Yeyin R'ka

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Yeyin R'ka

Post by Allan1234 » 24 Jul 2015, 21:27

((Big thanks to lorde for helping me write this))

Byond ID: Allan1234

Marine Name (so we know who you are): Heinrick Archsider.

Name of the character you want whitelisted (As in, the name your predator will use):

Yeyin R'ka

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=2693)?: Da Kommander

Character background (an RP description as to why this character would be in this position, such as clan information. This will weight HEAVILY on the decision, so make the information count):

Yeyin R'ka, of Clan Kiande-Guan [Hard Night]

Yeyin R'ka was born into Yautji Prime, an eccentric Hish. His clan was a fledgling at the time, young and recently split from a larger, overpopulated clan. Yeyin was separated from half of his family, although it did not matter much, for that is a story for another time. The young hunter had taken a liking to the hunt, his first being one of great honor, a hunt alongside the Adjucator of the colony the clan had claimed on a newly discovered hunting ground. The unbloodied almost fell into the eternal sleep to a large, boar like creature, only to be saved by the Adjucator. Disgusted by the idea of a Yautja falling by a foreign species other than by Xenomorph, he took Yeyin under his wing, showed him proper usage of his tools. A mentor, the Adjucator became. They shared a bond until the young Hish's final tests, at ths time the lord Adjucator fell ill. Yeyin was jittery to be on a hunt without his comrade and mentor, worried and alone in a temple. The squeals of Xenomorph surrounded him, he was concerned at this but the other Yautja unbloodied assisted him thoughout, despite proctors telling them not to work together. This hunt, was the hunt that changed him. He gained many skills and traits here, especially his unique talent of working well with others.

As the lord Adjucator passed, years after the Yeyin R'ka had become a blooded warrior and honored member of his clan, a new one rose, a tyrant. A ruthless yautji, he made sure that the xenomorph "disease" would be cleansed from the system. Yeyin and other hunters of the clan Kiande-Guan spent manpower and drew blood over the months, cleansing the system at his ordes, until nothing remained of the filth, but the cost was grate. A disgusted, hardened, and war torn vagabond, his home was destroyed, clan in tatters. Nothing remained for him. He did the rational thing, grabbed a ship and gathered his belongings and went out to seek honour in a true hunt, an endless hunt.

Although his rough upbringing and pampered early life, he became a simple hunter, operating in solo hunts, sometimes assisting smaller bands on taking larger infestations on. A rogue of his clan. What was left of his clan at least.

Why should we whitelist you? becuase im da bozz. Nah, becuase i personally think i am a good predator and could bring more RP into the rounds scaring the shit out of marines.

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor? Yes.
Last edited by Allan1234 on 25 Jul 2015, 23:45, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by Youbar » 24 Jul 2015, 21:28

Heinrick Archsider wrote:Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=2693)?: Da Kommander
You've got my full support.
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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by apophis775 » 25 Jul 2015, 22:09

It seems like your background is uncharistic for Yautja.

"Scared Shitless?" That alone, comes close to breaking the second part of the honor code, failing in the hunt. The Yautja are a species driven by the honor and glory of the hunt. Those who are weak, perish, those who are strong survive. That is the entire basis of their culture. THose who are weak, and prey, those who are strong, deserve respect. That's why, (rarely) non-yautja are considered "apprentices" if they show adequate skill, or how sometimes humans hunt alongside them, when dangerous, as equals.

There really isn't "pampering" in Yautja culture. Everything revolves around the hunt and honor, because that's the only way to enter the "eternal hunting grounds" (Or something like that).

I think, you need to adjust your predators backstory, so he's less of a coward, and not as dependent on an adjudicator. Self-reliance is key to Yautja, they don't want their lives dependent on anyone else, because that's dishonorable (hence why they don't consider someone who's life is dependent on someone else, worthy prey).

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by LordeKilly » 25 Jul 2015, 22:25

As the person who wrote that, i think it'd make sense. He's alone surrounded by hissing. A predator youngling should be frightened of a xenomorph, they're formidable prey.

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by Feweh » 25 Jul 2015, 22:33

LordeKilly wrote:As the person who wrote that, i think it'd make sense. He's alone surrounded by hissing. A predator youngling should be frightened of a xenomorph, they're formidable prey.

Lore wise Yaujta don't have fear, they just can't feel it.

Which is why in most of the comic books and even the movies they often get killed because they don't fear the obvious and get trapped.

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by LordeKilly » 25 Jul 2015, 23:29

Actually was not aware of that, Pink. In Predator, I got the scared feeling coming from the predator towards Dutch.

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by Feweh » 25 Jul 2015, 23:42

LordeKilly wrote:Actually was not aware of that, Pink. In Predator, I got the scared feeling coming from the predator towards Dutch.
It's always a weird situation.. because the movies launched the predators series... then the books and comics came along and they refined the predator series.

So it's always hard to say that the comics/books are more canon when the movies started it. However, most consider the books/comics to be the real source of information..

So what I'm trying to say is that the Movies aren't accurate towards the predators really.

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by Allan1234 » 25 Jul 2015, 23:44

iv changed it from begin scared shitless to concerned, also with this we where trying to make the predator less generic so he actually has a personality and is not just "Hurpa durpa i wanna hunt for DU HONOUR, CHARGE!!!!"

it was to make he seem more different then normal predators, the wording was bad yes, he shouldn't have been scared but just concerned with this.

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by Felkvir » 26 Jul 2015, 09:19

Eh, i've seen him as a pred and i'm not really impressed. No offense, but you don't know that much when it comes to behaviour or RP.

He reveals himself roundstart, and goes face up to armed humans and tries to talk to them. Spams *roar and dies often, because he tries to get the humans to 'worship' him.

And the fact that he had to have someone else write the background for him, which didn't have that believable of a story to begin with. (thanks to Apop for pointing out the 'fear' thing first.)


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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by Allan1234 » 26 Jul 2015, 09:57

Felkvir wrote:Eh, i've seen him as a pred and i'm not really impressed. No offense, but you don't know that much when it comes to behaviour or RP.

He reveals himself roundstart, and goes face up to armed humans and tries to talk to them. Spams *roar and dies often, because he tries to get the humans to 'worship' him.

And the fact that he had to have someone else write the background for him, which didn't have that believable of a story to begin with. (thanks to Apop for pointing out the 'fear' thing first.)

i only ever did that once and it was entirely within RP due to reasons that you did not observe in the round, and they where no worshiping me i was just standing there. rarely do i ever try and talk to humans as i useally just fuck around with survivors as is what my charector likes, basically it's a -1 for not being generic.

literally "unbelievable of a story"? unless you have read every single book comic and watched every movie and then lived with them IRL for years i don't think anyone has the right to say what is believable for a alien culture expect it's creator.

oh and sorry for de-cloaking and roaring near marines to create fear-RP, wont evvvvvvvvvver do it again.. cause ya now trying to create RP is bad now.

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by Felkvir » 26 Jul 2015, 10:24

1. Using a mechanic more, over and over does not help with 'fear-RP'. Using it at the right times does.

2. Unbelievable, as in .. I have a very hard time imagining yautja experience fear. The rest of the story is kinda, not that shabby .. Though i find it strange that a clan leader would refer to the xenos as a 'disease' since they're highly regarded prey, after all.

3. The whole, walking-up-to-survivors and befriending them thing is something that was literally happening as i wrote that. I'm not lying at all when i say you went up to the survivors at the start of the round, completely docile and just roared over and over in front of them. I'd say that is pretty generic.

Don't take anything the wrong way here, please. Take it as constructive criticism. There is a reason why we have to apply for whitelist too, lol.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by Feweh » 26 Jul 2015, 12:03

Nothing personnel at all, but I don't think you're mature enough and capable enough for this role. Just going by the way you wrote the application and how you responded to people in this thread.

Reading your application and the feedback from what another Admin has said.. you gives off the type of "murder boning" attitude you wouldn't want from Predators.

Sorry but -1

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by Allan1234 » 26 Jul 2015, 15:23

can no one take sarcasm now nowadays?

munderboneing? felkvirs entire post basically relayed around me MAKING allies with the marines not killing them... they kill me, more so felkvir go ahead and ask josh who watches me as pred sometimes, my tactics work more then well in most case's cuase marines to get scared shitless and fire into the air or scream and run.

i do not understand how anyone is taking that post as being "immature" i am responding to him in the exact way i respond to everyone with absolutely no difference.

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by LordeKilly » 26 Jul 2015, 18:16

From what I've seen, Allan isn't a murderboning person. He's a little more passive, but no, "take me 2 ur leeder" passive. He's in a happy middle in my opinion.

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by Lucyz » 27 Jul 2015, 15:59

-1 Purely for the fact you didn't write the background story yourself, It's YOUR application so you have to come up with your own.

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by SASoperative » 27 Jul 2015, 17:13

Edit: Removed my reasons and this has not been denied yet. I require a bit more input here if at all possible if no input is given I will make a verdict than
I actually have had second thought about this application given new details which were thrown at me and I will await more input

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by UnknownMurder » 27 Jul 2015, 19:30

I'm not really a criticizer.

Aside from 'scared predator/yautja relying on someone'. Also, you should change your application before the verdict (if it's possible). [Oh? It's done. He's a concerned Yaujta. I like that better.]

I have watched Allan in action... He's talent at roleplaying and is a quick learner... He is flexible and does in work in team.


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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by Feweh » 27 Jul 2015, 19:46

UnknownMurder wrote:I'm not really a criticizer.

Aside from 'scared predator/yautja relying on someone'. Also, you should change your application before the verdict (if it's possible). [Oh? It's done. He's a concerned Yaujta. I like that better.]

I have watched Allan in action... He's talent at roleplaying and is a quick learner... He is flexible and does in work in team.


Changing your application kind of defeats the purpose of submitting a application to begin with. It's like applying for a job and the interviewer saying I don't really think you're cut out for the position.. only to come back the next day with a improved application specifically altered based on what the interviewer said was wrong.

My biggest issue is that another person helped with the application. There's a difference based on answering questions for someone and helping write it.. it's your application for yourself. A long with that, it was written incorrectly and information that should of be researched prior was incorrect regarding Yautja society.

Words were even altered to the application which really shouldn't be allowed to begin with unless it's basic spelling errors. I should clarify, I don't think that Allan is a murder-boning asshole.. I just don't think his application or his knowledge of RP is strong enough for Predator. Felk hit the nail on the head when he described actions in-game that Allan was doing as a Predator, those are things a Predator wouldn't do and it's something I'd like to think most Predators would lose white-list over right away.

As I said, nothing personal.. but based on the application and action's already in-game I don't think he'd be suitable as a "First Wave" predator. Allan is by no means in-competent or unable to be a Predator.. it's just he's already shown he doesn't understand Yautja society or how the Mechanics of a Predator in-game and would probably be best suited to re-apply when Predator white-list opens to all.

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 28 Jul 2015, 06:18

I'm going to give it a +1.

It's refreshing to me to see a whitelist that isn't about some ultimate badass.

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by Mordrehel » 28 Jul 2015, 06:25

I think Pink summed up my opinions quite nicely.

Also: Preds are badasses/ big hunters, they kill xenos without all the fancy gear they get when we control them before we ever touch the character which means they can't be scared and to be honest they don't feel pain so they really /shouldn't/ be scared. They don't care if they're alive or dead thats just how they live.

Credit goes to NobodySpecialzz for this beautiful image

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by SASoperative » 28 Jul 2015, 17:58

Ah hell. Accepted. Worse case scenario we can always just remove you from it again :p

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by apophis775 » 28 Jul 2015, 22:12

That's... not how this works...

We can't accept people, with the intent that they can be removed if they don't work out...

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by SASoperative » 28 Jul 2015, 23:17

Well than... We still need input from the heads of staff before a full verdict can be made...

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by Allan1234 » 31 Jul 2015, 03:39

due to the eternal limbo this has fallen in and lack of input a new app with apops approval has been made,

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Re: Yeyin R'ka

Post by apophis775 » 01 Aug 2015, 15:43

I'll say denied on this, and lock/move it to denied applications.
