Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
- emeraldmoonx
- Registered user
- Posts: 173
- Joined: 22 Feb 2017, 14:20
- Byond: emeraldmoonx
Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
Byond ID: emeraldmoonx
Colonial Marines Character: Elric Wolff
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Timezone: Eastern Timezone [-5 GMT]
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
4-8 hrs per day on average, so 28-56 hrs/week.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
Was a trial mod last month. I have experience prior to that running my own various servers. They weren't popular and didn't last long but served to give me a fair amount of knowledge in SS13 moderating tools. Beyond SS13, I've also hosted a few servers on DU [played it for a long time until a few years ago, has changed names a dozen times lol]. Regardless gained lots of experience from that. I was a Senior Moderator on a MilitaryRP server on Garry's Mod for about 3 months. Mod/admin on other various games I've forgotten over the years. I've owned a few servers on games like ARK: Survival Evolved, Minecraft, Starbound and a few more.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
I've played this server since the map was Pre-Sulaco Alpha. Not sure on any names as it's been a long time, it was always called Colonial Marines to my memory.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?
Currently, I play no other servers.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made:
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
I have never been banned. I believe my account shows a ban about 2 months back but it was a false ban and never actually took place as I was actively playing at the time.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
Yes, used it quite a lot when I was on my trial.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
Determine the severity of actions caused by the player. Look at their notes to see if anything similar has been done before or if they simply have a colourful history. If actions impacted others, let MPs handle it but send them a PM asking what happened. Otherwise, let MPs handle the situation. If people were shot/killed, give the person a warning [if they've never done it before] or give a ban based on grief and then aheal the ones killed. Let MPs know to not bother arresting if the person was banned. Add the shooting to the player's notes if he is warned/not banned.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
Firstly, I'd fix the breach as to not cause any interruption to the round. My logic behind this is due to most marines not having access to a space suit. This could cause many deaths and completely ruin the flow of the round. Also, the Xenos could use it as an advantage and hide in it; hinder marines from eliminating Xenos aboard the Almayer. Then figure out if the cause is due to a bug or an accident from the game system or if it was player grief. Send a PM to the player asking what happened, check their notes and punish/not punish based on reasons and note history. I'd start with the typical grief ban of 3 hrs if the breach is intentional. Add the breach to notes even if it was unintentional as the person may have lied.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
Observe the player a bit and see if they find their way or get help. Otherwise send them a PM asking if they're new and need help. Get a mentor to help them if yes, if none are on, try asking on slack. Help them if no one is on able to do so.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
Ignore the attitude, try and solve the issue yourself before going straight to an Admin. If nothing can be done, forward them to an admin.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
Ignorance is not an excuse, link them to rules. Tell them that if the name has never been caught before that's just chance. Regardless, it has been noticed now and still breaks the naming rule and is required to be changed. Ask an admin+ to rename them during the round if possible, otherwise, keep an eye on them for next round. Check notes to make sure the player isn't BSing and has been talked to before, give them a warning if they have been notified before and ignored it. Add the warning/occurrence to notes for future reference.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
This is an IC issue and should be handled by MP.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
The skill system would not allow a medic to complete the surgery. If the system were to break or be removed hypothetically for this situation. I'd PM the medic and tell them that a medic does not have the training to do surgery. I'd ask that the surgery is stopped and that he does his actual job and medivac him if needed. I'd check his notes for past offenses and warn/punish based on past occurrence or note history. Then add it to notes.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
A good way could be to use subtle message on the acting commander and urge them to mount an offensive or the queen and tell her to try and get more hosts to refill the ranks. A queen mother report can also be used but I prefer to keep my involvement lowkey.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile IRON BEAR and the IRON BEAR Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
EORG does not count when it's enemy vs enemy, only if a marine shoots a marine and so on does this count as EORG. Respond to the Iron Bear and explain the situation.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
Let MP apprehend him and PM him asking what is happening. Check his notes, he might be new or this could be something he's done before. Let him off with a light warning if he's new and a warning if he's done it before. Add it to notes.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
This is a case of improper escalation. PM the other side and investigate to get the full story. Regardless of what happened, if the marine killed another marine over a single punch, that's going too far. Give the offender a warning if it's his first time, a ban of 3hrs if he's done it before. Depending on the situation no punishment might be needed. Add it to notes if a rule is broken.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
Nothing to do but ask an admin for assistance in fixing it. If none are online, seek aid in Slack. Otherwise, do everything possible to fix the issue or settle for a compromise if nothing can be done.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
Respond that minor racism as a joke in IC is not an issue and he/she should calm down. If everyone is laughing about it and having fun, then it's that person's fault for overreacting and going straight to staff. He should be handling the issue IC if that's what he wants.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
Investigate the situation and find out what happened. Then look at the player's notes and give a punishment based on this. If this is the first time, give a 3hr ban for grief. If 2nd time, I'd give a 1-day, 3rd time 7day and appeal for a permaban. I'd then PM the players killed and ask if they'd like an aheal.
15. You see a player playing a Xeno larva/chestburster run towards the front lines and die.
PM the Xeno and ask what happened. Potentially a new player that simply rushed into the wrong place, or someone who made a mistake. Nothing to be done if that's the case. If the player ran into marines on purpose to die, that's suicide. If first offense, give a 3hr ban, on Second offense I'd go for 1day and get a jobban, then on 3rd go fill a permaban. Add the suicide to notes if not banned.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
PM the player and explain to them the rule on memeing and give them a warning if first offense. Investigate the player's notes and determine past history and either remain with a warning or go for a ban based on that. Add occurrence to notes.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
This is not an issue. Xenos uses telepathy and not words, us using English is just a translation of hivemind speak. So it doesn't matter what name you use to describe something.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
PM the player and mention metagaming rules. Check his note history if he's done it before. Depending on the severity of metagame, might require an OOC announcement to make sure marines don't meta either. Make a note on Commander's account.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
First, investigate both sides, check their notes, and find out what happened. Determine if killing the marine was necessary for survival. Determine if there were other pods, or if simply subduing the other marine would have been sufficient to get into the pod. If actions are justified, leave it. Otherwise, add the murder to his notes and give him a warning if it was minor. If the player used pods as an excuse to murder, ban him for grief.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
Mention to the staff member that he gave the wrong info so that the player doesn't get misinformed. If something more severe happened as an accident, work with the staff member to correct it.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
Investigate the issue, obtain the necessary evidence and report to that staff member's superior. Never talk directly to the person him/herself, this will cause unnecessary issues for yourself and that person.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Ignore it, take it as a joke and move on. If the person starts getting on people's nerves and getting insulting, only then should there be any intervention.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
I lose my trial due to making minor mistakes that added up. I've been used to running stuff on my own and I guess I didn't realize my limitations and overstepped my boundaries as a mod. This is the reason I lost my trial. It did last a month, which means that management wasn't quite sure what to do and needed more time. I'm here to try again, learn from the experience I had last time and hopefully do better. I haven't been really active since my trial ended, been doing other stuff in life. I've played this game so much in 2 years lol, I don't have much motivation to play other than whitelisted roles and observe as staff :].
Colonial Marines Character: Elric Wolff
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Timezone: Eastern Timezone [-5 GMT]
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
4-8 hrs per day on average, so 28-56 hrs/week.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
Was a trial mod last month. I have experience prior to that running my own various servers. They weren't popular and didn't last long but served to give me a fair amount of knowledge in SS13 moderating tools. Beyond SS13, I've also hosted a few servers on DU [played it for a long time until a few years ago, has changed names a dozen times lol]. Regardless gained lots of experience from that. I was a Senior Moderator on a MilitaryRP server on Garry's Mod for about 3 months. Mod/admin on other various games I've forgotten over the years. I've owned a few servers on games like ARK: Survival Evolved, Minecraft, Starbound and a few more.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
I've played this server since the map was Pre-Sulaco Alpha. Not sure on any names as it's been a long time, it was always called Colonial Marines to my memory.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?
Currently, I play no other servers.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made:
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
I have never been banned. I believe my account shows a ban about 2 months back but it was a false ban and never actually took place as I was actively playing at the time.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
Yes, used it quite a lot when I was on my trial.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
Determine the severity of actions caused by the player. Look at their notes to see if anything similar has been done before or if they simply have a colourful history. If actions impacted others, let MPs handle it but send them a PM asking what happened. Otherwise, let MPs handle the situation. If people were shot/killed, give the person a warning [if they've never done it before] or give a ban based on grief and then aheal the ones killed. Let MPs know to not bother arresting if the person was banned. Add the shooting to the player's notes if he is warned/not banned.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
Firstly, I'd fix the breach as to not cause any interruption to the round. My logic behind this is due to most marines not having access to a space suit. This could cause many deaths and completely ruin the flow of the round. Also, the Xenos could use it as an advantage and hide in it; hinder marines from eliminating Xenos aboard the Almayer. Then figure out if the cause is due to a bug or an accident from the game system or if it was player grief. Send a PM to the player asking what happened, check their notes and punish/not punish based on reasons and note history. I'd start with the typical grief ban of 3 hrs if the breach is intentional. Add the breach to notes even if it was unintentional as the person may have lied.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
Observe the player a bit and see if they find their way or get help. Otherwise send them a PM asking if they're new and need help. Get a mentor to help them if yes, if none are on, try asking on slack. Help them if no one is on able to do so.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
Ignore the attitude, try and solve the issue yourself before going straight to an Admin. If nothing can be done, forward them to an admin.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
Ignorance is not an excuse, link them to rules. Tell them that if the name has never been caught before that's just chance. Regardless, it has been noticed now and still breaks the naming rule and is required to be changed. Ask an admin+ to rename them during the round if possible, otherwise, keep an eye on them for next round. Check notes to make sure the player isn't BSing and has been talked to before, give them a warning if they have been notified before and ignored it. Add the warning/occurrence to notes for future reference.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
This is an IC issue and should be handled by MP.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
The skill system would not allow a medic to complete the surgery. If the system were to break or be removed hypothetically for this situation. I'd PM the medic and tell them that a medic does not have the training to do surgery. I'd ask that the surgery is stopped and that he does his actual job and medivac him if needed. I'd check his notes for past offenses and warn/punish based on past occurrence or note history. Then add it to notes.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
A good way could be to use subtle message on the acting commander and urge them to mount an offensive or the queen and tell her to try and get more hosts to refill the ranks. A queen mother report can also be used but I prefer to keep my involvement lowkey.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile IRON BEAR and the IRON BEAR Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
EORG does not count when it's enemy vs enemy, only if a marine shoots a marine and so on does this count as EORG. Respond to the Iron Bear and explain the situation.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
Let MP apprehend him and PM him asking what is happening. Check his notes, he might be new or this could be something he's done before. Let him off with a light warning if he's new and a warning if he's done it before. Add it to notes.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
This is a case of improper escalation. PM the other side and investigate to get the full story. Regardless of what happened, if the marine killed another marine over a single punch, that's going too far. Give the offender a warning if it's his first time, a ban of 3hrs if he's done it before. Depending on the situation no punishment might be needed. Add it to notes if a rule is broken.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
Nothing to do but ask an admin for assistance in fixing it. If none are online, seek aid in Slack. Otherwise, do everything possible to fix the issue or settle for a compromise if nothing can be done.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
Respond that minor racism as a joke in IC is not an issue and he/she should calm down. If everyone is laughing about it and having fun, then it's that person's fault for overreacting and going straight to staff. He should be handling the issue IC if that's what he wants.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
Investigate the situation and find out what happened. Then look at the player's notes and give a punishment based on this. If this is the first time, give a 3hr ban for grief. If 2nd time, I'd give a 1-day, 3rd time 7day and appeal for a permaban. I'd then PM the players killed and ask if they'd like an aheal.
15. You see a player playing a Xeno larva/chestburster run towards the front lines and die.
PM the Xeno and ask what happened. Potentially a new player that simply rushed into the wrong place, or someone who made a mistake. Nothing to be done if that's the case. If the player ran into marines on purpose to die, that's suicide. If first offense, give a 3hr ban, on Second offense I'd go for 1day and get a jobban, then on 3rd go fill a permaban. Add the suicide to notes if not banned.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
PM the player and explain to them the rule on memeing and give them a warning if first offense. Investigate the player's notes and determine past history and either remain with a warning or go for a ban based on that. Add occurrence to notes.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
This is not an issue. Xenos uses telepathy and not words, us using English is just a translation of hivemind speak. So it doesn't matter what name you use to describe something.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
PM the player and mention metagaming rules. Check his note history if he's done it before. Depending on the severity of metagame, might require an OOC announcement to make sure marines don't meta either. Make a note on Commander's account.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
First, investigate both sides, check their notes, and find out what happened. Determine if killing the marine was necessary for survival. Determine if there were other pods, or if simply subduing the other marine would have been sufficient to get into the pod. If actions are justified, leave it. Otherwise, add the murder to his notes and give him a warning if it was minor. If the player used pods as an excuse to murder, ban him for grief.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
Mention to the staff member that he gave the wrong info so that the player doesn't get misinformed. If something more severe happened as an accident, work with the staff member to correct it.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
Investigate the issue, obtain the necessary evidence and report to that staff member's superior. Never talk directly to the person him/herself, this will cause unnecessary issues for yourself and that person.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Ignore it, take it as a joke and move on. If the person starts getting on people's nerves and getting insulting, only then should there be any intervention.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
I lose my trial due to making minor mistakes that added up. I've been used to running stuff on my own and I guess I didn't realize my limitations and overstepped my boundaries as a mod. This is the reason I lost my trial. It did last a month, which means that management wasn't quite sure what to do and needed more time. I'm here to try again, learn from the experience I had last time and hopefully do better. I haven't been really active since my trial ended, been doing other stuff in life. I've played this game so much in 2 years lol, I don't have much motivation to play other than whitelisted roles and observe as staff :].
USCM - Elric Wolff
Synthetic - Eric
Synthetic - Eric
- Tharinoma
- Registered user
- Posts: 413
- Joined: 15 Jan 2016, 17:48
Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
Hello Emeraldmoonx,
The answers are fine, which is to be expected.
I believe you made an application just before this one that you deleted. Why? Just curiosity on my part.
Are you really 25? You really didn't sound that old when I had the chance to interact with you during your trial.
You also need to stop saying "lol" so much. I swear, something like 20% of what you say has "lol" in it.
You were kept as a trialmod for quite some time, but the bigmins eventually made up their mind. They had plenty of time to observe and judge, and they obviously concluded that time as a trialmod wasn't enough.
So the question here is, what changed since your trial? You didn't make it last time, you won't mak it this time if you're the same. I don't see you changing much enough without being active. And you say you have no motivation to play the game anymore.
How do we know you'll pass trial this time?
The answers are fine, which is to be expected.
I believe you made an application just before this one that you deleted. Why? Just curiosity on my part.
Are you really 25? You really didn't sound that old when I had the chance to interact with you during your trial.
You also need to stop saying "lol" so much. I swear, something like 20% of what you say has "lol" in it.
You were kept as a trialmod for quite some time, but the bigmins eventually made up their mind. They had plenty of time to observe and judge, and they obviously concluded that time as a trialmod wasn't enough.
So the question here is, what changed since your trial? You didn't make it last time, you won't mak it this time if you're the same. I don't see you changing much enough without being active. And you say you have no motivation to play the game anymore.
How do we know you'll pass trial this time?
Player PM from player/(Larva (247)) (?): It's totally realistic to challenge someone to do boxing for a mouse trap, in the middle of a alien occupation.
- emeraldmoonx
- Registered user
- Posts: 173
- Joined: 22 Feb 2017, 14:20
- Byond: emeraldmoonx
Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
Hey, Tharinoma. I accidentally posted my app instead of previewing it last time so I deleted it. Just wanted to give it a look through before posting.
I'm indeed 25. Probably I don't sound "older" due to my personality. I enjoy life and I'm very carefree, I also laugh a lot and have fun when I can. That's why I use "lol" a lot, and I doubt this will change as I won't suddenly become super serious and grouchy just cause I'm older. This doesn't mean I can't be serious. I was professional when dealing with players and rarely ever used lol when doing so. I only used lol when chatting with other staff in Slack.
Like I mentioned, I was kept longer because they wanted to give me time to figure myself out. As I said, I really didn't have issues in terms of moderating or doing my duties themselves, the issue stemmed from not knowing certain boundaries as a trial mod. Namely, replying to moderator apps, moderating the forums [happened once]. A few mistakes were made when answering ahelps, but these were minor and stuff anyone could have made mistakes on.
I have no doubt I'll be able to pass the trial this time as long as I keep doing my job as I did last time and make sure to not overstep. I was told to ask questions more, so I will. I've never been a question kind of person and always figured stuff on my own, so this might have been an issue. Really nothing needs to change in terms of my personality or how I actually did my duties.
When I was doing my trial I was super active every day, pretty much all day. During the trial, I rarely played, so when it ended, I saw no reason to keep being on all day, or play a lot. Like I said in my app, I've been playing for a long time... I've played every single role dozens of times, so I don't get as much fun from playing as I used to. I still plan to be active during the trial and as long as I'm kept on as staff. At my current state, I enjoy staff work over the actual gameplay of CM. This doesn't mean I won't play probably a round every day just cause I get bored.
Just to clarify... I was removed as a trial because I wasn't aware I was overstepping my boundaries. I didn't know certain things I wasn't allowed to do or wasn't expected of from a mod, much less a trial mod. That is the primary reason I lost the trial. As long as I mind my boundaries, and make sure to ask questions regarding ahelps or boundaries, I'll be able to pass this time.
I'm indeed 25. Probably I don't sound "older" due to my personality. I enjoy life and I'm very carefree, I also laugh a lot and have fun when I can. That's why I use "lol" a lot, and I doubt this will change as I won't suddenly become super serious and grouchy just cause I'm older. This doesn't mean I can't be serious. I was professional when dealing with players and rarely ever used lol when doing so. I only used lol when chatting with other staff in Slack.
Like I mentioned, I was kept longer because they wanted to give me time to figure myself out. As I said, I really didn't have issues in terms of moderating or doing my duties themselves, the issue stemmed from not knowing certain boundaries as a trial mod. Namely, replying to moderator apps, moderating the forums [happened once]. A few mistakes were made when answering ahelps, but these were minor and stuff anyone could have made mistakes on.
I have no doubt I'll be able to pass the trial this time as long as I keep doing my job as I did last time and make sure to not overstep. I was told to ask questions more, so I will. I've never been a question kind of person and always figured stuff on my own, so this might have been an issue. Really nothing needs to change in terms of my personality or how I actually did my duties.
When I was doing my trial I was super active every day, pretty much all day. During the trial, I rarely played, so when it ended, I saw no reason to keep being on all day, or play a lot. Like I said in my app, I've been playing for a long time... I've played every single role dozens of times, so I don't get as much fun from playing as I used to. I still plan to be active during the trial and as long as I'm kept on as staff. At my current state, I enjoy staff work over the actual gameplay of CM. This doesn't mean I won't play probably a round every day just cause I get bored.
Just to clarify... I was removed as a trial because I wasn't aware I was overstepping my boundaries. I didn't know certain things I wasn't allowed to do or wasn't expected of from a mod, much less a trial mod. That is the primary reason I lost the trial. As long as I mind my boundaries, and make sure to ask questions regarding ahelps or boundaries, I'll be able to pass this time.
USCM - Elric Wolff
Synthetic - Eric
Synthetic - Eric
- frozentsbgg
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- Posts: 99
- Joined: 20 Aug 2017, 11:22
- Byond: frozentsbgg
Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
Hey Emerald,
In regards to Tharinoma's question regarding how you've changed:
I feel as if you haven't had the in-game playing experience, to be reconsidered for T-Mod, as you said yourself
I'd personally suggest, that you'd get some genuine hours in on the server before you reapply for Mod.
Although I'm away right now, even before my Departure, I failed to see you once on the server, and for someone applying for TMOD, second time or not, that's not okay in my books.
In regards to Tharinoma's question regarding how you've changed:
I feel as if you haven't had the in-game playing experience, to be reconsidered for T-Mod, as you said yourself
I'm going to personally overlook the reasons your Tmod was removed (from a personal and professional point of view), you've honestly made a good attempt explaining them in this app, however I've seen no in-game evidence of this "Maturity" that you claim to possess now, and because of that, I have to be Neutral on your app.I haven't been really active since my trial ended, been doing other stuff in life.
I'd personally suggest, that you'd get some genuine hours in on the server before you reapply for Mod.
Although I'm away right now, even before my Departure, I failed to see you once on the server, and for someone applying for TMOD, second time or not, that's not okay in my books.
- emeraldmoonx
- Registered user
- Posts: 173
- Joined: 22 Feb 2017, 14:20
- Byond: emeraldmoonx
Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
Hey frozen. If you read my app and reply to Therinoma, I've stated that I have many hours on the game and aren't playing as much due to playing so much in the past. I have more than enough experience and hours put into the server. So I'm not sure what you're referring to. I was accepted as TMod before and never once showed myself as immature. My in game time recently does not affect this. I do have a life and decided to spend more time with family and friends during the month off.
During my time as TMod is was very dedicated and online every single day. I may not be the most mature person in the world, and that's fine to me. We probably had very different hours during my trial as I never really saw you on myself. I don't know how much you were on, but I'll assume you were on during different hours. With that in mind, we never talked or got to know each other. So it's hard for you to gauge my maturity.
I'm not immature in any way, I'm easy going and this means I get along with pretty much anyone. I think that's a good trait to have for anyone, especially staff. I'm still serious when need be, such as now.
In terms of activity, I know a lot about each roles and have a good working knowledge of the game and it's mechanics. I still log on periodically to see what has changed in changelogs and still look at forums almost daily on my phone. I'm not active because I haven't been on my PC much. This will change if I'm accepted again and vow to pass my trial this time.
During my time as TMod is was very dedicated and online every single day. I may not be the most mature person in the world, and that's fine to me. We probably had very different hours during my trial as I never really saw you on myself. I don't know how much you were on, but I'll assume you were on during different hours. With that in mind, we never talked or got to know each other. So it's hard for you to gauge my maturity.
I'm not immature in any way, I'm easy going and this means I get along with pretty much anyone. I think that's a good trait to have for anyone, especially staff. I'm still serious when need be, such as now.
In terms of activity, I know a lot about each roles and have a good working knowledge of the game and it's mechanics. I still log on periodically to see what has changed in changelogs and still look at forums almost daily on my phone. I'm not active because I haven't been on my PC much. This will change if I'm accepted again and vow to pass my trial this time.
USCM - Elric Wolff
Synthetic - Eric
Synthetic - Eric
- frozentsbgg
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Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
emeraldmoonx wrote: ↑11 Dec 2017, 01:43Hey frozen. If you read my app and reply to Therinoma, I've stated that I have many hours on the game and aren't playing as much due to playing so much in the past. I have more than enough experience and hours put into the server. So I'm not sure what you're referring to. I was accepted as TMod before and never once showed myself as immature. My in game time recently does not affect this. I do have a life and decided to spend more time with family and friends during the month off.
During my time as TMod is was very dedicated and online every single day. I may not be the most mature person in the world, and that's fine to me. We probably had very different hours during my trial as I never really saw you on myself. I don't know how much you were on, but I'll assume you were on during different hours. With that in mind, we never talked or got to know each other. So it's hard for you to gauge my maturity.
I'm not immature in any way, I'm easy going and this means I get along with pretty much anyone. I think that's a good trait to have for anyone, especially staff. I'm still serious when need be, such as now.
In terms of activity, I know a lot about each roles and have a good working knowledge of the game and it's mechanics. I still log on periodically to see what has changed in changelogs and still look at forums almost daily on my phone. I'm not active because I haven't been on my PC much. This will change if I'm accepted again and vow to pass my trial this time.
Yes, I read your application and Tharinoma's reply.
I think you might have misunderstood what I was saying. While I agreed that You obviously are experienced, and have demonstrated that in your previous stint as a TMOD. My problem was that you haven't been able to "Show The Change", through actively playing and participating in Game, away from the forum. In my books, when applying for tmod (regardless of past experience and past time in game), you need to be more active than just "log on periodically to see what has changed in changelogs".
And in regards to us not talking when you were TMOD, I sincerely hope you haven't forgotten our little "conversation", about a staff report on me. It's something that left a lasting impression on me. I know you were dedicated during your TMOD period, I played & Observed with you many times, sadly you can't recall it though.
Although real life does get in the way as it is right now for me playing and getting on, You can't expect to demonstrate change by simply "log on periodically" to the game.
- slc97
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Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
I take a good portion of the responsibility in the failures of your trial. As this happened during my transition period out of the senior position, I was not able to provide the complete attention and oversight necessary for you. I'm going to go ahead and do the pros and cons of what I assessed from your trial for others, especially Jerkface, to make their decisions.
Pros: You were very dedicated. You logged some of the most server hours I've seen from a trial. You handled ahelps well, were regularly slack and forum active. I had no complaints about you as an actual mod.
Cons: Many of your failing came less as a moderator and more as a staff member. You often made blanket statements that some staff made complaints to me about. You didn't think about how some of your comments on threads affected other staff members.
Should you be accepted, you'll have to work harder on integrating in with staff and learning to properly communicate. It'll be up to Jerkface to take the extra time to work with you and help you integrate into staff properly. Therefore, I'm going to remain neutral and leave this to Jerk.
Pros: You were very dedicated. You logged some of the most server hours I've seen from a trial. You handled ahelps well, were regularly slack and forum active. I had no complaints about you as an actual mod.
Cons: Many of your failing came less as a moderator and more as a staff member. You often made blanket statements that some staff made complaints to me about. You didn't think about how some of your comments on threads affected other staff members.
Should you be accepted, you'll have to work harder on integrating in with staff and learning to properly communicate. It'll be up to Jerkface to take the extra time to work with you and help you integrate into staff properly. Therefore, I'm going to remain neutral and leave this to Jerk.
- emeraldmoonx
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- Byond: emeraldmoonx
Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
I'm aware I wasn't on during the last month, no excuse for that just didn't want to be. I was plenty active in the past, and just don't have the motivation to be in the game all the time like I used to. That's why I applied for Tmod, I felt I was moving beyond being a casual player and needed to do more. When my trial ended, I didn't bother to play, as I'd at most play around every few days. I did try to come on every now and then, but the round was often 1 hr in, give or take, so I left. During my time as a mod, I barely played in the game, so I focused more on observing as staff and being active on forums and slack. I felt this made up for being less active in the game, but more active in the community.
Regarding the "conversation", I was pretty aggressive, but I didn't mean to disrespect in any way. Regardless of what happened, I didn't look at you any differently. I'm sure eventually we can move on and just get along. What happened I believe is more personal, and if you'd like to talk about it sometimes, send me a pm.
I understand your side, and that's fine. I appreciate your time and your rating, thanks.
I don't think it's really your fault, as you've mentioned I made my share of mistakes. This is in large due to me neglecting to ask questions when I wasn't 100% sure, and doing stuff a mod shouldn't have to, or be able to. In the cons, I know what you mean, this most likely ties directly to frozen's mention. The situation wasn't the best... I don't take back my actions or words said, I didn't mean disrespect to anyone. I only want to make things clear sometimes. Hard to explain, but I plan to calm down a bit. I do get wound up a bit, and maybe get defensive or a little too serious with other staff.
I will work harder, work on my teamwork, and work on my abilities as a staff member. I'm aware that I rubbed people the wrong way. I'm pretty opinionated and I don't let people walk over me, I have an outgoing personality and I need to relax a bit and be easier to approach and friendlier.
Thanks both for your time.
I'm aware I wasn't on during the last month, no excuse for that just didn't want to be. I was plenty active in the past, and just don't have the motivation to be in the game all the time like I used to. That's why I applied for Tmod, I felt I was moving beyond being a casual player and needed to do more. When my trial ended, I didn't bother to play, as I'd at most play around every few days. I did try to come on every now and then, but the round was often 1 hr in, give or take, so I left. During my time as a mod, I barely played in the game, so I focused more on observing as staff and being active on forums and slack. I felt this made up for being less active in the game, but more active in the community.
Regarding the "conversation", I was pretty aggressive, but I didn't mean to disrespect in any way. Regardless of what happened, I didn't look at you any differently. I'm sure eventually we can move on and just get along. What happened I believe is more personal, and if you'd like to talk about it sometimes, send me a pm.
I understand your side, and that's fine. I appreciate your time and your rating, thanks.
I don't think it's really your fault, as you've mentioned I made my share of mistakes. This is in large due to me neglecting to ask questions when I wasn't 100% sure, and doing stuff a mod shouldn't have to, or be able to. In the cons, I know what you mean, this most likely ties directly to frozen's mention. The situation wasn't the best... I don't take back my actions or words said, I didn't mean disrespect to anyone. I only want to make things clear sometimes. Hard to explain, but I plan to calm down a bit. I do get wound up a bit, and maybe get defensive or a little too serious with other staff.
I will work harder, work on my teamwork, and work on my abilities as a staff member. I'm aware that I rubbed people the wrong way. I'm pretty opinionated and I don't let people walk over me, I have an outgoing personality and I need to relax a bit and be easier to approach and friendlier.
Thanks both for your time.
USCM - Elric Wolff
Synthetic - Eric
Synthetic - Eric
- apophis775
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Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
Firstly, I don't step in and comment on applications very much, but I feel the need to do so here because I'm still very concerned about this situation.
Last time, you had a bad habit of overstepping your bounds and stepping out of the moderator lane, as well as the way you called out another trialmod on the forums.
I feel like your personality is that you are eager to please the higher-ups (which isn't a bad thing), but you also don't appear have as much respect for those at your level as you should. I don't think we've ever had a trialmod publicly condemn another trialmod in a topic like you did. Additionally, you haven't really been active the last month or so, which, I can understand taking time off, but I don't believe you should be applying again right away. If you fail the trialmod again, are you going to take a month off and try again? Will this become a pattern of only playing when you think you have a chance at being on staff?
If you do get accepted, you should try to progress slower. Take time and learn the job and what's expected at one level and what you should be doing as a moderator before you try and move into other areas. And NEVER EVER NEVER throw another staff member under the bus again. I'm pushed a bit back that you don't take back your actions or words, considering everyone has pretty much said you were wrong to do that in that situation.
In conclusion, my view on this is a big -1 for the reasons stated above.
Our staff needs to be able to count on each other and not worry about someone else calling them out in public or throwing them under a bus. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but on CM, we pretty much NEVER speak badly about people who are currently on Staff, no matter the situation. We work to resolve it, without throwing people out to the wolves. It's not always possible to do that in every situation, but when it isn't it's a Head that condemns someones actions, not a trialmod.
So again, I'm -1 for this, and I don't expect that to change anytime soon.
Last time, you had a bad habit of overstepping your bounds and stepping out of the moderator lane, as well as the way you called out another trialmod on the forums.
I feel like your personality is that you are eager to please the higher-ups (which isn't a bad thing), but you also don't appear have as much respect for those at your level as you should. I don't think we've ever had a trialmod publicly condemn another trialmod in a topic like you did. Additionally, you haven't really been active the last month or so, which, I can understand taking time off, but I don't believe you should be applying again right away. If you fail the trialmod again, are you going to take a month off and try again? Will this become a pattern of only playing when you think you have a chance at being on staff?
If you do get accepted, you should try to progress slower. Take time and learn the job and what's expected at one level and what you should be doing as a moderator before you try and move into other areas. And NEVER EVER NEVER throw another staff member under the bus again. I'm pushed a bit back that you don't take back your actions or words, considering everyone has pretty much said you were wrong to do that in that situation.
In conclusion, my view on this is a big -1 for the reasons stated above.
Our staff needs to be able to count on each other and not worry about someone else calling them out in public or throwing them under a bus. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but on CM, we pretty much NEVER speak badly about people who are currently on Staff, no matter the situation. We work to resolve it, without throwing people out to the wolves. It's not always possible to do that in every situation, but when it isn't it's a Head that condemns someones actions, not a trialmod.
So again, I'm -1 for this, and I don't expect that to change anytime soon.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
- emeraldmoonx
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Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
I understand the concern Apophis, they're well validated. Regarding the conversation with frozen which was more personal, that's where I don't take back my words. After my mentioning of him in the thread he came to me on slack and mentioned it, I then replied to him. I'm referring to that last reply to him, the original mention of him on public forums was wrong, there's no doubt about that. The conversation that took place was less about the actual forum post, but more on how he spoke to me and approached the situation on slack.
I plan to take it easy and make sure to watch out what I do if I'm accepted.
I understand my actions were wrong and it should never have happened. All I ask for is a second chance to show I can work with others and be a good staff member. I had a lapse in judgment and I've mentioned it numerous times that I made a mistake since it happened.
Regarding my play time, I suppose I should have been on more, at least play a round every day or so. I don't regret taking time off, I got the chance to spend more time with friends and family. I was rarely ever on my PC for that month.
I plan to take it easy and make sure to watch out what I do if I'm accepted.
I understand my actions were wrong and it should never have happened. All I ask for is a second chance to show I can work with others and be a good staff member. I had a lapse in judgment and I've mentioned it numerous times that I made a mistake since it happened.
Regarding my play time, I suppose I should have been on more, at least play a round every day or so. I don't regret taking time off, I got the chance to spend more time with friends and family. I was rarely ever on my PC for that month.
USCM - Elric Wolff
Synthetic - Eric
Synthetic - Eric
- NGGJamie
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Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
Aside from the aforementioned issue that came up between yourself and another TMod during your tenure as a Trial, I don't particularly remember taking up issue with you.
To boil down what I'm about to say to something short and sweet, I don't a whole lot of anything against you coming back myself, but I can't say you have my major support, either. I would call it the most slight of +1s I can give at best, neutral at worst.
Starting with the worst first, I was less concerned about the actual call-out against the trialmod on the forums than the response that was made when that trialmod expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that it'd happened. You say it was about his mannerisms coming to you that caused the problem, but ultimately I don't think due consideration for his side was taken on your part, which doubles as a quality one should have when applying judgement in a general sense upon the public, and not just among your peers within the staff team. We're talking about someone being thrown under the bus in front of the community by someone their own rank, with no further proper say on the matter than themselves. If I made a call with regards to punishing a player and for example, Jerkface posted on a thread about it straight up saying I acted incorrectly instead of addressing it to me one-on-one, or with Feweh to determine my actions, you can bet that I would be pretty pissed and I might be somewhat justified in expressing that in an attempt to resolve the problem on a personal level. Instead of trying to temper and understand his side of the incident, it was made worse and escalated much farther than a simple post redaction and an apology would have done to fix the issue.
The entire thing to me came across as a bit arrogant considering that not only did the post itself imply arrogancy, but the reaction you posed to the staff member along with some other things you said during your trial felt very out of place for a TMod to say. Coinciding with the held belief that you tended to overstep, you effectively tried to immediately put on shoes that didn't fit you before you could be ready, or even considered ready, to wear them. On this point I would contest the idea that your personality had nothing to do with your trial being failed, and claiming that it was the result of "little mistakes that added up" seems like a partial waiver of responsibility, even if you do admit to having made mistakes. While I'm not sure if any staff members share this opinion with me, I do believe ego played no small part in what happened.
With that having been said, it's probably an extreme wonder why I wouldn't outright -1 this application and stop there; which is where what positive things I have to say come in. Despite the flaws mentioned above, I didn't find myself very often on opposing ends of your decisions as a moderator. At the least, no more-so than I do of anyone else. Your punishments did tend to be fair, and your work ethic as well as activity was good even if over the top. If you let go of the tryhard and arrogant portions of how you operated, and let yourself simply be a Trial Mod, or Moderator, then I think you could find yourself with more positive outlook toward you from the rest of the staff. If you make a mistake, apologizing does not make you less of a person, even if the other end seems brash. Nine times out of ten, the person being "harsh" has their own reasons for being that way, and understanding those feelings coming at you is a big part of growing not just as a staff member on a spaceman video game, but also as a person. It is my belief that you can do that, and the hope that you can take a hard look at yourself moving forward that I give you even the smallest bits of support. Without that, I would easily be writing a very similar post to Apophis' right now.
To boil down what I'm about to say to something short and sweet, I don't a whole lot of anything against you coming back myself, but I can't say you have my major support, either. I would call it the most slight of +1s I can give at best, neutral at worst.
Starting with the worst first, I was less concerned about the actual call-out against the trialmod on the forums than the response that was made when that trialmod expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that it'd happened. You say it was about his mannerisms coming to you that caused the problem, but ultimately I don't think due consideration for his side was taken on your part, which doubles as a quality one should have when applying judgement in a general sense upon the public, and not just among your peers within the staff team. We're talking about someone being thrown under the bus in front of the community by someone their own rank, with no further proper say on the matter than themselves. If I made a call with regards to punishing a player and for example, Jerkface posted on a thread about it straight up saying I acted incorrectly instead of addressing it to me one-on-one, or with Feweh to determine my actions, you can bet that I would be pretty pissed and I might be somewhat justified in expressing that in an attempt to resolve the problem on a personal level. Instead of trying to temper and understand his side of the incident, it was made worse and escalated much farther than a simple post redaction and an apology would have done to fix the issue.
The entire thing to me came across as a bit arrogant considering that not only did the post itself imply arrogancy, but the reaction you posed to the staff member along with some other things you said during your trial felt very out of place for a TMod to say. Coinciding with the held belief that you tended to overstep, you effectively tried to immediately put on shoes that didn't fit you before you could be ready, or even considered ready, to wear them. On this point I would contest the idea that your personality had nothing to do with your trial being failed, and claiming that it was the result of "little mistakes that added up" seems like a partial waiver of responsibility, even if you do admit to having made mistakes. While I'm not sure if any staff members share this opinion with me, I do believe ego played no small part in what happened.
With that having been said, it's probably an extreme wonder why I wouldn't outright -1 this application and stop there; which is where what positive things I have to say come in. Despite the flaws mentioned above, I didn't find myself very often on opposing ends of your decisions as a moderator. At the least, no more-so than I do of anyone else. Your punishments did tend to be fair, and your work ethic as well as activity was good even if over the top. If you let go of the tryhard and arrogant portions of how you operated, and let yourself simply be a Trial Mod, or Moderator, then I think you could find yourself with more positive outlook toward you from the rest of the staff. If you make a mistake, apologizing does not make you less of a person, even if the other end seems brash. Nine times out of ten, the person being "harsh" has their own reasons for being that way, and understanding those feelings coming at you is a big part of growing not just as a staff member on a spaceman video game, but also as a person. It is my belief that you can do that, and the hope that you can take a hard look at yourself moving forward that I give you even the smallest bits of support. Without that, I would easily be writing a very similar post to Apophis' right now.
Synthetic Application-Leonard [Accepted] - Predator Application-Thei-De Na'Tauk [Accepted]
Server Status
Mentor: 06/28/2017 - 08/07/2017 / Trial Moderator 08/07/2017 - 08/25/17 / Moderator 08/25/17 - 10/11/17 / Trial Admin 10/11/17 - 10/30/17 / Senior Mentor 10/30/17 - 03/15/18 / Mod Manager 03/15/18 - 07/08/18 / Coder 07/08/18 - 07/27/18 / Host 07/27/18 - Present
I run Linux on all of my machines and actively reject Windows. I have some cool dotfiles up on Github for configuring some of my favorite stuff.
Server Status
Mentor: 06/28/2017 - 08/07/2017 / Trial Moderator 08/07/2017 - 08/25/17 / Moderator 08/25/17 - 10/11/17 / Trial Admin 10/11/17 - 10/30/17 / Senior Mentor 10/30/17 - 03/15/18 / Mod Manager 03/15/18 - 07/08/18 / Coder 07/08/18 - 07/27/18 / Host 07/27/18 - Present
I run Linux on all of my machines and actively reject Windows. I have some cool dotfiles up on Github for configuring some of my favorite stuff.
- emeraldmoonx
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- Byond: emeraldmoonx
Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
Hi Jamie,
I'm aware I have an ego. I've mentioned this, but I've often run servers and been in positions of higher power. I'm not going to deny that I can be arrogant and I don't want to simply sweep it under the rug like it didn't happen. My behavior with most Tmod and so on was fine, I had the one incident with Frozen. Now, I don't want to downplay what happened, it was still a bad thing to do and should have never happened. In my defense, I had no intention of throwing Frozen under the bus. My initial post of him on public forums didn't have much thought put into it, and didn't intend it to be so severe. I was there when the report in question happened and decided to give an opinion. It's my fault entirely for what happened.
Regarding the following conversation with Frozen on Slack, it's true I should have considered what happened on the forums, but I really didn't consider it as him being betrayed or anything of the sort. I really didn't think I did anything wrong, so when he came to me and complained I reacted.
I'm aware I'm not perfect, I'm arrogant at times and I tend to overstep. I know this is something I can do differently, that's why I ask for a second chance. I'm not going to deny anything I did, I did them alright. I just want to prove that I can be a good moderator and a good staff member.
If I'm given a second chance, I'll do everything I can to play along better with those in a similar position, be more respectful, and make sure I don't overstep. If I had any idea that what I did to Frozen would have been seen as a betrayal, I'd never had done so.
I know I've been better than this in the past, I've never once been removed from Mod, or even denied an application to be one. I have a good history and I know I can be a great staff. This is really important to me, this server has the best community and the best staff team I've seen. I want to be apart of it. All I ask is a second chance to prove it.
As a final note, regarding my activity. I plan to be on more to play. Even though I get bored because I've played so much in the past, I'll at least put effort into playing 1 round daily. I've always preferred to observe as a mod, and only played rarely as was.
I'm aware I have an ego. I've mentioned this, but I've often run servers and been in positions of higher power. I'm not going to deny that I can be arrogant and I don't want to simply sweep it under the rug like it didn't happen. My behavior with most Tmod and so on was fine, I had the one incident with Frozen. Now, I don't want to downplay what happened, it was still a bad thing to do and should have never happened. In my defense, I had no intention of throwing Frozen under the bus. My initial post of him on public forums didn't have much thought put into it, and didn't intend it to be so severe. I was there when the report in question happened and decided to give an opinion. It's my fault entirely for what happened.
Regarding the following conversation with Frozen on Slack, it's true I should have considered what happened on the forums, but I really didn't consider it as him being betrayed or anything of the sort. I really didn't think I did anything wrong, so when he came to me and complained I reacted.
I'm aware I'm not perfect, I'm arrogant at times and I tend to overstep. I know this is something I can do differently, that's why I ask for a second chance. I'm not going to deny anything I did, I did them alright. I just want to prove that I can be a good moderator and a good staff member.
If I'm given a second chance, I'll do everything I can to play along better with those in a similar position, be more respectful, and make sure I don't overstep. If I had any idea that what I did to Frozen would have been seen as a betrayal, I'd never had done so.
I know I've been better than this in the past, I've never once been removed from Mod, or even denied an application to be one. I have a good history and I know I can be a great staff. This is really important to me, this server has the best community and the best staff team I've seen. I want to be apart of it. All I ask is a second chance to prove it.
As a final note, regarding my activity. I plan to be on more to play. Even though I get bored because I've played so much in the past, I'll at least put effort into playing 1 round daily. I've always preferred to observe as a mod, and only played rarely as was.
USCM - Elric Wolff
Synthetic - Eric
Synthetic - Eric
- Jerkface00
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Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
I really like how you improved your answers this time around over your original application - I suppose that's to be expected seeing as you did have a go at a trial and you got a feel for how things work, but none the less that's exactly what we're looking for in terms of detailed answers that aren't walls of text.
Your activity dropped from the time of your previous run as a trial, which honestly is sort of expected as well after having been denied for any reason. While your activity didn't fall below what we ask of mods during time between your applications, it was close enough to raise concern. That said, during your previous run you were on every-single-day. While the past is surely not a guaranteed indicator of future behavior, I'm willing to take your word that you can, and will manage to keep well over what we ask staff to show in active time on the server.
From what I can tell, you owned up to your mistake with frozen and there's no bad blood between you two. Also seems you get the message as to why that was a problem and won't let it happen in the future, or at the very least know how to better handle it.
I'm going to leave this post up for a while and see if any other input is had, but as it stands I'm leaning towards giving you another run at trial because I think you've learned from the mistakes you made during your previous run and have made it a point to self-correct. I don't particularly foresee you making the same mistakes this time around.
Your activity dropped from the time of your previous run as a trial, which honestly is sort of expected as well after having been denied for any reason. While your activity didn't fall below what we ask of mods during time between your applications, it was close enough to raise concern. That said, during your previous run you were on every-single-day. While the past is surely not a guaranteed indicator of future behavior, I'm willing to take your word that you can, and will manage to keep well over what we ask staff to show in active time on the server.
From what I can tell, you owned up to your mistake with frozen and there's no bad blood between you two. Also seems you get the message as to why that was a problem and won't let it happen in the future, or at the very least know how to better handle it.
I'm going to leave this post up for a while and see if any other input is had, but as it stands I'm leaning towards giving you another run at trial because I think you've learned from the mistakes you made during your previous run and have made it a point to self-correct. I don't particularly foresee you making the same mistakes this time around.
- slc97
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Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
I believe in second chances, and I do think you've learned from your past trial. I'm going to remain neutral on this and say one thing. If you're accepted back you need to learn to talk to people when you have a problem like you should have been during your first trial.
Apop, myself and others have open door policies for a reason. If you go and talk to the right people, your problems will be facilitated and handled. You can't try and dive in and handle everything yourself like you did last time though.
Apop, myself and others have open door policies for a reason. If you go and talk to the right people, your problems will be facilitated and handled. You can't try and dive in and handle everything yourself like you did last time though.
- Jaketeaking
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Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
im gonna have to say -1 on this.
Having worked along side you on your last trial, i had to damn near argue with you over very basic things, on at least 2 occasions.
yeah, people can change, but i just dont see it, especially when you havent been active since you failed trial. Sure, it takes time to get over it, but eh.
Having worked along side you on your last trial, i had to damn near argue with you over very basic things, on at least 2 occasions.
yeah, people can change, but i just dont see it, especially when you havent been active since you failed trial. Sure, it takes time to get over it, but eh.
The man known as James 'patch' Alfonse. also gets called hotdog and "lemon.
"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity" - General George S Patton
WO first ever round -- only doctor.
WOv2 - First ever CO to survive more than 30 minutes, thanks to the help of bravo, charlie, delta, and flex the madman who killed at least 30 using an MG turret and an epic bombardment

https://snag.gy/I60qtG.jpg -- an average CM round for me

"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity" - General George S Patton
WO first ever round -- only doctor.
WOv2 - First ever CO to survive more than 30 minutes, thanks to the help of bravo, charlie, delta, and flex the madman who killed at least 30 using an MG turret and an epic bombardment

https://snag.gy/I60qtG.jpg -- an average CM round for me

- emeraldmoonx
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Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
Thanks for looking past what has happened and being open minded to a second chance.
I'm aware of that Slc, I'll work on it for sure. I'll make sure to talk to the higher-ups more when I can, thanks.
I'm not quite sure what occurrences you mean? In my memory, I've never had an issue with you? I don't ever remember arguing or anything of the sort, we always worked together fine. If you could elaborate on what you mean, so I might sway your mind on your rating?
Thanks for looking past what has happened and being open minded to a second chance.
I'm aware of that Slc, I'll work on it for sure. I'll make sure to talk to the higher-ups more when I can, thanks.
I'm not quite sure what occurrences you mean? In my memory, I've never had an issue with you? I don't ever remember arguing or anything of the sort, we always worked together fine. If you could elaborate on what you mean, so I might sway your mind on your rating?
USCM - Elric Wolff
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Synthetic - Eric
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Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
I've never had an issue with you.
You seemed just over-enthusiastic more than anything.
You seemed just over-enthusiastic more than anything.
- emeraldmoonx
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Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
Yeah... I'm aware. To be clear to anyone regarding that. I only join a staff team for any game/community if I really like that game or community. So, when I do get staff, I go at it 110%, because I love it. If that rubs people the wrong way, sorry, but I can't change that. If I don't love something, I can't dedicate as much time as I did during my trial.
USCM - Elric Wolff
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Synthetic - Eric
- Emeraldblood
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Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
I'll throw in my opinion since Moon's kinda a weird case. I never really had a problem with Moon during his Trial. Only thing I remember is that he was a little stubborn and we got into a few disagreements. It seems a few other people had this probably with you as well, so that does make me a little worried. I don't think you're a bad person, but you seem to hold a mindset that you're always right in a debate and don't really acknowledge it until later. This also makes me worry a little about how you'd treat your fellow staff members of the same rank or less as you sometimes. This is all just my personal view and it's all assumptions of the few time I did have with you. I think you have room to personally improve yourself and be more aware of how everyone thinks of a certain issue, but I think you deserve a second shot at being Mod. I'd vote for ya but just try to be careful before the problems arise instead of after.
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
- emeraldmoonx
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Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
Thanks, Emerald, I'll be more open-minded and try to argue less. I don't mean bad when I argue, especially if I do think I'm right. I guess this gets on people's nerves, as I literally don't remember arguments with people as they're so minor to me.
USCM - Elric Wolff
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Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
Whenever you being staff is brought up to me all I think back to is this.

No -1.

No -1.
Lochlann Healy the Marine Here's my good ol' dossier!

Mentor : 28th November 2016
Mod : 14th February 2017
Admin : 7th June 2017
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Mod : 20th April 2018
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- emeraldmoonx
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Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
Right... No disrespect but... Let me get this straight, me misreading something, which I perceive to be a link on Japanese ritualistic suicide, is your entire basis for not wanting me as staff? I misread "Sudoku" as "Seppuku" by accident, so I asked he delete it because that's not something you should post. If you'd kept reading, or include the rest of the conversation, we have a laugh about it because of my mistake. No one was punished or warned or anything of the sort.
If that's literally why you want to give me a -1, that's your choice. However, in my eyes, this is literally something inconsequential and has no bearing on my duty as a moderator, a staff member, or even a person.
I'm aware I've made PLENTY of mistakes... This, however, is not one of them.
If that's literally why you want to give me a -1, that's your choice. However, in my eyes, this is literally something inconsequential and has no bearing on my duty as a moderator, a staff member, or even a person.
I'm aware I've made PLENTY of mistakes... This, however, is not one of them.
USCM - Elric Wolff
Synthetic - Eric
Synthetic - Eric
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Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
When I was active on the staff and Moon was on his trial, I had never had problems with him, but I knew he was always taking a step higher than he should / could, and noticed brief discussions between him and a few moderators.
I do not see a problem in providing him with a second chance, but if the moderators, or some of them disagree with such a thing, it would be better not to have Emerald back on staff for at least a little while.
Unfortunately, I am unable to know what Emerald's activity level has been recently, but that is also a problem.
I believe in second chances, but I believe that this is a subject that must also be solved mainly by the moderators, since they were the ones that had more experience in interactions with Moon.
I do not see a problem in providing him with a second chance, but if the moderators, or some of them disagree with such a thing, it would be better not to have Emerald back on staff for at least a little while.
Unfortunately, I am unable to know what Emerald's activity level has been recently, but that is also a problem.
I believe in second chances, but I believe that this is a subject that must also be solved mainly by the moderators, since they were the ones that had more experience in interactions with Moon.
Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
Retired staff (moderator).
Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
Retired staff (moderator).
- Lumdor
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Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
When I was a mentor and emeraldmoonx was a trial moderator he seemed to do his job quite well.
At the time I was unaware of what was going on between him and another trial moderator, but he seemed to try his best while assisting people on the server.
Though you do seem to take some things to heart; like on your predator app when you became very unprofessional in the public eye.
From your response's it seems that you learned from your mistake's and are willing to give it another (better) shot.
At the time I was unaware of what was going on between him and another trial moderator, but he seemed to try his best while assisting people on the server.
Though you do seem to take some things to heart; like on your predator app when you became very unprofessional in the public eye.
From your response's it seems that you learned from your mistake's and are willing to give it another (better) shot.
Commander Councilman. Along with Takethehot56, Bancrose, Dr.Lance, and Frans_Feiffer. PM me or any of them for inquiries about Commander.
Commander Bob Shoe | Yautja Kar-Teer

Commander Bob Shoe | Yautja Kar-Teer

- Feweh
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Re: Emeraldmoonx's Moderator Application
This is denied.
Since youve logged a total of 9hours in about 40days.
We just wouldnt bring someone onto the team whos that inactive in playing the game.
Since youve logged a total of 9hours in about 40days.
We just wouldnt bring someone onto the team whos that inactive in playing the game.