Colonial Marines Character: Daniel Fredrickson
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Timezone: GMT-8:00
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?: Outside of Work and College, I can devote about 4-5 hours per day towards Moderating. So about 25-30 hours a week.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?:
6-7 Months Moderating for a SWRP Server on GMOD
2 1/2 Years Administrating for Valhalla Gaming back when SA:MP was a thing (They're gone now btw)
4 1/2 months Moderating for Island Life Gaming over on Arma 3 (Also gone now)
7-8 Months Moderating for BestRP on Byond (A closed SS13 server that was HeavyRP)
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?: Negative
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?: Aurora, Citadel, Paradise.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made: Negative, this is the first one!

Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?: Currently not a Staff Member anywhere else.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?: Nope I have not
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?: Negative ghost rider
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?: I am very familiar with what Slack is and how to use it
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him:
First, I would begin by checking the Player Notes of everyone involved as to ascertain if anyone involved has had a past history of any wrong doing. While I'm doing this, I start to PM the Player and asking for his reasoning behind the discharge of his weapon during the Round Start. I would then check the logs and get the sides of the story from the MP's involved, as well as the person shot. Wrapping it all together, I would take into account the severity of the shooting, and if it affected other players besides the person directly shot, the shooter, and the MP's. Closing it, if the Shooter hasn't received any prior punishment I would warn him and make a note on his profile with the Reason and Time, and also outlining the incident as well to allow the MP's to deal with this in character. If the shooter has indeed received prior punishments, I would review his previous notes one more time, and more than likely ban him for 3 hours and AHEAL the Victim in this incident, making a formal Note on the Shooters profile outlining the Reason, and Time on it.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result:
First, I would start by sealing up the breach to space and AHEAL'ing all the players that had died or were dying due to the consequences of what ever happened. I would then check the logs to see who or what might have caused the breach to begin with. If it was a player and they were alive, I would ghost over to them and put them to sleep. I would then announce in a PM why they have been place to sleep, and inquire as to why they had caused a breach into space, resulting in mass-murder of several players and the injury of others. While I give him time to respond, I would look up his Note History, and take that into account if he has any priors up to this. Noting that this is a serious offense as well, I would inform him that he would be getting banned for 12 hours, due to being in violation of General Rule #12. I would issue the Ban, and make a note on his character finalizing the Time and Reasoning.
If the breach has been caused by random occurrence, I would take several factors into consideration. One of these being accidental Breaches, Map Breaking, ect. More or less, unless I couldn't get away with the breach being there In Character and having Engineering repair it, I would still move as to AHEAL the dead and Injured. I would attempt to downplay the incident as some sort of environmental event such as a meteor strike, and move on from there.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost:
I would begin this encounter by shooting an LOOC towards him, stating who I was and how to properly use LOOC. Once I assisted him with the basic communication I would welcome him to the Server and direct him to the Wiki, Rules Page, and and inquire about any potential questions be might have. Once I answer any of those questions, I would assist him towards his area of operation and get him geared up, and allow him to be free after that. If he would need further assistance after this, I would notify a Mentor and have them assist the New Player to the best of their ability, that way he gets the help he needs long term.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member:
Going through my mind in this question is deescalation. Obviously, the Player is upset and is wanting to take his frustration out on me. I would attempt as to calm the player down and let him know that while an Administrator might not be present, I still have the ability to solve the issue that he's needing help with while also checking his note history. I would remain professional during this encounter, and remain level headed in an attempt to reason with the Player. If he continues to be rude and disrespectful, I would fill out a note on his profile outlining the instance, and ban him for 2-3 hours as a means of more or less cooling off rather than the actual disrespect. If the Player eventually cools down and eases back, I would continue on with his problem and not even mention his behavior risking another melt down and potential ban on his end.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule:
I would inform the player that it is the responsibility of all our community members to remain knowledgeable in the Community Rules. And while he may have used the name else where in other Communities, in ours the rules strictly prohibit the type of name that he is using. I would right down a Note outlining the instance and help them as to change their name, but I wouldn't proceed with further punishment outside that.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present:
I would ghost to him and review his previous notes for any other wrong doing first and foremost. I would then PM him asking as to why he was running around with armor and carrying a rifle. Since this is more or less a IC issue due to him just violating Marine Law, I would tell him that he would eventually need to drop the gear or he could potentially face punishment from the Military Police going forward. I wouldn't make a note of it or proceed with punishment unless an OOC Rule were violated.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB:
I would PM the Squad Medic initially and ask for his reasoning behind him performing surgery on the Planet. I would check his Notes, and take his reasoning into account. Due to the Squad Medic performing an action that could be perceived has Powegame in nature, I would inform him that there were plenty of chances that he could have reached out to his Squad Leader in an attempt as to get a Doctor into the FOB. I would tell him to finish up the surgery as to stabilize the player quickly, and place then in a Stasis Bag as to await transport back to the Almayer to be looked over by someone who has proficient IC knowledge in surgical procedure. I would warn him going forward about only performing actions that would be within the knowledge of their character, IE: A Squad Medic, and take a note down of the Warning I gave him.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?:
Increasing or even boosting morale on one or both sides could potentially push the round into concluding. In this instance since there are more Marines than Aliens, I would send a FAX to the WY Rep informing them that the mission was almost needed to be completed soon. And offer up incentives towards the Military Personnel on the Almayer for the speedy completion of the Mission, whether that be increased pay, increased shore leave, more recreational machines around the Ship, ect in an attempt to push them into searching for those last four aliens and murdering them completely.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile CLF member and the CLF member Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended:
First and foremost, I would get both sides of the story from the Marine and Hostile CLF Member. The Intent behind this shooting is the most important aspect, so I would also search the logs and see if there was any roleplay between the two individuals prior to the round end that would have constituted the actions the Marine took. If there was sufficient roleplay to back up the actions of the Marine, I would inform the CLF Member that despite it being the rounds end, it was well within the Roleplay established for the Marine to shoot him. And that the Rule 7 states that Marines vs. Antag can still occur during/after Rounds End. I would continue to deescalate the CLF member into the next round if he continues to complain.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start:
First and foremost, I would place him to sleep and introduce myself in a PM. I would ask him why he was performing the actions that he was performing at the round start, and check his notes and logs while waiting for him to respond. I would direct him to the rules section, and have him read Rule #7 to me, which outlines our Griefing Policy. Depending on his previous note history, I would warn him to knock it off in terms of his actions against other players and create a note formally recognizing the punishment. If he has previous history of doing this, I would ban him for 2-3 hours and create a note as to document the Reasoning and Time behind the Ban.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him:
First, I would PM both individuals and get both their stories. I would check both their note histories, and the damage logs to confirm the punch and the gun shots. I would take their stories into account while also remembering that we ban players for Griefing, and those involved in it if they don't AHELP it right away. Depending on what the notes of the shooter said, I would ban him for 2-3 hours due to the severity of the actions he committed, and his reasoning behind the killing. Also due in part as to what their notes would look like, I would question the other Marine as to why he punched the Shooter to begin with. If he doesn't have notes, I would sternly warn him about such actions and make a Note against him on his Profile. If he already has prior notes, he would also get banned for 2-3 hours for Griefing just like the Shooter.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities:
I would attempt to keep the situation under control to the best of my ability as a Moderator, maintaining a crisp and clean Professional demeanor. While do this, I would attempt to get into contact with an Administrator either on Byond or on Slack, informing them of the situation and the lack of Administrator+'s on to handle it. I would keep attempting to solve the issue from my stance until someone came along, otherwise I would handle it to the best of my abilities none the less until the situation was resolved or we found a compromise.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it:
I would inform that Player that while his racist comments are on the Minor Side, they were ultimately said in character. He would have a better time utilizing the chain of command with his character, starting with his Assistant Squad Leader, and working his way up in terms of reporting the issue. Or even going to the Military Police and solving it, as it's more of a Marine Law violation at that standing point, rather than a Rule Infraction as typically Marines during Combat Situations or even in their down time in lore are quoted and even referenced in stating some questionable things, how ever were stricken back in line by their superiors. Because Marines will be Marines, and the Staff will only ever intervene in cases like this if it was a documented coralation of overt behavior that could be perceived as OOC Comments being made In Character.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off:
First and foremost I would freeze the player's Marine so he couldn't move, in the case he were to log back on and attempt to continue where he left off. I would AHEAL and Revive all the injured and dead players that he had killed, and attempt to restore the briefing back to normal so the round can resume like before. After this, I would compile all the information I have from the Notes of the Player to the Damage Logs of the other Marines, and file a 7 day Ban + a Petition for a Permanent Ban. This is the type of behavior we don't want here at Colonial Marines, and shows the weakest of us. And tossing him out completely will only allow us to move forward on a positive note as community rather than trying to keep him around and rehabilitating him.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die:
I would contact the player and ask them for their reasoning behind rushing the frontlines and dying stop off the bat. I would check their notes like I do in every instance to see any previous abuses, while waiting for his response. I would inform them that Combat Larva'ing is strict prohibited while playing as a Xeno, as it not only compromises their character and shows a complete negligent disregard for their own safety, but it also compromises the safety of the Queen, the other Brood, and the Colony itself. Taking all of this into account, I would either strictly warn him with a Note if it was his first offense, or I would not only push for a Job Ban from Xeno's on a repeat offense, but also a 3 hour ban + a recorded note of the Time and Reasoning.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat:
I would contact the Xeno in a PM, asking him if it's appropriate that he should be using such phrases in an In Character channel. I would at the same time be checking his notes for any previous offenses, taking into account his response at the same time. I would inform him on our policy in terms of Out of Character information being mixed with In Character Information, and that AYYYLMAO and REEEE wouldn't be used as a Xeno at all, so why should be allow that to be used here. Based on his notes, I would either Warn him strictly that he shouldn't mix OOC references and phrases into an IC atmosphere and note the Warning for future reference, or if he has previous offenses due to this sort of behavior - Banning him for 3 hours on top of informing him of the OOC-IC Rule would suffice.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship":
I would thank the Player for firstly report the issue at hand. How ever, due to there being no rule break here I would inform him that under the Xeno Rules on the Forums, it states that they can indeed call the dropship a "dropship", due in part that the Hivemind chat is translated into English for communication purposes, but is discouraged a bit. I would state to them that assisting the player with the more lore-friendly, or "proper" phrases might help not only the Individual grow as a Role player, but the Xeno's overall in terms of communication. Cause we all know that "The Godly Metallic Burb" sounds more awesome than "dropship". And it's mostly lore friendly!
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet:
I would PM the Command Member, and ask for a sufficient reasoning as to why he felt compelled as to inform everyone at the briefing that there were Aliens on the Planet. While I'm doing this, I would pull up his note history, and the chat logs of him stating what he stated. As I factor in his response, I would inform him that the Marines, specially Command, have no knowledge of whether or not Aliens are down on the surface. Specially if it's just the near Round-Start, they haven't even come into contact with the Survivors on the Colony, which would only describe the Aliens as rampant local wildlife that have kidnapped and/or attacked other Colonists. Based on his notes, I would firstly warn him that meta gaming Xeno information is strictly forbidden not only from Command Staff, but anyone else on the Server. Doing so ruins the round experience for a lot of people, and it isn't tolerated. I would strike him with a Warning, and make a note on it going forward. How ever, if he has been previously punished in the past for meta gaming information as a Command Official, not only would I push for a Job Ban in that specific area, but I would also file a 3 hour ban on his character, citing the Reasoning, and Time in it.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself:
First and foremost, I would PM the Marine and ask him about his side of the story as to why he had killed the other player as to save his own life. I would pull up logs and his notes, reviewing them as I wait for his answer. As I take his answer into consideration, I would inform him that there could have been multiple ways of handling this situation where both players could have come out alive. That it wasn't entirely fair for him to take the other player out of the game just because he himself didn't want to die in the long run. How ever, I could see where he was coming from. Based on his notes I would take two paths in this current instance. The first one being that if he doesn't have any previous history I would warn him about potentially griefing other players and that players could be banned if they aren't careful. If he has notes going into this situation, I would ban him for 3 hours and make a new note stating the Time and Reasoning behind the Ban.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule:
I would allow the fellow staff member to finish up helping the individual. I would then in MSAY get his attention, and inform him in a professional and laid back manner the rule that he had gotten wrong, citing the correct rule on the Forums directly so that not only could he learn from the mistake he made, but also have the chance to clarify and rectify what he had told the Community Member in return.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game:
First and foremost I wouldn't get myself directly involved into the situation. I would document as much as I could, pulling screenshots and logs. I would then immediately inform a High Staff Member of what situation that is taking place, and pass along all the evidence and information that I have accumulated on the situation to them as to make their job dealing with the Staff Member easier on their end.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
I would like to think that we are all adults around this Community, and as such seeing something like Your Mom jokes wouldn't hopefully offend to many people. How ever in the case that he is stating this stuff to me in OOC, I would first calmly ask him to cease the jokes as while they might not offend me, or even my own mother, they could be offending someone else. And that we have Rule 1 in place to respect everyone, including their mom's, in a way in which an individual would want to be treated. I would check his notes, and either warn him with a logged note if he has nothing on him, or ban him for 3 hours for violating Rule 1 if he chooses to keep making fun of my Mum.
Any additional information you'd like to add?: Honestly, I just want to thank you for all the feedback that I'm about to get on this. It took me well over a day to compile a lot of these answers, and a lot of reviewing of the current Rules, Staff Policy, ect. I feel that I have a good grasp on how to handle many different situations, and actually work in Grocery Management in real life so handling confrontation and dealing in deescalation are a lot of what I'm use too. I love this community and I honestly love the game mode even more. I don't mind and prefer if I devoted a more heavier presence towards helping and assisting everyone on here. And that's why I put 110% into this application, to not only prove to everyone that I can be a valuable asset to the Team, but to showcase my patience, determination, and willingness to adapt and overcome challenges too.