Byond ID:
Colonial Marines Character:
Maynard Quinn
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
10, Though it can vary due to school.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
Yes, if you count the pre-alpha edition.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines or New Eden denied before?
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
If a player was shooting everyone in briefing at round start how would you deal with the situation?
I would immediately freeze the player,then move him to a area where he can't do anything and can't interrupt RP, after that make an admin announcement that I am dealing with the situation, talk to him, and after I finished talking to him, ban him for 4 weeks. Shooting up the briefing room at round start is an automatic rule one violation,and as General rule one states "If an admin determines that the player's intent is to break roleplay, the player should expect swift retribution."
You notice that a xeno is breaching the Nostromo and is unable to seal it with resin. How would you deal with this and what punishment would you give for a first offender?
Since this is a first time offender, I would give him a warning, or a kick depending on how big the breach is. If it is a 1 tile breach, I would give him a warning not to do it again, but if it was lager, say a 3,4, or 5 tile breach, I would issue a kick . In both cases, I would contact an admin if possible and have him or her repair the damage.
The marines want the nuke codes to detonate the Nostromo because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who. What do you do?
I would issue a message to them stating "You have more than enough marines to take care of the Xeno infestation. Further attempts to access the nuke codes may result in demotion and/or cutting communications with your station."
A Sulaco Medic has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online. What do you do?
Depending on how many offenses he has, I might issue anything from a warning, to a 3 day ban. If this was a new player with no previous bans or kicks,I would tell him what he did wrong, then I would tell him to please read the rules, especially general rules 8 and 4, and marine rule 6, and then ban him for 1 hour. If he was a repeat offender, I would ban him for 3 days or more depending on the severity of the damage, how many time he has done it. However, I do NOT feel that a marine should be held responsible for what happens after the grenade leaves his possession. I would talk to the marine who did it, and depending on the severity of the damage, issue a ban varying in time.
What would you do if a player started to talk about the things he did to your mom last night?
I would message the player to stop doing so. If he continued to I would simply mute him if the did it in a-help or OOC, but if the did it in IC, I would ban him for 15 minutes for OOC in IC, then if he kept coming back and doing it, I would make the ban twice as long for every time he came back and did it. EG: 15 minutes the first time, 30 for the secant, 1 hour for the third ETC.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
This is not my first moderator application ever, but it is the first for any sort of SS13 game mode. Feed back is appreciated, and I would welcome the chance for Colonial Marines to be my first moderation position, and I do have a skype encase the staff has any questions to ask. And when I talk about repeat offenders, I will use slandered procedure as I would with a first time offender.
Cobra's Moderator Application.
- Cobraman202
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- Joined: 20 Jul 2015, 17:24
- Location: Classified
- Byond: Cobraman
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Cobra's Moderator Application.
It's always rainy on Ferenginar.
Formerly: Maynard Quinn, now Aden McClymonds and sometimes a random
Formerly: Maynard Quinn, now Aden McClymonds and sometimes a random
- LordeKilly
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- Joined: 24 Feb 2015, 16:55
- Location: mongoria
- Byond: lordekilly
Re: Cobra's Moderator Application.
Well, I'll start this off with some !FUN!
Alright, question one was perfect up until the whole, "4 week ban" part. Also you aren't an admin, you'd be a moderator.
Second question doesn't make sense because you can't really breach more than 2 tiles, it's a meh question.
Third one, you're giving a tad too much information to the commander, and you're shutting them down even if their numbers end up below the hive's population.
Fourth one doesn't make much sense to me, it's not ooc in ic, and 15 minutes is a little much for a petty insult.
Finally, you have 5 posts, low inactivity and I've never seen you before.
For this, I give you a -1.
Alright, question one was perfect up until the whole, "4 week ban" part. Also you aren't an admin, you'd be a moderator.
Second question doesn't make sense because you can't really breach more than 2 tiles, it's a meh question.
Third one, you're giving a tad too much information to the commander, and you're shutting them down even if their numbers end up below the hive's population.
Fourth one doesn't make much sense to me, it's not ooc in ic, and 15 minutes is a little much for a petty insult.
Finally, you have 5 posts, low inactivity and I've never seen you before.
For this, I give you a -1.

- Cobraman202
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- Location: Classified
- Byond: Cobraman
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Re: Cobra's Moderator Application.
How long of a ban would you recommend?LordeKilly wrote: Alright, question one was perfect up until the whole, "4 week ban" part.
It's always rainy on Ferenginar.
Formerly: Maynard Quinn, now Aden McClymonds and sometimes a random
Formerly: Maynard Quinn, now Aden McClymonds and sometimes a random
- LordeKilly
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- Joined: 24 Feb 2015, 16:55
- Location: mongoria
- Byond: lordekilly
Re: Cobra's Moderator Application.
Typically a day, maybe 3 if it was bad. Perma if it was just to be an asshole.

- UnknownMurder
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Re: Cobra's Moderator Application.
I don't know who you are however... 10 Hours Per Week? We can't do that. During this time, we have several inactive staffs. Some are on vacation, some are busy with school, some just doesn't gives a fuck, some are assholes.
I don't know who you are however... 10 Hours Per Week? We can't do that. During this time, we have several inactive staffs. Some are on vacation, some are busy with school, some just doesn't gives a fuck, some are assholes.

- SASoperative
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- Location: Mobile constantly. Never really in one spot for long.
Re: Cobra's Moderator Application.
I have no idea who you are. Your forums activity is horrid. You need to be known by staff and players to really be staff... some of your responses to questions are a bit overboard such as the 4 week ban. -1
- Lucyz
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- Location: United Kingdom
Re: Cobra's Moderator Application.
Denying this, You may re-apply when you are more known to staff and the players.