Sxmething - Coder Application

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Byond: Sxmething

Sxmething - Coder Application

Post by sxmething » 03 Sep 2018, 08:00

Byond ID: Sxmething

Age: 17 (I'm aware this is an issue)

Gender: Male

How would you define yourself? (Coder, Mapper, Spriter): Coder

If Coder, what languages? I have Javascript, Python and C# experience, but am learning new languages and improving on my knowledge.

Any previous experience developing with SS13? No.

Proof of any previous or current work: My previous work would be hard for me to prove since it has all been temporary placements with different companies.

How well do you know Git? I used Git for a week long project, and have a decent grasp on it.

Your primary job is server development, not policing the server. You may be given Moderator-level of access but you should *not* be invoking any administrative actions unless there are no moderators or Admins online. Do you understand? (Yes/No) Yes.

Anything else you'd like to add? I am currently doing a full-time course on Computing in college, and would love to help develop CM. It would be an amazing learning experience for me, and I also want to help keep the updates coming to keep improving CM. I have been a moderator for a few months now and would hope that I can be trusted with CM's code. Although I have no experience with SS13 code, I am ready to learn and help with even the most minor updates.

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Byond: spookydonut

Re: Sxmething - Coder Application

Post by spookydonut » 13 Sep 2018, 23:10

Application withdrawn per request.
