PrivateAtom - Moderator Application
- Atom Smith
- Registered user
- Posts: 9
- Joined: 23 May 2017, 20:07
- Location: UK
- Byond: PrivateAtom
- Steam: PrivateAtom
PrivateAtom - Moderator Application
Byond ID: PrivateAtom
Colonial Marines Character: Joe Smith
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Timezone: GMT (UK)
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? 30 hours or more depending on when required. Weekends will have more consecutive hours available.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? I've moderated many types of things. Discords, Mods(Arma3), Twitch Streams, Slack and such.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? I believe not.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM? I don't play on any of the others. Found my pleasure here so I stayed.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made: N/A
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? I'm currently only doing one active moderation which is a Discord server for "N3rdfusion". (Ask if you want more info).
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? No
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for? No
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)? Yes, I've used slack for many other business and moderation duties I’ve to have and had before.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
I would message the user, asking the reason for his actions. Then contact the attacked and see their side of the story (while checking logs and other sources of info). If the reason is valid, then let the MP’s do their job and duties. If they give no reason or not a good enough one, then a punishment is a result but it is to be considered if it will affect the RP of the round (MP’s and such). If it affects the current roleplay situation, let it play out then find a suitable timing to punish the individual. (Take into account previous notes attached to this player).
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
Investigate the origin of the breach, and follow the procedure (players involved, logs, witnesses etc), the users may have died due to their own actions. If so, find the reason behind the situation and deal with related severity(Very severe punishment). If caused by a bug, resolve where possible to continue the round.
At the same time, get another staff member to block up the breach or vice versa (Main priority) (Aim is to continue the round with the least amount of involvement/changing from “god” while maintaining the reality of the situation).
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
Two ways I could deal with this. The first way would be to observe then to private message the person and question if they are new or if everything is okay. (It is possible the person is roleplaying). Offer assistance if possible or point the situation out to a “mentor” due to their expertise being such situations with adiging strangling people. The second way to resolve this situation would be to go into the game myself and find the user, trying to guide them with a friendlier and physical route while maintaining the roleplay of the server. If it gets too bad, use “LOOC” or use a mentor to handle the situation. I won’t give any punishment on this user if it is a fresh new user who is generally lost, on the other hand if it’s a troll player then relevant punishment is given.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
Recognise the situation for what it is and notify the person of their behaviour and to correct it before talking to me further. Stress that what I have said is final and to carry it out to the letter and if they have a problem to report it through the form. But if I feel the nature of the situation should reach an Admin+ I will contact on my own accord, not for the request of a player.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
Point out to the user the specific rule that is broken and try to convince them that their username is in fact breaking such a rule. It was found today never mind the past. Advise them to follow what I have said (changing their name in this case) and if they want to make a complaint about this situation to do it upon the forum but in the meantime to carry out my instructions. If uncooperative, alter it myself and note such behaviour.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armour and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
Observe the situation for a short while, to see if the members of the ship are able to rectify the situation themselves. Ideally an MP or similar should notice and handle such a problem. If not notice for a long period of time, it would be worth private messaging them and suggesting that they are not acting like their selected role of MT and suggest if they want to wear that sort of getup that they should choose next round.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
Survey the situation and investigate to see if their claims are true about no doctors in the FOB or any other alternative to them giving surgery such as making the patient stable enough to get them to the ship. (At this point check the logs). Private message the medic in question about how it is against the rules (Power gaming) (Show the rules) to perform surgery that they haven’t trained for in their role and suggest to stick to their role-specific possible duties (give them a possible list of things to do and encourage them this is the best route in future). (It is worth to see if this person has done it in the past (check notes) for reoffending cases.(New system shouldn’t allow this situation to happen anymore.) Continue to observe and could possibly influence for surgery able people to be put planetside.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The Marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
Observe the round and look for opportunities that the two different sides don’t notice and point it out. Many people forget the sole purpose of the mission, if they are not fulfilling such, I can point it out so they can act upon it. (e.g. if there are survivors on the planet, go save them). (If Xenos are not breeding, breed and grow)(This can often take time so i will take this into account). Many possible routes you could take to initiate initiative from both sides for them to advance or take a risk. Contact the head of each side with influences in what they could do, or give hints to what the others giving them the confidence to take the first step!
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile IRON BEAR and the IRON BEAR Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
End round attacking is prohibited except between marines and aliens. So this situation is acceptable. If otherwise, immediate 3-hour ban. No warnings (Pm them reason then ban).
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start
Survey the situation and check the logs of individuals involved. Contact the marine in question, asking for the reason behind their actions. Also, try to get both sides of the stories from people involved. If there is a legitimate (Maybe roleplay) reason behind their actions, suggest dialling it down or another approach on the flip side if there is no good reason for the actions taken place, collect all the info and decide a result for their actions, taking into account any previous behaviour. Warning and to alter their behaviour to fit the server better (Note their actions and result).
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. Killing is never seen as an option. Check the logs and the witness of the story that unfolded. Take the person that did the killing out of the situation, same sort of punishment as an end of round killing. Not acceptable, gather all notes and reason the punishments to the actions. If OOC motive, then take it further. If it happened IC suggest an alter in behaviour but still deal the punishment. (Noone likes to die, bad reason to kill someone).
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
See if anything can be resolved with my own powers. The contact an appropriate staff (Admin+), directly or through slack. If none available, post something on the notice board (Slack or Hidden discord channel) for someone to pick up and act upon.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
Check the logs and situation for how significant the comments were to the level of seriousness but generally if low-level jokes and stuff comments, can be left to an IC issue not to be taken further.
If unsure due to my own level of close connection to a joke get another staff to interpret such an incident so there is no bias or connection to myself. (Rare situation but possible who knows).
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
Private message that marine immediately (maybe they come back online as different person or something) and see if you can get a response while messaging those involved in the incident (Ones killed and witnesses). Check logs and any previous incidents of similar from this character on the notes. If new, possibly try harder to get into contact with the player to find a resolution, if repeater or long-term consider a harder punishment due to their knowledge of the rules and recite it to them accordingly. Because they logged off, I would assume they were angry(grief) or were trying to avoid a ban due to their actions so I would deal with it in such a manner but I would see it as grief so ban accordingly. But still, keep an eye out for the player replying may shed some light on the situation. Add notes and logs and all relevant info so that if they come back they can be investigated maybe further.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
Contact the killed and the killer to see their sides of the story, I would guess the person didn’t want to carry on the round so they just killed themselves without getting in trouble for just logging off. Look at the logs for similar behaviour (Might not just be one, they might try to ruin the round). Ban according to results and investigating. Assuming it was what I concluded it would be an instant ban. Add all relevant info to notes and such forth. (Keep an eye on the following round for patterns, may be more common than thought).
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
Private message the individual with a warning. If already received move onto the next step of a 3-hour ban. Note relevant info and observe for any others that are copying said player as it may start a trend which should be stopped.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
Colour of differences. It is no real issue, it is more of two people calling something one thing with two names, no issue and no offence to meta or failrp.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
Give a quick little message to the staff player reminding him of the IC ideal of not knowing what is going on down on the planet. Only info should be known is the distress beacon. If there is a major concern of people complaining about his roleplay make an announcement to rectify it before it comes to a problem.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
Contact everyone in the EVAC pod to explain what they saw and what happened in their own stories. Check the availability of the pods to see if that was actually a move to save their own life. Check the logs for similar incidents and investigate for trends and legitimately of actions taken place. Gather all stories to have a clear picture of what happened. Take action upon the result that has been found, either way of if it was RP or fake stories but giving respective punishments. If all info points to RP, determine if it was correct RP that wants to be on the server, but killing is never good of your own team. (Possibly look at different options they could have taken and suggest these or direct punishments because they didn’t take these other options.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
Maybe the fellow staff has outdated information or something recently changed that they are unaware of, simply just send them a pm making them aware of the actual information (try to show them, facts are always nice to look at). Assist them if they get confused or gets out of hand. Want every person on the server treated the same so all staff should have the same info to inform people from.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
Observe what is happening, take evidence for later referral to report to. Do not face up to them, just observe and point out to relevant hierarchy.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Avoid talking or responding to such a person, take nothing personally. If moves onto other players consider taking action and warn them of their behaviour.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
I’ve had many roles in which consists of compiling information and making a result of it. I’m never far from the computer so urgencies are always my speciality. Calm under pressure and always improve from feedback never to be taken to heart.
My logic:
Look at the situation as a whole. Take action of the priority incident.(Something that will cause further problems in the moment now). Gather stories, logs, information and witnesses and backups for the incident that happened. Refer to rules and solid facts stated to all players. Look at all possible angles and determine a factual result that the evidence supports and punish/resolve accordingly. Then make sure everyone is aware of what happened and why.
Colonial Marines Character: Joe Smith
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Timezone: GMT (UK)
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? 30 hours or more depending on when required. Weekends will have more consecutive hours available.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? I've moderated many types of things. Discords, Mods(Arma3), Twitch Streams, Slack and such.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? I believe not.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM? I don't play on any of the others. Found my pleasure here so I stayed.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made: N/A
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? I'm currently only doing one active moderation which is a Discord server for "N3rdfusion". (Ask if you want more info).
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? No
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for? No
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)? Yes, I've used slack for many other business and moderation duties I’ve to have and had before.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
I would message the user, asking the reason for his actions. Then contact the attacked and see their side of the story (while checking logs and other sources of info). If the reason is valid, then let the MP’s do their job and duties. If they give no reason or not a good enough one, then a punishment is a result but it is to be considered if it will affect the RP of the round (MP’s and such). If it affects the current roleplay situation, let it play out then find a suitable timing to punish the individual. (Take into account previous notes attached to this player).
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
Investigate the origin of the breach, and follow the procedure (players involved, logs, witnesses etc), the users may have died due to their own actions. If so, find the reason behind the situation and deal with related severity(Very severe punishment). If caused by a bug, resolve where possible to continue the round.
At the same time, get another staff member to block up the breach or vice versa (Main priority) (Aim is to continue the round with the least amount of involvement/changing from “god” while maintaining the reality of the situation).
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
Two ways I could deal with this. The first way would be to observe then to private message the person and question if they are new or if everything is okay. (It is possible the person is roleplaying). Offer assistance if possible or point the situation out to a “mentor” due to their expertise being such situations with adiging strangling people. The second way to resolve this situation would be to go into the game myself and find the user, trying to guide them with a friendlier and physical route while maintaining the roleplay of the server. If it gets too bad, use “LOOC” or use a mentor to handle the situation. I won’t give any punishment on this user if it is a fresh new user who is generally lost, on the other hand if it’s a troll player then relevant punishment is given.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
Recognise the situation for what it is and notify the person of their behaviour and to correct it before talking to me further. Stress that what I have said is final and to carry it out to the letter and if they have a problem to report it through the form. But if I feel the nature of the situation should reach an Admin+ I will contact on my own accord, not for the request of a player.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
Point out to the user the specific rule that is broken and try to convince them that their username is in fact breaking such a rule. It was found today never mind the past. Advise them to follow what I have said (changing their name in this case) and if they want to make a complaint about this situation to do it upon the forum but in the meantime to carry out my instructions. If uncooperative, alter it myself and note such behaviour.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armour and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
Observe the situation for a short while, to see if the members of the ship are able to rectify the situation themselves. Ideally an MP or similar should notice and handle such a problem. If not notice for a long period of time, it would be worth private messaging them and suggesting that they are not acting like their selected role of MT and suggest if they want to wear that sort of getup that they should choose next round.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
Survey the situation and investigate to see if their claims are true about no doctors in the FOB or any other alternative to them giving surgery such as making the patient stable enough to get them to the ship. (At this point check the logs). Private message the medic in question about how it is against the rules (Power gaming) (Show the rules) to perform surgery that they haven’t trained for in their role and suggest to stick to their role-specific possible duties (give them a possible list of things to do and encourage them this is the best route in future). (It is worth to see if this person has done it in the past (check notes) for reoffending cases.(New system shouldn’t allow this situation to happen anymore.) Continue to observe and could possibly influence for surgery able people to be put planetside.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The Marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
Observe the round and look for opportunities that the two different sides don’t notice and point it out. Many people forget the sole purpose of the mission, if they are not fulfilling such, I can point it out so they can act upon it. (e.g. if there are survivors on the planet, go save them). (If Xenos are not breeding, breed and grow)(This can often take time so i will take this into account). Many possible routes you could take to initiate initiative from both sides for them to advance or take a risk. Contact the head of each side with influences in what they could do, or give hints to what the others giving them the confidence to take the first step!
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile IRON BEAR and the IRON BEAR Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
End round attacking is prohibited except between marines and aliens. So this situation is acceptable. If otherwise, immediate 3-hour ban. No warnings (Pm them reason then ban).
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start
Survey the situation and check the logs of individuals involved. Contact the marine in question, asking for the reason behind their actions. Also, try to get both sides of the stories from people involved. If there is a legitimate (Maybe roleplay) reason behind their actions, suggest dialling it down or another approach on the flip side if there is no good reason for the actions taken place, collect all the info and decide a result for their actions, taking into account any previous behaviour. Warning and to alter their behaviour to fit the server better (Note their actions and result).
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. Killing is never seen as an option. Check the logs and the witness of the story that unfolded. Take the person that did the killing out of the situation, same sort of punishment as an end of round killing. Not acceptable, gather all notes and reason the punishments to the actions. If OOC motive, then take it further. If it happened IC suggest an alter in behaviour but still deal the punishment. (Noone likes to die, bad reason to kill someone).
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
See if anything can be resolved with my own powers. The contact an appropriate staff (Admin+), directly or through slack. If none available, post something on the notice board (Slack or Hidden discord channel) for someone to pick up and act upon.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
Check the logs and situation for how significant the comments were to the level of seriousness but generally if low-level jokes and stuff comments, can be left to an IC issue not to be taken further.
If unsure due to my own level of close connection to a joke get another staff to interpret such an incident so there is no bias or connection to myself. (Rare situation but possible who knows).
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
Private message that marine immediately (maybe they come back online as different person or something) and see if you can get a response while messaging those involved in the incident (Ones killed and witnesses). Check logs and any previous incidents of similar from this character on the notes. If new, possibly try harder to get into contact with the player to find a resolution, if repeater or long-term consider a harder punishment due to their knowledge of the rules and recite it to them accordingly. Because they logged off, I would assume they were angry(grief) or were trying to avoid a ban due to their actions so I would deal with it in such a manner but I would see it as grief so ban accordingly. But still, keep an eye out for the player replying may shed some light on the situation. Add notes and logs and all relevant info so that if they come back they can be investigated maybe further.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
Contact the killed and the killer to see their sides of the story, I would guess the person didn’t want to carry on the round so they just killed themselves without getting in trouble for just logging off. Look at the logs for similar behaviour (Might not just be one, they might try to ruin the round). Ban according to results and investigating. Assuming it was what I concluded it would be an instant ban. Add all relevant info to notes and such forth. (Keep an eye on the following round for patterns, may be more common than thought).
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
Private message the individual with a warning. If already received move onto the next step of a 3-hour ban. Note relevant info and observe for any others that are copying said player as it may start a trend which should be stopped.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
Colour of differences. It is no real issue, it is more of two people calling something one thing with two names, no issue and no offence to meta or failrp.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
Give a quick little message to the staff player reminding him of the IC ideal of not knowing what is going on down on the planet. Only info should be known is the distress beacon. If there is a major concern of people complaining about his roleplay make an announcement to rectify it before it comes to a problem.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
Contact everyone in the EVAC pod to explain what they saw and what happened in their own stories. Check the availability of the pods to see if that was actually a move to save their own life. Check the logs for similar incidents and investigate for trends and legitimately of actions taken place. Gather all stories to have a clear picture of what happened. Take action upon the result that has been found, either way of if it was RP or fake stories but giving respective punishments. If all info points to RP, determine if it was correct RP that wants to be on the server, but killing is never good of your own team. (Possibly look at different options they could have taken and suggest these or direct punishments because they didn’t take these other options.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
Maybe the fellow staff has outdated information or something recently changed that they are unaware of, simply just send them a pm making them aware of the actual information (try to show them, facts are always nice to look at). Assist them if they get confused or gets out of hand. Want every person on the server treated the same so all staff should have the same info to inform people from.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
Observe what is happening, take evidence for later referral to report to. Do not face up to them, just observe and point out to relevant hierarchy.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Avoid talking or responding to such a person, take nothing personally. If moves onto other players consider taking action and warn them of their behaviour.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
I’ve had many roles in which consists of compiling information and making a result of it. I’m never far from the computer so urgencies are always my speciality. Calm under pressure and always improve from feedback never to be taken to heart.
My logic:
Look at the situation as a whole. Take action of the priority incident.(Something that will cause further problems in the moment now). Gather stories, logs, information and witnesses and backups for the incident that happened. Refer to rules and solid facts stated to all players. Look at all possible angles and determine a factual result that the evidence supports and punish/resolve accordingly. Then make sure everyone is aware of what happened and why.
Last edited by Atom Smith on 23 Sep 2017, 19:01, edited 1 time in total.
- To look out for your own is like true nature.
- The guy who will always give his life for the survival of others.
- To look at others as if they are a reflection of themselves.
From order, comes freedom.
- Tharinoma
- Registered user
- Posts: 413
- Joined: 15 Jan 2016, 17:48
Re: PrivateAtom - Moderator Application
Hello PrivateAto,
I'll start by dropping this here :
Forum rules
4. Your Ckey MUST be the same as your forum account or you will be denied.
I have a few questions or comments on your answers in your app :
1. If it was just missfire (missclick), would you still be PMing both the shooter and the victim?
2. Can you give an example of a legit breach?
4. How is ID-stealing an admin related issue? Is it me, or is the syntax in your answer... weird? What do you mean by "or the result of an investigation"?
6. Is this really necessary?
7. Soo... do you let him finish the surgery? Do you note the incident? Do you ban him? jobban him? How and why do you "influence for surgery able people to be put planetside."? Is that really your job?
8. That's really nice and all, but you know, most players know exactly what they're doing. If they don't attack each other, it's because they're convinced they'll lose if they do so. Not because they don't know what they could be doing.
9. End round attacking is prohibited except between marines and aliens. // So this situation is acceptable. - These two sentences are in direct contradiction, or I missed something.
11. "Killing is never seen as an option" - Never? Are there no situations that allow you to kill another marine? "If OOC takes further" -? "Take the person that did the killing out of the situation" - How would you do that? Why is it necessary? Do you heal the victim?
14. The question says "Instantly logs off", so you're obviously unable to get in contact with him. Why do you message the witnesses, situation seems pretty clear to me, there's no reason to go in a killing spree in brief... "Ban accordingly" - How long, what type of ban?
15. What kind of ban? Jobban? How long? Would you ban even if it's his first offense as a xeno ever? Why do you contact the Killer?
18. Note? Ban? Jobban?
19. Assuming the guy is telling the truth, how do you determine if it was "correct RP that wants to be on the server", as you say? What punishment? for what? how long? note?
Is English your first language? How long did it take for you to write your application? Did you read already approved applications before doing so?
It seems you don't have a good knowledge of the tools available to you as a moderator, which is perfectly normal if you never had staff powers on a server before. It's not hard to learn.
You seem to think you should often PM all the players involved when a situation arises. Do you think getting a precise and exact description of the situation is always necessary? Isn't solving it and moving on equally, if not more important?
Can you give us an example of a note you would be leaving on someone after one of the situations described above? Any situation that warrants a note being left on someone's account.
How much do you know about medical, marine law and the MP/CMP jobs?
How would you deal with this hypothetical situation :
The Commander ahelps the following : "The CMP and the MPs have arrested alpha specialist for improper uniform because he was wearing his alpha SL's armor. The alpha SL is the one that gave it to him. It told them to release him but they won't listen".
Your investigation indicates the commander is telling the truth.
Overall, your answers, while detailed, often miss the point, and aren't easy to understand.
You do however, seem to understand the spirit of the rules, knowing how to use common sense with them.
Neutral leaning -1, for the time being, looking forward to your response and further feedback.
Thanks for reading.
I'll start by dropping this here :
Forum rules
4. Your Ckey MUST be the same as your forum account or you will be denied.
I have a few questions or comments on your answers in your app :
1. If it was just missfire (missclick), would you still be PMing both the shooter and the victim?
2. Can you give an example of a legit breach?
4. How is ID-stealing an admin related issue? Is it me, or is the syntax in your answer... weird? What do you mean by "or the result of an investigation"?
6. Is this really necessary?
7. Soo... do you let him finish the surgery? Do you note the incident? Do you ban him? jobban him? How and why do you "influence for surgery able people to be put planetside."? Is that really your job?
8. That's really nice and all, but you know, most players know exactly what they're doing. If they don't attack each other, it's because they're convinced they'll lose if they do so. Not because they don't know what they could be doing.
9. End round attacking is prohibited except between marines and aliens. // So this situation is acceptable. - These two sentences are in direct contradiction, or I missed something.
11. "Killing is never seen as an option" - Never? Are there no situations that allow you to kill another marine? "If OOC takes further" -? "Take the person that did the killing out of the situation" - How would you do that? Why is it necessary? Do you heal the victim?
14. The question says "Instantly logs off", so you're obviously unable to get in contact with him. Why do you message the witnesses, situation seems pretty clear to me, there's no reason to go in a killing spree in brief... "Ban accordingly" - How long, what type of ban?
15. What kind of ban? Jobban? How long? Would you ban even if it's his first offense as a xeno ever? Why do you contact the Killer?
18. Note? Ban? Jobban?
19. Assuming the guy is telling the truth, how do you determine if it was "correct RP that wants to be on the server", as you say? What punishment? for what? how long? note?
Is English your first language? How long did it take for you to write your application? Did you read already approved applications before doing so?
It seems you don't have a good knowledge of the tools available to you as a moderator, which is perfectly normal if you never had staff powers on a server before. It's not hard to learn.
You seem to think you should often PM all the players involved when a situation arises. Do you think getting a precise and exact description of the situation is always necessary? Isn't solving it and moving on equally, if not more important?
Can you give us an example of a note you would be leaving on someone after one of the situations described above? Any situation that warrants a note being left on someone's account.
How much do you know about medical, marine law and the MP/CMP jobs?
How would you deal with this hypothetical situation :
The Commander ahelps the following : "The CMP and the MPs have arrested alpha specialist for improper uniform because he was wearing his alpha SL's armor. The alpha SL is the one that gave it to him. It told them to release him but they won't listen".
Your investigation indicates the commander is telling the truth.
Overall, your answers, while detailed, often miss the point, and aren't easy to understand.
You do however, seem to understand the spirit of the rules, knowing how to use common sense with them.
Neutral leaning -1, for the time being, looking forward to your response and further feedback.
Thanks for reading.
Player PM from player/(Larva (247)) (?): It's totally realistic to challenge someone to do boxing for a mouse trap, in the middle of a alien occupation.
- emeraldmoonx
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- Posts: 173
- Joined: 22 Feb 2017, 14:20
- Byond: emeraldmoonx
Re: PrivateAtom - Moderator Application
Good app, some grammar issues as mentioned by Tharinoma. I'd recommend you get Grammarly, it's an amazing tool and it helps a lot for comma placement. Spell check your app and so on, it'll help you immensely.
Otherwise, I'd like to give some input on some of your answers for the situations.
2. One of your first priority is to prevent any interruption to gameplay/RP, now if there's a breach to the ship, this will immensely prevent gameplay for marines. Plug the hole ASAP, first thing, then do your investigation and so forth.
3. I doubt it's necessary for you to go to the effort of creating a character and going to find him and help him. Ahelp and PMs should be more than sufficient for you and/or a mentor. It's entirely up to you, but your efforts will be better spent elsewhere.
4. Yes if the issue requires an Admin+, then it's correct to forward the player. Otherwise, do whatever is possible to resolve the issue yourself.
7. Should be noted that medics are unable to complete surgery anymore due to the skill system so this will never be an issue anymore :]. Also if we were to ignore the system... A claim that there is no doctor on the surface as absolutely unrelated as a Medic is unable to perform surgery regardless, so this is power gaming.
13. Yes, jokes are entirely subjective based on your own experience and how you deal with humor. You can't be biased because the joke personally offends you. A joke is a joke, especially if most of the people involved really don't care. That's my personal opinion.
Good answers, fix that grammar and I give a +1. -1 for now, as you should have spell checked in the first place :].
Otherwise, I'd like to give some input on some of your answers for the situations.
2. One of your first priority is to prevent any interruption to gameplay/RP, now if there's a breach to the ship, this will immensely prevent gameplay for marines. Plug the hole ASAP, first thing, then do your investigation and so forth.
3. I doubt it's necessary for you to go to the effort of creating a character and going to find him and help him. Ahelp and PMs should be more than sufficient for you and/or a mentor. It's entirely up to you, but your efforts will be better spent elsewhere.
4. Yes if the issue requires an Admin+, then it's correct to forward the player. Otherwise, do whatever is possible to resolve the issue yourself.
7. Should be noted that medics are unable to complete surgery anymore due to the skill system so this will never be an issue anymore :]. Also if we were to ignore the system... A claim that there is no doctor on the surface as absolutely unrelated as a Medic is unable to perform surgery regardless, so this is power gaming.
13. Yes, jokes are entirely subjective based on your own experience and how you deal with humor. You can't be biased because the joke personally offends you. A joke is a joke, especially if most of the people involved really don't care. That's my personal opinion.
Good answers, fix that grammar and I give a +1. -1 for now, as you should have spell checked in the first place :].
USCM - Elric Wolff
Synthetic - Eric
Synthetic - Eric
- Atom Smith
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- Posts: 9
- Joined: 23 May 2017, 20:07
- Location: UK
- Byond: PrivateAtom
- Steam: PrivateAtom
Re: PrivateAtom - Moderator Application
Hello, thank you for your response and hopefully, I can answer your questions clearly for you.
1. In this instance, I would have to know a little bit of information for example that the user said, "Oh sorry, I accidentally shot!”. From observing the situation and re-reading the logs, I would decide whether or not to message the user. But in your instance, where I knew the person miss clicked, it would be no harm in reminding them to be more careful where they shoot their weapon. I would not message the victim, as they would see as the MP's have resolved the issue unless they message AdminsHelp about the issue then make them aware of the situation and how it was handled.
2. If by "Legit" you mean player made then, it would an instance for example them placing C4 on a wall and then causing the breach or shooting something like explosive next to a wall and causes such a breach.
4. A player who steals ID's is a serious offence due to it being the core system for recognition on the system. When I wrote admin, I had in my mind for administration where in other jobs I’ve had, that moderators also fall within that department, so apologies but this issue is for staff generally that have the power to. I was just trying to think of a high severity issue that might interest an Admins attention.
6. Well, I could say nothing at all. But if he is willing to do all of the dressing up like a marine, maybe suggest him to that sort of role instead of them breaking the rules while being an MT. I feel in the best interest of the server, it would not harm to suggest that to the player.
7. That’s a good question. I would say no, I wouldn't let him. Its break the rules. I would tell them to stop and do what a medic should do, which is patch them up to live long enough to get back to the ship. The only situation that would be acceptable is if something like a major department like engineering was missing staff and someone had to fill it in as it is mission dependent. Yes, I would note it, even if its something small as that, because they might try to do it again when someone else is watching. In terms of punishment, it would follow the regular warning then 3-hour ban. How.. many ways, by getting involved in future games and persuading the leaders to send more medical units to the ground for support could be one way.(Discrete way) Why?.. To try and stop situations where that might happen, or lessen the chances of it happening when people are power-gaming if the roles are already there. It is not my job, but my job is to make sure everyone is having fun the server but also following the rules. Maybe it isn't my job, but maybe it is one of the initiatives that must be taken that some people do tweak the server so it runs even smoother.
8. Yes, they know what they are doing. But idea is to give them the incentive to advance, so showing them an opportunity that may give them the idea that they will win would be worth then not trying at all.
9. 1st sentence was stating from the rules, of what the actual rule is. 2nd second was answering the question. Sorry if there is any confusion. Because Iron Bear vs Marine are enemies, Marine vs Alien are enemies. I was trying to indicate that attacks against allies are not allowed but against enemies are.
11. Killing of an ally is allowed if it has a valid reason while IC. When I said “If OOC takes further”, if the incident was because of something that was OOC, it would take the severity and seriousness of the situation further. To take that person out of the situation would be by a ban. Same as end round killing of a 3-hour ban. I can heal this person at my own discretion depending on the situation if it would fit the RP and such.
14. The situation may be clear, but there may be things that were overlooked so it’s always worth finding some more information to confirm the situation. It would be an immediate ban of 3-hour under the category of “grief”.
15. Suicide, logging off and such all fall under Job ban unless I wanted to categorise it under just regular suicide which is an immediate ban. I would consider not banning, due to their first time being an Xeno so they are allowed some leeway, maybe not knowing what to do and ran straight into some marines by accident or not knowing the limits of the xeno form.
18. Assuming it’s the first time, I would make a note that he has failed and is metagaming as long as he carries on the rest of the round, not metagaming. But not a job ban for the first intervention. If a repeat offender, I would job ban the player due to metagaming.
19. Well that is at the discretion of the staff member handling the case. In my belief, if it was all RP supported, then I would be convinced that something such as that could be possible for a real life situation if I were to imagine it. In simple, people have different grasps of what real life could be, so that’s why I put it so spectacle due to different staff seeing slightly different intentions of others. On the other hand if they are, then it could be in my eyes classed as grief (which has no warning), which is an immediate 3-hour ban.
Yes, English is my first language (British from Midlands), but I spent my summer in South Korea for a project, so my English got affected slightly hearing many different versions of English (not all good). Also I’m one for staying up quite late getting many things done lately, so I apologise for my poor English as you pointed out. I did take a quick glimpse of a few other applications, I shall not lie. I did it on the idea of seeing if I wrote enough, in most cases I did. Nothing in the relation to copying from theirs to mine if that is what you believe. It doesn’t take me that long to write these sorts of things, but due to it being the weekend, I have other things to do in the meantime for parents and such as I have no commitments.
Aye, I don’t know the actual tools of being a moderator for this sort of system but I am a quick learner.
I believe I should know the situation as best as I can so that nothing is missed. So as a procedure, I feel it would be good to get into the routine of thinking/doing such to get the grasp of the situation so no misunderstandings are to be possible. But in simple situations, it could be more efficient when having enough facts pointing to the result, to make a decision then instead of waiting for all the facts. Depends on how you feel on the situation I guess. But yes, I agree efficiency is important too!
Character name: Captain Jack Sparrow
Byond ID: BoatMan12
Date: 23/09/17
Time: 10:00pm (GMT) Game Time: 13:14
Role: SO
Category: Metagaming
Situation: During the briefing at the round-start “Captain Jack Sparrow”, meta’ed about aliens being on the planet.
Log record:
13:14 *****************************************************
Action Taken:
Private messaged the individual about meta and to watch what he says in the future.
I know basically everything, about the CMP/MP Job, it’s one of my favourite roles to play, and you will find me as it 9/10 times. Medical, I know basics and such, but not as much as Marine Law, unfortunately.
For your situation:
The CMP has full command over enforcing the marine law, so the commander has no authority to stop the Chief MP in his actions, but only to show the correct evidence to the CMP in hope that I will change his mind. If it causes that much of a problem that it is affecting the round, it might be worth stepping in by private messaging the CMP about the evidence proving that he was given with authority the uniform and try to amend the situation without being too involved.
I do apologise for not giving direct answer previously, it is always hard to know the fine line unless you are in the situation in that moment, so I tried to give both outcomes and a result that would be able to be applied to both sides of the coin after all information gathered.
All I ask is a chance, thanks for your feedback! Always helps.
1. In this instance, I would have to know a little bit of information for example that the user said, "Oh sorry, I accidentally shot!”. From observing the situation and re-reading the logs, I would decide whether or not to message the user. But in your instance, where I knew the person miss clicked, it would be no harm in reminding them to be more careful where they shoot their weapon. I would not message the victim, as they would see as the MP's have resolved the issue unless they message AdminsHelp about the issue then make them aware of the situation and how it was handled.
2. If by "Legit" you mean player made then, it would an instance for example them placing C4 on a wall and then causing the breach or shooting something like explosive next to a wall and causes such a breach.
4. A player who steals ID's is a serious offence due to it being the core system for recognition on the system. When I wrote admin, I had in my mind for administration where in other jobs I’ve had, that moderators also fall within that department, so apologies but this issue is for staff generally that have the power to. I was just trying to think of a high severity issue that might interest an Admins attention.
6. Well, I could say nothing at all. But if he is willing to do all of the dressing up like a marine, maybe suggest him to that sort of role instead of them breaking the rules while being an MT. I feel in the best interest of the server, it would not harm to suggest that to the player.
7. That’s a good question. I would say no, I wouldn't let him. Its break the rules. I would tell them to stop and do what a medic should do, which is patch them up to live long enough to get back to the ship. The only situation that would be acceptable is if something like a major department like engineering was missing staff and someone had to fill it in as it is mission dependent. Yes, I would note it, even if its something small as that, because they might try to do it again when someone else is watching. In terms of punishment, it would follow the regular warning then 3-hour ban. How.. many ways, by getting involved in future games and persuading the leaders to send more medical units to the ground for support could be one way.(Discrete way) Why?.. To try and stop situations where that might happen, or lessen the chances of it happening when people are power-gaming if the roles are already there. It is not my job, but my job is to make sure everyone is having fun the server but also following the rules. Maybe it isn't my job, but maybe it is one of the initiatives that must be taken that some people do tweak the server so it runs even smoother.
8. Yes, they know what they are doing. But idea is to give them the incentive to advance, so showing them an opportunity that may give them the idea that they will win would be worth then not trying at all.
9. 1st sentence was stating from the rules, of what the actual rule is. 2nd second was answering the question. Sorry if there is any confusion. Because Iron Bear vs Marine are enemies, Marine vs Alien are enemies. I was trying to indicate that attacks against allies are not allowed but against enemies are.
11. Killing of an ally is allowed if it has a valid reason while IC. When I said “If OOC takes further”, if the incident was because of something that was OOC, it would take the severity and seriousness of the situation further. To take that person out of the situation would be by a ban. Same as end round killing of a 3-hour ban. I can heal this person at my own discretion depending on the situation if it would fit the RP and such.
14. The situation may be clear, but there may be things that were overlooked so it’s always worth finding some more information to confirm the situation. It would be an immediate ban of 3-hour under the category of “grief”.
15. Suicide, logging off and such all fall under Job ban unless I wanted to categorise it under just regular suicide which is an immediate ban. I would consider not banning, due to their first time being an Xeno so they are allowed some leeway, maybe not knowing what to do and ran straight into some marines by accident or not knowing the limits of the xeno form.
18. Assuming it’s the first time, I would make a note that he has failed and is metagaming as long as he carries on the rest of the round, not metagaming. But not a job ban for the first intervention. If a repeat offender, I would job ban the player due to metagaming.
19. Well that is at the discretion of the staff member handling the case. In my belief, if it was all RP supported, then I would be convinced that something such as that could be possible for a real life situation if I were to imagine it. In simple, people have different grasps of what real life could be, so that’s why I put it so spectacle due to different staff seeing slightly different intentions of others. On the other hand if they are, then it could be in my eyes classed as grief (which has no warning), which is an immediate 3-hour ban.
Yes, English is my first language (British from Midlands), but I spent my summer in South Korea for a project, so my English got affected slightly hearing many different versions of English (not all good). Also I’m one for staying up quite late getting many things done lately, so I apologise for my poor English as you pointed out. I did take a quick glimpse of a few other applications, I shall not lie. I did it on the idea of seeing if I wrote enough, in most cases I did. Nothing in the relation to copying from theirs to mine if that is what you believe. It doesn’t take me that long to write these sorts of things, but due to it being the weekend, I have other things to do in the meantime for parents and such as I have no commitments.
Aye, I don’t know the actual tools of being a moderator for this sort of system but I am a quick learner.
I believe I should know the situation as best as I can so that nothing is missed. So as a procedure, I feel it would be good to get into the routine of thinking/doing such to get the grasp of the situation so no misunderstandings are to be possible. But in simple situations, it could be more efficient when having enough facts pointing to the result, to make a decision then instead of waiting for all the facts. Depends on how you feel on the situation I guess. But yes, I agree efficiency is important too!
Character name: Captain Jack Sparrow
Byond ID: BoatMan12
Date: 23/09/17
Time: 10:00pm (GMT) Game Time: 13:14
Role: SO
Category: Metagaming
Situation: During the briefing at the round-start “Captain Jack Sparrow”, meta’ed about aliens being on the planet.
Log record:
13:14 *****************************************************
Action Taken:
Private messaged the individual about meta and to watch what he says in the future.
I know basically everything, about the CMP/MP Job, it’s one of my favourite roles to play, and you will find me as it 9/10 times. Medical, I know basics and such, but not as much as Marine Law, unfortunately.
For your situation:
The CMP has full command over enforcing the marine law, so the commander has no authority to stop the Chief MP in his actions, but only to show the correct evidence to the CMP in hope that I will change his mind. If it causes that much of a problem that it is affecting the round, it might be worth stepping in by private messaging the CMP about the evidence proving that he was given with authority the uniform and try to amend the situation without being too involved.
I do apologise for not giving direct answer previously, it is always hard to know the fine line unless you are in the situation in that moment, so I tried to give both outcomes and a result that would be able to be applied to both sides of the coin after all information gathered.
All I ask is a chance, thanks for your feedback! Always helps.
- To look out for your own is like true nature.
- The guy who will always give his life for the survival of others.
- To look at others as if they are a reflection of themselves.
From order, comes freedom.
- Kernir
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- Posts: 72
- Joined: 19 Jul 2017, 12:52
- Byond: Kernir
Re: PrivateAtom - Moderator Application
Just doing the rounds and trying to get a good response to all of the applicants, so I may have a few questions.
1) I think your answer is fine in a situation that could be classed as grief, however if the person is in MP custody you can often listen to the questioning and decide if it needs to be touched from there.
2) I think it's important to deal with the breach quickly, atmos is a vicious beast and if left unchecked will absolutely kill more people than a crusher in a single tile hallway. That doesn't always mean you should fix the breach instantly (Especially in the case of a 'legit' breach) but often means that you need to decide if it's something that needs to be fixed or left quickly.
6) I'm not too confident in the idea of messaging someone directly for carrying a weapon, as often times there can be a reason for it (Even on green alert) and it's generally even then best left to MP's to deal with the situation. The largest 'danger' and the thing you should be keeping an eye on is a player trying to deploy as a non-combat role without permission as often gearing up is a precursor to this.
7) Regardless of the existence of doctor's in the FOB the medic shouldn't be performing surgery, so getting that resolved is the most immediate issue. I wouldn't really try to alter the round by influencing anyone on the ship to deploy and aid in FOB surgery as it's really down to the acting CO & CMO to come to that decision of their own accord.
8) This answer is a little off in my books, while it's fine trying to give each side a bit of a push I wouldn't go so far as to try to give hints about the current round beyond what is needed to end the stalemate.
14) I think the question is pretty clear cut, if someone opens fire and then logs out it's legitimate grief doubly so if they do it in briefing before any deployment has even been made. A 3 hour ban seems kind of light considering the potential to derail a round, no?
15) I think that in most cases you can question the xenos in question to find out more, very rarely do you have to question a marine involving a larvae suicide. The important part here is that with the evidence of a suicide it's down to the player in question to defend themselves, though a little leeway for newer players is acceptable (Within reason).
Your application is relatively good but I feel like you're slightly too eager to jump into action when oftentimes a situation can simply resolve it's self, there are a few minor issues with grammar that stood out to me which is less important than the content or ability to accurately convey your answers but it is worth noting.
Overall? I'd say I'm pretty neutral, I can see you've put in effort with a lot of the application but I'm still on the fence for now. I'll try to revisit this tomorrow with a few questions of my own, as I really do want to try to give you a fair chance.
1) I think your answer is fine in a situation that could be classed as grief, however if the person is in MP custody you can often listen to the questioning and decide if it needs to be touched from there.
2) I think it's important to deal with the breach quickly, atmos is a vicious beast and if left unchecked will absolutely kill more people than a crusher in a single tile hallway. That doesn't always mean you should fix the breach instantly (Especially in the case of a 'legit' breach) but often means that you need to decide if it's something that needs to be fixed or left quickly.
6) I'm not too confident in the idea of messaging someone directly for carrying a weapon, as often times there can be a reason for it (Even on green alert) and it's generally even then best left to MP's to deal with the situation. The largest 'danger' and the thing you should be keeping an eye on is a player trying to deploy as a non-combat role without permission as often gearing up is a precursor to this.
7) Regardless of the existence of doctor's in the FOB the medic shouldn't be performing surgery, so getting that resolved is the most immediate issue. I wouldn't really try to alter the round by influencing anyone on the ship to deploy and aid in FOB surgery as it's really down to the acting CO & CMO to come to that decision of their own accord.
8) This answer is a little off in my books, while it's fine trying to give each side a bit of a push I wouldn't go so far as to try to give hints about the current round beyond what is needed to end the stalemate.
14) I think the question is pretty clear cut, if someone opens fire and then logs out it's legitimate grief doubly so if they do it in briefing before any deployment has even been made. A 3 hour ban seems kind of light considering the potential to derail a round, no?
15) I think that in most cases you can question the xenos in question to find out more, very rarely do you have to question a marine involving a larvae suicide. The important part here is that with the evidence of a suicide it's down to the player in question to defend themselves, though a little leeway for newer players is acceptable (Within reason).
Your application is relatively good but I feel like you're slightly too eager to jump into action when oftentimes a situation can simply resolve it's self, there are a few minor issues with grammar that stood out to me which is less important than the content or ability to accurately convey your answers but it is worth noting.
Overall? I'd say I'm pretty neutral, I can see you've put in effort with a lot of the application but I'm still on the fence for now. I'll try to revisit this tomorrow with a few questions of my own, as I really do want to try to give you a fair chance.
- Atom Smith
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- Posts: 9
- Joined: 23 May 2017, 20:07
- Location: UK
- Byond: PrivateAtom
- Steam: PrivateAtom
Re: PrivateAtom - Moderator Application
All great points *nods*Kernir wrote: ↑26 Sep 2017, 13:20Just doing the rounds and trying to get a good response to all of the applicants, so I may have a few questions.
1) I think your answer is fine in a situation that could be classed as grief, however if the person is in MP custody you can often listen to the questioning and decide if it needs to be touched from there.
2) I think it's important to deal with the breach quickly, atmos is a vicious beast and if left unchecked will absolutely kill more people than a crusher in a single tile hallway. That doesn't always mean you should fix the breach instantly (Especially in the case of a 'legit' breach) but often means that you need to decide if it's something that needs to be fixed or left quickly.
6) I'm not too confident in the idea of messaging someone directly for carrying a weapon, as often times there can be a reason for it (Even on green alert) and it's generally even then best left to MP's to deal with the situation. The largest 'danger' and the thing you should be keeping an eye on is a player trying to deploy as a non-combat role without permission as often gearing up is a precursor to this.
7) Regardless of the existence of doctor's in the FOB the medic shouldn't be performing surgery, so getting that resolved is the most immediate issue. I wouldn't really try to alter the round by influencing anyone on the ship to deploy and aid in FOB surgery as it's really down to the acting CO & CMO to come to that decision of their own accord.
8) This answer is a little off in my books, while it's fine trying to give each side a bit of a push I wouldn't go so far as to try to give hints about the current round beyond what is needed to end the stalemate.
14) I think the question is pretty clear cut, if someone opens fire and then logs out it's legitimate grief doubly so if they do it in briefing before any deployment has even been made. A 3 hour ban seems kind of light considering the potential to derail a round, no?
15) I think that in most cases you can question the xenos in question to find out more, very rarely do you have to question a marine involving a larvae suicide. The important part here is that with the evidence of a suicide it's down to the player in question to defend themselves, though a little leeway for newer players is acceptable (Within reason).
Your application is relatively good but I feel like you're slightly too eager to jump into action when oftentimes a situation can simply resolve it's self, there are a few minor issues with grammar that stood out to me which is less important than the content or ability to accurately convey your answers but it is worth noting.
Overall? I'd say I'm pretty neutral, I can see you've put in effort with a lot of the application but I'm still on the fence for now. I'll try to revisit this tomorrow with a few questions of my own, as I really do want to try to give you a fair chance.
Thanks for the feedback.
- To look out for your own is like true nature.
- The guy who will always give his life for the survival of others.
- To look at others as if they are a reflection of themselves.
From order, comes freedom.
- Emeraldblood
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- Joined: 19 Aug 2016, 21:04
- Location: USA, Florida
- Byond: Emerald Blood
Re: PrivateAtom - Moderator Application
Oh man, the formatting problems are pretty bad, honestly. Did you seriously not feel the need to even correct any of that? You're pretty much applying for a job here and your application has a very obvious spacing problem, not counting other grammar problems and such. I don't let these things slide personally because I feel like it shows that you don't take this seriously and that doesn't correlate well with a job where we're giving you tools to do your job responsibly. I'm saying -1 as my personal vote but you can still try to convince other people that you should be accepted.
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
- Tidomann
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- Joined: 13 Jun 2017, 02:59
- Location: Canada
- Byond: Tidomann
Re: PrivateAtom - Moderator Application
Not that its going to be the decider- but the formatting. Some questions have spaces between them and other do not. Take the time to make your app look good, whenever to apply for another position!
1. If the MPs have them in custody, and the other marine isn't critical you are given the time to check logs prior to having to PM each player. As others have pointed out- you can easily watch the interrogation to get a gauge if intervention is required or not.
2. The USS Alamyer is designed to automatically repair itself in the event of depressurization. This is the excuse we use when the admins needs to intervene in the event of atmos issues due to breaches. There are allowed circumstances where breaches are not repaired by intervention. This is what the other mods termed as "legit breaches".
A player c4ing a section of hull purposely would be someone who deliberately breached the ship and is now causing severe issues for the round (and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result). How would you deal with this player if after you pmed him he said "I needed to escape the xenos.".
What are two examples of breaches that staff would not intervene to fix.
3. "due to their expertise being such situations with adiging strangling people." Mentors are good at aiding strangling people? I understand you meant aiding struggling people.
You say "on the other hand if it’s a troll player then relevant punishment is given." If the player has done nothing other than wander around naked on the ship, do you feel an OOC punishment is required?
If they are not new to the server, and don't need to be directed to a mentor, this would be an IC issue, as they are currently not disrupting the round for other players.
5. Mods do not have the power to alter character names. Knowing this, how would you note the violation? What would you do if the player did not change their name next round?
Character name, date, byond id and the sort do not have to be added to notes, as they are tied with the CKEY. Notes can be short, and to the point- but can be longer if the information is pertinent.
For example, your note about captain jack would be along the lines of
"Player metagamed during briefing as SO mentioning the aliens being on the planet. SO Captain "Jack" Sparrow: 'We're gunna git those aliens and those xeno lovin bastards and blow them all up'"
6. This is an IC issue. If they are not griefing, it doesn't really require admin intervention. You can nudge MPs in the right direction, but a PM is not required. Keeping an eye on them, and maybe checking note history would be a good idea.
7. The fact that no doctors are available planet side should not weigh on your decision to allow the medic to perform such duties. As you said it should not be possible under the new skill system.
"Continue to observe and could possibly influence for surgery able people to be put planetside." It's not really our duty to influence the round in such a way. If the USMC want to have medical staff to go planetside, they should do so of their own volition.
8. It's understandable to want to give players extra information, but you want to be careful of revealing additional information they may not have access to. Pushing the round is more of an admin task. However, mods still have access to Queen Mother Report, to nudge the xenos into action, or can SM the Acting Commander, or Corporate Liaison in order to try and nudge the USMC into action.
9. The rule states "Fighting after the round ends and generating combat logs. The exception is Marines and aliens fighting, or fighting against spawned Antags (Russian attack teams, W-Y Assassins, etc). End of Round Grief (EORG) is an IMMEDIATE 3 hour ban with no warnings."
Marine vs Antag combat is allowed. Mentioning the alien portion may only lead to confusion.
10. This is an in character issue. You can still check the players note history to avoid potential issued. However unless it is ahelped- players should be seeking IC resolution (MPs etc.) You can remind the player of the roleplay guidelines if it is ahelped about. If MP's are slow to react, you can silent message them the general location of the altercation.
Eg. "Your headset buzzes, and coldly states "Warning: Altercation identified in Alpha Preperations."
11. What kind of punishment would you follow if this was the first time the player improperly escalated?
If proper escalation was followed (ie threats, punching, knife, to lethals)
"If it happened IC suggest an alter in behaviour but still deal the punishment. (Noone likes to die, bad reason to kill someone). "
Would you still punish the person if it was all roleplayed?
12. ok- but don't forget to include some details about the situation as well
13. What would you do if the insults go above acceptable roleplay? How would you note the incident?
14. Other players have already spoke to you about this one. 3 hours seems light for deliberate grief.
If you found out the player returned under a different account, you've found he has been multikeying then. What kind of ban is now required?
Other questions have already been commented on.
All in all- you failed to mention the duration of bans. The general rule is escalating bans for 3 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days for each repeated infraction. Obviously intent can play a role (Example, question 14.)
Also- job bans are a tool that can be used as well.
All in all- I think taking some time to become more acquainted with the forums will help. I know one of the most useful things I did before my application was browse the appeal forum, and look at accepted moderator applications to understand and research the tools and guidelines that should be used.
1. If the MPs have them in custody, and the other marine isn't critical you are given the time to check logs prior to having to PM each player. As others have pointed out- you can easily watch the interrogation to get a gauge if intervention is required or not.
2. The USS Alamyer is designed to automatically repair itself in the event of depressurization. This is the excuse we use when the admins needs to intervene in the event of atmos issues due to breaches. There are allowed circumstances where breaches are not repaired by intervention. This is what the other mods termed as "legit breaches".
A player c4ing a section of hull purposely would be someone who deliberately breached the ship and is now causing severe issues for the round (and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result). How would you deal with this player if after you pmed him he said "I needed to escape the xenos.".
What are two examples of breaches that staff would not intervene to fix.
3. "due to their expertise being such situations with adiging strangling people." Mentors are good at aiding strangling people? I understand you meant aiding struggling people.
You say "on the other hand if it’s a troll player then relevant punishment is given." If the player has done nothing other than wander around naked on the ship, do you feel an OOC punishment is required?
If they are not new to the server, and don't need to be directed to a mentor, this would be an IC issue, as they are currently not disrupting the round for other players.
5. Mods do not have the power to alter character names. Knowing this, how would you note the violation? What would you do if the player did not change their name next round?
Character name, date, byond id and the sort do not have to be added to notes, as they are tied with the CKEY. Notes can be short, and to the point- but can be longer if the information is pertinent.
For example, your note about captain jack would be along the lines of
"Player metagamed during briefing as SO mentioning the aliens being on the planet. SO Captain "Jack" Sparrow: 'We're gunna git those aliens and those xeno lovin bastards and blow them all up'"
6. This is an IC issue. If they are not griefing, it doesn't really require admin intervention. You can nudge MPs in the right direction, but a PM is not required. Keeping an eye on them, and maybe checking note history would be a good idea.
7. The fact that no doctors are available planet side should not weigh on your decision to allow the medic to perform such duties. As you said it should not be possible under the new skill system.
"Continue to observe and could possibly influence for surgery able people to be put planetside." It's not really our duty to influence the round in such a way. If the USMC want to have medical staff to go planetside, they should do so of their own volition.
8. It's understandable to want to give players extra information, but you want to be careful of revealing additional information they may not have access to. Pushing the round is more of an admin task. However, mods still have access to Queen Mother Report, to nudge the xenos into action, or can SM the Acting Commander, or Corporate Liaison in order to try and nudge the USMC into action.
9. The rule states "Fighting after the round ends and generating combat logs. The exception is Marines and aliens fighting, or fighting against spawned Antags (Russian attack teams, W-Y Assassins, etc). End of Round Grief (EORG) is an IMMEDIATE 3 hour ban with no warnings."
Marine vs Antag combat is allowed. Mentioning the alien portion may only lead to confusion.
10. This is an in character issue. You can still check the players note history to avoid potential issued. However unless it is ahelped- players should be seeking IC resolution (MPs etc.) You can remind the player of the roleplay guidelines if it is ahelped about. If MP's are slow to react, you can silent message them the general location of the altercation.
Eg. "Your headset buzzes, and coldly states "Warning: Altercation identified in Alpha Preperations."
11. What kind of punishment would you follow if this was the first time the player improperly escalated?
If proper escalation was followed (ie threats, punching, knife, to lethals)
"If it happened IC suggest an alter in behaviour but still deal the punishment. (Noone likes to die, bad reason to kill someone). "
Would you still punish the person if it was all roleplayed?
12. ok- but don't forget to include some details about the situation as well
13. What would you do if the insults go above acceptable roleplay? How would you note the incident?
14. Other players have already spoke to you about this one. 3 hours seems light for deliberate grief.
If you found out the player returned under a different account, you've found he has been multikeying then. What kind of ban is now required?
Other questions have already been commented on.
All in all- you failed to mention the duration of bans. The general rule is escalating bans for 3 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days for each repeated infraction. Obviously intent can play a role (Example, question 14.)
Also- job bans are a tool that can be used as well.
All in all- I think taking some time to become more acquainted with the forums will help. I know one of the most useful things I did before my application was browse the appeal forum, and look at accepted moderator applications to understand and research the tools and guidelines that should be used.
- NGGJamie
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Re: PrivateAtom - Moderator Application
Overall an okay application, I'm sitting at neutral. You have the right mindset and I feel you could be very good with a bit more understanding of how things go on a standard level. If you do a Control+F for "Q:" I have put several questions in regarding your answers, mostly for elaboration to see how you think.
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Synthetic Application-Leonard [Accepted] - Predator Application-Thei-De Na'Tauk [Accepted]
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Mentor: 06/28/2017 - 08/07/2017 / Trial Moderator 08/07/2017 - 08/25/17 / Moderator 08/25/17 - 10/11/17 / Trial Admin 10/11/17 - 10/30/17 / Senior Mentor 10/30/17 - 03/15/18 / Mod Manager 03/15/18 - 07/08/18 / Coder 07/08/18 - 07/27/18 / Host 07/27/18 - Present
I run Linux on all of my machines and actively reject Windows. I have some cool dotfiles up on Github for configuring some of my favorite stuff.
Server Status
Mentor: 06/28/2017 - 08/07/2017 / Trial Moderator 08/07/2017 - 08/25/17 / Moderator 08/25/17 - 10/11/17 / Trial Admin 10/11/17 - 10/30/17 / Senior Mentor 10/30/17 - 03/15/18 / Mod Manager 03/15/18 - 07/08/18 / Coder 07/08/18 - 07/27/18 / Host 07/27/18 - Present
I run Linux on all of my machines and actively reject Windows. I have some cool dotfiles up on Github for configuring some of my favorite stuff.
- Kavlo
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Re: PrivateAtom - Moderator Application
No -1.
Lochlann Healy the Marine Here's my good ol' dossier!

Mentor : 28th November 2016
Mod : 14th February 2017
Admin : 7th June 2017
Retired : 4th January 2018
Mod : 20th April 2018
Admin : 19th September 2018

Mentor : 28th November 2016
Mod : 14th February 2017
Admin : 7th June 2017
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Re: PrivateAtom - Moderator Application
Hm, your application is formatted slightly oddly as it sort of changes between having spaces and not having spaces at times, sometimes having spaces in random places.
I'm not too sure about having you as a trial mod yet going off of your answers, if you can give good, solid replies to the other moderator's questions I might change that, but at the moment I'm not too sure. I'm minutes away from hitting the grace of my mattress for sleep so I'm not going to pile on questions or anything as the others have done - you've got enough to try and deal with already with what they've thrown at you.
If you're not put through as a trial mod then I'd wait a month or so and get in to the run of things here, you could try again down the line.
You're putting a pretty standard amount of effort in for the length of the application, remember that you don't have to reply to every single variation on a question a staff member gives you if a whole bunch of them throw different questions at you all at once, you can summarise the questions they've asked, compile them into the one original question, and create a sort of written flowchart in reply. For example, if someone shot someone else, you can write it out as if you were reading a flowchart. Do they have a history of it? Write down that possibility.
Edit: I forgot to mention, just a couple hours before I originally posted this they got warned for netspeak in-character. They explained it as generations getting worse and using LOL and OMG in exchange for actually laughing or saying that. My problem with this isn't that they said that so much as it is they didn't reply in any away about it being against the rules, rather asking if the moderator 'doesn't use TBH in real-life? You do use OMG don't you?', to which the moderator replied no, not really.
I don't agree with PrivateAtom being trial modded at the moment, we'll see how this goes. If you see this, you could have handled that better. Can you give any explanation as to your side on that, so we don't make any wild guesses?
I'm not too sure about having you as a trial mod yet going off of your answers, if you can give good, solid replies to the other moderator's questions I might change that, but at the moment I'm not too sure. I'm minutes away from hitting the grace of my mattress for sleep so I'm not going to pile on questions or anything as the others have done - you've got enough to try and deal with already with what they've thrown at you.
If you're not put through as a trial mod then I'd wait a month or so and get in to the run of things here, you could try again down the line.
You're putting a pretty standard amount of effort in for the length of the application, remember that you don't have to reply to every single variation on a question a staff member gives you if a whole bunch of them throw different questions at you all at once, you can summarise the questions they've asked, compile them into the one original question, and create a sort of written flowchart in reply. For example, if someone shot someone else, you can write it out as if you were reading a flowchart. Do they have a history of it? Write down that possibility.
Edit: I forgot to mention, just a couple hours before I originally posted this they got warned for netspeak in-character. They explained it as generations getting worse and using LOL and OMG in exchange for actually laughing or saying that. My problem with this isn't that they said that so much as it is they didn't reply in any away about it being against the rules, rather asking if the moderator 'doesn't use TBH in real-life? You do use OMG don't you?', to which the moderator replied no, not really.
I don't agree with PrivateAtom being trial modded at the moment, we'll see how this goes. If you see this, you could have handled that better. Can you give any explanation as to your side on that, so we don't make any wild guesses?
- slc97
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Re: PrivateAtom - Moderator Application
This is denied. I think you have potential in the future. But you need to take some time to better understand the rules and their applicability.