AkaBinxstar moderator application
- AkaBinxstar
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- Byond: Akabinxstar
AkaBinxstar moderator application
Byond ID: Akabinxstar
Colonial Marines Character: Aiko "Stutters" Amano
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Timezone: Eastern US
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?: At least 18 hours.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? : I've been staff on a discord server and that's about it.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?: No.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?: I only play CM.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made: N/A
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?: No.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?: Twice, One for a VPN issue and another for improper escalation.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?: No.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?: Yes, I am familiar with it.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.: PM the shooter and ask if it was actually random or accidental, If it was random, place a 3 hour ban.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.: I dont think that there is something that I could do about that, I would leave it up to a developer to fix possible problems with the map.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.: Assist them in finding a prep room and advise them.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.: Note them for rude behavior and tell them that they can just speak to me.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.:Ignorance is not an excuse, give him a chance to comply with a name change.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.: I believe that would be an IC issue.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.:Let them know that it is not their job to do surgery and make them send the person to medical if possible.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?: Make a queen mother directive to attack the marines, if no queen is available to call down the ship, or make an ARES message informing the marines of xeno numbers with advice to attack.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile CLF member and the CLF member Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.: I would leave it as an IC issue being as it is still a hostile and not griefing because of that.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.: Message them to cease lowRP behavior.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.:3 day ban for improper escalation.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.:Message an Admin or higher for assistance.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.:Tell them to tone it down and be careful about what they say.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.: Perma ban.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.:Explain to them that it is against the rules and possibly ban them from xeno.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.:Warn them and tell them that not speak is lowrp behavior and is not allowed.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".:Explain to them that terminology is not metagaming.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.:Give them a note for meta gaming and a 3 hour ban.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.:If there was actual RP behind it, then maybe leave it as an IC issue, if there was no proper escalation, Then note him for it and administer a 3 day ban.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.:Correct them on the rule and enforcement of said rule, then also correct the reciever of both.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.:Alert admin or higher.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.:Note him for toxic behavior and warn him to stop. If he persist, OOC mute him.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
Colonial Marines Character: Aiko "Stutters" Amano
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Timezone: Eastern US
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?: At least 18 hours.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? : I've been staff on a discord server and that's about it.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?: No.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?: I only play CM.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made: N/A
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?: No.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?: Twice, One for a VPN issue and another for improper escalation.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?: No.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?: Yes, I am familiar with it.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.: PM the shooter and ask if it was actually random or accidental, If it was random, place a 3 hour ban.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.: I dont think that there is something that I could do about that, I would leave it up to a developer to fix possible problems with the map.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.: Assist them in finding a prep room and advise them.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.: Note them for rude behavior and tell them that they can just speak to me.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.:Ignorance is not an excuse, give him a chance to comply with a name change.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.: I believe that would be an IC issue.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.:Let them know that it is not their job to do surgery and make them send the person to medical if possible.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?: Make a queen mother directive to attack the marines, if no queen is available to call down the ship, or make an ARES message informing the marines of xeno numbers with advice to attack.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile CLF member and the CLF member Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.: I would leave it as an IC issue being as it is still a hostile and not griefing because of that.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.: Message them to cease lowRP behavior.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.:3 day ban for improper escalation.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.:Message an Admin or higher for assistance.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.:Tell them to tone it down and be careful about what they say.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.: Perma ban.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.:Explain to them that it is against the rules and possibly ban them from xeno.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.:Warn them and tell them that not speak is lowrp behavior and is not allowed.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".:Explain to them that terminology is not metagaming.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.:Give them a note for meta gaming and a 3 hour ban.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.:If there was actual RP behind it, then maybe leave it as an IC issue, if there was no proper escalation, Then note him for it and administer a 3 day ban.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.:Correct them on the rule and enforcement of said rule, then also correct the reciever of both.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.:Alert admin or higher.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.:Note him for toxic behavior and warn him to stop. If he persist, OOC mute him.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
Last edited by AkaBinxstar on 14 Nov 2018, 15:03, edited 1 time in total.
aiko time

- ThesoldierLLJK
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Re: AkaBinxstar mentor application
Did you mean Moderator?
Commander: Julio 'Ay Caramba' Borras - The Cucaracha Killer
Synthetic: Bennett - The Nerd (Acting Synth Council Member)
Predator: Moka Chiva-Teer - The Redeemed Yautja
- AkaBinxstar
- Registered user
- Posts: 63
- Joined: 09 Apr 2018, 13:40
- Byond: Akabinxstar
Re: AkaBinxstar mentor application
No, I wasnt aware that I had filled out a moderator application until a few minutes ago.
aiko time

- ThesoldierLLJK
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Re: AkaBinxstar mentor application
There is no actual mentor application.AkaBinxstar wrote: ↑14 Nov 2018, 14:34No, I wasnt aware that I had filled out a moderator application until a few minutes ago.
You PM Jerkface00
However be warned the waiting list is quite long. To put things in perspective I was notified 6 months since I put in for mentor it would have been my turn and this was when I was promoted to Senior Moderator.
Good luck.
Commander: Julio 'Ay Caramba' Borras - The Cucaracha Killer
Synthetic: Bennett - The Nerd (Acting Synth Council Member)
Predator: Moka Chiva-Teer - The Redeemed Yautja
- AkaBinxstar
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- Posts: 63
- Joined: 09 Apr 2018, 13:40
- Byond: Akabinxstar
Re: AkaBinxstar mentor application
So If I leave this up to apply for mod and that doesnt work out, can I still apply for mentor?
aiko time

- AkaBinxstar
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- Posts: 63
- Joined: 09 Apr 2018, 13:40
- Byond: Akabinxstar
Re: AkaBinxstar mentor application
Basically what I am asking is, can I just apply for moderator.
aiko time

- ThesoldierLLJK
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Re: AkaBinxstar mentor application
If that's what you want I went through your answers, but alot of them although some right, some kinda wrong, most were kinda like minimum effort. I'll go through them later and throw you some extra questions to judge your abilities.AkaBinxstar wrote: ↑14 Nov 2018, 14:59Basically what I am asking is, can I just apply for moderator.
Last edited by ThesoldierLLJK on 14 Nov 2018, 15:24, edited 1 time in total.
Commander: Julio 'Ay Caramba' Borras - The Cucaracha Killer
Synthetic: Bennett - The Nerd (Acting Synth Council Member)
Predator: Moka Chiva-Teer - The Redeemed Yautja
- AkaBinxstar
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- Posts: 63
- Joined: 09 Apr 2018, 13:40
- Byond: Akabinxstar
- ThesoldierLLJK
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- Location: Florida
- Byond: ThesoldierLLJK
- Steam: thesoldier20
Re: AkaBinxstar moderator application
I've gone through your answers, most of these were kinda right, some kinda wrong, but mostly I think this was minimum effort in some
So I think you could do ok with a trial, but I want to ask you some additional questions, and based on your responses from our normal questions, you may need to put some extra thought into these.
1. A player has ahelped that a RPG spec has killed a ravager with an HE rocket, but in doing so he has killed 3 marines including the person making the ahelp who were nearby and put 2 into critical due to the explosion. How would you handle this?
2. A player sends an ahelp at round start and says "Hey I forgot I left doctor on, I really want to play marine this round, can you adememes help me." How would you handle this?
3. A player sends an ahelp that another player is roleplaying as a Muslim and reports him for LRP because the player said "By Allah's will, we will destroy these bugs."
How would you handle it?
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1. A player has ahelped that a RPG spec has killed a ravager with an HE rocket, but in doing so he has killed 3 marines including the person making the ahelp who were nearby and put 2 into critical due to the explosion. How would you handle this?
2. A player sends an ahelp at round start and says "Hey I forgot I left doctor on, I really want to play marine this round, can you adememes help me." How would you handle this?
3. A player sends an ahelp that another player is roleplaying as a Muslim and reports him for LRP because the player said "By Allah's will, we will destroy these bugs."
How would you handle it?
Commander: Julio 'Ay Caramba' Borras - The Cucaracha Killer
Synthetic: Bennett - The Nerd (Acting Synth Council Member)
Predator: Moka Chiva-Teer - The Redeemed Yautja
- AkaBinxstar
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- Posts: 63
- Joined: 09 Apr 2018, 13:40
- Byond: Akabinxstar
Re: AkaBinxstar moderator application
1. A player has ahelped that a RPG spec has killed a ravager with an HE rocket, but in doing so he has killed 3 marines including the person making the ahelp who were nearby and put 2 into critical due to the explosion. How would you handle this?
2. A player sends an ahelp at round start and says "Hey I forgot I left doctor on, I really want to play marine this round, can you adememes help me." How would you handle this?
3. A player sends an ahelp that another player is roleplaying as a Muslim and reports him for LRP because the player said "By Allah's will, we will destroy these bugs."
How would you handle it?
1:I would mark it as an IC issue and explain to them that friendly fire, unless intentional, is not rule break. No punishment.
2:I would tell them to make sure to double check their settings before pressing ready. I would then tell them to cryo and send them back to the menu and allow them to rejoin the game. But under a different character name.
3:Explain to the ahelper that playing religious characters is not low RP unless it goes to the extreme to where players are willing to kill for said religion.
aiko time

- Sleepy Retard
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Re: AkaBinxstar moderator application
"Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied."
i think you wrote on the lines a lil chief
i think you wrote on the lines a lil chief

Have any questions or concerns about Synthetic? PM me on the forums, or contact me on the CM discord under the name sleepy#1984 with the nickname Sleepy Retard.

- z a n e b o t
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Re: AkaBinxstar moderator application
Sleepy Retard wrote: ↑14 Nov 2018, 18:00"Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied."
i think you wrote on the lines a lil chief
Randal Wilkerson
Jamie goes mad with power
Jamie goes mad with power
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- AkaBinxstar
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- Byond: Akabinxstar
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Re: AkaBinxstar moderator application
this alsoSleepy Retard wrote: ↑14 Nov 2018, 18:00"Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied."
i think you wrote on the lines a lil chief
why did you highlight that in yellow
also why did you apply for mentor
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?
Back in action.
Back in action.
- Sleepy Retard
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Re: AkaBinxstar moderator application

It would appear, by chance, you've written on every single line

Have any questions or concerns about Synthetic? PM me on the forums, or contact me on the CM discord under the name sleepy#1984 with the nickname Sleepy Retard.

- AkaBinxstar
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- Byond: Akabinxstar
Re: AkaBinxstar moderator application
Just so people would be able to tell the difference. If you asking why I used yellow specifically, I dont know how to change the color.
aiko time

- Sleepy Retard
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Re: AkaBinxstar moderator application
If you click on the quote button, you can quote what the person said, and then answer below. You can also delete text within the quote to show what you are responding toAkaBinxstar wrote: ↑14 Nov 2018, 18:06Just so people would be able to tell the difference. If you asking why I used yellow specifically, I dont know how to change the color.

Have any questions or concerns about Synthetic? PM me on the forums, or contact me on the CM discord under the name sleepy#1984 with the nickname Sleepy Retard.

- AkaBinxstar
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- Joined: 09 Apr 2018, 13:40
- Byond: Akabinxstar
Re: AkaBinxstar moderator application
I see what you mean now about writing on the lines. Yeah.Sleepy Retard wrote: ↑14 Nov 2018, 18:07If you click on the quote button, you can quote what the person said, and then answer below.
aiko time

- Imperator_Titan
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Re: AkaBinxstar moderator application
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
Denied, you may reapply again in a month from this date.
Denied, you may reapply again in a month from this date.
Just some funny moments.
Ed Trevor
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