslamming them through tables because it was "Fun" - July 25 2016
Was warned for engaging in some bordering griefing pre briefing - July 27 2016
Was banned for continously flashbanging marines in the RO line, as they put it "Just because" - 1440 minutes - July 30 2016
Was Jobbanned from MP, Was flashbanging marines in the RO line for no reason - July 30 2016
Was warned for again for making another wrestler's name - April 1 2016
Was banned for tying to get around the name rule again by using another obscure wrestler's name - 180 minutes - April 2 2016
Was warned about throwing cleaner nades in middle of an assault - April 15 2016
Was warned about shooting a marine for an insult - April 20 2016
Attack logs:
[00:51:13]Was punched by Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong/ (Slips3262)
[01:20:14]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) shot Young Spitter 23 (Xeno Filth 1)
[01:20:16]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) shot Young Spitter 23 (Xeno Filth 1)
[01:20:50]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) shot Young Crusher 19 (Xeno Filth 2)
[01:20:56]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) shot Young Crusher 19 (Xeno Filth 2)
[01:20:59]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) shot Young Crusher 19 (Xeno Filth 2)
[01:35:10]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) shot Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
[01:35:10]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) shot Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
[01:35:10]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) shot Young Runner (666) (SlasheyTheSlasher)
Code: Select all
Banned for EoRG - 180 minutes - April 20 2017
Attack logs:
[00:51:13]ATTACK: Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong/ (Slips3262) punched Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter)
[01:35:02]ATTACK: Young Runner (666) (SlasheyTheSlasher) slashes Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
[01:35:05]ATTACK: Young Runner (666) (SlasheyTheSlasher) slashes Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
[01:35:10]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) shot Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
[01:35:10]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) shot Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.
- ty55101
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Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
TheSpoonyCroy wrote: (Scenarios)
Scenario 1:
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► Show Spoiler
1.A marine kills another crew member on the grounds that they are acting suspicious.
Heal the dead crew member. Warn the marine that killing another crew member is almost never acceptable and that if someone seems suspicious they should report it to the MPs. If they have a note for killing a marine before then I would administer a 3 hour ban. If the player in question had 2 notes, both of them being within the past month, then I would issue a day ban. If there were more than 2 notes of this in the past month then I would give them a 3 day ban or a 10 day ban with a perma request if there are other notes there too that reflect acts of greifing. If they have notes of acts of greifing but none of them in the last month then I would give a 3 hour ban.
1.CO or acting commander arranging battlefield execution by other marines
I would investigate and ask the commander what they were thinking. If the person was a clear and present danger to the marines on the ground such that it was either kill them or marines would be killed by them, then I would allow it. If the person was a danger to the marines but the marines would not have died from it then I would make a note on the commander. If the person was an annoyance or something similar, but was not going to directly cause the harm of any marines then I would temporarily remove their whitelist and apply for it to be removed.
This is how well the CM community understands the actual military.

Times had a fun round in CM: 100
Times cared about winning a round: 20
Stats in signature: 3

Times had a fun round in CM: 100
Times cared about winning a round: 20
Stats in signature: 3
- TheSpoonyCroy
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Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
Looks good however a little note, the second scenario was more to show you generally when someone is ahelping especially if it involves themselves, there is going to be a very obvious bias. I applaud that you would continue watching the player, just to be sure.
I see you have put in a decent amount of effort on this app and have been quite timely. I'll shift my vote to a +1. The issues I can see are mostly going to be hammered out by the trial
I see you have put in a decent amount of effort on this app and have been quite timely. I'll shift my vote to a +1. The issues I can see are mostly going to be hammered out by the trial
- Kavrick
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Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
Seperate from the content on the app, ive seen him several times argue against certain rules and generally misunderstanding basic rules rather heavily in the forum chat, which is heavily disheartening, -1 from me
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- Karmac
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Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
I really can't support someone who doesn't understand what 'proper escalation' is given its such a key issue on our server, I'll have to -1 this.
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?
Back in action.
Back in action.
- PreacherCini
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Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
After seeing the whole proper escalation/ improper escalation argument, I can't +1 this with a good, clear conscience.
- ty55101
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Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
Kavrick wrote:Seperate from the content on the app, ive seen him several times argue against certain rules and generally misunderstanding basic rules rather heavily in the forum chat, which is heavily disheartening, -1 from me
Karmac wrote:I really can't support someone who doesn't understand what 'proper escalation' is given its such a key issue on our server, I'll have to -1 this.
So I guess I will address these all at once since they are all about the same thing.PreacherCini wrote:After seeing the whole proper escalation/ improper escalation argument, I can't +1 this with a good, clear conscience.
I saw Karmac say something, "What kind of retard threatens a fellow marine with a shotgun because he punched you." in a ban appeal and I was trying to ask him why he said it, because it seemed completely within the rules that if someone starts punching you and it isn't a mutual fight then you are allowed to stop them by threatening them then shoot them. This made sense because it applies to real life as well which is the sole requirement for using Lethal Force rule wise. So then I asked him about this and it got made into a bigger and bigger deal while I was just trying to have it explained to me since it was within the Rules as Written, since if someone assaults you in real life, in most cases you have the right to kill them during the assault. An admin (I believe it was TheSpoonyCroy) said that it still takes a player out of a round and Noah explained it the same way, but more in depth. After this was said, I understood why it would be against how the Rules are intended to be. After that I was done, but apparently some miscommunication were made such as "I think if a player hits someone twice then they can be killed." So I ended up spending the next 10 or so minutes trying to explain myself and that didn't really help.
I understand now that if a person is taken out of the round by another players actions then it is a big deal because it is one player affecting the round for another and not just because it wasn't roleplayed correctly, which is what I originally thought because that is what the rule stated.
- TheMaskedMan2
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Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
After witnessing all the mchat arguments, I genuinelly can not +1 this.
I really don't think this player has a solid grasp on proper escalation, at all.
I really don't think this player has a solid grasp on proper escalation, at all.
Certified RP Professional™
Marine: Vera Webb
Synthetic: Sybil
Predator: Vaya'Nylk
Marine: Vera Webb
Synthetic: Sybil
Predator: Vaya'Nylk
- Kavrick
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Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
You're being heavily misleading about how the debate went down, this argument went on for a good 20 minutes, where several times not only did you argue for threatening someone over something so small, you did in fact argue that it wouldnt be against the rules to kill them, which is the first problem, because thats straight up wrong and an obviously means you didnt understand the rules. The fact that you were extremely adamant about how you thought the rules works was the real problem, as literally everyone in the chat was telling you that you were wrong, including about 3 mods and an admin, which is the main issue, as rules are not something to be debated. Using arguments like "it would be legal in real life if someone broke into your house" which makes little sense to bring up as it doesnt slightly apply to the context along with talking about that if someone assaults you, you have the right to kill them, which MIGHT be right in some contexts, its not the prefered way of thinking as the term "assault" is pretty damn vague and could easily be used to missrepresent a situation.ty55101 wrote:-snip-
And honestly i dont think there was any misscommunication, as you had many many people explaining it to you how it worked and you still wouldnt agree, and being flexable is an incredibly important trait to have as staff member
The people that took part in this discussion where - me, Karmac, preacher, themaskedman, spoony and noah, and i might have missed some people but those were the people that took part the most
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- ty55101
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Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
I don't understand why you are saying that the rules cannot be debated. No, they shouldn't be debated in a situation in which you are immediately going to use them. I wasn't doing that though. All I wanted was some kind of explanation as to why it was against the rules since it didn't make sense to me. There was obviously some miscommunication because you said I thought it was okay to kill someone if they hit me two times. I never said this and even clarified that I was talking about continuous punching before you said that again. I had a very hard time understanding this when all of you kept saying proper escalation which isn't an actual rule, but just a term that is used to apply to multiple rules. So, yes if a person is physically attacking you in real life you have the legal right to shoot them under United States law, but I understand why this is not okay on the server. And again it is within the rules under the exact wording of them i.e. Do not physically attack any other human without a legitimate, explainable, roleplay reason that could be applied in a similar, real-life scenario. But if the staff is against it being within the rules then it is probably against how the rules are intended to work.Kavrick wrote:~snip~
This is how well the CM community understands the actual military.

Times had a fun round in CM: 100
Times cared about winning a round: 20
Stats in signature: 3

Times had a fun round in CM: 100
Times cared about winning a round: 20
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- slc97
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Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
Enough. I'll look through the mchat archives this afternoon and post an opinion on this. Until then, this hearsay bullshit will stop.
- Feweh
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Re: ty55101 - Moderator application
Not a fan of your comments in mchat and a few post on the forums.