LordeKilly - Moderator Application

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LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by LordeKilly » 29 Jun 2015, 19:05

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EST [UTC−05:00]

On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?

During the Summer - 10-16 hours/When School Begins - 7-11 hours

Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?

Yes, here.

Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?

Yes, I've played CM shortly after it came out, when there was a nazi headmin.

Have you had an application to Colonial Marines or New Eden denied before? Kind of.

It was semi denied. By semi I mean my key name wasn't so funtime. UM told me change keys and accepted it.

Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?


Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?


If a player was shooting everyone in briefing at round start how would you deal with the situation?

Ask them to stop while healing anyone who was hurt during the situation. While doing that, i'd check his notes and the person who he was after's notes. If either of them are pretty evil notes, i'll side with the other, but still listen to both sides of the story. If he wasn't an instigator, i'd note him and then ask the other guy involved his story. Whoever wins doesn't get banned for 24 hours, or if extreme notes possibly more.

You notice that a xeno is breaching the Nostromo and is unable to seal it with resin. How would you deal with this and what punishment would you give for a first offender?

Seal it with a wall and then talk to the alien. If they didn't know what they were doing, i'd write a harmless note, tell them to read our rules and then send them on their way. If they did it intentionally, argued and then acted out, i'd issue a 6 hour ban, linking them to our rules and asking for them to change their attitude.

The marines want the nuke codes to detonate the Nostromo because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who. What do you do?

Tell the commander through his headset to man up and that no assistance will be given if they don't charge in or have the "mysterious voice in your head" tell him he is on a holy Jihad to exterminate the alien race at all costs.

A Sulaco Medic has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online. What do you do?

I'd heal anyone if they were harmed by logistics and then ask the Marine why he did it, checking his notes as he answers. If it was empty and he thought there was an alien or some weird scenario where the lights were out, i'd let him go and ask him not to do anything like that, but if he did it just to be an ass, i'd note him, maybe ban for 24 hours depending on the severity.

What would you do if a player started to talk about the things he did to your mom last night?

I would ask him to refrain, that it's not really the time for that. If he continued to be a shitler, i'd use rule 0 against him and give him a 2 hour ban. [2 hours because that's usually a round or two, and you're not hindering their experience of having to sit out of multiple rounds for the entire day.]

Any additional information you'd like to add?

I was never removed from staff, I resigned for school reasons, kind of came back, but really couldn't. Now I can play again since it's the summer and i'm a loser with no life.

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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by SASoperative » 29 Jun 2015, 20:17

I remember you when you were staff. You were decent staff however your IC actions are iffy.... +1 from me, Glad to know someone else remembers the days of Fuhrer Octagon

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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by Pawoverlord » 29 Jun 2015, 20:22

I'm iffy about his answers, but he seems decent enough to me. :) The amount of time he's been around CM is good. +1

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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by UnknownMurder » 29 Jun 2015, 21:05

Childish/Immature in General.
Suspected and Demanded my REAL age.

However, does know serious business, still I'm going with a -1.


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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by LordeKilly » 29 Jun 2015, 21:49

Apop confirmed that you were underage after, I apologized too. That's biased opinion, but ok.

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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by speedybst » 29 Jun 2015, 22:02

Hmm, rather iffy about these answers, just don't really seem very mature at all - holy jihad, really?
Yes, i do remember that you were a staff member at one point, and that's the only reason i'm not slapping a -1 on this.

so i'm going to stay neutral for this, leaning towards a -1

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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by UnknownMurder » 29 Jun 2015, 22:17

I...am not underage. I am 16.

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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by LordeKilly » 29 Jun 2015, 23:29

Ok then, I just remember you saying something about your 15th birthday not 3 months ago. I don't see how that makes me childish though.

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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by Mordrehel » 30 Jun 2015, 00:59

All I have to say is if hes going to be on staff the above exchange better not be a regular thing.

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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by Tranquill » 30 Jun 2015, 01:24

I am neutral about this after reading the application and see a bit of tension here between you and UM.

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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by LordeKilly » 30 Jun 2015, 18:54

speedybst wrote:Hmm, rather iffy about these answers, just don't really seem very mature at all - holy jihad, really?
Yes, i do remember that you were a staff member at one point, and that's the only reason i'm not slapping a -1 on this.

so i'm going to stay neutral for this, leaning towards a -1

I don't see how holy jihad makes me immature. It's pretty comparable with some of the stuff, if not less silly than, the announcements made by the current admins. I understand CM is based of a video game/movie military, but it's still a game, and games are made to be played for enjoyment and fun.

*Edit: After re-reading this, it sounded a little demanding and out of place. I wanted to clarify that I'm not trying to be rude in any of my responses.

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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by speedybst » 30 Jun 2015, 21:43

LordeKilly wrote:-omited-
Right, it is my personal belief that we should stay way from current and past politically-charged events and situations - its for this reason I would never set up a pol pot themed event, for example - the risk of offending someone, and rightly so, does exist and should be avoided where possible. The fact that you couldn't think of the possible cultural repercussions of such a joke, is why I called you immature for it.

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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by LordeKilly » 30 Jun 2015, 21:58

I'm muslim myself, I don't see an issue with it, honestly. I don't see how that specific phrase could offend someone, it's a holy war. Although I see your point, and apologize if I offended you or anyone who read it.

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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by apophis775 » 01 Jul 2015, 02:09

I'm going to hold off, till i get more staff feedback.

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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by Infernus » 01 Jul 2015, 05:52

I had no problems with you when you were in staff.
+1 from me.

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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by Felkvir » 01 Jul 2015, 10:40

The answers to the breaching, nuke and mom questions didn't make that much sense to me.

Breaching answer: Go to rules page, read general rule #9.

Nuke answer: "Tell the commander through his headset to man up and that no assistance will be given if they don't charge in or have the "mysterious voice in your head" tell him he is on a holy Jihad to exterminate the alien race at all costs." First, why would the company even come up with this? And why the fuck would you type something like that? I get that we're not exactly considered high RP, but come on. Doing something like that cringeworthy as staff is fucking idiotic. No offense. Others have done similar stuff, but we need to AVOID it, not reinforce it.

Mom answer: Using rule 0 .... Read that again. > Rule 0. Admins (not Mods) <


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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by Fickmacher » 01 Jul 2015, 11:27

- 1. Availability is mediocre, averaging to about a round a day. His maturity, as we all noted, is an issue. Even if the staff can sometimes be immature, we expect applicants to give their best answers on the application to ensure that they really want this job and will do it well. If you ca even take the application process seriously, how can we expect you to benefit the server and represent us, the staff, properly?
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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by Mordrehel » 01 Jul 2015, 13:57

I've thought this over a bit and I remember a conversation I had with my old head of staff, the question was: what is the most important thing to keep a staff team operating? My answer was the entire staff had to be able to work together without any sort of inner staff confilict. What I see here is someone who may be able to moderate the server well enough minus the sillyness but from his responses seems to not be able to do so with others.


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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by LordeKilly » 01 Jul 2015, 16:47

I'm just throwing this out there, but this server has had NAZI events. With actual holocaust references and stuff. If you honestly think that the maturity issue is a problem, I can change the answers.

@Fickmacher, the activity part was meant for a minimum, I usually end up spending more time on the server than any of the staff.

@Felk, 1. It's a first time offender, and if I was banned for 24 hours over a first offense with clean notes, I'd probably not return to the server at all. 2. "Why would the company come up with this? And why would you type something like this?" Please explain more, because I really don't understand what it's aimed at or the reasoning. 3. Reread it, not sure why I messed that up. Rule 8 is probably what I was thinking about. It fits in it's place better.

@Mordrehel, I've never many issues with the staff and I'm a person open to criticism. Also, those are questions you should ask during a trial period, because if they don't check out, they're removed. That's the purpose of it.

Another note, on my previous time moderating, I did an entire 24 hour period STRAIGHT of moderating. I can put time in and i'm not really immature, the holy Jihad wasn't meant to be hurtful, it's a joke. If you can, please point out anything else that is considered, "immature" so I can fix it.

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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by Felkvir » 01 Jul 2015, 17:25

Nazi events ... No. Unknown being idiotic and constantly referencing 'concentration camp' in his CC announcements? Something like that. Not sure why he's still allowed to do events. Ask SAS...

1. That's exactly my point. We've had a fuckton of first time offenders, why should we suddenly give special treatment? They're EXPECTED to read the rules.

2. I'm not sure what you're failing to see here, i made it pretty clear.

3. Yes, that's probably what you were thinking of. Probably.

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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by LordeKilly » 01 Jul 2015, 17:32

@Felk, I understand there is a big sign that says, "Ignorance will not be tolerated" but seriously? Throwing out bans just makes the community hate you more. Admins and players shouldn't hate each other, that's not healthy for the server.

Also, I actually don't understand, you pretty much gave no reasoning of, "Why would the company say something like that" or "Why you would type it?" When I asked for you to explain, I wasn't joking.

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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by Felkvir » 01 Jul 2015, 18:51

Yes, seriously. And no, the way you put it makes it sound like it's working badly.. Which it isn't. We're not talking about real hate here, if anything there might be anger from some players or they feel upset maybe due to how they look at it. These players may never come back or may join later. This varies completely, just like any other server. And of course, just because a couple players are overly sensitive does not mean we should cater to their needs. Many regular players have complained too when we don't deal with these people, even if they mean no harm. They can still mess up the experience for others.


Why would the corporate overlords mention a 'holy jihad to exterminate the alien race' ? Why would you let yourself type something like this when there are perfectly viable options that include actual roleplay?

Have i made it clear enough for you yet? You never explained anything much yourself beyond "I don't understand what you're saying." I don't believe you're joking either. I'm just not sure how much different i would need to put this, since it's so obvious what i'm saying? I could keep repeating myself but i'd rather not.

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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by speedybst » 01 Jul 2015, 19:31

That's all good and well you're Muslim, but the rest of the world isn't. I have no issues with any religion and am friends with more than a few Muslims myself, but that still doesn't give you the right to then force a statement based on your religion on the rest of us - you would not enjoy it were i to show how diametrically opposed to organised religion i am now would you? And concentration camp references? The last time this occur a number of staff flat out stop coming in for a few days, we disagreed with it that much. And on the first time offenders remark, it is expected that you should have read the rules before actively joining the server. Should you choose to ignore them by not reading them in the first place, then to my mind you deserve everything that is coming your way.

Changing to a flat out -1, i'm starting to see the tantrum spiral all over again - you did this last time and you're doing it again.

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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by Lostmixup » 01 Jul 2015, 19:38

I personally don't know ya well. So neutral.
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Re: LordeKilly - Moderator Application

Post by LordeKilly » 01 Jul 2015, 19:49

speedybst wrote:That's all good and well you're Muslim, but the rest of the world isn't. I have no issues with any religion and am friends with more than a few Muslims myself, but that still doesn't give you the right to then force a statement based on your religion on the rest of us - you would not enjoy it were i to show how diametrically opposed to organised religion i am now would you? And concentration camp references? The last time this occur a number of staff flat out stop coming in for a few days, we disagreed with it that much. And on the first time offenders remark, it is expected that you should have read the rules before actively joining the server. Should you choose to ignore them by not reading them in the first place, then to my mind you deserve everything that is coming your way.

Changing to a flat out -1, i'm starting to see the tantrum spiral all over again - you did this last time and you're doing it again.
I'm not forcing my religion on anyone, it's a game. I'm not telling you to go out to a Mosque and convert. It's just for the sake of having the commander not call false shuttles, which I can't do anyway because you need headmin or headmod permission.

Secondly, I never did have a "spiral tantrum," unless there is one that I don't remember.
