Quakes72- Moderator Application

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Quakes72- Moderator Application

Post by Quakes72 » 28 Sep 2015, 09:43

Byond ID: Quakes72

Colonial Marines Character: Jacob Ellis

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Timezone: UTC (Neumunster, Germany)

On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?

At least one time each day I log into the CM server. I would estimate around 8-10 hours a week.

Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?

Yes I do. I have served as a mapper (with more or less admin powers) and a moderator in SS13.

Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?

I have played Colonial Marines for a long time: Yes.

Have you had an application to Colonial Marines or New Eden denied before?

I have not.

Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?

I do not serve as staff for any other game.

Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?

I have not.

If a player was shooting everyone in briefing at round start how would you deal with the situation?

My first priority in the situation would be to ensure the attention of a higher level staff member is focused on the obvious problem at hand (Though solving the issue alone would be possible I fell that having a second opinion is always beneficial). Following that, I have found in my experience that a Moderator PM often is enough to subdue a misbehaving players actions, and I would promptly message the player causing the issue. As the situation ended (the gunman subdued by marines, an admin, or his own choice) I would remain vigilant of the situation but do my best to allow it to be dealt with in character, thus respecting the server "Medium RP" policy. In the event that the player caused too much damage or was in a position where him/her was not able to be stopped I would employ my powers as a moderator to put the player to sleep so that no more damage could be done. Punishment for the player who caused the issue would be decided by myself with the help of any other staff members online and all of our decisions regarding a punishment would be detailed to the player who is responsible for the shooting. In a most likely case a ban would be placed upon the player with great regards to his/her notes file stating history of past offenses. Finally a new section would be added to the notes detailing the ban placed and the situation that player had caused to earn the ban.

You notice that a xeno is breaching the Nostromo and is unable to seal it with resin. How would you deal with this and what punishment would you give for a first offender?

The first point of action would be contact the player involved with the breach and request that he/she make an attempt at fixing the problem. If fixing the breach is not possible an admin would be alerted by myself who would take action to seal the breach. As to a punishment, that would vary depending on the player who caused the breach's willingness to help fix the problem, and their intention when causing the breach. Before deciding on any sort of punishment I feel that it would be important to search the players notes for any record of reckless behavior in the past. If the player had caused an incident similar to this in the past or I find in the notes that they have a record of past offenses in any case an appropriate ban would be placed upon the player following me informing them of the details. For a player who has caused only one incident like depicted above, only a warning would be necessary. Editing the players notes to reflect this incident would be my my next step in solving the problem and ensuring that the mentioned player does not break the rules again.

The marines want the nuke codes to detonate the Nostromo because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines. What do you do?

The best course of action in many situations is to get the help of another staff member. In my opinion the amount of marines and aliens in that round would not be reason to activate the nuclear device. The best course of action in that situation is to contact the marines (via the same method they used to contact me) and suggest that "Command advises searching for another option to re-secure the station before they will authorize nuclear detonation".

A Sulaco Medic has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online. What do you do?

My immediate response would be to contact both the medic and the marine who threw the grenade. Contacting them both I would find out as much as I possibly could in regards to their intents, direct them to the rules about creating such devices due to their disruption of the atmos system, and warn them of the consequences. In an ideal situation those involved would do their best to RP the situation and take action to fix any damage done by their grenades. In either case, ideal or not, the events taking place would be logged by myself and stored until a proper staff member could assist in making a decision and punishing those who we deem appropriate.

What would you do if a player started to talk about the things he did to your mom last night?

A player doing such things (Via admin message or OOC) would be warned of his/her inappropriate behavior immediately through a PM. If his/her actions continued then a mute would be placed on the player preventing them from continuing (Often in such cases though, other players will assist in subduing the unruly players comments). After placing a mute on the player I would read through their note file to ensure that this is the first offense; in such case no ban would be needed, but if the player did have some history with inappropriate comments a ban would be placed to reflect the severity of their past, and present actions. Following either case I would promptly update the notes file of that player so that future offenses could be dealt with properly.

Any additional information you'd like to add?

I would like to apologize for not waiting the two weeks as the application rules say, but I would like to ask that the staff here either make an exception or allow this form to remain locked until the appropriate time has passed. I have been very active (Much more than 8-10 hours a week) over the past few weeks and have just now decided to make a forum account. Thank everyone for their positive and negative feed back regarding this application! Here in Germany we say "Tschuss!"

As of 29.9.2015 I have updated this application to reflect negative feedback. Hopefully my changes will lead you to a change in heart.
Last edited by Quakes72 on 29 Sep 2015, 08:27, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Quakes72- Moderator Application

Post by Lostmixup » 28 Sep 2015, 13:00

Very good answers. Unfortunately an exception probably won't be made for your account. You get a +1 from me though.
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Re: Quakes72- Moderator Application

Post by Quakes72 » 28 Sep 2015, 13:07

Hey thanks a ton! I am in no rush to start and I am perfectly fine with waiting my time so people can see I am active on the forums.

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Re: Quakes72- Moderator Application

Post by Adjective » 28 Sep 2015, 18:12

-1 You are do not meet the basic requirements to apply for staff. You also lack both forum and in-game activity. Additionally, your answers are very dry and result in you mostly listing moderators have a lack of power, which they do not. Your job as a Moderator is not to "watch and report" your job is to "Moderate". I would suggest not only waiting until you are actually qualified to apply, but to both thoroughly look over and edit your answers. It would also be good if you were to become more familiar with the protocols and procedures.

By just speaking and logging, you also completely ignore the proper procedure of what to do in a situation. You are equipped with the abilities to:

-Edit Notes
-Toggle Sleep

and many other powers, if Moderators did nothing but wait until an Admin/Host came around, nothing would get done and the server would lose population to grief/meta very quickly.

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Re: Quakes72- Moderator Application

Post by Allan1234 » 29 Sep 2015, 11:59

Quakes72 wrote: If a player was shooting everyone in briefing at round start how would you deal with the situation?

My first priority in the situation would be to ensure the attention of a higher level staff member is focused on the obvious problem at hand (Though solving the issue alone would be possible I fell that having a second opinion is always beneficial). Following that, I have found in my experience that a Moderator PM often is enough to subdue a misbehaving players actions, and I would promptly message the player causing the issue. As the situation ended (the gunman subdued by marines, an admin, or his own choice) I would remain vigilant of the situation but do my best to allow it to be dealt with in character, thus respecting the server "Medium RP" policy. In the event that the player caused too much damage or was in a position where him/her was not able to be stopped I would employ my powers as a moderator to put the player to sleep so that no more damage could be done. Punishment for the player who caused the issue would be decided by myself with the help of any other staff members online and all of our decisions regarding a punishment would be detailed to the player who is responsible for the shooting. In a most likely case a ban would be placed upon the player with great regards to his/her notes file stating history of past offenses. Finally a new section would be added to the notes detailing the ban placed and the situation that player had caused to earn the ban.
Firstly you are putting way to much effort on getting another staff member to do stuff rather then handling it yourself, well i agree as a trialmod you should never do anything without a mod or admin over watching it to take notes and make sure you don't mess up once you become a full mod you can just take off.

Also when it comes to situations when someone purposefully lights up briefing just Sleep them and PM them asking why, 99.9% of the time it ends in a ban.
Quakes72 wrote: You notice that a xeno is breaching the Nostromo and is unable to seal it with resin. How would you deal with this and what punishment would you give for a first offender?

The first point of action would be contact the player involved with the breach and request that he/she make an attempt at fixing the problem. If fixing the breach is not possible an admin would be alerted by myself who would take action to seal the breach. As to a punishment, that would vary depending on the player who caused the breach's willingness to help fix the problem, and their intention when causing the breach. Before deciding on any sort of punishment I feel that it would be important to search the players notes for any record of reckless behavior in the past. If the player had caused an incident similar to this in the past or I find in the notes that they have a record of past offenses in any case an appropriate ban would be placed upon the player following me informing them of the details. For a player who has caused only one incident like depicted above, only a warning would be necessary. Editing the players notes to reflect this incident would be my my next step in solving the problem and ensuring that the mentioned player does not break the rules again.
Heh... this question is outdated and breaching is now allowed... but everything is good otherwise.
Quakes72 wrote: The marines want the nuke codes to detonate the Nostromo because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines. What do you do?

The best course of action in many situations is to get the help of another staff member. In my opinion the amount of marines and aliens in that round would not be reason to activate the nuclear device. The best course of action in that situation is to contact the marines (via the same method they used to contact me) and suggest that "Command advises searching for another option to re-secure the station before they will authorize nuclear detonation".
Ehhhh, heres my issue it clearly says in section two of the Code of Conduct that only HEADs can give out nuke codes, so this screams that you have not read the CoC.
Quakes72 wrote: A Sulaco Medic has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online. What do you do?

My immediate response would be to contact both the medic and the marine who threw the grenade. Contacting them both I would find out as much as I possibly could in regards to their intents, direct them to the rules about creating such devices due to their disruption of the atmos system, and warn them of the consequences. In an ideal situation those involved would do their best to RP the situation and take action to fix any damage done by their grenades. In either case, ideal or not, the events taking place would be logged by myself and stored until a proper staff member could assist in making a decision and punishing those who we deem appropriate.
You did not mention how a medic shouldn't be making grenades. other then that mostly good.
Quakes72 wrote: What would you do if a player started to talk about the things he did to your mom last night?

A player doing such things (Via admin message or OOC) would be warned of his/her inappropriate behavior immediately through a PM. If his/her actions continued then a mute would be placed on the player preventing them from continuing (Often in such cases though, other players will assist in subduing the unruly players comments). After placing a mute on the player I would read through their note file to ensure that this is the first offense; in such case no ban would be needed, but if the player did have some history with inappropriate comments a ban would be placed to reflect the severity of their past, and present actions. Following either case I would promptly update the notes file of that player so that future offenses could be dealt with properly.

In this case it is best to let a admin deal with the player as these players tend to be reacureing issues and usually end with a perma ban.

Overall I would say room for improvement, but as you do not meet minimal account age and your forum activity is lacking I will vote -1 for now, HOWEVER if you do reapply when you have upped activity and been here for two weeks I may change it.

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Re: Quakes72- Moderator Application

Post by SASoperative » 29 Sep 2015, 14:33

....I am not sure but I am leaning torwards a +1
However this will be denied given your two week limitation. Feel free to apply again when the two week margin is up. This app does have some potential. Locked and will be moved in approximately 9 hours
