Gamingwolfer mod APP

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Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by gamingwolfer » 13 Aug 2018, 12:45

Byond ID:Gamingwolfer

Colonial Marines Character: Aoki Wolf



Timezone: CEST aND CET

On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
On vacations when i don't have to work i will be 30 hours per week available (4 hours a day).
When school starts again it will decrease 21 hours per week (3 hours a day)

Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
Yes, i do. I have been an admin on gta 5 rp server. I have been a moderator,admin,staff helper and bot admin on a couple of discord servers.

Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
No, This is my first one

What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?
I haven't played on any other servers beside CM.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made:
I have none maybe in the future i will

Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
Yes, i am currently a staff helper in a discord server.

Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
No, I have never been banned before

Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?
No, I never experienced a ban before

Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
I am not familiar with it but I will use it as it is required. I can adapt quikly to it.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.

1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
I would send him a PM asking why he shot the person. If the person replies it was an accident and did not intend to do it he is still responsible for what he did in the rp so the MP has the right to do with the person what they need to do. I simply tell him not to do it again as it is grief. there will also be a note maked to saying he claimed he did it by 'accident'. I would also check the logs to make sure it was an accident if it was on purpose i would check his notes for notes if he did this already multiple times. If he didn't i would add the note. If he has done this before and multiple times a punishment will be carried out towards the person

2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
From what I have heared from others this cannot happen anymore but if the case is that it happened i would investigate how it happened by checking the logs. If this was a bug or a anything particular i would notify a higher up or the person who is responsible for the programming. If this was done by a player I would speak to them and ask why he did that. If it was not intentional I will tell him not to do this again as this can be quite game ruining for others. If it was intentional i would give the person a punishment of breaking rule 2.

3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
I would PM the player and ask if he was new to CM. If he replies yes or does not reply i would first tell him how to talk and reply in game and then get him a mentor to continue helping him. I would also sent relevent information to the person so it can help them on their way.

4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
I would ask what his reasoning is to be rude or pissed at me. If he responds with an explenation i would try to help him further in the hope he will calm down eventually. If he calmed down and back to proper behaviour i will gladly thank him for his cooperation. If he doesn't want anything from me and continues i will get a higher up to talk to him as i have tried my best as a mod to help him.

5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
It would be the persons own fault for not knowing. It is always handy to review the rules if any updates happen. I would also check if he had notes on his name since he can also be simply lying to me. if in the result mutliple notes on him/her for the name that doesn't fit I will get a proper punishment given to the person. If the person doesn't have any notes on him i request him to change it so he doesn't violate the rule anymore and also making it that he doesn't get called on for the same reason

6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
This should be seen as an IC issue so I would let the proper authorities deal with him. If this is a new player i will get a mentor on him and also explain he can't do that if it is code green.

7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
This is impossible due the skillset but if this still is happening i would inform the person he is violating rule 4 and 19. I will also check notes aif he already did this repeatedly or not. if he didn't i will add it to the notes but if he did this to much a proper punishment will be given.

8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
I would encourage the hive by telling to take revenge on the Tallhost for taking so much of their sisters. To call down the dropship and tell them they still can do it. I would send a high command message saying that the enemy has weakened and a final blow can kill them all. Or even promise they get a reward if they manage to get them extinct on the planet/station.

9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile CLF member and the CLF member Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
I would PM the CLF member that the marine had the right to shoot him. He didn't breake no rule since rule 3 EORG applies to friendly forces not enemy forces

10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
I would check the logs and PM him to ask the reason why he did this. If it is rp wise then this is not to be looked at but if it is not rp wise at all i will check his notes to see if he did this offense multiple times. if so or even banned for it i will give punishment to the person for violating rule 3

11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
This is a violation of rule 16. He escaleted the situation in a unrealistic way. I will check his notes to see if he did this multiple times. if he did I will give him the proper punishment. If note i will tell him not do it again and make a note about it.

12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
If the is an admin ingame i would inform him about the issue and ask the requered help from him. If there is none i will inform the person hosting or makes notes in a document and screenshots to show later.

13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
This would be still a violation of rule 2. I would tell kindly to not do that and also apology for being a buzzkill but the rules have to be followed. I will also make a note on him for making racist joke or comment.

14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
I would check the logs to see why he did this. I will ask the requered help to heal the afflicted people and this will also result into a ban for the person that did this. (if he can be banned while outside the game we can do that)

15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
I will ask if he is new to the game first i will tell him that you have to stay back at their queen or somewhere safe. maybe the player didn't know he went towards frontlines. If it was intended to do so he will recieve the proper punishment and get notes explaining why

16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
I would PM the person he is violating rule 19 and that the xeno is a medium/serious roleplay role

17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
I will tell the person that the word "dropship" is acceptable and that it doesn't violate the rules. I will also say about the xeno guidlines

18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
If this is an event that we know it it is acceptable. If it is not the will be PM and said that is Metagming and breaking the rules. I will add a note to him and also maybe ask for the player to be unwhitelisted from the commander if he does this more

19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
I would check the logs if this was an rp situation. If this was the player may carry on. If it wasn't i will inform the player of which rule he broke and also add a note to him about it

20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
I will correct the staff member and help him enforce the rule correctly
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
I will inform higher up and try to tell the fellow staff member to not do that. Also explain his role of staff can be taken from him since he is not higher then everyone else to break rules or to abuse the powers

21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
I will remain calm and not simply ignore the person since he is trying to create a fight with me

Any additional information you'd like to add?

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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by Anoonki » 13 Aug 2018, 14:26

Hey bud.
So I've only skimmed over your answers, and while most of them are acceptable (Things that you could probably iron our over the trial period for sure), they make you seem like a newer player, and after some investigation, I found that you've only been playing CM for just under two weeks.

While that isn't immediately disqualifying per se, but answers like 16 suggest you might not have a good enough grip of the game's dynamic, flow, and playerbase for me to really be comfortable with you being in a rules enforcement position, personally.

It's gonna have to be a -1 from me, however I do suggest you keep playing, and maybe try again in another few weeks, should this get denied.
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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by awan » 13 Aug 2018, 14:30

Ok, so some staff have talked about the mod app and we think you are quite new to our server and thus this might not be the best time to become a moderator.
However I myself will take all apps seriously and not judge you too hard on that as I think that can come with time. (mod apps take time to process and such. And you might actualy know everything you need to know.)
Hence I will ask some questions to see how you deal with ahelps and if you have the basics needed to be a mod.
Please elaborate what you would do in the following situations.

1. An alien player ahelps saying the preds are not hunting at all and instead making a huge house in research on prison. Marines have not dropped yet but aliens and survivors are ofc already on the prison.

2. You get an ahelp about a player using/spamming their whistle as much as they can during briefing.

3. An alien ahelps about a marine who used a grenade to suicide when being nested.

4. A player ahelps saying a marine is interfering with his treatment during a mutiny. The player dead but revivable in a room and the other player is in the room as well and in a firefight with a medic.

5. You are the XO a marine walks up to you and shoots you. It turns out they are a clf who put on a marine uniform.

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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by ThesoldierLLJK » 13 Aug 2018, 14:37

Coming from someone who was an admin on another gaming server before coming here, previous experience does help.
However you've only played according to our records for two weeks and this is your first post.

I would recommend you at least integrate into the community a little bit, and be around for at least a month because that's how long it takes to get a feel for things.

That being said I'm kinda neutral as your application answers seem fine to me, but the lack of time in the community is holding me back.

I will wait to see your responses to awans questions.

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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by Kavlo » 13 Aug 2018, 14:45

By the looks of it, this year you've only played at the end of July and a few days in August so far. On top of that you have only one post on the forum being this application. I think you need more playtime and forum activity before this can even be accepted.

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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by z a n e b o t » 13 Aug 2018, 14:54

Kavlo wrote:
13 Aug 2018, 14:45
By the looks of it, this year you've only played at the end of July and a few days in August so far. On top of that you have only one post on the forum being this application. I think you need more playtime and forum activity before this can even be accepted.


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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by Mizari » 13 Aug 2018, 15:28

I'm going to have to -1 this for me buddy for the sole reason that you are still getting adjusted to this server and need more time to get to grip with the server, its community and how it works. Some answers you've provided also need a little work like my colleagues have stated.

I'd like to see you apply again in the future though.

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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by KingPhilipIII » 13 Aug 2018, 15:34

Kavlo wrote:
13 Aug 2018, 14:45
By the looks of it, this year you've only played at the end of July and a few days in August so far. On top of that you have only one post on the forum being this application. I think you need more playtime and forum activity before this can even be accepted.

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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by RobBrown4PM » 13 Aug 2018, 18:14

Sorry lad, but you're far to new to the server, your first day being July 28th. Get a few more months under your belt and re-apply then.

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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by gamingwolfer » 14 Aug 2018, 14:54

awan wrote:
13 Aug 2018, 14:30
Ok, so some staff have talked about the mod app and we think you are quite new to our server and thus this might not be the best time to become a moderator.
However I myself will take all apps seriously and not judge you too hard on that as I think that can come with time. (mod apps take time to process and such. And you might actualy know everything you need to know.)
Hence I will ask some questions to see how you deal with ahelps and if you have the basics needed to be a mod.
Please elaborate what you would do in the following situations.

1. An alien player ahelps saying the preds are not hunting at all and instead making a huge house in research on prison. Marines have not dropped yet but aliens and survivors are ofc already on the prison.

2. You get an ahelp about a player using/spamming their whistle as much as they can during briefing.

3. An alien ahelps about a marine who used a grenade to suicide when being nested.

4. A player ahelps saying a marine is interfering with his treatment during a mutiny. The player dead but revivable in a room and the other player is in the room as well and in a firefight with a medic.

5. You are the XO a marine walks up to you and shoots you. It turns out they are a clf who put on a marine uniform.

1.I wouldn't know how to react since i never saw this before or have heared of this so i would ask a higher up to assist me or even another mod to help me with this if he knows what it is.

2.I will PM the player that ahelped and said that he isn't breaking a rule immidiatly. The MP can take care of him as he is doing a major crime by disrupting in the briefing room. I will also send the player that got reported a messages that spamming the whistle for annoyance of others can be punishable if he continues the entire way of the round.

3.This is acceptable. I would PM the alien to say this is acceptable since it is RPwise. The marine tried to avoid being captured or even prevent to be infested.

4.I would send a PM to the marine saying he cannot interfere with with treatment since that will become perma-killing and that is forbidden as said in rule 15. I will also check his notes as he maybe have multiple warnings about this. The logs will also be viewed for the needed information. If the marine has been warned about this several times I will take action and give him the reasonable punishment. Otherwise i just add a note if he didn't have any. I will kindly ask him not to do it again. I will check the logs to see who started the firefight. If it was the medic trying to defend the person that was being treated this is acceptable. If the marine does not RPwise and just to prevent treatment he will fall under violating rule 15 and 3. This will be noted or if he has notes on this he will get get the reasonable punishment.

5.I would leave it as it is i think they can disguise themselves to blend in and be sneaky to kill someone ofcourse action reaction will happen if i am not alone.

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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by gamingwolfer » 14 Aug 2018, 14:57

Mizari wrote:
13 Aug 2018, 15:28
I'm going to have to -1 this for me buddy for the sole reason that you are still getting adjusted to this server and need more time to get to grip with the server, its community and how it works. Some answers you've provided also need a little work like my colleagues have stated.

I'd like to see you apply again in the future though.
I already adjusted quite well to the server.

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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by gamingwolfer » 14 Aug 2018, 14:58

RobBrown4PM wrote:
13 Aug 2018, 18:14
Sorry lad, but you're far to new to the server, your first day being July 28th. Get a few more months under your belt and re-apply then.

So your -1 reason is because i am new? does seem kind of unfair. I might already have things quite in the hand.

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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by ThesoldierLLJK » 14 Aug 2018, 14:59

So I think your answers are ok but there are a few oops with your answers to awans question and that’s only because of a lack of experience on the server.

It’s been stated numerous times in HvH events that CLF/UPP aren’t supposed to change uniforms

Unless a predator is breaking direct rules if there are any ahelps involving their quality of roleplay or not following the honor code you have to tell the player to report it.

I think you need some more time on our server bud

edit: Nothing against you as a person so ill give you some helpful tips if you are denied and want to try again.

-Start to partake in the community and join in on discussions (Not telling you to shitpost for post cpunt)
-Play some command roles/support roles and try to get on one of the whitelists (Commander/Synth)
-Join our discord and join in on the fun
-Learn the in and outs of the game by reading the wiki/rules or asking questions to mentors or other longtime players.

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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by gamingwolfer » 14 Aug 2018, 15:27

ThesoldierLLJK wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 14:59
So I think your answers are ok but there are a few oops with your answers to awans question and that’s only because of a lack of experience on the server.

It’s been stated numerous times in HvH events that CLF/UPP aren’t supposed to change uniforms

Unless a predator is breaking direct rules if there are any ahelps involving their quality of roleplay or not following the honor code you have to tell the player to report it.

I think you need some more time on our server bud

edit: Nothing against you as a person so ill give you some helpful tips if you are denied and want to try again.

-Start to partake in the community and join in on discussions (Not telling you to shitpost for post cpunt)
-Play some command roles/support roles and try to get on one of the whitelists (Commander/Synth)
-Join our discord and join in on the fun
-Learn the in and outs of the game by reading the wiki/rules or asking questions to mentors or other longtime players.
I already played some command roles and support ones actually and it was very fun.
I would like to get whitelist roles but they take a month to apply but commander i don't think i am ready for
I am already in the discord and having fun
I have been reading the wiki and the rules and maybe i looked over the rule about question 5. But since i almost never played HvH i didn't know that

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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by RobBrown4PM » 14 Aug 2018, 15:37

gamingwolfer wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 14:58
So your -1 reason is because i am new? does seem kind of unfair. I might already have things quite in the hand.
Your answers were more or less fine, but that's not the problem I had. The problem I have, which effected my rating, is that your brand new to the server. We don't know you yet and neither does our player base. As a staff member here on CM you'll be privy to sensative information and you'll be in a position of trust and responsibility. Those 3 things are earned with time and by developing your relationships here in the community.
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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by NethIafins » 14 Aug 2018, 16:11

gamingwolfer wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 14:58
So your -1 reason is because i am new? does seem kind of unfair. I might already have things quite in the hand.
Being new is an issue. As a mod, sometimes you are expected to answer basic mentor questions when noone is around

I see potential in you but also I have strong opinions on experience that is needed to become a mod

I'll abstain from the vote
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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by awan » 14 Aug 2018, 16:27

The soldier gave the replies to the replies. In general I think most staff wants you to wait a month and then reapply.

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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by frozentsbgg » 14 Aug 2018, 23:57

I'm going to mirror the same thing most Staffs are saying.
You obviously have the potential, passion and willingness to learn. I have no doubt that you'd make an awesome addition to the staff team.
However, as Mod you're expected to have a pretty robust level of knowledge. You mention here that you haven't played HvH, and some of your question answers further suggest that it's a lack of experience, not a lack of potential.
I'm going to -1 your application now, but honestly, I do that hoping that in ~2 months time, you log some more hours, get to experience some HvH and other non-typical rounds, and come back and reapply.

:) I can't wait to see you in-game! And, for when you reapply, potentially on the staff team.

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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by Frans_Feiffer » 15 Aug 2018, 20:49

There’s not much more to add to this app in my opinion. You seem like a good person, and your answers are fine. Unfortunately you do seem to lack some experience that could help majorly when you do encounter the individuals that ahelp asking questions about the game and how it works/flows. Trust me, I thought I knew everything until Those questions popped up. If this were made a month or so later then it was, and you had a little more experience i’d give you the thumbs up, but for now i’m on a -1. Don’t let that sway you away from trying again though, my first app ever for pred absolutely failed, but It didn’t stop me from trying for CO or Mod later down the line. Please try again when you have a bit more experience and i’d be happy to see you apart of the staff family.
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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by Adralimas » 17 Aug 2018, 23:52

I'll abstain from voting but would like to encourage you to come back and apply again in a month, Two months is a bit too short of a time to be applying into staff as others have pointed out you'll very commonly need to handle mentor related questions aswell as have a good community presence in discord, The forums or in game.

I'm currently on vacation for another couple days but if you happen across me in the discord feel free to pop me a PM And i'll be happy to answer any questions you'll have about becoming staff, I would definitely like to see you give this another shot as i also don't doubt you'll make a good addition to the team.
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Re: Gamingwolfer mod APP

Post by Imperator_Titan » 19 Aug 2018, 20:16


Get some more playtime under your wing. Youre much too new to the server in general. Feel free to reapply in a month or two, whenever you think youre ready.
